
OakmapperMapThumbWebOakMapper: GIS tool that allows the user to learn about P. ramorum distribution in California.





Proposed 2007-2008 P. Ramorum Quarantine Boundary, Oregon

Southern Humboldt Tanoak Mortality 2007

Phytophthora ramorum Plant Host Communities
Point Reyes National Seashore
June 2005

2004 Targeted Ground Survey
R. Meentemeyer and W. Mark

North Coast survey 2004

Northern California survey 2004

Sierra Nevada survey 2004

South Coast survey 2004

Southern California survey 2004

Maps courtesy of R. Meentemeyer and W. Mark

2003 Early Detection Ground Survey Sites

Preliminary SOD Risk/Hazard Map

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About the Task Force. Created in August 2000, the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) is a nonprofit organization, under the California Forest Pest Council, that brings together public agencies, other nonprofit organizations and private interests to address the issue of elevated levels of oak mortality. The Task Force will implement a comprehensive and unified approach for research, management, education and public policy. Copyright 2004, COMTF