Sieglinde Snapp

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

Associate Professor of Crop & Soil Sciences

Ph.D. University of California, Davis, 1991

W. K. Kellogg Biological Station
Michigan State University
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
Phone: (517) 282-5644
Fax: (269) 671-2104

Sieglinde Snapp - LFL Field Day

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding the principles of resilient cropping system design and biologically-based soil management. This includes investigating the multi-functional role of accessory crops such as cover crops in mediating nutrient efficiency, soil function and healthy crop roots.  A particular area of interest is the feedback loops in nitrogen and phosphorus availability mediated by plants and associated microbes. Predicting nutrient availability and tradeoffs between mineralization and assimilation processes are important questions my research group and collaborators address in organic and sustainable production systems. To foster outreach and education on soil ecological management I coordinate a website at MSU on applied soil ecology

I am committed to participatory research and extension approaches with iterative feedback from stakeholders. To this end, I developed the mother and baby trial design to link long-term research trials systematically with on-farm experimentation. Collaborations across social and biological scientists are essential in a rapidly changing world, and I work closely with multidisciplinary teams including scientists, farmers, students, advisors and extension educators to foster farmer innovation and build more sustainable, environmentally-friendly cropping systems. The participatory research methods and on-farm research trial designs I work on have been adopted by agronomists and plant breeders in 16 countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and in Paraguay.

Teaching interests include developing a new course with Dr. Phil Robertson addressing Soil Biology CSS 360 and contributing cropping systems and participatory research methodology lectures in CSS and courses such as ANP859, a core requirement of the new Gender, Justice and Environment Graduate specialization. As a core faculty member of African Studies and the Women in International Development program I am committed to education and scholarship in area studies and international development, including promoting south-south linkages and extending the agro-ecology lessons of the field crop LTER to Southern Africa and West Africa.

Selected Publications

Snapp, S.S., K.U. Date, W. Kirk, K. O'Neil, A. Kremen and G. Bird. In Press. Root, shoot tissues of Brassica juncea and Cereal secale promote potato health. PDF

Drinkwater, L.E. and S.S. Snapp. 2007. Nutrients in agroecosystems: Re-thinking the management paradigm. Advances in Agronomy 92:163-186. PDF

Snapp, S.S. 2005. Early planting enhances root growth in fresh market tomatoes. J of Vegetable Crop Production 11:117-132.

Snapp, S.S., S.M. Swinton, R. Labarta, D. Mutch, J.R. Black, R. Leep, J. Nyiraneza and K. O'Neil. 2005. Evaluating benefits and costs of cover crops for cropping system niches. Agronomy J. 97:322-332. PDF

Snapp, S.S. and H. Borden. 2005. Enhanced nitrogen mineralization in mowed or glyphosate treated cover crops compared to direct incorporation. Plant and Soil 270:101-112. PDF

Roman, B., S.S. Snapp and J.D. Kelly. 2003. Assessing root traits associated with root rot resistance in common bean. Field Crops Research 86:147-156. PDF

Snapp S.S. 2004. Innovations in extension: Examples from Malawi. HortTechnology 14:8-13.

Snapp, S.S., M.J. Blackie, C. Donovan. 2003. Realigning research and extension services: experiences from southern Africa. Food Policy 28:349-363. PDF

Snapp S.S. and A.Fortuna. 2003. Predicting nitrogen availability in irrigated potato systems. HortTechnology 13:598-604. PDF

Snapp, S.S., R.B. Jones, E.M. Minja, J. Rusike and S.N. Silim. 2003. Pigeon pea for Africa: A versatile vegetable - and more. HortScience 38:1073-1078. PDF

Snapp, S.S., G. Kanyama-Phiri, B. Kamanga, R. Gilbert and K. Wellard. 2002. Farmer and researcher partnerships in Malawi: developing soil fertility technologies for the near-term and far-term. Experimental Agriculture 38:411-431. PDF

Snapp, S.S., D.D. Rohrbach, F. Simtowe and H.A. Freeman. 2002. Sustainable soil management options for Malawi: can smallholder farmers grow more legumes? Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 91:159-174.  

Last updated: April 11, 2007

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