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Forage Web Courses
Forage Web Classes

Agroecology International Course, taught Fall term
Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Instructor: Miguel A Altieri, Ph.D; Christos Vasilikiotis, Ph.
An online course series on the theory and practice of agroecology.

This web-based eight-week course on the the design of biodiverse and sustainable agroecosystems is offered to agricultural professionals (farmers, researchers, extension agents and advanced students). The course will cover the practical aspects of sustainable agriculture such as the role of biodiversity in agriculture, ecological pest management, organic soil management and the design of sustainable agricultural systems through crop diversification schemes.

Course Description

The course is organized to provide an understanding of the scientific basis and methodology necessary to design ecologically based sustainable agricultural systems. The goal of agroecological design is an agroecosystem that mimics the structure and function of local natural ecosystems, that is with high species diversity and a biologically active soil, but a system that is also socially equitable, culturally sensitive and economically viable.

During the course we will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of sustainable agriculture such as the role of biodiversity in agriculture, ecological pest management, organic soil management and the design of sustainable agricultural systems through crop diversification schemes. We will also address the social and economic dimensions of agroecology using case studies from developing and industrialized countries.

Case Studies in Turfgrass Management, Turf436W
Institution: Penn State University
This is a case study and discussion course considering integrated management of selected turfgrass sites. Emphasis will be placed on problem analysis, principle application and decision making involving the integration of disciplines.

Spokane Community College Turf Courses
Institution: Spokane Community College

The Pastoral Traditions in Literature, CSS 340X, 3 Credits, Undergraduate, taught Fall term
Institution: Oregon State University
Department: Crop and Soil Science Department

A survey from the times of the ancient Greeks to the twentieth century studying literary works responding to agricultural life and/or the natural world.

On-line registration for this course is at

Turfgrass Management, Turf 235
Institution: Penn State University
Department: College of Agricultural Sciences

World Agricultural Systems, CSS 360, 3 Credits, Undergraduate, taught Fall term
Institution: Washington State University
Department: Dept. Crop and Soil Sciences
Instructor: Cathy Perillo & Alan Busacca
This is an upper-level survey course exploring the interaction between agriculture and human societies (past and present). It includes historical discussions of the world's major food crops and farming methods, current agricultural systems on our planet, and the role that climate and soils play in both of these.

We are developing a database of Forage Courses taught exclusively on the web. If you know of other such classes that should be included please email us the details.