Hawai‘i State Department of Health
Department of Health - State of Hawaii HAWAII.GOV  
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Each year, approximately 900 million beverage containers are sold in Hawai'i. These containers are often discarded in the waste stream or as litter in our community. Consumers can help by recycling as many beverage containers as possible. As an incentive, the Hawai'i Deposit Beverage Container Program places a 5¢ redeemable deposit on each beverage container. Consumers get back their 5¢ when they return their containers to a redemption center.

NEW! We are hiring. Full time job positions are now available: Environmental Health Specialist III

Recycling Bin Stickers for homes and businesses are NOW AVAILABLE for pick up! For more information, Contact Us. Sticker Options

Information and resources for schools interested in developing a recycling program.

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