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Aloha! Sunflowers are used to scavenge nutrients for upland taro in Waimanalo

Welcome to CTAHR's Sustainable Agriculture Website

Across Hawaii, farmers and ranchers are experimenting with different ways of producing agricultural products, novel approaches which aspire to bring social, economic and environmental well-being to both farm families and to the rural communities in which they live.

This type of agriculture simultaneously focuses on three equally important challenges:

  • To provide a more profitable farm income;
  • To promote environmental stewardship; and
  • To promote stable, prosperous farm families and communities.

What does sustainable agriculture look like in Hawaii? Discover how our farmers are embracing this new way of doing business.

Richard and June Ha
Hamakua Springs Country Farms

Read about this exceptional farm family in The New American Farmer: Profiles of Agricultural Innovation.

Richard Ha

Dean Okimoto
Nalo Farms

Dean Okimoto of Nalo Farms has built a successful business by supplying excellent-quality salad greens and fresh herbs to many of Hawaii's top restaurants. Dean's client list includes most of Honolulu's top restaurants and chefs. Many establishments prominently feature Dean's signature product Nalo Greens, a premier salad mix, on their menu.

Nalo Farms: Servicing High-End Restaurants

Dean Okimoto

Japanese visitor at Love Family Farms

    How can you support sustainable agriculture in Hawai'i?

  • Find a farmer, farmers’ market, farm stand, or local food outlet near you. (Visit Hawai'i Farm Bureau farmers' markets, DOA farmers' markets, and FoodRoutes.)
  • Encourage your local grocery stores and area restaurants to purchase more of their products from local farmers.
  • If your school or workplace has a cafeteria or uses catering services, encourage them to serve Hawai'i products.
  • Host an Island Fresh party and share with your guests the benefits of eating locally grown foods.

COLLEGE STUDENTS! Start a Farm to College program to get your school's food service to purchase food from local farmers.
Farm to College: sponsored by FoodRoutes.org
Farm to College.org sponsored by Community Food Security Coalition

This site reports on project and activities of the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) at the University of Hawai`i which promote our understanding and practice of sustainable agriculture in Hawai`i. CTAHR is primarily involved through SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education), a national/regional funded program. CTAHR faculty are involved in many other projects not funded by SARE which contribute to our understanding and practice of sustainable agriculture. Some of these projects may be reported on or linked to this web site.

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Last updated on 4/8/2008
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