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Computational Sciences

Computational Sciences Home

About the Center


Computing Resources

C. reinhardtii Systems Biology
Biohybrid Hydrogen Production System
Gas Diffusion in Protein
Protein/Protein Interactions
Cellulose Hydrolysis
Nanoscale Material Design
Automotive Computer-Aided Engineering

Working with Us


The Scientific Computing Center has several ongoing projects:

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Systems Biology

The challenge: Provide a fundamental understanding of metabolism related to H2 production in photosynthetic green algae using petascale computing, to enable rational engineering and optimization of relevant pathways.

[FeFe] Hydrogenase for Biohybrid Solar H2 Production Systems

The challenge: Investigate hydrogenase structure, function, and integration into photochemical cells, to advance the knowledge essential for developing efficient biohybrid, H2-production systems employing engineered biocatalysts.

Gas Diffusion in Hydrogenase

The challenge: Design [FeFe] hydrogenases that possess increased oxygen tolerance and are able to function continuously during biological light-driven water splitting.

Chlamydomonas Ferredoxin Protein/Protein Interactions

The challenge: Investigate the mechanisms governing competing protein/protein interactions involved in biological energy-generating processes via computational modeling, and understand their impact on the rate of H2 production.

Cellulose Hydrolysis

The challenge: Understand atomic-level details of the process of hydrolyzing cellulose to glucose for bioethanol fermentation, and determine the limiting factors in both acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis.

Nanoscale Material Design

The challenge: Develop methods to design materials with desired properties at the atomic level. To do so, search a large space of possible atomic arrangements for one with desired properties and compute the electronic structure of candidate materials using an efficient empirical pseudopotential method.

Automotive Computer-Aided Engineering

The challenge: Help overcome technical hurdles and accelerate the development of fuel-efficient automotive technologies.

Consider collaborating on a project with the Scientific Computing Center!

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Content Last Updated: July 25, 2008