Dairy Farm

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

Pasture-Based Dairy Project

The creation of the pasture-based dairy facility at KBS is a logical extension of the strong tradition of ecological research at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS). It will foster and promote interactions with campus units that have had limited participation in research, educational and outreach activities at KBS. Integration of the row-crop and dairy production research programs at KBS will provide a unique opportunity to examine agriculture from an integrated, whole system perspective.

The pasture-based KBS Dairy Farm will serve as a research center for faculty and students from a broad range of disciplines, enhance educational and outreach programs throughout MSU, and serve the needs of a growing number of stake-holders who have no other venue for getting the information they need to make informed decisions about alternative animal production practices. Integration in this way will provide opportunities to address a broad range of questions (ecological, social, economic,,,) related to sustainable agricultural and food system practices that are fundamental to maintaining agriculture as a viable economic endeavor in Michigan.

KBS Pasture Dairy - Cows on pasture.

Dairy Facility Development and Construction

Construction on the new dairy facility began this fall and will be completed by spring 2009.  The pasture dairy will consist of two pastures.  A larger (160 acre) pasture will be used for lactating animals and a smaller (35 acre) pasture will be grazed by developing heifers and dry cows.  The larger pasture is equiped with a K-Line irrigation system and both pastures will be subdivided for rotational grazing.   A free-stall barn with milking parlor will be located in the middle of the larger pasture.  The milking parlor will contain two robotic milking systems (www.lelyusa.com). Click here to see an update on the construction of the new facility.

Dairy Pasture Layout

Research Foci:
Creation of a pasture-based research facility at KBS will provide a unique facility for conducting basic research on applied questions in this arena. Facility design will allow flexibility for addressing a range of questions from short-term to long-term that are important to farmers in the region. The facility will provide an excellent venue for education and outreach programs that will demonstrate how integration of ecological, social and economic principles are important to the establishment of a sustainable agricultural production system that is an alternative to the large, often corporate, farm model. Refocusing the KBS Dairy to a pasture-based system would promote research on a number of topics relevant to agricultural, ecological, evolutionary, social/economic sciences.

We have identified four broad areas of research that could serve as foci for this development at the KBS Dairy Farm (see below 1-4). These areas were identified because they could: (1) build on existing research strengths at MSU, (2) provide opportunities for greater integration across disciplines, (3) be relevant to the development of models for sustainable agriculture production, and (4) provide farmers/practitioners with the information they need to make informed decisions on the development and management of their farms.

Proposed Research Focus Areas and Example Research Questions

  • Pasture production
    1. What combinations of species and grazing practices influence the quality and composition of pastures?
    2. How does water/irrigation/precipitation influence sustainability of pasture production? Nutrient losses? Animal production?
    3. How do other species (weeds, birds, mammals, insects, microbes etc) respond to variation in grazing practices and pasture composition?
  • Nutrient management/cycling in grazed pastures
    1. How are nutrients used throughout the whole system by animals fed grain and grass, the LFL and LTER and what are the byproducts of the system?
    2. How do other non-nutrient components such as carbon dioxide and ammonia get utilized in the system?
  • Animal Health and Welfare
    1. How does a grazing system affect the longevity, health and behavior of animals?
    2. Do grazing systems influence the transmission of diseases (epizootic and other)?
    3. What traits (genetic) influence the production, health and welfare of animals in grazed systems?
  • Economic, Social, and Food System
    1. How does food quality (milk, cheese, and other) change when animals are raised under different systems?
    2. What ecosystem services (indirect and direct) are provided by a pasture-based dairy system?
    3. What supply chains are affected (or will affect) the marketing of pasture-based dairy products?
    4. What are impediments or enablers of these types of systems playing a significant role in the overall food system?

Cooperator Farmer Contracts -

To support research and outreach activities being conducted at KBS a Cooperator Farmer Contract program has been developed to support on-farm, farmer driven research, demonstration, and outreach activities.  Michigan dairy farmers utilizing pasture as part of their management system are eligible to apply for up to $3000 to fund an on-farm project.  The deadline for proposal submissions is January 21, 2009.  A more detailed description of the application process (.doc or PDF) and a sample proposal template (.doc or PDF) can be downloaded here.  For additional information contact the Project Coordinator by e-mail (haanm@msu.edu) or phone (269-671-2360).

Michigan Pasture-Based Dairy Producer Survey -

Michigan State University is conducting a survey of pasture-based dairy producers in the state.  Results from the survey will be used to set research and outreach goals of the pasture-based dairy project at the Kellogg Biological Station Dairy Research Center. If you would like to participate in the survey you may download the survey (.doc or PDF) and submit it by mail to the address below or electronically to haanm@msu.edu.

For Additional Information on the Pasture-Based Dairy Project Contact:

Mat Haan

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station

3700 E. Gull Lake Drive

Hickory Corners, MI 49060



Last updated: January 12, 2009

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