Learning Among Friends


My Colby-Sawyer Experience

"Teaching inspires me to stay current in my field. The challenge I find is to make thoughtful selections about what to include." - Susan Reeves, Assistant Professor, Nursing
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citizenship education

Community is Based on Respect for Individuals and for the Whole.

At Colby-Sawyer College, we believe that the educational experiences we provide, both in and out of the classroom, help prepare our students to be effective global citizens.

The mission of the citizenship education office is to promote responsible, ethical, and community-minded behavior by developing and facilitating citizenship programs; to supervise the conduct system and hold those accountable who violate the college's code of community responsibility; to advise and promote the college peer conduct board, the community council.

Citizenship programming efforts focus on fostering a dialog between participants and facilitators. Whether discussing ethical dilemmas, low-risk substance use, or creating a welcoming community for GLBT students and staff, we are learning from and educating each other. We are all active participants in the learning community.

Here are some links so you may read more about those who have helped make a positive difference in our community, citizenship program offerings, our conduct system, the college's code of community responsibility, and our community council. I hope you enjoy your virtual tour of Colby-Sawyer College.

For further information, please contact me, Robin Burroughs Davis, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Citizenship Education.

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000