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photo of Ken Cole
Cole, Kenneth
Research Ecologist
Biology, Geosciences, Ecology
Research Station:
Work Address:
USGS Colorado Plateau Research Station, Southwest Biological Science Center, P.O. Box 5614, Flagstaff AZ 86001
Telephone Number:
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Biographical Sketch:

Dr. Kenneth Cole specializes in research on vegetation change. His research involves many variables responsible for past and future changes including climate, migration, grazing, fire, and soil development. This interdisciplinary research has been classified as plant ecology, paleoecology, global change, Quaternary geology, fire ecology, and successional ecology. Dr. Cole has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Biology and a Ph.D. in Geosciences.

Project List

  • (Not yet specified.)

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Cole, Kenneth L. 2007. Post-Younger Dryas warming, an analog for the next 100 years. USGS. [Presentation with Abstract]
  2. Cole, Kenneth. 2007. Reconstruction of past migration rates of southwestern plant species and their application to future distributions. USGS presentation at the Ecological Society of America meeting. [Presentation with Abstract]
  3. Cole, K. L., J. Fisher, S. T. Arundel, J. Cannella, and S. Swift. 2007. Geographical and Climatic Limits of Needle types of one-and two needeld pinyon pine. Cole, K. L., J. Fisher, S. Arundel, J. Cannella, S. Swift. [Journal Article]
  4. Ironside, Kirsten, K. Cole, N. Cobb, G. Garfin, B. Crawford, P. Duffy, J. Eischeid, J. Shaw, J. Chew, H. Diaz, & D. Pennington. 2006. Regional dynamic vegetation model for the Colorado Plateau: A species-specific approach. A presentation at NAU meeting "2006" Drought impacts on regional ecosystems network (DIREnet). [Presentation]
  5. Cole, Ken & Kirsten Ironside. 2006. Potential climate change impacts on ecosystems in the Southwest United States. USGS. [Poster]
  6. Fisher, J.F., K.L., Cole, and R.S., Anderson. 2006. Using packrat middens to assess how grazing influences vegetation change in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah. U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Colorado Plateau Research Station, Open-File Report 2006-1183, 55 p. [Open-File Report]
  7. Fisher, Jessa F., K. Cole, R. S. Anderson. 2006. Using packrat middens to assess how grazing influences vegetation change in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah. USGS. [Open-File Report]
  8. Cole, Kenneth. 2006. Post-younger Dryas Warming: An analog for the present and future from 11,600 years ago. USGS. [Presentation with Abstract]
  9. Cole Ken L., and J. Cannella. 2005. Species-based Vegetation Mapping: An Example from the Grand Canyon. The Colorado Plateau II (Chapter 11). The University of Arizona Press. [Book Chapter]
  10. Cole, Kenneth L., S. T. Arundel. 2005. Carbon 13 isotopes from fossil packrat pellets and elevational movements of Utah Agave reveal Younger Dryas cold period in grand Canyon, ARizona. Geology 33: 713-716. [Journal Article]
  11. Cole K.L., J. Cannella. 2005. Species-based Vegetation Mapping: An Example from the Grand Canyon. In Press, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Research on the Colorado Plateau. . [Book Chapter]
  12. Cole, K. L. & S. T. Arundel. 2005. Modeling the climatic requirements for Southwestern plant species. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Pacific Climate Workshop, Technical Report 77, S. Starratt & N. Blomquist. State of California, Interagency Ecological Program for the San Francisco Estuary. [Proceedings Chapter]
  13. Cole K.L., S. Swift, L. Coats, J. Fisher. 2004. Macrobotanical Digital Library. . This searchable database of plant images is a research tool accessible for anyone needing to identify small particles (seeds, fruits, twigs) of arid-land plants. . [Web Page]
  14. Kenworthy J., V.L. Santucci, K.L. Cole. 2004. An Inventory of Paleontological Resources Associated with Caves In Grand Canyon National Park. . In, Van Riper, C, and K. L. Cole (editors), The Colorado Plateau: Cultural, Biological and Physical Research. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. [Book Chapter]
  15. Cole K.L., S. Arundel, K. Larsen, J. Fisher, T. Arundel, W.G. Spaulding, K. Thomas. 2004. Digitized rangemaps for modern plants of the arid southwest. Distribution maps for (as of 8/04) Creosote Bush, Colorado Pinyon Pine, Single Needle Pinyon, California Pinyon, Arizona singleleaf Pinyon, Joshua Tree, and Utah Agave. [Web Page]
  16. Cole, K. L., S. Arundel, L. Coats, J. Cannella, & W. Swift. 2003. Past, Recent, and 21st Century Vegetation Change in the Arid Southwest (Website). USGS. [Web Page]
  17. Cole K.L., S. Arundel, J. Cannella, T. Andrews. 2003. Modern Climate Surfaces for North America. Temperature and precipitation values modeled for North America on a 1 km grid. [Web Page]
  18. Cole K.L., J. Cannella . 2002. A spatial database of plant species records from 1500 plant relevés from within Grand Canyon National Park. MS Access Database. Currently being extended with additional data by Grand Canyon National Park staff. [Database Spatial]
  19. Cole K.L. 2001. A multiple-scale history of past and ongoing vegetation change within the Indiana Dunes. In, Handbook for discovering historic ecosystems, D. Egan and E. Howell (eds.), Island Press, CA. [Book Chapter]
  20. Cole K. L. 2001. Packrat middens hold Clues to the Prehistoric Past. . Vista Magazine; Southwest Life, Culture, and Adventure, Spring, 2002, Fountain Hills, AZ, page 20. [Magazine Article]
  21. Hunter K. , J. Betancourt, B. Riddle, T. R. Van Devender, K. L. Cole, W. G. Spaulding. 2001. Ploidy race distributions since the last glacial maximum in the North American desert shrub, Larrea tridentata. Global Ecology and Biogeography 10: 521-533. [Journal Article]
  22. Cole K.L., E. Wahl. 2000. A late Holocene paleoecological record from Torrey Pine State Reserve, California. Quaternary Research. Vol. 53: 341-351. [Journal Article]
  23. Davis Margaret B., C. Douglas, R. Calcote, K. Cole, M. Winkler, R. Flakne. 2000. Holocene climate in western Great Lakes National Parks and Lakeshores: Implications for future climate change. . Conservation Biology 14: 968-983. [Journal Article]
  24. Cole Kenneth L. 1999. Comparative images of the Grand Canyon today and 20,000 years ago. . In, The Geology of the Grand Canyon, G. Price. Grand Canyon Natural History Association. [Digital Image]
  25. Cole K. L., L. K. Murray. 1999. Paleoenvironments of Capitol Reef National Park reconstructed from fossil packrat middens. The proceedings of the 4th biennial Conference on Research on The Colorado Plateau, C. van Riper, (Ed). [Book Chapter]
  26. Cole K.L., M.B. Davis, F. Stearns, G. Guntenspergen, K. Walker. 1998. Historical Land Cover Changes in the Great Lakes Region: Land cover changes in the last 150 years. In, Perspectives on the Land Use History of North America: A Context for Understanding our Changing Environment, T. D. Sisk (ed.). USGS/BRD/BSR-1998-0003. [Book Chapter]
  27. Cole K.L., M.B. Davis, F. Stearns, G. Guntenspergen, K. Walker. 1998. Historical Land Cover Changes in the Great Lakes Region: Land cover changes in the last 150 years. A project of the NBS Landscape Use History of North America (LUHNA) published electronically on the World Wide Web. . [Web Page]
  28. Cole Kenneth L., Norman Henderson, David S. Shafer . 1997. Holocene vegetation and historic grazing impacts at Capitol Reef National Park reconstructed using packrat middens. Great Basin Naturalist, 57: 315-326. [Journal Article]
  29. Cole K. L. 1990. Reconstruction of past desert vegetation along the Colorado River using packrat middens. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology 76: 349-366. [Journal Article]