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Saber ......................................  30 / 165+
Sabots .....................................  102 / 517+
Saccharic Acid .............................  562 / 582
    Preparation from carbohydrates .........  562 / 515
Saccharides ................................  536 / 1.11+
Sacchariferous Material ....................  127
    Condiments and flavors .................  426 / 548+
    Fermentation ...........................  435
    Chemical analysis ......................  422 / 68.1+
    Fermentative test ......................  435 / 4+
    Hydrometer .............................  73 / 32 R+
    Optical analysis .......................  356 / 366
Saccharin ..................................  548 / 211
Sachet .....................................  D28 / 5
    Slow diffuser ..........................  239 / 53+
Sack (See Bag)  
    Cleaning with air ......................  15 / 304
    Closing ................................  53 / 285+
        Sewing filled sacks ................  112 / 11
    Closures for flexible bags .............  383 / 42+
    Filling and packing machines ...........  53 / 570+
    Holders ................................  248 / 95+
    Sewing .................................  112
    Suspensory bandage .....................  602 / 67
        Separable ..........................  602 / 68
    Turners ................................  414 / 754+
    Weighing support .......................  177 / 160
Sacramental Receptacle .....................  206 / 19
Saddlebags .................................  224 / 191+
Saddles and Appurtenances  
    Bed bottom top saddles .................  5 / 258
    Boot and shoe last .....................  12 / 127
    Building, roof running board or ........  52 / 41+
    Saddle .................................  52 / 41+
    Cable railway ..........................  104 / 115+
        Joint & connection .................  403 / 234
        Joint & connection .................  403 / 237
        Pipe coupling, end to side or ......  285 / 197
        Plate ..............................  285 / 197
        Pipe elbow, cooperating clamp ......  285 / 180
    Clutch shipper .........................  192 / 98
    Design .................................  D30 / 135+
    Fiber preparation, rolling fibers ......  19 / 273
    Through stirrup & saddle ...............  19 / 273
    Garment support cord retainer ..........  2 / 341+
    Locomotive boiler ......................  105 / 44
    Pack ...................................  54 / 37.1
    Rail joint .............................  238 / 224
    Rail seat ..............................  238 / 280
        Cablerail hanger & saddle ..........  104 / 115+
        Car replacer, one-way saddle .......  104 / 270
        Freight tank saddle & anchor .......  105 / 362
        Locomotive steam boiler saddle .....  105 / 44
    Riding .................................  54 / 44.1+
        Design .............................  D30 / 135
        Rack, stand, holder design .........  D30 / 143
        Saddlebag ..........................  224 / 191+
        Velocipede .........................  297 / 195.1+
        Velocipede design ..................  D06 / 354
        Design, post or support ............  D12 / 119
        Detachable window seat as fire .....  182 / 59
        Escape .............................  182 / 59
        Saddle actuated simulation of ......  280 / 1.183
        Land vehicle .......................  280 / 1.183
        Straddle seat ......................  297 / 195.1+
        Support, special mounted post ......  248 / 219.4
        Attached ...........................  248 / 219.4
    Shoemakers work support ................  12 / 127
    Tank car ...............................  105 / 362
    Textile fiber drawing ..................  19 / 284+
Sadiron (See Flatiron)  
    Design .................................  D32 / 68+
Safelight ..................................  362 / 3+
    Photo safe lamp ........................  362 / 803*
Safeners ...................................  504 / 103+
Safes and Safety Deposit See Box ...........  109
    Buoyant ................................  441 / 32
    Deposit and collection .................  232
    Depository with verification means .....  109 / 24.1
        Photograph as record ...............  346 / 22
    Design .................................  D99 / 28+
    Food ...................................  109
    Incidentally movable safe ..............  109 / 45+
    Match ..................................  206 / 96+
        Design .............................  D27 / 173+
    Plural compartment .....................  109 / 53+
    Provision,ventilation of ...............  454 / 183
    Ventilation of vaults ..................  109 / 1 V
    Wall and panel structures ..............  109 / 58+
Safety Devices (See Casing; Guards)  
    Air bag passenger restraints ...........  280 / 728.1+
    Ammunition arming ......................  102 / 221+
    Automobile see motor vehicle,  
    Safety promoting means  
    Bank counter partition .................  109 / 10+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 424+
    Belt ...................................  182 / 3+
        Aircraft ...........................  244 / 122 R
        Land vehicle .......................  280 / 801.1+
            Inflatable .....................  280 / 733
            Motor vehicle related ..........  180 / 268+
            Passive ........................  280 / 802+
        Seat ...............................  297 / 464+
    Blasting cartridges ....................  102 / 325+
    Boiler sight glass with valves .........  73 / 333
    Bolt and rivet making ..................  470 / 43
    Closure obstruction responsive .........  49 / 26+
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 337+
    Cutting art ............................  83 / DIG 1
    Digest art .............................  83 / DIG 1
    Electric (see protection, electric) ...  361 / 1+
        Alarms .............................  340 / 635+
        Arc lamp ...........................  314 / 10+
        Distribution cutout ................  191 / 8
        Electric lamp ......................  315 / 119+
        Electric switches for ..............  200
        Elevator ...........................  187 / 277+
            Door edge ......................  187 / 317
        Lantern ............................  362 / 157+
        Lightning arrester .................  361 / 117+
        Lightning protection ...............  174 / 2+
        Motor regulating temperature .......  236 / 89
        Shock protective ...................  174 / 5 R
        Systems ............................  361 / 1+
        Telegraph system ...................  178 / 69 G
        Telephone interface ................  379 / 412+
    Explosion preventing ...................  241 / 31
    Firearm lock ...........................  42 / 70.05
        Revolver ...........................  42 / 66
    Fluid handling  
        Acetylene generator escape .........  48 / 56
        Boiler devices .....................  122 / 504+
        Boiler feed heater valve ...........  122 / 437
        Burner controls ....................  431 / 14
        Burner controls ....................  431 / 18+
        Gas cookstove ......................  126 / 42
        Gas distribution ...................  48 / 192
        Gas holder high pressure ...........  48 / 175
        Escape .............................  48 / 175
        Heater cutout ......................  236 / 21 R
        In fluid handling line .............  137 / 455+
        Internal combustion charge .........  123 / 529
        Forming ............................  123 / 529
        Stove water back ...................  126 / 35
        Valve ..............................  137 / 455+
    Furnace, solid fuel ....................  110 / 193
    Fuses electric .........................  337 / 142+
        Making .............................  29 / 623
        Ankle or foot protector ............  D29 / 121.2+
        Arm guard ..........................  D29 / 120.1+
        Eye and face protectors ............  D29 / 108+
        Hand protectors ....................  D29 / 113+
        Headware ...........................  D29 / 102+
        Leg guard ..........................  D29 / 120.1
    Glass manufacturing machine ............  65 / 159
    Hat ....................................  D29 / 102+
    Lantern for miners .....................  362 / 164+
    Lowering devices aeronautic ............  244 / 138 R+
    Machine power stop .....................  192 / 129 R+
        Drilling or screw-threading ........  408 / 710*
        Machine ............................  408 / 710*
        Press combined .....................  100 / 341+
    Medicinal composition with .............  424 / 10.1+
    Mine safety systems ....................  299 / 12
    Motor regulating temperature ...........  236 / 89
    Nuclear ................................  376 / 207
        Control rod, reflector, shield .....  376 / 221
        Monitoring .........................  376 / 245
        Neutron absorbers ..................  376 / 327
        Safety fuse ........................  376 / 336
        Shielding ..........................  376 / 287
    Nuclear ................................  976 / DIG 298+
        Design .............................  D19 / 5
        Fraud preventing coating ...........  427 / 7
        Printed matter fraud preventing ....  283 / 74+
    Pins and fastenings  
        Carding ............................  227 / 25
        Chatelaine hooks ...................  24 / 4
        Guards finger ring .................  63 / 15.8
        Guards for pins ....................  24 / 706.2+
        Guards for watch ...................  63 / 24+
        Pins, design .......................  D11 / 200+
        Purse ..............................  150 / 102
        Safety pin making ..................  163 / 7
    Pipe joint release .....................  285 / 1+
    Pressure gauges ........................  73 / 738+
    Razor with sharpener ...................  30 / 39
        Apparel pocket strap ...............  2 / 254
        Barrel bung automatic valve ........  217 / 101
        Fare box ...........................  232 / 15+
        Letter box .........................  232 / 31+
    Reflective triangle for highway use ....  40 / 903*
    Robot ..................................  901 / 49*
    Roll bars passenger restraints .........  280 / 756
    Saddle stirrups ........................  54 / 49
    Screen for receptacle filling ..........  141 / 97
    Seat belt passenger restraints .........  280 / 801.1+
    Separator, imperforate bowl ............  494 / 12
    Centrifugal ............................  494 / 12
    Shields ................................  266 / 903*
    Steam boiler ...........................  122 / 504+
    Theft ..................................  109
    Trigger for mechanical gun .............  124 / 40
    Valve on muffler .......................  181 / 237
        High temperature ...................  137 / 75+
            Line responsive ................  137 / 457
        Low temperature drain ..............  137 / 62
        Pressure relief ....................  137 / 455+
        Steam boiler combined ..............  122 / 504+
    Vehicle and railroad  
        Brake beam .........................  188 / 210
        Livestock carrying car .............  119 / 403
        Sageguards .........................  119 / 403
        Motor vehicle ......................  180 / 271+
        Moving train lander ................  104 / 19
        Railway block systems ..............  246 / 15+
        Railway car bridges ................  105 / 458+
        Railway car truck support ..........  105 / 217
        Railway sidings ....................  246 / 374
        Ship coupler tension release .......  114 / 217
        Wagon neck yoke coupling ...........  278 / 124
        Wagon thill coupling ...............  278 / 54
        Wagon tongue neck yoke .............  278 / 51
        Retainers ..........................  278 / 51
    Watch and clock wheels .................  368 / 141+
Safety Pin .................................  D11 / 206
Safranine ..................................  544 / 348
Safrole ....................................  549 / 434
Sag Preventers .............................  254 / 388
    Gate or door ...........................  49 / 396
Saggers ....................................  432 / 258+
Sailboat Design ............................  D12 / 303+
Sails and Sailing Devices  
    Gate mounted wind balance ..............  49 / 135
    Land vehicles ..........................  280 / 213
    Railway vehicles .......................  104 / 24
    Ships and boats ........................  114 / 102.1+
        Design .............................  D12 / 303+
Salad Dressing .............................  426 / 605
Sales Books ................................  462
Salicin ....................................  536 / 4.1+
Salicylate .................................  436 / 129
Salicylic Acid .............................  562 / 477
    Acyclic acyl esters of .................  560 / 143
    Aroyl esters of ........................  560 / 8+
    Azo compound ctg .......................  534 / 660+
Salinomycin, in Drug .......................  514 / 460
Saliva Ejectors ............................  433 / 91
Salol ......................................  560 / 71
Salt (See Type of Compound)  
    Condiments and flavors .................  426 / 650
    Crusher ................................  241
    Crystallizing ..........................  23 / 295 R
    Evaporating ............................  159
    Fused bath .............................  266 / 120
    Inorganic ..............................  23
    Ion exchange regeneration ..............  210 / 190+
        Process ............................  210 / 670+
    Licks for cattle and game ..............  119 / 51.03
        Design .............................  D01 / 100
        Extraction and crystallization .....  23 / 298
        Thermal or solvent .................  299 / 5
    Organic ................................  260
        Comminutor combined ................  241 / 168+
        Design,mill or .....................  D07 / 591+
        Dredge top dispenser ...............  222 / 480
        Hand manipulable type dispenser ....  222 / 142.1+
        Sifter type dispenser ..............  222 / 565
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 494
        Bread, pastry and confections ......  99 / 362+
    Nuts ...................................  426 / 632+
Salvage (See Recovery; Reclaiming)  
    Bell ...................................  405 / 185+
    Scrap metal ............................  29 / 403.1+
    Submarine vessels ......................  114 / 44+
        Combined with device ...............  114 / 336
Salvarsan ..................................  556 / 66
Salves .....................................  424
Sample Chargers  
    Analyzer supply ........................  73 / 864.81+
    Chemical analysis ......................  422 / 63+
    Electron microscope ....................  250 / 440.11
    Nuclear energy detector ................  250 / 328+
Sample Devices  
    Baggage or case ........................  190 / 16+
    Card pasting machines ..................  156 / 559+
    Display package ........................  206 / 44 R+
    Trays ..................................  206 / 557+
Sampler (See Pipette, Swab) ...............  73 / 863+
    Agitator combined ......................  366 / 140
    Body contacting ........................  604 / 1
    Capture device .........................  73 / 864+
    Chemical reaction, apparatus ...........  422
    Chemical reaction, method ..............  23
    Closed evaporating chamber .............  159 / 30
    Container combined .....................  141 / 22+
    Depth sounding .........................  33 / 717+
    Diagnostic, liquid .....................  600 / 573+
    Diagnostic, non-liquid .................  600 / 562+
    Dispensing .............................  222
        Dispenser combined .................  141 / 110+
        Drop former ........................  222 / 420
            Movable trap chamber ...........  222 / 356+
    Distance sounding combined .............  33 / 713
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 308+
        Core ...............................  175 / 244+
    Electrical signal ......................  327 / 91+
    Evaporating chamber combined ...........  159 / 30
    Gas separator combined .................  96 / 413
    Gravitational separator combined .......  210 / 513+
    Mass spectrometer combined .............  250 / 288
    Milking machine combined ...............  119 / 14.01+
    Optical sample holder ..................  356 / 244+
    Sample taking,cutting ..................  83 / 919*
    Textile treatment combined .............  68 / 185+
    Thermometer combined ...................  374 / 157
        Packer and valve type ..............  166 / 142+
        Processes ..........................  166 / 264
        Receptacle type ....................  166 / 162+
Sampling,Nuclear Reactor Condition .........  376 / 245
    Blast abrading .........................  451 / 75+
    Box playground .........................  472 / 126
        Design .............................  D21 / 815+
    Clock ..................................  968 / 805+
    Excluding bands for wheels .............  301 / 123
    Foundry mixing .........................  366 / 1+
    Lime brickmaking .......................  106 / 796+
    Liquid filter ..........................  210 / 263+
        Rehabilitation process .............  210 / 791+
    Mold ...................................  164 / 349+
        Metal founding .....................  164
        Plastic block etc apparatus ........  118
    Paper ..................................  451 / 526+
        Abrasive composition for ...........  51
        Applying devices ...................  451 / 458
        Making and compositions ............  51+
    Reel or roll  
        Woven fabric take up ...............  139 / 307+
    Scattering devices .....................  291
    Screener or riddle .....................  209 / 233+
    Traps and separators  
        Paper making .......................  210
        Track sanders ......................  291 / 11.1+
    Washing ................................  209 / 155+
Sandal .....................................  36 / 11.5
    Making .................................  12 / 142 S
    Overshoes ..............................  36 / 7.5+
Sanders and Sand Feed or Blast  
    Boiler cleaner .........................  122 / 395
    Brick and mold .........................  118
    Coating appliers .......................  118 / 308+
        With electric orienting ............  118 / 640
    Conveyers fluid current ................  406
    Design .................................  D08 / 62
    Laminated fabric sanding ...............  156
    Sandblast abrading apparatus ...........  451 / 75+
        Method .............................  451 / 38+
    Scattering unloaders ...................  239 / 650+
    Track ..................................  291
Sandglass Design ...........................  D10 / 44
    Belts ..................................  451 / 489+
    Blocks .................................  451 / 540+
    Discs ..................................  451 / 490+
    Drums ..................................  451 / 490+
Sandwich Making  
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 450.1
    Process ................................  426 / 502+
    Equipment & handling ...................  D23
    Napkins ................................  604 / 358+
        Belt ...............................  D02 / 625
        Design .............................  D24 / 125
    Shield .................................  604 / 393+
Santalol (See Alicyclic Hydrocarbon) ......  585 / 350+
Santonin ...................................  549 / 299
Sap Buckets ................................  47 / 50+
    Turpentine and rubber ..................  47 / 11
Sapogenins .................................  540 / 17+
    Cellulose ether or ester fibers ........  8 / 130
    Dyeing textiles combined ...............  8
    Fats or oils ...........................  554 / 156+
        Mixtures ...........................  252 / 367.1
    Natural resins .........................  530 / 200+
    Rosin ..................................  530 / 224+
Saponin ....................................  536 / 4.1+
SARAN™    ..................................  526 / 343
Sarcophagi Molds ...........................  425
Sarcosine ..................................  562 / 575
        Balances ...........................  16 / 193+
        Burglar alarms and fasteners .......  116 / 16+
        Cord fasteners .....................  16 / 202+
        Cord guides ........................  16 / 210+
        Electric switches ..................  200 / 61.62+
        Weights ............................  16 / 216+
    Garment supporter ......................  2 / 300
    Making .................................  144 / 5+
    Panel ..................................  52 / 782.1+
        Sectioned ..........................  52 / 455+
        Locks for ..........................  70 / 89+
        Ventilating ........................  454 / 211
Satchel See Pouch  
Satellite See Space Ship ...................  244 / 158.1+
    Applications, photoelectric cell .......  136 / 292*
    Telecommunications, mobil repeater .....  455 / 12.1+
Saturable Core Reactor  
    External or operator controlled ........  323 / 329
    Input responsive .......................  323 / 302
    Linear amplifier systems ...............  330 / 8
    Non-linear reactor systems .............  307 / 401
    Output responsive ......................  323 / 249
    Self regulating ........................  323 / 310
    Transformer systems ....................  323 / 250
    Voltage magnitude control ..............  323 / 253
    Fireproofing compositions ..............  252 / 601
    Preserving .............................  422
    Transformer ............................  336 / 155
        External or operator controlled ....  323 / 329
        Input responsive ...................  323 / 302
        Output responsive ..................  323 / 249
        Regulating system ..................  323
        Self regulating ....................  323 / 310
Sauces .....................................  426 / 589+
Sauerkraut See Kraut  
    Bath ...................................  D24 / 203
    Heater .................................  D23 / 315
Sausage ....................................  426 / 129
    Casing .................................  426 / 140+
        Inedible ...........................  428 / 34.1+
        Shirred casing .....................  206 / 802*
        Wall structure .....................  138
        Electrode type .....................  99 / 358
        Opposed heated surface type ........  99 / 380+
        Spit or impaling type ..............  99 / 419+
        Support combined ...................  99 / 441
    Grinders ...............................  241
    Linkers ................................  452 / 46+
    Preserving .............................  426 / 129
    Stuffers ...............................  452 / 35+
Savings Boxes ..............................  232 / 4 R+
    Paper type .............................  206 / .815
    Toy ....................................  446 / 8+
    With register ..........................  235 / 100
Saw ........................................  30 / 166.3+
    Band ...................................  30 / 380
    Band saw ...............................  83 / 788+
    Barrel head making .....................  147 / 38
    Bone ...................................  606 / 82
        Trephine ...........................  606 / 172+
    Bow ....................................  30 / 507+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 149+
    Button blank sawing ....................  79 / 15+
    Chain ..................................  30 / 381+
    Chain saw ..............................  83 / 788+
    Cleaners and oilers ....................  83 / 169
    Dado ...................................  144 / 222
    Drag saw ...............................  83 / 771+
    Frame ..................................  83 / 859
        Hand ...............................  30 / 166.3+
    Fret ...................................  30 / 513
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 202
    Gin ....................................  19 / 55 R+
    Gummers ................................  76 / 25.1+
        Wheels .............................  76 / 45
    Handsaws ...............................  30 / 166.3
        Combined with other cutter .........  30 / 144
        Combined with other tools ..........  7 / 148+
    Hole saw ...............................  408 / 204
    Making .................................  76 / 25.1+
        Methods ............................  76 / 112
    Metal sawing machines ..................  83
        Saws ...............................  83 / 835+
    Rotary .................................  30 / 388+
    Scroll .................................  83 / 783+
        Hand ...............................  30 / 513+
    Sets ...................................  76 / 58+
    Stave jointing .........................  147 / 28+
    Stone sawing ...........................  125 / 12
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 176
    Table saw ..............................  83 / 477+
    Tables .................................  269 / 289 R
        Gauges .............................  83 / 522.16+
        Modified for blade .................  269 / 83+
    Teeth ..................................  83 / 835+
        Fastenings .........................  83 / 840+
    Vegetable and meat combined with .......  83
    Cutter .................................  83
    Wood sawing devices ....................  83
        Design hand saw ....................  D08 / 95+
        Design, power saws .................  D08 / 64+
        Design, sawing machinery ...........  D15 / 133
        Guards .............................  83 / 440.2
        Guides .............................  83 / 821+
    Wood slivering gang ....................  144 / 189
    Woodworking rotary cutter ..............  144 / 222+
Sawbucks and Sawhorses  
    Buck, ie holding or clamping ...........  269 / 296+
    Horse, ie scaffold or plank ............  182 / 181.1+
    Supporting .............................  182 / 181.1+
    Briquette ..............................  44 / 590+
    Burners (see furnaces solid fuel  
    Burning sawdust refuse and  
    Wet fuel)  
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 506
    Fur cleaning by ........................  69 / 23+
    Making processes .......................  241 / 28
Sawhorse ...................................  D25 / 67
Sawing (See Saw)  
    Button blanks ..........................  79 / 15+
    Dog ....................................  269
    Feed ...................................  83 / 401+
    Metal ..................................  83
    Sawmill dogs with carriage .............  83 / 721
    Stone ..................................  125 / 12+
    Wood ...................................  83
        Saw table gauges ...................  83 / 522.16+
Sawtooth Oscillator  
    Driven .................................  327 / 131+
    Free running ...........................  331
Saxophones .................................  84 / 385 R
Scabbards (See Sheath) ....................  224 / 232+
    Design .................................  D03 / 220
    Ice skate ..............................  280 / 825
    Sword ..................................  224 / 232+
        Design .............................  D03 / 220
Scaffolds ..................................  182 / 179.1
    Bracket supports .......................  248 / 235+
    Combined ...............................  182 / 129
    Convertible ............................  182 / 20
        Ladder .............................  182 / 27
    Design .................................  D25 / 62+
    Design, element or coupling ............  D25 / 68+
    Elevating means ........................  182 / 141+
    Foldable ...............................  182 / 152+
    Platform ...............................  182 / 222+
    Shaft supported ........................  182 / 128
        External ...........................  182 / 187
    Cleaning ...............................  134
    Fowl and hog ...........................  452 / 74+
    Peeler or parer combined ...............  99 / 483
Scale (See Weighers)  
    Armored tire ...........................  152 / 206
    Bathroom ...............................  D10 / 87
    Lamellate composition ..................  106 / 415+
    Metal scaling ..........................  29 / DIG 34
        Automatic note selector ............  84 / 152+
        Enharmonic .........................  84 / 451
        Keyboard touch plate ...............  84 / 428
    Optical element combined ...............  359 / 436+
    Optical pointers .......................  359 / 436+
    Pans ...................................  177 / 262+
    Price ..................................  177 / 25.11+
    Register ...............................  235 / 124
    Remover and preventer  
        Composition ........................  510 / 247+
        Dentistry ..........................  433 / 143
        Electrolytic apparatus .............  204 / 196.01+
        Electrolytic cleaning of metal .....  205 / 705+
        Or metal alloy .....................  205 / 705+
        Electrolytic protection of metal ...  205 / 724+
        Or metal alloy .....................  205 / 724+
        Fish ...............................  452 / 71+
        Hammer .............................  29 / 81.15
        Magnetic apparatus .................  422 / 186.02+
        Metalworking .......................  29 / 81.01+
        Water softener .....................  252 / 175+
    Rule or ................................  D10 / 71+
    Ruler ..................................  33 / 494
    Square .................................  33 / 474
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 705+
        Line spacing .......................  400 / 548+
    Weighing instrument ....................  177
        Design .............................  D10 / 87
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 12
Scalpels ...................................  606 / 167+
    Antenna ................................  359 / 197+
    Facsimile ..............................  358 / 474+
    Optical ................................  359 / 197+
        Electrophotographic copier .........  399 / 206+
    Periodically moving optical element ....  359 / 197+
    Periscope ..............................  359 / 402+
    Photoelectric ..........................  250 / 200+
        Television .........................  348
    Telescope ..............................  359 / 399+
Scarecrow ..................................  40
    Noise maker  
        Bells ..............................  116 / 148+
        Horns ..............................  116 / 137 R+
    Apparel ................................  2 / 207
        Design .............................  D02 / 500+
        Design fur .........................  D02 / 601
        Design haberdashery item ...........  D02 / 500+
        Design shaped ......................  D02 / 500+
        Design shaped ascot ................  D02 / 605+
        Hanger for fur .....................  223 / 97
    Joint ..................................  238 / 230+
    Slide holder ...........................  D11 / 202+
Scarfing (See Skiving)  
    Apparatus for metal ....................  266 / 51+
        Blowpipes ..........................  239 / 398+
    Processes for metal ....................  148 / 194+
    Earthworking ...........................  172
        With scraper .......................  37 / 381+
    Stamp ..................................  81 / 9.21
        Lancet .............................  606 / 181+
        Other instruments ..................  606 / 186
        Receptor combined ..................  604 / 22
Scattering (See Sprayer; Sprinkling)  
    Drying apparatus centrifugal ...........  34 / 59
    From aircraft ..........................  244 / 136
    Insect powder dusters ..................  239
    Non-fluid material scattering ..........  239 / 650+
    Planting broadcasting ..................  111 / 8+
    Pneumatic conveyor discharge ...........  406 / 157+
    Road treating material .................  404 / 101+
    Track sanders ..........................  291
Scavenger & Scavenging  
    Anesthesia gas scavenging system .......  128 / 910*
    Oxygen scavenging ......................  252 / 186.1
    Bus signal lights ......................  340 / 433
    Desks and seats ........................  297 / 135+
        Design .............................  D06 / 335+
        Design, with drawer ................  D06 / 335+
Schreinerized Fabrics ......................  26 / 69 R
Science Teaching ...........................  434 / 276+
Scillin ....................................  536 / 4.1+
Scissors (See Nipper; Shearing) ...........  30 / 194+
    Buttonhole .............................  30 / 120
    Can opening ............................  30 / 428
    Design .................................  D08 / 57
    Knife combined .........................  30 / 146
    Manicuring .............................  30 / 29
        Compound tool ......................  132 / 75.4+
    Material holder combined ...............  30 / 131+
    Nipper combined ........................  30 / 145
    Plier combined .........................  7 / 135+
        Abrading design ....................  D08 / 93
        Apparatus ..........................  76 / 82.2
        Combined with can opener ...........  D08 / 35
        Power sharpener ....................  D08 / 63
        Process ............................  451 / 45
Scleroscope ................................  73 / 79
Scoop ......................................  D07 / 691
    Bag filling ............................  141 / 108+
    Ditchers ...............................  37 / 379+
        Slit trencher ......................  37 / 367+
    Dredgers ...............................  37 / 341
    Excavating .............................  37 / 411+
    Ice cream ..............................  425 / 118
    Ice cream ..............................  425 / 221
    Ice cream ..............................  425 / 276+
        Design .............................  D07 / 681
    Kitchen ................................  294 / 55
    Pump ...................................  417 / 232
    Railway graders ........................  37 / 106+
    Rotary dryer ...........................  34 / 188
    Shovel .................................  294 / 55
    Sifter support .........................  209 / 418
    Snow excavator .........................  37 / 264+
    Vehicle fender .........................  293 / 42+
Scooter Vehicle ............................  280 / 87.01+
    Toy ....................................  D21 / 423
Scopolamine ................................  546 / 91
    In drug ................................  514 / 291
Score Boards  
    Bowling ................................  473 / 69+
    Changeable .............................  116 / 222+
        Electric sign, matrix ..............  345 / 73
        Electric sign, monogram ............  345 / 44+
    Computer scoring for ...................  700 / 92
    Electric annunciator ...................  340 / 323 R
    Electrical registering type ............  377 / 5
    For games ..............................  116 / 222
        Electrical .........................  340 / 323 R+
    Games ..................................  235 / 90
    Image projection .......................  353 / 45
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 48.1+
    Target combined electrical .............  273 / 371+
    Target combined mechanical .............  273 / 378+
Scorers for Games ..........................  D10 / 46.1
Scoring See Notes to .......................  33 / 18.1+
    Implements .............................  30 / 164.9
        Indenting stylus ...................  81 / 9.2
    Machines ...............................  83 / 861+
    Metal working ..........................  29 / DIG 33
    Of paper ...............................  493 / 396
    Paper bag making .......................  493 / 228+
    Paper box making .......................  493 / 59+
    Plane ..................................  144 / 186+
    Registers ..............................  235
    Score line, support ....................  248 / 909*
    Static mold for making scored item .....  249 / 52
    Wood slicing combined ..................  144 / 42
Scotch Block ...............................  104 / 258
Scotch Yoke ................................  74 / 50
Scourer and Scouring  
    Abrading ...............................  451 / 103+
        Polishing combined .................  451 / 66+
        Tools ..............................  451 / 523+
        Tumbling ...........................  451 / 326+
    Concentration of natural current .......  405 / 73
    Dredger ................................  37 / 342+
    Grain ..................................  99 / 600+
        Processes ..........................  426 / 483+
    Pad,household use ......................  D32 / 40+
    Textile cleaning .......................  8 / 139+
Scows (See Barges) ........................  114 / 26+
Scram Rod (See Nuclear) ...................  376 / 207
    Component structure ....................  376 / 327
    Element ................................  376 / 219
Scrap See Trash  
    Binder device releasably engaging ......  402
    Aperture or notch of sheet .............  402
        Bindings ...........................  281 / 22
        Box ................................  428 / 576
        Cutting ............................  83
        Electrolytic stripping .............  204 / 193
        Apparatus ..........................  204 / 193+
        Electrolytic stripping of ..........  205 / 717+
        Elemental layer from ...............  205 / 717+
        Pile or fagot ......................  428 / 588+
        Preheating or melting ..............  266 / 901*
        Reclaiming by  
            Hydrometallurgy ................  75 / 715+
            Metallurgy .....................  75 / 401+
Scraper (See Rake; Removers)  
    Boiler cleaning ........................  122 / 387
    Bone ...................................  606 / 84+
    Bristle brush combined .................  D04 / 116+
    Bulldozer ..............................  172 / 811+
    Carbon black making ....................  422 / 150+
    Caster wheel attachment ................  16 / 41
    Cleaning device ........................  15 / 236.01+
        Brush combined .....................  15 / 111+
        Brush paint can attachment .........  220 / 695+
        Design, food .......................  D32 / 40+
        Design, food preparation ...........  D07 / 688+
        Inside pipe or tube ................  15 / 104.16+
        Machine ............................  15 / 93.1+
        Vacuum cleaner nozzle combined .....  15 / 401
        Windshield wiper combined ..........  15 / 256.5+
    Conveying from heat  
        Exchange surface ...................  165 / 95
    Conveyor belt unloader .................  198 / 637
    Cooking or baking molds combined .......  249 / 77
    Cutting tools ..........................  30 / 169+
        With material holder or ............  30 / 136
        Disposal ...........................  30 / 136
    Drying rack ............................  34 / 185
    Drying rake attached ...................  56 / 400.05+
    Earthworking ...........................  172
        Railway snow excavator .............  37 / 214+
        Transverse endless road grader .....  37 / 388
    Eraser .................................  30 / 169+
        Burnisher combined .................  7 / 124+
    Filter cleaning ........................  210 / 407+
    Furnace ashpan .........................  110 / 170
    Grinding or milling member cleaner .....  241 / 166+
    Heat exchange cylinder .................  165 / 97+
    Hog scraper ............................  452 / 94+
        Scalder combined ...................  452 / 75+
    Household cleaning tool ................  D32 / 35+
    Intaglio printing wiper ................  101 / 169
        Rotary with transfer ...............  101 / 154
        Wiper for rotary ...................  101 / 157
    Land vehicle wheel attached ............  280 / 855+
    Leather manufactures ...................  69
    Metallic receptacle combined ...........  220 / 695+
    Pipe bowl ..............................  131 / 246
    Plow or cultivator .....................  172 / 610
    Porous block filter cleaner ............  210 / 116+
    Sealed bearing .........................  384 / 137
    Shoe ...................................  15 / 237+
        Design,boot or .....................  D32 / 47
        Scraper for vehicle ................  D12 / 203
    Snowplow ...............................  37 / 266+
    Stamp scarifier ........................  81 / 9.21
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 159
        Design .............................  D24 / 146+
    Wick trimmer ...........................  431 / 120
    Woodworking ............................  144 / 115
    Ash receiver combined ..................  131 / 234
    Back ...................................  601 / 137
    Cigar cutter combined ..................  131 / 249
    Cigar or cigarette combined ............  131 / 351
    Match ..................................  44 / 643
        Match combined .....................  44 / 510
        Safe combined ......................  206 / 137+
    Smoking device combined ................  131 / 185
    Well ...................................  166 / 170+
    Plastering .............................  52 / 364+
        Corner .............................  52 / 255+
    Road or pavement .......................  404 / 118+
Screen (See Shield; Sifter)  
    Bed ....................................  5 / 512
        Combined ...........................  5 / 163
    Cathode ray tube .......................  313 / 461+
    Color lantern ..........................  362 / 166+
    Decorative panels ......................  D06 / 332
    Electrophotographic electrode ..........  399 / 244
    Electrophotographic photoreceptor ......  399 / 159+
    Fireplace ..............................  126 / 544
    Fluid current ..........................  210 / 348+
        Dredgers with ......................  37 / 318+
        Faucet combined ....................  210 / 449
        Flume ..............................  210 / 154+
        Gas filter .........................  96
        Restrictor with ....................  138 / 41
        Starch making ......................  127 / 25
        Track sander .......................  291 / 48
        Track sander fluid delivery ........  291 / 13
    Fluorescent ............................  250 / 483.1
    Furnace door fluid screen ..............  110 / 179
    Furniture ..............................  160 / 135
    Gas filter .............................  96
    Glare auto .............................  296 / 97.1+
    Grid ...................................  313 / 297+
        Structure ..........................  313 / 348+
    Halftone ...............................  359 / 893+
        Chemically defined .................  430 / 6+
    Insect trap with .......................  43 / 119
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 153
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 156
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 463
        Process of making ..................  430 / 23+
    Optical filter .........................  359 / 885+
        Color photography using ............  396 / 305+
        Monochrome film ....................  396 / 305+
        Infra-red ..........................  359 / 350+
        Photographic chemically defined ....  430 / 4
        Ultra-violet .......................  359 / 350+
    Phosphorescent .........................  250 / 483.1
    Photographic ...........................  D16 / 241
    Photographic printing ..................  359 / 893+
        Chemically defined .................  430 / 6+
    Plant ..................................  47 / 20.1+
        Frost preventing ...................  47 / 2
        Tree covers ........................  47 / 23.1
    Potato digger ..........................  171 / 71+
    Potato digger ..........................  171 / 111+
        Plow combined ......................  171 / 71+
        Plow combined ......................  171 / 111+
    Projection, ie movie ...................  359 / 443+
    Projector light ........................  362 / 257+
    Racks with .............................  211 / 180
    Safety for filling devices .............  141 / 97
    Seat combined ..........................  297 / 184.1+
    Sifters ................................  209 / 233
    Special ray, eg x-ray ..................  250 / 483.1
    Stuff working  
        Forming fiber articles .............  19 / 148
        Forming fiber webs .................  19 / 304+
        Paper pulp .........................  210 / 348+
    Track sander ...........................  291 / 48
    Typewriter keyboard ....................  400 / 714+
    Urinal .................................  4 / 292+
    Warship armor ..........................  114 / 14
    Well screen ............................  166 / 227+
        Earth boring means combined ........  175 / 314
        Making .............................  29 / 896.61+
    Window .................................  160
        Design .............................  D25 / 53
    Wire fabric ............................  245
        Making .............................  140 / 3 R+
    X ray  
        Bucky grid .........................  378 / 154
        Film ...............................  378 / 185
        Fluorescent or phosphorescent ......  250 / 483.1
        Tube with secondary ray ............  378 / 140
Screen Saver ...............................  715 / 867
Screw (See Threaded) ......................  411
    Adjusted or actuated (see valve)  
        Chair pedestal design ..............  D06 / 364+
        Drill tip type end .................  411 / 387.1+
        Dump door railway car ..............  105 / 307
        Hoop driver ........................  147 / 11
        Mechanical pencil lead feed ........  401 / 68+
        Puller .............................  29 / 256+
        Punch ..............................  83 / 631
        Railway track pedestal .............  238 / 120
        Reciprocating bender ...............  72 / 454
        Stand ..............................  248 / 405+
        Stool ..............................  108 / 138
        Switch .............................  200 / 507
        Tube and bar drawing ...............  72 / 287
        Valve applier ......................  29 / 217+
        Wrench .............................  81 / 155+
    Apparel fastener .......................  D11 / 200+
    Capping nails & screws .................  470 / 5+
    Clamp grip and vise  
        Belt fastener clamp ................  24 / 37
        Boot antislip anchor ...............  36 / 65
        Cable grippers railway .............  104 / 210
        Cable grippers railway .............  104 / 223
        Clamps .............................  269 / 86+
        Fence rail cross connections .......  256 / 69
        Fence wire cross connections .......  256 / 55
        Mop holder .........................  15 / 153
        Rope holders nut clamp .............  24 / 135 R+
        Skate toe or heel ..................  280 / 11.32
        Vises ..............................  269
        Breech ordnance ....................  89 / 19+
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 549+
        Jar or bottle cap ..................  215 / 329+
        Jar or bottle stopper ..............  215 / 356+
        Metallic receptacle ................  220 / 288
        Pipe and tubular conduits ..........  138 / 89+
        Watchcase ..........................  368 / 310
        Wooden barrel bungs ................  217 / 107
    Closure remover ........................  81 / 3.45
    Connectors electric ....................  439
        Fixture ............................  439 / 641+
        Outlet box .........................  439
        Switch with ........................  200 / 51.14+
    Conveyor & feeder (see conveyor, .......  209 / 913*
    Screw; feeder) .........................  209 / 913*
        Acetylene generator carbide ........  48 / 54
        Feed ...............................  48 / 54
        Drill feed .........................  408 / 129+
        Furnace type .......................  414 / 197
        Hollow heat exchanging .............  165 / 87
        Lathe feed .........................  82 / 141
        Locomotive tender feed .............  105 / 234
        Mill feed ..........................  241 / 246+
        Sand feed track sander .............  291 / 33
        Sausage stuffer ....................  452 / 44
        Screw or cam conveyor ..............  29 / DIG 100
        Static receptacle ..................  414
        Stoker feed ........................  110 / 110
        Typewriter feed ....................  400 / 328+
        Vegetable and meat cutting and .....  241
        Comminuting feeds ..................  241
        Wood slicer feed ...................  144 / 179
    Design .................................  D08 / 387
    Driver (see screwdriver) ..............  81 / 436+
        Constructed from specific ..........  81 / 900*
        Material ...........................  81 / 900*
        Electrical connection formine ......  7 / 108
            With screw feed ................  81 / 57.37
    Earth boring bit .......................  175 / 327+
    Elevator drive .........................  187 / 267+
    Excavators .............................  37 / 351+
    Extractor ..............................  81 / 436+
        Bottle or jar closure clamp ........  215 / 281+
        Bottle or jar closure clamp ........  215 / 283
        Bottle or jar closure pivoted ......  215 / 243
        Fastener ...........................  215 / 243
        Fluorescent or phosphorescent ......  250 / 462.1
        Horseshoe ..........................  168 / 23
        Latch bolt .........................  292 / 251
        Latch bolt operator ................  292
            Adjustable backset .............  292 / 1.5
        Lock bolt ..........................  70 / 140
        Machine i.e bolt ..................  411 / 378+
        Rail joint chair ...................  238 / 202
        Rail joint slide fastener ..........  238 / 332
        Rail joint tie plate ...............  238 / 303
        Separable button ...................  24 / 105
        Setscrew ...........................  403 / 362
        Setscrew knob ......................  292 / 350+
        Spikes railway .....................  238 / 372+
        Tool handle ........................  403
        Watchcase bow pendant ..............  368 / 304
        Wood ...............................  411 / 378+
    Gearing ................................  74 / 424.7
        Clutch operator ....................  192 / 94
        Intermittent mechanical ............  74 / 111
        Movements ..........................  74 / 111+
        Mechanical movements ...............  74 / 20+
        Nut with ...........................  74 / 424.71
        Power limit stop ...................  192 / 141
        Ship steering ......................  114 / 155+
        Steering control ...................  74 / 499
    Jack lifter stretcher & tightener ......  254 / 98+
        Barrel hoop ........................  217 / 95
            Combined .......................  254 / 7 R
            Electrostatic ..................  254 / 92
            Nail extractor .................  254 / 7 R
        Printers quoins ....................  254 / 41
        Sail ...............................  114 / 109+
        Stretcher ..........................  254 / 231+
            Carpet .........................  254 / 200+
        Traversing jacks ...................  254 / 85
    Making .................................  470 / 8+
        Abrading ...........................  451 / 48
        Capping ............................  470 / 5+
        Lathe cutting ......................  82 / 110+
        Machine ............................  29 / 33 R+
        Mold ...............................  164 / 216
        Molding glass ......................  65 / 309+
        Rolling ............................  72 / 88+
        Rolling process ....................  72 / 365.2+
        Threading ..........................  408
        Wire and inserting .................  29 / 564.6
        Wood ...............................  470 / 59
    Pipe and rod joints and connectors  
        Chucks .............................  279
        Electrical connectors ..............  439 / 191+
        Rod joints .........................  403 / 343
        Sockets ............................  279 / 9.1+
        Ties railway screw rods ............  238 / 53
        Die cutting ........................  83 / 631
        Dispenser follower .................  222 / 390
        Forging ............................  72 / 454
        Air ................................  416 / 176
        Aircraft with ......................  244 / 65+
        Ship ...............................  440 / 49+
        Ship manual drive ..................  440 / 21
    Pump ...................................  415 / 71+
        Agitating ..........................  366 / 266
    Setscrew guard .........................  74 / 617
    Setscrew guard knob ....................  292 / 351
    Thread gauge ...........................  33 / 199 R
    Threading ..............................  470 / 10
    Valve ..................................  251 / 216
        Bottle .............................  215 / 314
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 549+
Screwdriver ................................  81 / 436+
    Combined with diverse tools ............  7 / 165+
    Combined with diverse wrench ...........  81 / 437
    Constructed from specific material .....  81 / 900*
        Design .............................  D08 / 82
        Floor jack .........................  254 / 13
    Eye screw, adapted for .................  81 / 901*
        Machine ............................  81 / 54
Scriber See Scoring ........................  33 / 18.1+
    Barrel head making .....................  147 / 37
        Hand device ........................  147 / 41
    Actuated chuck .........................  279 / 114+
    Display control ........................  345 / 684+
    Saw ....................................  83 / 783+
        Hand ...............................  30 / 513+
        Handle .............................  30 / 525
    Type comminutor ........................  241 / 276
Scrubbing and Scrubber  
    Bathing apparatus combined .............  4 / 606
    Brushes ................................  15 / 159.1+
        Holders ............................  15 / 146
        Material supply combined ...........  401 / 268+
    Design, equipment ......................  D32 / 35+
    Floor and wall machines ................  15 / 50.1+
    Gas (see gas, liquid contact with) ....  261
    Implement, general cleaning ............  15 / 104.001+
    Implements for textile washing .........  68 / 220
    Kneeling stools ........................  182 / 230
        With tool holder ...................  182 / 129
    Machines for cleaning ..................  15 / 3
    Mops ...................................  15 / 208+
        Strand material ....................  15 / 226
    Pails ..................................  15 / 264
    Textile washing machines ...............  68
    Washing or cleaning methods ............  134 / 6+
    Washtub surface ........................  68 / 233
    Ariticles for ..........................  D19 / 35
    Chisel .................................  D08 / 47
    Hammer .................................  D08 / 75+
    Knife or spatula .......................  D08 / 98+
Sculpture (See Product)  
    Design .................................  D11 / 131+
    Fauna ..................................  428 / 16
    Layer varying thickness ................  428 / 156+
    Manipulable ............................  446 / 268+
    Milling machine ........................  409 / 79+
        Photographic process ...............  430 / 323+
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 82+
Scupper ....................................  114 / 182
Scutching ..................................  19 / 5 R+
    Beaters ................................  19 / 85+
    Operators ..............................  49 / 324+
Scythe .....................................  30 / 309
    Design .................................  D08 / 12
    Handle fastening .......................  403
    Nib joints .............................  403
Sea Calming ................................  114 / 232+
Seafood ....................................  426 / 643+
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 321+
        Antiseptic and pickling ............  426 / 654
        Canning ............................  426 / 392+
        Dehydration ........................  426 / 471+
        Refrigeration ......................  426 / 524
    Weed compositions ......................  536 / 3
Seal, Sealer, & Sealing  
    Apparatus for making plastic seals .....  425
        Molding with reinforcements ........  425 / 500+
    Band or wire applier ...................  140 / 150+
    Battery ................................  429 / 172+
        Ball combined ......................  384 / 477+
        Ball combined with lubrication .....  384 / 462+
        Plain ..............................  384 / 130+
    Books having ...........................  281 / 18
    Bottle cap .............................  425 / 809*
    Caulking ships .........................  114 / 86
    Caulking tools .........................  81 / 8.1
        Metalworking .......................  72 / 463
    Cigar or cigarette wrapper .............  131 / 67+
    Closure ................................  49 / 475.1+
        Actuated ...........................  49 / 303+
        Operator ...........................  49 / 316+
    Conduit cable or conductor ends ........  174 / 77 R
    Cylindrical cell .......................  429 / 171+
    Electron tube sealing ..................  53 / DIG 3
    Envelope sealing & stamping ............  156 / 442
    Fuel cell ..............................  429 / 35+
        Compositions .......................  501 / 15
        Electronic tube having .............  174 / 50.5+
        Gas or vapor lamp having ...........  313 / 623+
        Incandescent lamp having ...........  174 / 50.5+
        Incandescent lamp having ...........  220 / 2.1 R+
        Incandescent lamp having ...........  174 / 17.05+
        Lamp or discharge device making  
            Apparatus ......................  65 / 152+
            Processes ......................  65 / 36+
    Hermetic (see air lock)  
        Drying or gas contact  
            Chamber having .................  34 / 242
            Processes using ................  34 / 402+
        Inflatable toys having .............  446 / 222
        Preserving food by .................  426 / 392+
        Still ..............................  202 / 269
        Valve actuator .....................  251 / 335.1+
    High frequency electric sealing ........  53 / DIG 2
    Inflatable .............................  49 / 477.1
        Plate holders having ...............  396 / 518
    Liquid (see trap)  
        Barrel bung ........................  217 / 105
        Bottle and jar closure .............  215 / 234
        Dispenser type .....................  222
        Flow meter having ..................  73 / 234+
        Gas making cupola having ...........  48 / 69
        Gas separator combined .............  55 / 355
        Hardenable liquid jar closure ......  215 / 233
        Liquid seal only ...................  429 / 78
        Machine, ie bolt ...................  285 / 10+
        Metallic receptacle closure ........  220 / 216+
        Plastic seal jar closure ...........  215 / 233
        Rotary expansible ..................  418 / 104
        Chamber device .....................  418 / 104+
        Seal for a joint or juncture .......  277 / 431+
        Sewerage having ....................  137 / 247.11+
        Valve ..............................  137 / 251.1+
        Valve interface ....................  137 / 246+
    Liquid barrier .........................  277 / 431+
        Centrifugal ........................  277 / 427+
    Lock, closure fastener .................  292 / 307 R+
        Barrel bung ........................  217 / 114
        Bottle cap with separate ...........  215 / 273
        Fastener ...........................  215 / 273+
        Bottle or jar closure ..............  215 / 200+
        Closure fastener bolt ..............  292 / 327
        Closure fasteners with .............  292
        Electric connector .................  439 / 271+
        Envelope ...........................  229 / 80+
        Envelope fastener ..................  229 / 79
        Fountain pen cap combined ..........  401 / 245
        Lock combined ......................  70 / 440
        Metallic closure ...................  220 / 200+
        Padlock combined ...................  70 / 50
        Safe door jamb .....................  109 / 64+
        Zipper .............................  24 / 418+
    Magnetic ...............................  49 / 478.1
    Making sheet metal container seams .....  413
    Or solder seals ........................  413
    Moistener combined .....................  156 / 441.5+
    Movable shafts  
        Circumferential contact seal .......  277 / 500+
        Close proximity seal ...............  277 / 409+
    Notary .................................  101 / 3.1+
    Nuclear fuel components ................  376 / 451
    Sealing wax applier ....................  401 / 1+
    Separator, imperforate bowl ............  494 / 38+
    Centrifugal ............................  494 / 38+
    Stamp or ...............................  D19 / 12
    Tamper indicating  
        Fluid handling .....................  137 / 384
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 80
    Terminal ...............................  429 / 181+
        Appliers ...........................  401 / 1+
        Compositions .......................  106 / 218+
    Zipper surface sealed ..................  24 / 389
Sealed Beam Lights .........................  313 / 113+
    Adherent making  
        Apparatus ..........................  156
        Process, butt ending ...............  156 / 304.1
    Bag bottom seamless ....................  383 / 122
    Binding devices for sewing machine .....  112 / 137+
    Calking on ships .......................  114 / 86
    Cloth rubber and leather ...............  2 / 275+
        Pressing ...........................  69 / 7
        Sewed seams ........................  112 / 475.01+
        Sewing .............................  112
        Shoe upper .........................  36 / 57
    Hosiery ................................  66 / 179
        Simulated ..........................  66 / 181
        Can side making ....................  413 / 69+
        Container spout ....................  222 / 574
        Fusion-bonding apparatus ...........  228
        Opening device .....................  220 / 260+
        Receptacle .........................  220 / 677+
        Receptacle end structure ...........  220 / 600+
        Sheet edge interfolding ............  29 / 243.5+
        Sheet methods ......................  413 / 1+
        Tube of sheet material .............  72 / 48+
        Wire fabric having .................  245 / 10
    Paperbox box ...........................  229 / 198.2+
    Pipe having longitudinal ...............  138 / 156+
        Distinct layers ....................  138 / 151+
        Flexible ...........................  138 / 128
    Pipe having spiral .....................  138 / 154
        Distinct layers ....................  138 / 150
        Flexible ...........................  138 / 129+
    Receptacle paper crimped end ...........  229 / 5.6
Searchlight ................................  362 / 35
    Boat type ..............................  362 / 477+
    Bulbs ..................................  313
    Leather ................................  69 / 7.5
Seasonings .................................  426 / 650+
Seat .......................................  297
        Abrading work holder ...............  451 / 368
        Brake ..............................  188 / 109
        Dry closet .........................  4 / 473
        Flush valve ........................  4 / 250
        Seat or lid opener or closer .......  4 / 245.1+
        Seat subclosure ....................  4 / 238
        Trackmans car ......................  105 / 94
        Water closet .......................  4 / 408+
    Agricultural implement .................  172 / 431+
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 122 R
        Safety lowering devices ............  244 / 141
    Back ...................................  297 / 445.1+
    Backless ...............................  D06 / 349+
    Backpack convertible to ................  224 / 155
    Bath and closet ........................  4 / 237+
        Bathtub ............................  5 / 652+
        Chemical holder in seat ............  4 / 229
        Cover ..............................  4 / 245.1+
        Covers combined ....................  4 / 234+
        Disinfecting .......................  4 / 233
        Dry closet subclosure ..............  4 / 485+
        Seat or lid opener or closer .......  4 / 245.1+
        Ventilated .........................  4 / 217
    Bed ....................................  5 / 653+
    Belt passenger restraints ..............  280 / 801.1+
        Safety buckle ......................  D11 / 200+
    Boat ...................................  114 / 363
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 235.2+
    Convertible to railway berth ...........  105 / 322
    Design .................................  D06 / 334+
    Grinders, milling ......................  409 / 64+
    Guards and control for amusement .......  104 / 241
    Railways etc ...........................  104 / 241
    Harvester combined .....................  56 / 323
    Heated .................................  4 / DIG 6
    Land vehicle ...........................  296 / 63+
        Rear seat windshields ..............  296 / 85
    Light combined .........................  297 / 217.6
        Vehicle ............................  362 / 483
    Light thermal and electrical ...........  607 / 115+
    Application ............................  607 / 115+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 261
    Mechanical parts  
        Bottle or jar closure cap ..........  215 / 316+
        Pivoted seat motor .................  185 / 15.5
        Rail seats .........................  238 / 264+
        Railway rail joint base plate ......  238 / 215
        Tool handle fastening  
            Adjustable .....................  403 / 83+
        Tool handle fastening rigid ........  403
        Valve (see valve and valved  
    Occupancy indicator ....................  116 / 200+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 667
    Occupant carried .......................  297 / 4
    Occupant guards or restraints ..........  297 / 464+
    Passenger recording by depression ......  346 / 40
    Railway passenger car  
        Convertible open and closed ........  105 / 336
        Placement ..........................  105 / 345+
        Seat back side guard control .......  105 / 441
    Rubber .................................  4 / DIG 8
    Saddle tree and seat connection ........  54 / 42.1
    Sofa bed ...............................  5 / 12.1+
    Toilet .................................  4 / 237+
    Trackmans car ..........................  105 / 94
    Vacant seat signalling system ..........  340 / 667+
        Auxiliary ..........................  297 / 232+
        Velocipede .........................  297 / 195.1+
        With body modification .............  296 / 63+
    Walk over ..............................  297 / 94+
Seat Belt Restraints .......................  297 / 464+
    Safety buckle ..........................  D11 / 200+
Seaweed, Artificial ........................  405 / 24
Sebacic Acid ...............................  562 / 590
Second Detector Radio ......................  329
    Battery ................................  429 / 149+
        Charging & discharging systems .....  320
    Emitters ...............................  313 / 103 R+
        Amplifying system ..................  330 / 42
        Cathode ray tube ...................  313 / 399
        Cathode ray tube ...................  313 / 387
        Cathode ray tube system ............  315 / 11
        Cathode ray tube system ............  315 / 12.1
        Prevention .........................  313 / 106+
9, 10-Seco- ................................  552 / 653
    Cyclopentanohydrophenanthrenes .........  552 / 653
        Electronic, funds transfer .........  705 / 64+
        Facsimile ..........................  380 / 243
        Radio ..............................  380 / 31+
        Radio, pulse or digital ............  380 / 37
        Telegraph ..........................  380
        Telephone ..........................  380 / 41
        Television .........................  380 / 200+
            Access control .................  725 / 25+
    Compartment type cabinet ...............  312 / 204
    Cryptography photo copying .............  355 / 40+
        Including fiber optics .............  355 / 1
    Boilers ................................  122 / 209.1
    Radiators ..............................  165 / 130
Sectional Unit Cabinet(See Knockdown) .....  312 / 107+
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 449
    Horizontally attached receptacle .......  220 / 23.4
    Sets ...................................  220 / 23.4
Securing Means See Connection; Lock;  
    Closure ................................  292
        Adjustable backset .................  292 / 1.5
        Bendable ...........................  292 / 253
        Locks ..............................  70
        Portable ...........................  292 / 289+
    Grille .................................  52 / 507
    Rims land vehicles .....................  152
        Demountable ........................  301 / 11.1+
    Sheathing ..............................  52 / 506.05+
        Shingle type .......................  52 / 443+
    Sheet members  
        Billiard cloth .....................  473 / 30
        Fabric (see notes to) .............  160 / 382+
    Sheet members on drums .................  346 / 138
    Spokes .................................  157 / 1.55
    Tires land vehicles ....................  152
    Tires railway ..........................  295 / 15+
    Vehicle parts  
        Bodies .............................  296 / 35.1+
        Bodies on & off freight ............  410 / 77+
        Containing .........................  410 / 77
        Mud guards .........................  280 / 154
        Top and side boards ................  296 / 36
    Wheels railway .........................  295 / 43+
Securities, Commodities  
Security Information .......................  726 / 1+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 35+
Security Instruments .......................  D10 / 104+
    Metal detector for airports ............  340 / 568.1+
    Metal detector for library books .......  340 / 572.1+
    Feed heater valve ......................  122 / 429
    Filter combined ........................  210 / 299+
    Liquid purification or separation  
        Automatic discharge ................  210 / 112+
        Gravitational apparatus ............  210 / 513+
        Gravitational process ..............  210 / 800+
        Precipitation process ..............  210 / 702+
    Coated or impregnated ..................  47 / 57.6
        With antidotes, biocides ...........  504 / 100
        Herbicides .........................  504 / 100
    Comminuting ............................  241 / 6+
    Cooker .................................  422 / 307+
    Disinfecting compositions ..............  424
    Extraction, fatty oil from seed ........  554 / 9+
    Germinator .............................  47 / 61
        Apparatus fermentative .............  435 / 283.1+
        Apparatus fermentative .............  435 / 283.1+
        Fermentation combined ..............  435
    Pellet planters ........................  111 / 914*
    Proteins ...............................  530 / 370
        Coating or plastic compositions ....  106 / 125.1+
        Containing .........................  106 / 125.1
    Removing or separating  
        Decorticating combined .............  19 / 6
        Fruit apparatus ....................  99 / 547
        Fruits and vegetables processes ....  426 / 484+
        Ginning ............................  19 / 39+
    Seed or rod holders ....................  117 / 911*
    Seedling containers ....................  47 / 77
    Seedling transplanters .................  47 / 77+
    Stripping or gathering .................  56 / 126+
        Motorized ..........................  56 / 12.9+
        Threshing type .....................  460 / 123+
    Tapes ..................................  47 / 56
        Making, methods of .................  53 / 467+
        Planting ...........................  111 / 199
    Testers ................................  47 / 14+
    Untreated ..............................  800 / 295+
Seed Corn Stringers ........................  139 / 19
Seed Pulling Apparatus .....................  117 / 208+
Seed Pulling, Crystalization ...............  117 / 13+
Seeding ....................................  111
    Crystal growing or forming .............  23 / 301
        Sugar making or refining ...........  127 / 60
    Amusement device .......................  472 / 106+
        Combined with roundabout ...........  472 / 4+
        Design .............................  D21 / 412+
    Amusement railway  
        Car drive ..........................  104 / 80
        Swinging car .......................  104 / 81
        Track ..............................  104 / 79
    Figure toy .............................  446 / 322
Seger Cone .................................  374 / 106
    Closure fastener keeper ................  292 / 341
    Harvester platform adjuster ............  56 / 215+
    Nuclear fuel ...........................  376 / 429
    Pinion .................................  74 / 32
    Rim gear ...............................  74 / 448
    Ship steering mechanism ................  114 / 159
Segmenter ..................................  30 / 114
    Corer combined .........................  99 / 545+
        Parer combined .....................  99 / 543
Seine Needles ..............................  87 / 60
Seines .....................................  43 / 14
    Computer controlled, monitored  
        Artificial intelligence ............  706 / 929*
    Seismic ware prospecting  
    (See prospecting)  
        Computer combined apparatus ........  367 / 60
        Earth boring combined ..............  175 / 1
        Instruments ........................  33 / 1 HH
    Seismographs or seismometers ...........  181
        Electro-acoustic ...................  367 / 14+
        Mechanical .........................  73 / 649+
            Recording ......................  346 / 7
        Submarine signaling ................  367 / 15+
        Vibration testing ..................  73 / 649+
Selective Delivery  
    Charging discrete loads to plural ......  414 / 266
    Static structures ......................  414 / 266
    Conveyor power driven ..................  198 / 348+
    Material treatment  
        Differentially comminuted mixed ....  241 / 14
        Preceding sorting ..................  209 / 4+
    Pneumatic dispatch .....................  406 / 1+
    Railway ................................  104 / 88.01+
    Signal and switch  
        Electric annunciator ...............  340 / 500+
        Electric signal ....................  340 / 825+
        Railway automatic switch ...........  246 / 323
        Railway facing switch ..............  246 / 424+
        Railway train dispatching ..........  246 / 5
        Store service ......................  186 / 20+
        Telephone hook switch ..............  379 / 424+
        Telephony automatic switches .......  335 / 108+
        Time controlled alarm ..............  340 / 309.16+
    Store service  
        Cable propulsion ...................  186 / 15
        Gravity system .....................  186 / 3
        Switches ...........................  186 / 20+
    Suspended road vehicle unloading .......  414 / 377+
Selective Systems ..........................  340 / 825+
    For control in well bore ...............  340 / 853.3+
    Dispensing magazine  
        Stacked article ejector ............  221 / 92+
    Electric annunciator station ...........  340 / 286.11+
    Electric organ tone partials ...........  84 / 615+
    Gear shifting ..........................  74 / 342+
    Label pasting machine ..................  156
    Lock or latch operator  
        For cabinets .......................  312 / 215
    Lock tumbler type ......................  70 / 305
    Musical automatic instrument ...........  84 / 115+
    Musical instrument key .................  84 / 442
    Phonograph cabinet disk record .........  312 / 9.11+
    Pile fabric selected warp ..............  139 / 404+
    Planetary gearing ......................  475 / 131+
    Printing telegraph .....................  178 / 33 R+
    Printing telegraph page ................  178 / 27
    Punch ..................................  234
        Coded ..............................  234 / 94+
    Railway dump car door ..................  105 / 287
    Tabulator column .......................  400 / 284+
    Telephone automatic testing ............  379 / 17
    Textile warp preparing .................  28 / 202
    Typewriter case ........................  400 / 251+
    Weaving separate weft ..................  139 / 453
    Zither chord ...........................  84 / 286+
Selenazine .................................  544 / 1
Selenazole .................................  548 / 100
Selenium ...................................  423 / 508
        Generator type .....................  136 / 243
        Resistive type .....................  338 / 15+
        Binary .............................  423 / 509
        Organic ............................  562 / 899
        Ternary oxy ........................  423 / 508
    Photelectric ...........................  430 / 84
        Coating process ....................  427 / 76
    Rectifier ..............................  257 / 42
        Manufacture ........................  438 / 102
Self Aligning Bearings  
    Ball ...................................  384 / 495+
    Plain radial ...........................  384 / 192+
    Plain thrust ...........................  384 / 193+
    Railway car brasses ....................  384 / 191.1
    Shaft hangers ..........................  384 / 205
Self Baked Electrodes Furnace  
    Arc ....................................  373 / 60+
    Electrolytic apparatus .................  204 / 225+
Self Binding  
    Cornstalk cutters ......................  56 / 67+
    Shockers ...............................  56 / 429
    Shockers automatic feed ................  56 / 403+
Self Developing Camera .....................  396 / 30+
Self Healing  
    Stock material .........................  428 / 912*
    Tires ..................................  152 / 502+
Self Heating  
    Article, by electricity ................  219 / 201+
Self Leveling  
    Furniture ..............................  114 / 191+
    Head on stand ..........................  248 / 182.1
    Tank or boiler .........................  280 / 7
    Vehicle body ...........................  280 / 6.15+
Self Loading Vehicle  
    Excavator ..............................  37 / 304+
    Road vehicle ...........................  414 / 467+
Self Service  
    Plural related surfaces ................  108 / 102+
    Horizontally adjustable ................  108 / 102+
    Stores .................................  52 / 33
    Tables, power driven surface ...........  108 / 20+
    Tables, terraced rotatable .............  108 / 94+
Self Starter for Engines  
    Dynamoelectric .........................  290
    Mechanical .............................  123 / 179.1+
Self Winding  
    Clocks .................................  368 / 148
    Spring & weight motors combined ........  185 / 7
    Spring motor ...........................  185 / 40 R+
        Plural .............................  185 / 11+
    Toys spinning ..........................  446 / 249
    Watches ................................  368 / 207
    Weight motor ...........................  185 / 33
Selsyn .....................................  318 / 692+
    Communication systems ..................  340 / 315
    Telautograph ...........................  178 / 19.01+
    Telemetering ...........................  340 / 870.34
    Edge coating ...........................  427 / 285
    Forming ................................  139 / 430
        Welt fabric ........................  66 / 172 R+
        Welt machines ......................  66 / 95+
    Trimming ...............................  26 / 11+
        On loom ............................  139 / 302+
        Warp traversing ....................  139 / 54
        Weft loop retainers ................  139 / 195
Semantic Network  
    Linguistics ............................  704 / 1+
    Flags ..................................  116 / 173+
    Hand set indicator .....................  116 / 319
    Spectacle ..............................  246 / 484
    Structure ..............................  246 / 479+
    Switch stand ...........................  246 / 409
    Train dispatching ......................  246 / 18
Semi-Compound Steam Engines ................  91 / 8+
Semicarbazide ..............................  564 / 34
Semicarbazones .............................  564 / 36
Semiconductive Alloys ......................  420 / 903*
    Barrier layer composition ..............  252 / 62.3 R+
Semiconductor Device Making (See  
    Semiconductor junction forming)  
    Bipolar transistor manufacture .........  438 / 309+
        Heterojunction .....................  438 / 312+
    Complementary mosfet (cmos) ............  438 / 199+
    Electron emitter making ................  438 / 20
    Field effect device manufacture ........  438 / 142+
        Insulated gate transistor ..........  438 / 197+
            Floating gate ..................  438 / 257+
            Vertical channel ...............  438 / 268+
            With capacitor .................  438 / 239+
        Junction gate transistor ...........  438 / 186+
        Schottky gate transistor ...........  438 / 167+
    Injection laser making .................  438 / 22+
    Micromechanical ........................  216 / 2
    Passive electrical device ..............  438 / 381+
    Photovoltaic device manufacture ........  438 / 56+
    Selectively interconnecting ............  438 / 128+
        Metallization ......................  438 / 598+
    Strain gauge making ....................  438 / 50+
Semiconductor Junction Forming (See  
    Semiconductor processing)  
    Diffusing dopant into substrate ........  438 / 542+
    Fusing dopant with substrate ...........  438 / 537+
    Heteroepitaxy ..........................  117
    Ion implantation .......................  438 / 514+
    Isolation ..............................  438 / 400+
    Seed pulling ...........................  117 / 22
    Sliding liquid phase epitaxy ...........  117 / 61
    Tipping liquid phase epitaxy ...........  117 / 59
    Vapor phase eqitaxy ....................  117 / 89+
Semiconductor Processing  
    Coating (see metallization) ............  438
        Electrolytic .......................  205
        Coating and etching ................  438 / 694+
        Sputter coating ....................  204 / 192.25
    Chemical etching .......................  438 / 689+
        Chemical-mechanical ................  438 / 692+
    Dicing .................................  438 / 460+
    Directly applying electric current .....  438 / 466+
    Electromigration .......................  438 / 468
    Gettering ..............................  438 / 471+
    Ion implantation of dopant .............  438 / 514+
    Ion milling ............................  204 / 192.34
    Irradiation of semiconductors ..........  250 / 492.2+
    Laminating or bonding ..................  438 / 455+
    Metallization ..........................  438 / 584+
        Electroless coating ................  438 / 678
        Electrolytic coating ...............  205
        Forming schottky contact ...........  438 / 570+
        Sputter coating ....................  205
    Mounting or housing ....................  29
        Glass shaping to encapsulate .......  65
        Making photovoltaic device .........  438 / 64+
        Fusion bonding to metal ............  228 / 123.1
    Single crystal formation ...............  117
    Testing, electrical ....................  324
    Thermal treatment ......................  438 / 795+
Semitrailer ................................  280 / 423.1+
Sensing ....................................  73
    Nuclear reaction condition .............  376 / 245
        Control combined ...................  376 / 207
Sensitizing Photographic ...................  430 / 495.1+
    Coating processes ......................  430
    Developing combined ....................  430 / 401+
    Sensitized elements ....................  430 / 495.1+
Separation,Proteins ........................  530 / 412+
Separator and Separating See ..............  427 / 247
    Purifiers; screen; sifter ..............  427 / 247
    Battery ................................  429 / 247+
        Adhesion ...........................  209 / 60
        Assembling apparatus ...............  29 / 279
        Assorting ..........................  209 / 642
        Fermentation apparatus .............  435 / 283.1+
        Filters ............................  210 / 360.1
        Fluid suspension ...................  209 / 199
        Foraminous basket ..................  68 / 23 R
        Imperforate bowl ...................  494
            Auxiliary fluid supplied .......  494 / 23+
            Bearing ........................  494 / 83
            Bowl ...........................  494 / 43+
            Condition responsive ...........  494 / 1+
            Countercurrent flow ............  494 / 22
            Cyclic or timed ................  494 / 11
            Filtering ......................  494 / 36
            Heating or cooling .............  494 / 13+
            Indicating, inspecting, etc ....  494 / 10
            Involving gases ................  494 / 900*
            Involving mercury ..............  494 / 902*
            Involving oil ..................  494 / 901*
            Lubrication ....................  494 / 15
            Process ........................  494 / 37
            Recirculation ..................  494 / 35
            Safety .........................  494 / 12
            Seals and sealing ..............  494 / 38+
            Vibration damping ..............  494 / 82
        Oil deyhydration ...................  208 / 187
        Sugar apparatus ....................  127 / 19
        Sugar manufacture ..................  127 / 56
        Vortical whirl gas .................  55 / 447
    Coating or impregnating ................  427
    Cream ..................................  220
    Diamagnetic ............................  209 / 212
    Drying .................................  34
        Exhaust vapors .....................  34 / 79+
    Egg ....................................  99 / 497
    Electrolytic ...........................  204 / 295+
    Fiber thread and fabric  
        Loom replenishing ..................  28 / 202
        Pneumatic cleaning .................  19 / 205+
        Sheet conveying and ................  271 / 4.01+
        Sheet feeding and ..................  271 / 10.01+
        Shoe sole sewing ...................  112 / 29
        Textile fiber liberating ...........  19 / 1+
        Tobacco leaf disintegrating ........  131 / 312
        With ...............................  131 / 312
    Gas ....................................  95
        Beer dispensing ....................  137 / 170.1+
        Boiler .............................  122 / 488+
        Furnace draft regulators ...........  110 / 148
        Heat exchange surface type .........  165 / 111
        Condenser ..........................  165 / 111+
        Liquefaction processes with ........  62 / 617+
        Liquefiers and .....................  62 / 617+
        Liquid separation  
            Combined .......................  55 / 421
            Process combined ...............  95
        Meters with liquid and .............  73 / 200
        Pneumatic fiber cleaning ...........  19 / 205
        Separate fluid heated ..............  122 / 34
        Boiler with ........................  122 / 34
        Well combined ......................  166 / 265+
    Glass mold .............................  65 / 357+
    Grain scourers with ....................  99 / 600+
    Grain threshing ........................  460 / 79+
    Liquid .................................  210
        Beverage infusing apparatus ........  99 / 279+
        Beverage processes milk fat ........  426 / 491
        Chemical extracting or leaching ....  422 / 261+
        Concentrating evaporator liquid ....  159 / 31
        Crystal producing and ..............  159 / 45
        Electrical apparatus for ...........  204 / 660+
        Electrical processes for ...........  204 / 554+
        Electrolytic material treatment ....  205 / 687+
        Electrophoresis or electro .........  204 / 450+
        Osmotic ............................  204 / 450+
        From solid separators ..............  4 / DIG 19
        Gas contact apparatus with .........  261 / 2+
        Gas operated motor condensate ......  415 / 169.2+
        Gas separation combined ............  55 / 421
            Process ........................  95
        Oil residues from paraffin .........  208 / 30+
        Paper making .......................  210
        Paraffin from mineral oil ..........  208 / 28+
        Sugar starch etc making ............  127
        Yeasts ferments etc ................  435 / 261
        For separating iron particles ......  209
        From other substances ..............  209
        For separating microorganisms ......  435 / 173.9
    Metal founding mold ....................  164 / 358
        Sprue ..............................  164 / 262+
    Ore metal and coal .....................  422
    Potato digger bearing wheel ............  171 / 112
    Refrigeration ..........................  62
        Process ............................  62 / 85
    Solids .................................  209
        Adhesion ...........................  209 / 45+
        Adhesion combined ..................  209 / 12.1+
        Comminution combined ...............  241
        Electrostatic ......................  209 / 127.1+
        Flotation ..........................  209 / 162+
        Fluid handling combined ............  137 / 544+
        Fluid suspension ...................  209 / 132
            Combined .......................  209 / 13
            Gaseous ........................  209 / 133+
            Grain scourers .................  99 / 518+
            Liquid .........................  209 / 155+
            With cereal comminuting ........  241 / 9+
            With cominuting process ........  241 / 19
            With cominution ................  241 / 38+
            With refrigeration .............  62 / 317
        Fusible from nonfusible by heat ....  422 / 307+
        Gaseous suspension .................  209 / 133
            Grain scourers .................  99 / 518+
            Sifting etc ....................  209 / 12.1+
            With cereal comminuting ........  241 / 9+
            With comminuting process .......  241 / 19
            With comminution ...............  241 / 38+
            With gas separation ............  95
        Ice cube tray ......................  249 / 69+
        Magnetic ...........................  209 / 212+
            Combined .......................  209 / 12.1+
            Pretreatment ...................  209 / 8
            Sifter actuating elements ......  209 / 368
            Stratifiers ....................  209 / 478
        Mercurial adhesion .................  209 / 45+
        Mercurial electrolytic synthesis ...  205 / 545
        Of metallic oxides .................  205 / 545
        Mercurial in metallurgy ............  75
        Mercury alloy electrolytic .........  205 / 558+
        Synthesis ..........................  205 / 558+
        Mercury suspension .................  209 / 174
        Metallurgical ......................  75
        Mining and quarrying with ..........  299 / 7+
        Molten metal .......................  266 / 227+
        Preservative compositions ..........  252 / 381+
        Scrap metal salvaging ..............  29 / 403.3+
        Sifting ............................  209 / 233+
            Combined .......................  209 / 12.1+
            Combined with grain hulling ....  99 / 601+
            Gas borne comminuted material ..  241 / 49+
            Screen with comminutor .........  241 / 69+
        Sifting through comminuting ........  241 / 83
            Surface ........................  241 / 83+
        Stratifying ........................  209 / 422+
            Combines .......................  209 / 12.1+
            Electrostatic ..................  209 / 131
        Suspension combined ................  209 / 12.1+
    Strand spinning etc ....................  57 / 354
    Structurally defined ...................  429 / 129+
    Tobacco feeding  
        Cigar making .......................  131 / 110
        Cigar making bunch .................  131 / 40+
        Leaf disassociating ................  131 / 327
    Tobacco stemming .......................  131 / 313+
    Tooth ..................................  433 / 148
    Type matrix separator ..................  199 / 42
        Distributing to magazines ..........  199 / 41
    Typesetting line .......................  276 / 35
    Vegetable disintegrator and ............  241 / 68+
    Weldless chain making link .............  59 / 11
    Yeasts etc from liquids ................  435 / 261
Septic Field ...............................  405 / 36
Septic Tanks ...............................  210 / 513+
    Construction ...........................  52
        Purification .......................  210 / 601+
    Gravitational separator combined .......  210 / 513+
Sera .......................................  424 / 130.1+
Serrating Edges for Tool Sharpening ........  76 / 89.1
Serrefines .................................  606 / 221+
Serums .....................................  424
Server and Service .........................  186
    Cart ...................................  D34 / 14+
    Strip server for coating machine .......  118 / 40+
    Table self service  
        Plural related surface .............  108 / 102+
        Horizontally adjustable ............  108 / 102+
        Power driven surface ...............  108 / 20+
        Terraced rotatable .................  108 / 94+
    Timing mechanism for telephone  
    Train control service stop .............  246 / 184
    Type case feeding ......................  276 / 45
Service Station  
    Building type ..........................  137 / 234.6
    Canopy combined with pump ..............  D15 / 9.1+
    Dispensers .............................  D15 / 9.1+
    Gasoline pump ..........................  D15 / 9.1+
    Lubricator or oil collector ............  D15 / 151+
    Mobile unit ............................  D12 / 14+
    Electric system ........................  318 / 560+
    Hydraulic ..............................  91
Sesamin ....................................  549 / 435
Set, Display Pyrotechnic ...................  102 / 355
    Nail sets ..............................  81 / 44
    Radio telegraphy .......................  375
    Telegraph portable key and .............  178 / 78
    Sounder combined .......................  178 / 78
    Telephone portable sets for ............  379 / 21
    Testing lines ..........................  379 / 21
    Telephone wall sets ....................  379 / 435
    Guard ..................................  74 / 617
    Shaft ..................................  403 / 362
    Socket holder ..........................  279 / 83
Settable Material  
    Bolt or nut to substructure lock .......  411 / 82
    Bolt to nut lock .......................  411 / 258
Settees ....................................  297 / 232+
    Design .................................  D06 / 334+
    Swinging ...............................  297 / 282
Setters Bowling Pin  
    Mechanical .............................  473 / 73+
    Spots ..................................  473 / 102+
    Spotters ...............................  473 / 87+
    Ammunition loading bullet ..............  86 / 43
    Broom and mop handle ...................  300 / 20
    Brush tuft .............................  300 / 2+
    Button eyelet and rivet ................  227 / 51+
    Electric clock hand ....................  368 / 60+
    Eyelets ................................  227 / 51+
        Jewelry ............................  63 / 26+
        Jewelry design .....................  D11 / 91+
        Setting method and apparatus .......  29 / 10
        Watchmakers tools ..................  81 / 6+
    Glaziers points ........................  227
    Leather ................................  69
    Plants .................................  111 / 100+
        Covers .............................  47 / 32.2+
        Manual dibbling tools ..............  111 / 92+
    Register zero ..........................  235 / 144 R
    Rivets .................................  227 / 51+
        Hollow rivets ......................  227 / 51+
    Saw ....................................  76 / 58+
    Stage ..................................  472 / 75+
    Staple .................................  227
    Switch .................................  246
    Type ...................................  276
    Watch stem winding and .................  368 / 190+
    Watchmakers jewel setting tools ........  81 / 7
    Wheel spokes ...........................  157 / 3+
    Wheel tires ............................  157 / 5+
    Wire spring ............................  140 / 89
    Wood pin ...............................  227
Settling Tanks and Chambers  
    Automatic fluid distributing ...........  137 / 255+
    Beer foam separators ...................  137 / 170.1+
    Carbon black making ....................  422 / 150+
    Liquid separation and purification  
        Decanter and filter ................  210 / 295+
        Decanter or settler ................  210 / 513+
    Liquid suspension type separation ......  209 / 155
    Of solids ..............................  209 / 155+
    Solids separation combined .............  209 / 12.1+
    Starch making ..........................  127 / 27
    Sugar making ...........................  127 / 57
Seven Grid Limiter Discriminator ...........  313 / 300
Severing (See Cutting; Sawing)  
    Abrading for ...........................  451 / 231+
    Breaking ...............................  225 / 1+
    Glass (see search notes) ...............  83 / 879+
        With glass manufacturing ...........  65 / 174
    Punching ...............................  83
    Stone splitting ........................  125 / 43
    Tearing ................................  225
    Well tubing in situ ....................  166 / 55
    Aerators, diffusers ....................  261 / DIG 70
    Aerators, rotating .....................  261 / DIG 71
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 742+
    Fertilizer making ......................  422 / 193+
        Processes and products .............  71 / 12+
    Furnaces burning .......................  110 / 238
    Purification (see settling tanks) .....  210
Sewerage ...................................  137
    Manhole ................................  52 / 19+
    Pipe cleaners ..........................  15 / 104.31+
        Design .............................  D32 / 14
    Sewage purification ....................  210
    Sewer reamer, design ...................  D32 / 14
    Sewer ventilation ......................  112
    With cover .............................  52 / 20
Sewing and Sewing Machine See ..............  112
    Stitching ..............................  112
    Abrading attachments for ...............  451 / 432+
    Air work handling ......................  112 / DIG 2+
    Apparel seams ..........................  2 / 275+
    Bobbin winding .........................  112 / 279
    Book bindings ..........................  281 / 27
    Cabinet and parts ......................  D15 / 66+
    Carrying case ..........................  312 / 208.6
    Cooling elements .......................  112 / 280
    Covers for .............................  312 / 208.5+
        Design .............................  D15 / 75
    Cutting attachments for ................  112 / 130
    Fans combined ..........................  416 / 60
    Filled sacks ...........................  112 / 11
        Filling combined with sewing .......  53 / 138.5
    Hat sweatbands .........................  2 / 184
    Implements design ......................  D03 / 18
    Kit ....................................  D09 / 700
    Lights for .............................  362 / 90
    Machine, design ........................  D15 / 69+
        Sleeve-type surface ................  D15 / 68
        Treadle ............................  D15 / 67
    Machines with tables or stands .........  112 / 217.1+
    Pneumatic,digest .......................  112 / DIG 3+
    Sheet retainer inserts binder ..........  402 / 7
    Strand through sheet ...................  402 / 7
    Shoe lasting and .......................  12 / 13.2
    Shuttle winding ........................  242 / 484.7+
    Special machines .......................  112 / 2+
    Starting and stopping ..................  112 / 271+
    Stitch forming .........................  112 / 154+
    Suction thread cutting .................  112 / DIG 1+
    Tables with work catcher ...............  112 / 217.1+
    Tension control or brake ...............  242 / 410+
    Tension devices ........................  242 / 147 R+
    Thread cutting, severing, or ...........  112 / 285+
    Breaking ...............................  112 / 285+
    Threads ................................  57 / 903*
    Treadle machine conversion .............  112 / 217.4
    Work manipulating ......................  112 / 122+
    Zigzag .................................  112 / 157+
        Backstitch .........................  112 / 451
        Buttonhole .........................  112 / 446+
        Cam activation .....................  112 / 459+
        Cam actuation ......................  112 / 459+
        Electronic memory ..................  112 / 453+
    Artificial horizon .....................  356 / 143
    Artificial horizon .....................  356 / 148+
    Optical ................................  356 / 138+
    Straight ray ...........................  33 / 268+
    Animal restraining .....................  119 / 814+
        Design .............................  D30 / 151+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 187+
    Chain link .............................  59 / 86
    Closure fastening ......................  292 / 328+
    Dies for making ........................  72 / 472
    Foot and hand for prisoners ............  70 / 18
    For padlocks ...........................  70 / 53
    Lock type ..............................  70 / 18
    Vehicle spring end .....................  267 / 271+
Shades .....................................  160
    Eye ....................................  2 / 12+
        Design .............................  D29 / 109+
        Hat with ...........................  2 / 10
    Lamp ...................................  362 / 351+
        Design .............................  D26 / 118+
        Inverted bowl devise ...............  362 / 453+
        Pull or tassel .....................  D06 / 581
        Support ............................  362 / 433+
    Mounting hardware ......................  D08 / 354+
    Optical instrument .....................  359 / 611+
    Plant ..................................  47 / 20.1
    Pull of cord or fabric .................  D06 / 581
    Window .................................  D06 / 581
Shading Devices ............................  118 / 79
    Pens ...................................  15 / 435+
Shaft ......................................  464 / 179
    Aligning and leveling ..................  33 / 412
    Angle transducer .......................  250 / 231.13
    Arrows .................................  473 / 578+
    Axle land vehicle ......................  301 / 126
    Bearings ...............................  384
    Clutch .................................  192 / 110 R
    Couplings ..............................  403
        Flexible ...........................  464
        Bearing antifriction ...............  384 / 457+
        Bearing plain ......................  384 / 250
        Lathes .............................  82 / 106+
            Apparatus ......................  29 / 6.01
            Method .........................  29 / 888.08
    Earth boring means combined ............  175 / 320+
    Earth, eg mine .........................  405 / 133+
    Flexible ...............................  464
        Portable drill .....................  408 / 127
    Furnace ................................  432 / 95+
        Fume arrester with .................  266 / 144+
        Metallurgical ......................  266 / 197+
    Hanger .................................  384 / 442+
    Housing ................................  464
        Flexible shaft combined ............  464 / 52+
    Hub connections ........................  403
    Joints (see joints)  
    Locks ..................................  70 / 182+
    Metallurgical furnace ..................  266 / 197+
    Mucking machines .......................  414 / 916*
    Process abrading .......................  451 / 49+
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
        Circumferential contact ............  277 / 500+
        Close proximity ....................  277 / 409+
    Speed recorders ........................  346
    Wagon ..................................  278 / 33+
    Wall retainer ..........................  405 / 272+
        Grates .............................  126 / 152 R+
    Automobile .............................  73 / 669+
        Cleaning machine ...................  15 / 94
        Filled cooking receptacle in .......  99 / 371
        Oven ...............................  99 / 371
        Gas filter cleaning ................  55 / 304+
        Heat exchanger .....................  165 / 84
        Portable receptacle unloading ......  414 / 415
        Separator receiver .................  209 / 64
        Shotting combined for cleaning .....  15 / 96
        Sifter horizontal or inclined ......  209 / 309+
        Sifters ............................  209 / 233+
        Sprinkler or sprayer ...............  239 / 374
        Vehicle unloader ...................  414 / 375
        Vehicle unloader tilting track .....  414 / 357
            Pivotable movement .............  414 / 362
    Receptacle .............................  366
        Clothes washing machine ............  68 / 171+
        Grain separator straw carrier ......  460 / 90+
        Separator receiver .................  209 / 64
        Sifter .............................  209 / 309+
    Distillation ...........................  201
    Mineral oil from .......................  208 / 400+
Shale Oil  
    Recovery ...............................  208 / 400+
Sham Holders Pillow ........................  5 / 492
Shampoo ....................................  510 / 119+
    Conditioner containing .................  510 / 119+
    Medicated ..............................  514
    Methods ................................  132
    Other than for cleansing or ............  424 / 70.1+
    Therapeutic ............................  424 / 70.1+
    Buttons ................................  24 / 92
        Cloth ..............................  24 / 92
        Making .............................  79 / 2
        Sewing machine attaching ...........  112 / 108+
    Key ....................................  70 / 402
        Extensible .........................  70 / 397
        Foldable ...........................  70 / 396
        Plural .............................  70 / 401
    Manufacture of metal knobs .............  29 / 896.5
    Padlock nonshackle type ................  70 / 34
    Railway spike shank brace ..............  238 / 309
    Railway track clamp anchor .............  238 / 345
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 76 R
        Loose upper shaping ................  12 / 54.1+
        Machines ...........................  12 / 40.5
    Tool and machine parts  
        Handle fastenings ..................  403
        Slidably adjustable wrenches .......  81 / 129+
        Wrench attachments .................  81 / 184
        Wrench handles and .................  81 / 177.1+
Shape Memory Alloy .........................  148 / 402
Shaping (See Product Itself; Molding) ......  29
    Abrading or grinding ...................  451
    Boring .................................  408
    Comminution combined ...................  241 / 3
    Cone wound bobbin or cop shaper ........  242 / 480.3
    Dental instruments for .................  433 / 25+
    Die see die  
    Directly applied fluid pressure ........  264 / 500+
    Differential ...........................  264 / 500+
    Drilling ...............................  408
    Food ...................................  99
        Bread pastry and confection ........  99
        Making,food apparatus ..............  99
        Bread pastry and confection ........  425
        Making,shaping apparatus ...........  425
        Cooking and ........................  99 / 324+
        Dairy molds ........................  249
        Meat briquetting apparatus  
            Dynamic apparatus ..............  425
            Methods ........................  426 / 513
            Static apparatus ...............  249
    Hay stack shapers ......................  414 / 132
        Bending to angle ...................  72 / 176+
        Casting combined ...................  29 / 527.5+
        Coating combined ...................  29 / 527.2+
        Corrugating ........................  72 / 180
        Deforming ..........................  72
        Drawing sheet metal ................  72 / 347+
        Drawing through die ................  72 / 274+
        Electric heating and ...............  219 / 149+
        Extruding ..........................  72 / 253.1+
            Indirectly .....................  72 / 273.5
        Molten metal .......................  164
        Plastic metal ......................  72
        Powder apparatus ...................  425 / 78+
        Powder processes ...................  419 / 61+
        Pressure or impact forging .........  72
        Rolling ............................  72 / 199+
        Sheet metal by dies ................  72
        Spinning ...........................  72 / 82+
        Wire fabric ........................  140 / 107
        Wire into articles and fabrics .....  140
    Milling ................................  409 / 64+
        Briquetting fuel ...................  44 / 593+
        Coopering ..........................  147
        Glass ..............................  65
        Ironing and smoothing textiles .....  38
        Laser ablative shaping .............  264 / 400
        Leather ............................  69
        Paper ..............................  493 / 395+
        Plastic block and earthenware ......  425
        Plastics ...........................  425
        Sand molds for metal ...............  164
        Stereolithographic shaping from ....  264 / 401
        Liquid precursor ...................  264 / 401
        Stone ..............................  125
        Tobacco plug .......................  131 / 111+
        Wood sawing ........................  83
        Wood turning .......................  142
        Woodworking ........................  144
    Pencil sharpeners see  
    Pencil sharpener  
    Planing ................................  409 / 288+
    Screw threading ........................  408
    Stack or pile shaping ..................  414 / 788.9+
    Turning ................................  82
Shares for Plows ...........................  172 / 681+
    Forging dies for making ................  72 / 425
    Making machines and processes ..........  29 / 14
Sharpener ..................................  83 / 174+
    Abrading or grinding ...................  451
        Design, knife or scissors ..........  D08 / 93
    Button surfacing with tool .............  79 / 8
    Combined with cutting ..................  83 / 174
    Machine tool ...........................  83 / 174+
    Cutlery with ...........................  30 / 138+
    Disk plow ..............................  172 / 439
    Drill forming and ......................  76 / 5.1+
    Electrolytic ...........................  204 / 194+
        Etching processes ..................  205 / 640+
        Metal or metal alloy cleaning ......  205 / 705+
    Harvester cutting reel type ............  56 / 250
    Horseshoe calk .........................  168 / 46
        Making and sharpening ..............  59 / 65
    Knife or scissors  
        Combined with can opener ...........  D08 / 35
        Powered tool .......................  D08 / 63
    Pencil (see pencil sharpener) .........  30 / 451+
        Design of ..........................  D19 / 73
        Machine ............................  144 / 28.1+
    Razor with .............................  30 / 35+
    Saw ....................................  76 / 30+
    Tool ...................................  76 / 82+
Shaving and Shaver  
    Brushes ................................  D04 / 135
        Design .............................  D04 / 114
        With drip cup or shield ............  15 / 248.1+
        With soap supply ...................  401 / 268+
    Comminutor type  
        Ice ................................  30 / 136+
        Mill ...............................  241 / 83+
        Vegetable and meat .................  241
    Cream ..................................  424
    Cups ...................................  220
    Electric ...............................  30 / 45
    Gear ...................................  409 / 37
    Hair planers ...........................  30 / 30+
        Design .............................  D28 / 44
    Hat ....................................  223 / 19
    Kits ...................................  132 / 289+
        Brush or soap retained .............  401 / 118+
    Pencil (see pencil sharpener) .........  30 / 451+
    Razor ..................................  30 / 32+
        Blades .............................  30 / 346+
        Dry shaver .........................  30 / 43
    Screw head .............................  470 / 64
    Spoke ..................................  30 / 281
    Woodworking ............................  144 / 155+
Shavings Feeding to Furnace ................  110 / 102
Shawls .....................................  2 / 91
    Design .................................  D02 / 823+
Sheaf Handling  
    Binding ................................  56 / 432+
    Carriers ...............................  56 / 474+
    Composite construction .................  52 / 334
    Cornstalk loader .......................  56 / 120
        Carrier ............................  56 / 121
    Crop threshing or separating ...........  460 / 19
    Shocker ................................  56 / 401+
Shear Line, Cylinder Lock ..................  70 / 496
Shear Pin ..................................  464 / 32+
Shearing & Shears (See Cutter)  
    Bolt and rivet making ..................  470 / 153
    Buttonhole .............................  30 / 120
    Can opener .............................  30 / 428
    Cutlery combined  
        Knife ..............................  30 / 146
        Nipper .............................  30 / 145
    Design .................................  D08 / 93
    Gauges for shears ......................  33 / 631
    Ground supported hand operated .........  56 / 241
    Harvester ..............................  56 / 241
    Handle and blade connections ...........  30 / 341
    Holder or disposal combined ............  30 / 131+
    Manicure ...............................  30 / 29
    Plier combined .........................  7 / 125+
        Modified handle ....................  7 / 131+
    Receptacle combined  
        Cigar receptacle ...................  206 / 238+
        Dispensing sheet receptacle ........  206 / 216
        Ticket holder receptacle ...........  30 / 124+
    Shears hand manipulable ................  30 / 194+
    Stone shearing .........................  125 / 23.01+
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 174
        Cloth finishing ....................  26 / 15 R+
        Thread finishing ...................  28 / 226+
Sheath (See Scabbard; Sheathing) ..........  224 / 191+
    Awl or prick punch .....................  30 / 368
    Cable ..................................  74 / 502.5
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 151+
        Two or more cutters ................  30 / 143
    Design .................................  D03 / 220
    Hair comb ..............................  132 / 143
        With brush .........................  132 / 121
    Manicuring tool ........................  132 / 76.2
    Padlock ................................  70 / 55
    Splitters ..............................  30 / 90.1+
    Surface supporting .....................  108 / 150+
    Wire strippers .........................  81 / 9.4+
Sheathing (See Facer  
    Sheathing (see facer construction;)  
    Earth control ..........................  405 / 272+
        Tunnel or shaft lining .............  405 / 132+
    Electrical conductor ...................  174 / 68.1+
        Indefinite length electrical .......  156 / 47+
        Conductor ..........................  156 / 47+
        Metal extrusion ....................  72 / 268
    Railway car  
        Freight ............................  105 / 409+
        Passenger ..........................  105 / 401
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
        Dynamic gland ......................  277 / 538
        Static .............................  277 / 652+
    Ship ...................................  114 / 84
Sheave (See Pulley)  
    Reeling storage ........................  242 / 388.9+
    Animal husbandry .......................  119 / 436+
    Buildings ..............................  52
    For jacquard looms .....................  139 / 64
    Locomotive .............................  104 / 51+
    Loom ...................................  139 / 55.1
        Cam ................................  139 / 79
        Dobby ..............................  139 / 66 R
        Jacquard ...........................  139 / 59
Sheet and Sheet Material  
    (See composition)  
    Accounting and listing form ............  283 / 66.1+
    Advancing material of indeterminate ....  226
    Length .................................  226
    Apertured ..............................  428 / 131+
    Associating and folding ................  270
        Spacer for drying ..................  34 / 306+
    Bedding ................................  5 / 482
        Contour bedding ....................  5 / 497
        Restraining ........................  5 / 498
    Binder device releasably engaging ......  402
    Aperture or notch of sheet .............  402
        Crown ..............................  122 / 496
        Tube ...............................  122 / 512
    Bracket shelf of .......................  248 / 247+
    Cloth ..................................  D05
    Coated .................................  428 / 411.1+
        Sheets .............................  446 / 108+
    Composite ..............................  428 / 411.1+
    Composite with cellular layer ..........  428 / 304.4+
    Composite with foamed layer ............  428 / 304.4
    Construction toys of ...................  446 / 108+
    Container for coiled form ..............  206 / 389+
    Control (see pattern control)  
        Electric circuit maker .............  200 / 46
        Stop mechanism .....................  192 / 126+
    Cookie .................................  99 / 422+
    Corner structure .......................  428 / 81+
    Counting ...............................  235 / 89 R
    Cover with .............................  428 / 68+
    Creped .................................  428 / 152+
    Discontinous coating with ..............  428 / 195.1+
    Easel of ...............................  248 / 441.1+
    Edge feature ...........................  428 / 192+
    Edge fold ..............................  428 / 121+
    Edge spliced ...........................  428 / 57+
    Expanded metal making ..................  29 / 6.1
    Feeding and delivery ...................  271
        Dispensing cabinet magazine ........  312 / 34.18
        Electrophotographic ................  399 / 361+
            Collating ......................  399 / 403
            Imbricating ....................  399 / 404
            Interleaving ...................  399 / 382
            Separators, pneumatic ..........  399 / 397+
            Sorting ........................  399 / 397+
            Stacking .......................  399 / 404
            Strippers ......................  399 / 398+
        Magnetic oferations ................  271 / 901+
        Manifolding ........................  462
        Reverse direction of sheet .........  271 / 902*
        Movement ...........................  271 / 902*
        Separators, pneumatic ..............  271 / 90+
        Separators, rotary .................  271 / 109+
        Strippers ..........................  271 / 900*
        Support rack for paper .............  211 / 45+
        Support rack stacked ...............  211 / 50+
        Towel service locking rack .........  211 / 6
        Towel service rack .................  211 / 16
        Typewriter paper ...................  271 / 903*
        On edge ............................  271 / 903*
        Typewriter paper ...................  400 / 624+
        With winding .......................  242 / 535+
    Figure toys of .........................  446 / 387+
    Filter .................................  210 / 348+
    Fire escape body catcher ...............  182 / 138+
    Flanged pipe joint packing of ..........  285 / 363+
    Garment hanger .........................  223 / 87
    Gas and liquid contact porous ..........  261 / 100+
    Grooved ................................  428 / 161+
    Holders and securing devices  
        Billiard table cloth ...............  473 / 30
        Cleaning fabric ....................  15 / 231+
        Cylindrical for sandpaper ..........  451 / 490+
        Endless conveyor with gripper ......  198 / 688.1+
        Handled for sandpaper ..............  451 / 524+
        Manifolding ........................  462 / 6
            Continuous form strip-folder ...  462 / 6
            Or pocket type .................  462 / 6
        Music stands .......................  248 / 441.1+
        Pack holders .......................  271 / 145+
        Printing ...........................  101 / 415.1
        Rack ...............................  211 / 45+
        Sandpaper disc .....................  451 / 490+
        Shoe last with retainers ...........  12 / 141
        Stack rack .........................  211 / 50+
        Tray ...............................  206 / 557+
        Wall mounted tray ..................  211 / 88.01
            Adjustable in size .............  211 / 88.02
    Joined .................................  428 / 57+
    Laminate ...............................  428 / 411.1+
        Coating and uniting ................  156
        Drying .............................  34
        Electroforming .....................  205 / 76+
        Electrolytic coating metal .........  205 / 152+
        Glass ..............................  65
        Metal and foil .....................  29 / 17.1+
        Metal by rolling ...................  72 / 199+
        Pastry rolling .....................  425 / 363+
        Pastry rolling .....................  425 / 335+
        Plastic rolling or pressing ........  425
        Pulp molding compressor ............  162 / 396+
        Pulp molding winder ................  162 / 283+
        Can making machines ................  413 / 26+
        Cap preparing ......................  413 / 8+
            Apparatus ......................  413 / 56+
        Pattern and texture design .........  D05 / 1+
    Metal laminate .........................  428 / 615+
    Metal shaping (see particular  
        Chain making .......................  59 / 13+
            Container making ...............  413
        Sprocket chain making ..............  59 / 6
        Staple making ......................  59 / 72
        Wire barbing .......................  140 / 66
    Metal structures and articles ..........  405 / 276+
        Bale tie band ......................  24 / 23 R+
        Cabinets ...........................  312
        Can closures .......................  220 / 200+
        Chain link .........................  59 / 91
        Closure seal .......................  292 / 310+
        Connecting rods ....................  74 / 588
        Containers .........................  220
        Display packages ...................  206 / 44 B+
        Drive chain ........................  474 / 202+
        Electroplating .....................  205 / 152+
        Flumes .............................  405 / 119+
        Gearing sectional ..................  74 / 449
        Heat radiator ......................  165 / 170
        Hook ...............................  24 / 698.2
        Jar closures .......................  215 / 200+
        Nails spikes tacks .................  411 / 439+
        Piling .............................  405 / 274+
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 424
        Pulley .............................  474 / 166+
        Rack support for receptacle ........  211 / 72+
        Railway ties .......................  238 / 63+
        Railway wheel web ..................  295 / 22+
        Resilient clasps ...................  24 / 530+
        Sash cord guide casing .............  16 / 212
        Seal for a joint or juncture .......  277
        Separable-fasteners ................  24 / 572.1+
        Shaft hangers ......................  384 / 443
        Shelf type with support ............  108
            Diverse support for articles ...  108 / 28
            Metal industrial platform ......  108 / 57.32
            Vertically adjustable ..........  108 / 147.11+
        Spools .............................  242 / 118.8
        Stove for heating ..................  126 / 65+
        Stove legs .........................  126 / 306
    Nonrectangular .........................  428 / 80+
    Nonstructural ..........................  428 / 411.1+
    Note musical  
        Music teaching .....................  84 / 483.1
        Musical automatic instrument .......  84 / 146+
    Opening cutter .........................  402 / 1
    Pack holders ...........................  271 / 145+
    Package of coiled sheets ...............  206 / 449+
    Package of flat sheets .................  206 / 449+
    Paper dispensing package ...............  206 / 449+
    Paper wrapping .........................  229 / 87.01+
        Mailing ............................  229 / 92
    Pavement ...............................  404 / 17+
        Combined block and .................  404 / 18
    Perimeter structure ....................  428 / 81+
    Picture support of .....................  248 / 441.1+
    Piling .................................  405 / 274+
    Printing smut preventing ...............  101 / 419
    Railway tie  
        Folded sheet .......................  238 / 77
        Reinforcing ........................  238 / 93
    Receptacle stand of ....................  248 / 152
    Receptacle support of ..................  211 / 72+
    Ribbed .................................  428 / 161+
    Roofing ................................  427 / 147+
    Sorting type rack ......................  211 / 10+
    Spacer .................................  402 / 80 R
    Spliced ................................  428 / 57+
    Spot bonded ............................  428 / 198+
    Stand of ...............................  248 / 174
    Stencil ................................  101 / 127
    Structurally defined ...................  428 / 98+
    Structurally defined element ...........  428 / 221+
    Therein ................................  428 / 221+
    Tearing or breaking ....................  225
    Testing sheet material .................  73 / 159+
        Bursting strength ..................  73 / 838+
        Flatness, optically ................  356 / 600
        Transparency, optically ...........  356 / 432+
    Thread for pin type insulator ..........  174 / 204
        Abrasive applying ..................  451 / 458
        Brushing machines ..................  15 / 77
        Chemically cleaning ................  134
        Coating ............................  118
        Coating electrolytically ...........  205 / 159+
        Cutting ............................  83
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 611+
        Drying method ......................  34 / 419+
        Gas contacting .....................  34 / 444+
        Heat ...............................  108 / 28
        Ironing shaking out ................  38 / 143
        Radiant heating ....................  34 / 273+
        Stencil making .....................  101 / 128.4
        Wiping machines ....................  15 / 102
    Unwinding ..............................  242 / 570+
    Winding ................................  242 / 520+
    Wrapper for coiled form ................  206 / 389+
    Wrinkled ...............................  428 / 152+
Shelf and Shelving .........................  108
    Attached laterally of support ..........  108 / 152
    Baggage convertible ....................  190 / 9+
    Bookcase shelving  
        Design .............................  D06 / 567+
        Enclosed ...........................  312
        Open ...............................  108 / 59+
        Vertically adjustable ..............  108 / 147.16
    Cabinet with racks or shelves ..........  312
        Showcase type ......................  312 / 128+
    Covering ...............................  428 / 68
        Apertured ..........................  428 / 131+
        Edge fold ..........................  428 / 121+
    Design .................................  D06 / 567+
    Detachable ironing board ...............  108 / 157.12+
    Detachable shelf-type ..................  108 / 157.13
    Drying apparatus  
        Removable ..........................  34 / 192+
        Shelf to shelf material flow .......  34 / 165+
    Endless conveyer with coacting .........  198 / 860.1+
    Support ................................  198 / 860.1
        Plural conveying sections ..........  198 / 600
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 168+
    Ironing board with folding support .....  108 / 115+
    Loading or unloading ...................  414 / 266+
    Loading or unloading ...................  414 / 227+
    Main or coin chute .....................  232 / 63
    Paper design ...........................  D05
    Rack, plural shelf .....................  108 / 59+
    Shoe or boot rack ......................  211 / 36
    Stove ..................................  126 / 332+
    Supports ...............................  248 / 235+
    Terraced shelf rack convertible ........  108 / 17
    To table ...............................  108 / 17
    Vertically adjustable ..................  108 / 144.11+
    With structural installation ...........  108 / 42+
    With upward extending support ..........  108 / 149
    Ammunition .............................  102
        Cartridge ..........................  102 / 464+
        Design .............................  D22 / 116+
        Explosive ..........................  102 / 473+
        Extracting implements ..............  81 / 3.05
        Feeding devices (see gun ...........  86 / 46
        Loading) ...........................  86 / 46
        Loading ............................  86 / 23+
        Making .............................  86 / 10+
        Making metal working ...............  86 / 51+
    Brake shoe .............................  188 / 254
        Cereal .............................  426 / 138+
        Design .............................  D01
    Electrical connector socket ............  439 / 753+
    Foundry molds ..........................  164 / 361
    Shell openers ..........................  30 / 120.1
Shellac ....................................  530 / 201
Sheller ....................................  460 / 45
    Corn ...................................  460 / 45+
        Feeders for ........................  460 / 16+
        Green ..............................  99 / 567
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 120.1+
    Nutcracker .............................  30 / 120.2
    Pea ....................................  460 / 131
    Vegetable cutter combined ..............  99
    Apparatus ..............................  452 / 1+
    Apparatus ..............................  452 / 12+
        Openers ............................  452 / 1+
        Openers ............................  452 / 13+
    Crustacean culturing ...................  119 / 204+
    Dredgers ...............................  37 / 315
    Mollusk culturing ......................  119 / 234+
    Scoops .................................  37 / 316
    Scoops .................................  37 / 444
Shelves (See Shelf & Shelving)  
Sherbets ...................................  426 / 101+
    Design .................................  D01
Shield (See Guard; Protection;  
    Screen; stencil)  
    Abrading ...............................  451 / 454
        Button cleaning ....................  451 / 448
    Anti-magnetic, anti-inductive ..........  174 / 350
    Apparel ................................  2 / 459+
        Abdomen ............................  2 / 464
        Armpit .............................  2 / 53+
        Back ...............................  2 / 467
        Brassiere ..........................  450 / 37
        Chest ..............................  2 / 463
        Corset or girdle ...................  450 / 153
        Design, garment ....................  D02 / 860+
        Dress shield making ................  223 / 54
        Groin ..............................  2 / 466
        Neck ...............................  2 / 468
        Shoulder ...........................  2 / 459+
        Side torso .........................  2 / 465
    Armour .................................  109 / 78+
        Ship ...............................  114 / 14
    Brush and broom  
        Drip ...............................  15 / 248.1+
        Head ...............................  15 / 175
    Coffin .................................  27 / 20
        Baggage ............................  109 / 37
        Building ...........................  52 / 287.1
    Counter or display partition ...........  109 / 11+
    Curtain shade or screen ................  160 / 19+
    Distilling retort ......................  202 / 224
    Electric ...............................  174 / 350+
        Conductor ..........................  174 / 102 R+
        Ignition ...........................  315 / 85
        Insulator ..........................  174 / 139+
        Lamp & electronic tube systems .....  315 / 85
        Radio ..............................  455 / 300+
        Resistor ...........................  338 / 64+
        Shock preventive ...................  174 / 5 R
    Erasing ................................  451 / 445
    Faraday ................................  174 / 350
        Transformer with ...................  336 / 69+
    Fire shield, portable ..................  169 / 48+
    Fume flow in arc lamp ..................  314 / 26+
        Handling implements ................  294 / 131
        Sadiron ............................  38 / 95
    Harness ................................  54 / 80.1
        Breast strap .......................  54 / 59
        Hitching ...........................  119 / 852+
        Loop shields .......................  24 / 183
    Heat ...................................  228 / 59
    Heat for spacecraft ....................  244 / 159.1+
    Heat for spacecraft ....................  244 / 171.7+
        Aircraft use .......................  244 / 117 R+
        Metal treatment ....................  148
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 153
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 156
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 913*
    Light filters ..........................  359 / 885+
    Locked .................................  70 / 158+
    Mast ...................................  114 / 93
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 36.01+
        Design .............................  D22 / 112
    Piston splash ..........................  92 / 141
    Propeller marine .......................  440 / 71
    Radiator ...............................  237 / 79
        Automobile .........................  293 / 115
    Radioactivity ..........................  250 / 515.1
        Geiger muller tube having ..........  313 / 93
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 153
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 156
        Nuclear reactions ..................  376 / 913*
    Rigid shield or pad positioned .........  224 / 907*
    Between article & bearer ...............  224 / 907*
    Solder splash ..........................  228 / 21
    Surgical ...............................  128 / 849+
        Headed securing rod ................  403 / 360
    Tunnel .................................  405 / 141
        Aircraft ...........................  244 / 121
        Harvester ..........................  56 / 190
        Vehicle storm fronts ...............  296 / 77.1+
        Ventilating cowl ...................  454 / 138
        Windshield, vehicle ................  296 / 84.1+
    X ray ..................................  250 / 515.1
        Bucky grid .........................  378 / 154
        Shutter or diaphragm type ..........  378 / 145
        Tube structure .....................  378 / 140
        Variable aperture ..................  378 / 150
    Belt ...................................  474 / 101+
        Railway cable ......................  104 / 198
        Dynamoelectric .....................  310 / 241
        Generator system ...................  322 / 54+
        Motor system .......................  318 / 541+
    Changeable exhibitor ...................  40 / 446+
    Copyholder copy or line guide ..........  40 / 341
    (See copyholder)) .....................  40 / 341+
    Feeding table for metal rolling ........  72 / 222
    Railway cable ..........................  104 / 198
    Track or tie ...........................  254 / 43
        Laying .............................  104 / 4
    Typewriter case ........................  400 / 251+
Shifting Field Motor .......................  310 / 172
Shim Rod (See Nuclear, Control) ...........  376 / 207
    Shim rod ...............................  376 / 327
    Shim rod ...............................  376 / 219
    Shim rod ...............................  376 / 347
    Bearing adjusting ......................  384 / 626
    Brake slack adjusting ..................  188 / 201
Shingle ....................................  52 / 518+
    Container ..............................  206 / 323+
    Gauges .................................  33 / 648+
        Combined with hatchet or hammer ....  7 / 122+
    Making .................................  83 / 920*
    Making machines woodworking ............  144 / 13
        Sawing .............................  83 / 704+
    Roofing coating ........................  427 / 186
Ship .......................................  114
    Anchor .................................  114 / 294+
    Automatic controlled steering ..........  114 / 144 R+
    Ballasting .............................  114 / 121+
    Bilge discharge ........................  114 / 183 R+
    Building ...............................  114 / 65 R+
    Bulkheads and doors ....................  114 / 116+
    Cable stoppers .........................  114 / 199+
    Caissons ...............................  405 / 12
    Canals .................................  405 / 84+
    Centerboards ...........................  114 / 127+
    Clamps for ship planking ...............  269 / 91+
    Coaling and loading ....................  414 / 137.1+
        Traversing hoists ..................  212 / 72
    Condensers .............................  165 / 41+
    Course recorder ........................  346 / 8
    Design .................................  D12 / 300+
    Drydocks for ...........................  405 / 4+
    Engine room telegraph ..................  116 / 21
        Electrical .........................  340 / 286.04+
    Furniture ..............................  114 / 188+
    Hatches and covers .....................  114 / 201 R+
    Ice boats ..............................  114 / 43+
    Ice breakers ...........................  114 / 40+
    Indicating and signaling  
        Course recorder ....................  346 / 8
        Course signaling ...................  116 / 19
        Navigation instruments .............  73 / 178 R+
        Rudder position ....................  116 / 303
        Running lights .....................  362 / 477+
        Shoal water alarms .................  116 / 113
        Telegraphs .........................  116 / 21
    Keels ..................................  114 / 140+
    Ladders ................................  182 / 82+
        Steps level ........................  182 / 1
    Launching ..............................  405 / 1
    Life craft handling aboard .............  114 / 365+
    Lifting mechanism ......................  114 / 50+
    Liquid purifier type ...................  210 / 242.1
    Mother .................................  114 / 258
    Nautical signalling ....................  116 / 26+
    Personal watercraft ....................  114 / 55.5+
    Ports ..................................  114 / 173+
    Propellers .............................  416
    Propulsion .............................  440
    Raising and docking ....................  114 / 44+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 240
    Repairing ..............................  114 / 44+
    Running lights .........................  362 / 477+
    Sailboard and rig means ................  114 / 39.12+
    Sailboats ..............................  114 / 39.21+
    Sails and rigging ......................  114 / 102.1+
    Scows ..................................  114 / 26+
    Sounding and depth measuring  
    (See sounding)  
    Spars ..................................  114 / 89+
    Speed control automatic ................  114 / 144 R+
    Steering mechanism .....................  114 / 144 R+
    Stoves .................................  126 / 24
    Submarines .............................  114 / 6+
    Torpedo boats ..........................  114 / 18+
    Torpedo guards .........................  114 / 240 R+
    Torpedoes ..............................  114 / 20.1+
    Towing or pushing ......................  114 / 242+
    Ventilation ............................  114 / 211
    Ventilation of grain cargo .............  454 / 80
    Warships ...............................  114 / 1+
    Clutch .................................  192 / 98
    Marine vessel rudder ...................  114 / 165
    Side cut mower automatic clutch ........  56 / 274
    Transmission control and brake .........  192 / 224.3
Shirring ...................................  223 / 28+
    Cords for flexible bags ................  383 / 72
    Garment trimming .......................  2 / 244
    Sausage casing .........................  452 / 21+
    Sewing machines ........................  112 / 132+
    Coat combined ..........................  2 / 95
    Collar attaching to ....................  2 / 139+
    Design .................................  D02 / 840+
    Mens outer .............................  2 / 115+
    Pajama .................................  2 / 114
    T-shirt ................................  D02 / 717
    Trousers supported by ..................  2 / 229
    Under ..................................  2 / 113+
    Union type bifurcated ..................  2 / 77
    Vest combined ..........................  2 / 103
Shock Absorber (See Dashpot)  
    Dial indicator type ....................  33 / DIG 6
    Fluid ..................................  188 / 266+
        Thrust member, variable volume .....  188 / 297+
        Chamber ............................  188 / 297+
    Harvester reciprocating cutters ........  56 / 306
    Nuclear reactor control ................  376 / 234
        Component combined .................  376 / 285
    Nuclear reactor control ................  376 / 327
    Recoil ordinance .......................  89 / 42.01+
    Spring type ............................  267
        Bed ................................  5 / 253
    Support type, nonresilient .............  248 / 636+
    Support type, resilient ................  248 / 562+
        Suspended machine ..................  248 / 610+
    Testing ................................  73 / 11.01+
    Textile feeding knitting ...............  66 / 130
        Active suspension control ..........  280 / 5.5+
        Body suspension frame ..............  280 / 784
        Fender .............................  293 / 132+
            Fluid absorbs ..................  293 / 107+
        Railway ............................  105 / 392.5
        Railway coupling ...................  213 / 7+
        Running gear .......................  280 / 124.1+
        Seat ...............................  297 / 216.1+
    Weighing scales ........................  177 / 184+
Shocker and Shock Delivery  
        Amusement devices ..................  472 / 56
        Animal restraining devices .........  119 / 908*
        Bandaging ..........................  602 / 2
        Check operated .....................  194
        Electric chairs ....................  128 / 898+
        Electric fences ....................  256 / 10
        Electrocuting animal ...............  43 / 98
        Electrocuting trap insect ..........  43 / 112
        Fishing ............................  43 / 4
            Trawl net type .................  43 / 9.6
        Food preservation ..................  426 / 237+
        Food preservation apparatus ........  99 / 451
        Kinesitherapy eg massage ...........  601 / 84+
        Kinesitherapy eg massage ...........  602 / 2
        Medicators .........................  604 / 20+
        Miscellaneous ......................  361 / 225+
        Receptors ..........................  604 / 20+
        Safes ..............................  109 / 35
        Sterilizing method .................  422 / 22
        Surgical applications ..............  607 / 1+
        Surgical instruments ...............  606 / 32+
        Therapy, medical ...................  607 / 149
    Harvester ..............................  56 / 401+
    Animal wear ............................  36 / 111
        Design .............................  D30 / 146+
        Farriery ...........................  168
        Making .............................  59 / 36+
        Oxshoe making ......................  59 / 70
    Apparel ................................  36
        Accessory ..........................  36 / 136+
        Anti-slipping devices ..............  36 / 59 R+
        Athletic ...........................  36 / 114+
        Bathing ............................  36 / 8.1
        Bowling ............................  36 / 130
        Box ................................  206 / 278
        Buttoners ..........................  24 / 40
        Cement .............................  36 / DIG 1
        Cleaning type ......................  15 / 227
        Cleat ..............................  36 / 134
        Design .............................  D02 / 896+
        Foot elevators .....................  36 / 81
        Football ...........................  36 / 128
        Heels ..............................  36 / 34 R+
        Insoles ............................  36 / 43+
        Jumping ............................  36 / 7.8
        Lacing devices .....................  24 / 712
        Light thermal and electrical .......  607 / 1+
        Making see boot making .............  12
        Non-leather ........................  36 / 84+
        Occupation specialized .............  36 / 113
        Ornaments ..........................  2 / 245
        Patterns ...........................  33 / 3 R+
        Plastic ............................  36 / DIG 2
        Pricking soles .....................  83 / 866+
        Putting on and removing aids .......  223 / 113+
        Rack ...............................  211 / 34+
        Riding .............................  36 / 131
        Rubber .............................  36 / 4
        Running ............................  36 / 129
        Sandal .............................  36 / 11.5
        Sewing machines ....................  112 / 28+
        Shoehorns ..........................  223 / 118+
        Shoelace design ....................  D02 / 978
        Shoelace racks .....................  211 / 61
        Shoemakers bench ...................  12 / 122
        Skate attaching ....................  280 / 11.3+
        Ski ................................  36 / 117.1+
        Slippers for inside ................  36 / 10
        Sole attaching means ...............  36 / 12+
        Soles ..............................  36 / 25 R+
        Strap tighteners ...................  24 / 68 SK+
        Support feature ....................  36 / 88+
        Track ..............................  36 / 129
        Uppers .............................  36 / 45+
        Water proofed finish ...............  36 / 98
    Brake ..................................  188 / 250 R+
        Beam combined ......................  188 / 219.1+
        Fasteners ..........................  188 / 234+
        Momentum operated wedging ..........  188 / 136
        Railway chock roller type ..........  188 / 37
        Railway side .......................  188 / 59
        Railway top ........................  188 / 57
        Railway track rotary ...............  188 / 39
        Vehicle fender combined ............  293 / 8
        Vehicle type top ...................  188 / 29
        Wagon type retreating ..............  188 / 15
        Wear compensation ..................  188 / 215
        Wheel rotary .......................  188 / 80
    Bridge truss ...........................  14 / 15
    Cleaning see polishing & cleaning  
    Cleat or spike .........................  D02 / 962
    Demonstration ..........................  434 / 397
    Filling compositions ...................  106 / 38
    Flatiron attachments ...................  38 / 97
    Harvester cutter member ................  56 / 303
        Track clearers with socket .........  56 / 318
    Horn ...................................  223 / 118+
        Design .............................  D02 / 642
    Lace ...................................  D02 / 978
    Lace tip applier .......................  29 / 243.57
    Panel hangers or travelers .............  16 / 93 R+
    Pedals with clips for ..................  74 / 594.6
    Plow ...................................  172 / 764
        Body shoe and guide ................  172 / 764
    Polishing and cleaning  
        Applicator carried by closure ......  401 / 126+
        Brushing machine ...................  15 / 36+
        Brushing machine with polish .......  15 / 30
        Supply .............................  15 / 30+
        Composition ........................  106 / 3+
        Implement with material supply .....  401
        Mitts cots and shoes ...............  15 / 227
        Shoe blacking stands ...............  15 / 265+
        Shoe impregnated or coated with ....  15 / 104.94
        Cleaning material ..................  15 / 104.94
    Rack ...................................  211 / 34+
    Railway switch point throwers ..........  246 / 269
    Safety .................................  36 / 77 R
    Shine kit ..............................  D03 / 200
    Shine machine ..........................  D32 / 14.1
    Shine stand with seat ..................  D06 / 334+
    Shoehorn ...............................  D02 / 642
    Snow ...................................  36 / 122+
    Third rail collector ...................  191 / 49
    Trees ..................................  12 / 114.2+
        Design .............................  D02 / 979
    Vehicle (see brake)  
        Earth working tool with ............  172
        Fender with car control ............  293 / 8
        Railway draft central ..............  213 / 36
        Friction post ......................  213 / 36
        Railway draft friction casing ......  213 / 32 R+
        Railway draft spring and ...........  213 / 24
        Friction ...........................  213 / 24
        Two wheeled scoop with .............  37 / 439
    Water ..................................  441 / 76+
    Well casing ............................  166 / 242.8
        With cutting or scraping means .....  175 / 402
        With screen ........................  166 / 157
Shooting Gallery Game ......................  D21 / 306+
Shooting Lines  
    Fishing apparatus ......................  43 / 6
    Line carrying ammunition ...............  102 / 504
        Bomb lances ........................  102 / 371
    Line projector or projectile ...........  182 / 50
        Explosive ..........................  89 / 1.34
Shooting Targets ...........................  D21 / 302+
Shopping Bag ...............................  383 / 6
    Handle attaching ......................  493 / 226
Shopping, Electronic .......................  340 / 5.9+
    Computerized ...........................  705 / 26+
    Earth control ..........................  405 / 272
        Mine roof props ....................  405 / 288+
        Trench walls .......................  405 / 282+
Short Circuit  
    For arc lamps ..........................  314 / 10+
    For incandescent lamps .................  315 / 119+
    Safety device ..........................  174 / 5 R
    Safety system ..........................  361 / 1+
Shortening .................................  426 / 601+
    Code ...................................  283 / 46
        Writing form .......................  283 / 45
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 158+
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 91+
    Blasting ...............................  72 / 53
        Metal working digest ...............  29 / DIG 36
    Cartridges .............................  102 / 448+
    Earth boring by ........................  175 / 54
    Making .................................  86 / 57+
    Metal making  
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 6+
        Processes ..........................  264 / 5+
Shotgun ....................................  D22 / 103
Shotguns (See Rifle) ......................  42
    Design .................................  D22 / 103
Shot-Put ...................................  482 / 22
    Cleaning machine .......................  15 / 95+
        Methods ............................  134 / 7
    Braces pads and supports ...............  2 / 45
        Back and ...........................  2 / 44
        Body protecting ....................  2 / 459+
        Brassiere combined .................  450 / 2
        Corset or girdle combined ..........  450 / 96
        Garment shaping ....................  2 / 268
        Garment supporting .................  2 / 305
    Rests for violinists ...................  84 / 280
        Combined with chin rest ............  84 / 278
    Tang holding chuck .....................  279 / 89+
    Crane ..................................  212 / 243
    Excavating .............................  37 / 379+
        Design .............................  D08 / 10
    Hand manipulable .......................  294 / 49+
        Design .............................  D08 / 10
        Blanks and processes ...............  76 / 113
        Dies ...............................  72 / 470+
    Plow or cultivator type ................  172 / 768
    Railway car loading ....................  414 / 340+
    Repositioning support to load or .......  414 / 349+
    Unload .................................  414 / 349+
    Snow ...................................  294 / 54.5
    Train of vehicles ......................  414 / 339
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 114+
        Design .............................  D06 / 432+
        Outdoor type .......................  312 / 102
    Illumination ...........................  362 / 125
    Joint between glass walls ..............  312 / 140
    Show or picture window .................  52 / 777+
    Show or picture window .................  52 / 764+
Shower (See Sprinkling)  
    Bath ...................................  4 / 615+
        Hot air combined ...................  4 / 525+
        Surgical ...........................  607 / 81+
    Design .................................  D23 / 283
    Design, cap ............................  D02 / 867+
    Heads ..................................  239 / 548+
        Design .............................  D23 / 213+
    Temperature control of water ...........  236 / 12.1+
Shrapnel ...................................  102 / 491+
Shredded Cereal Biscuit ....................  426 / 560
    Apparatus ..............................  425 / 289+
    Design .................................  D01
Shredders and Shredding ....................  241
    Metal ..................................  29 / 4.51+
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 2+
Shrink Fit (See Shrunk Fit)  
    Metal bands by hammering or ............  72 / 399
    Pressing ...............................  72 / 399+
    Shrink fitting .........................  29 / 447
        Metal working digest ...............  29 / DIG 35
    Testing for ............................  73 / 159+
    Textiles ...............................  26 / 18.5
        Thread compacting ..................  26 / 18.6
    Tire ...................................  72 / 292
Shrinkproofing Fabrics .....................  26 / 18.5+
Shrunk Fit  
    Joints .................................  285 / 381.1+
Shuffleboard ...............................  273 / 126 R
    Design .................................  D21 / 321
    For electromagnet ......................  335 / 236+
    Resistor ...............................  338 / 49
        With meter .........................  324 / 126
    Architectural design ...................  D25 / 47+
    Camera .................................  396 / 452+
        Automatic control ..................  396 / 213+
        Copying camera .....................  355 / 71
        Curtain ............................  396 / 479+
        Delayed releaser ...................  396 / 472+
        Diaphragm ..........................  396 / 505+
        Focal plane ........................  396 / 452+
        Image projector ....................  353 / 88+
        Iris type ..........................  396 / 493+
        Mechanical testing .................  73 / 1.42+
        Motion picture .....................  352 / 204+
        Optical testing ....................  73 / 1.42+
        Pivoted leaves .....................  396 / 493+
        Sliding plate ......................  396 / 483+
    Check controlled .......................  194
    Curtain shade or screen combined .......  160 / 104
    Fastener or hook for ...................  D08 / 349+
    Ladder convertible .....................  182 / 21
    Operator ...............................  49 / 324+
    Projector illuminating .................  362 / 277+
    X ray ..................................  378 / 160
    Boxes ..................................  139 / 183
    Braiding tatting and netting ...........  87 / 54+
    Changing in looms ......................  139 / 234+
    Gripper ................................  139 / 196.2+
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 185+
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 232+
        Design .............................  D15 / 72
    Threaders ..............................  139 / 381+
        Sewing machine .....................  242 / 484.7+
        Tatting ............................  242 / 472
Shuttlecock ................................  473 / 579+
    Design .................................  D21 / 711
Sialon Refractory Compositions .............  501 / 98.1
    Hand manipulable .......................  30 / 309
    Machine using ..........................  56 / 229+
Side Lights ................................  362 / 503+
Side Lock (See Lock)  
Sidearms ...................................  D22 / 100+
Sidebar, Cylinder Lock .....................  70 / 496
    Cabinet ................................  312
        Design .............................  D06 / 432+
        Fully enclosed storage .............  D06 / 432+
    Dumping vehicle ........................  298
    Refrigerator combined ..................  62 / 258
Sidehill Implement  
    Harvester platform adjustment ..........  56 / 209
    Land vehicle body levelling ............  280 / 6.154+
    Plows ..................................  172 / 204+
    Steam traction vehicle boiler ..........  180 / 39
    Levelling ..............................  180 / 39
    Tank or boiler .........................  280 / 7
Sideslip ...................................  73 / 180
Siding .....................................  52 / 474+
    Shingle type ...........................  52 / 518+
    Liquid material ........................  210 / 348+
    Solid material .........................  209 / 233+
Sifter and Sifting (See Screen)  
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 210.5
    Dispenser combined .....................  222 / 189.02+
    Kitchen utensil ........................  D07 / 667
    Pneumatic conveyor intake ..............  406 / 121
    Potato diggers .........................  171 / 71+
    Potato diggers .........................  171 / 111+
    Separating solids  
        Combined operations ................  209 / 12.1+
        Comminuting surface apertured ......  241 / 83
        For ................................  241 / 83+
        Comminution and gas borne ..........  241 / 49
        Material ...........................  241 / 49+
        Comminution combined ...............  241 / 68+
    Stove ashpan ...........................  126 / 244
    Bow, arrow .............................  33 / 265
    Dispenser inspection ...................  222 / 154+
    Drift ..................................  33 / 320
    Feed lubricator ........................  184 / 96+
    Glass liquid level gauge ...............  73 / 323+
    Gun ....................................  42 / 111+
        Design .............................  D22 / 109
        Design, telescopic .................  D16 / 132
        Fiducial telesopes .................  356 / 247+
        Illuminated sights .................  362 / 110
    Letter box signal ......................  232 / 34+
    Line controlled scriber ................  33 / 20.1+
    Opening in umbrella ....................  135 / 33.7
    Projector ..............................  362 / 383
    Telescopes .............................  359 / 429+
Sign and Sign Exhibiting ...................  40 / 584+
    Circuit control flashing light etc .....  40 / 902*
    Clerical desk article combined .........  40 / 358
    Directional design .....................  D20 / 29+
    Electric signal display system .........  345+
    Fiber optics, eg light pipe ............  40 / 547
    Frame ..................................  D19 / 52
    Illuminated ............................  40 / 541+
    Illumination itself ....................  362 / 812*
    Mirror having changing effect ..........  40 / 900*
    Mounting bracket .......................  D08 / 354+
    Out-to-lunch type signs ................  40 / 907*
    Pen and pencil x-art collection ........  40 / 905*
    Reflecting triangle for highway use ....  40 / 903*
    Roadway warning ........................  D20 / 10+
    Sound x-art collection .................  40 / 906*
    Street .................................  40 / 612
    Supports ...............................  248 / 466+
    Towed through sky ......................  40 / 215
    Tv or radio program indicator ..........  40 / 901*
    Vehicle motion and direction ...........  116 / 42+
    Warning reflector or flasher ...........  D10 / 114+
    Window shade ...........................  160 / 10
Sign, Illuminated ..........................  362 / 812*
Signal .....................................  116
    Acoustic ...............................  116 / 67 R+
        Bells ..............................  116 / 148+
        Horns ..............................  116 / 137 R+
        Sirens .............................  116 / 147+
        Whistles ...........................  116 / 137 R+
    Alarms .................................  116 / 67 R+
    Amplifier condition ....................  330 / 2
    Annunciators ...........................  340 / 815.4+
    Arc lamp ...............................  314 / 9
    Automobile horns .......................  116 / 137 R+
    Awakening device (see awakener)  
    Balloons ...............................  116 / DIG 9
    Bank protection ........................  109 / 21
    Beverage infuser .......................  99 / 285
    Bicycle bells ..........................  116 / 166
    Boiler combined ........................  122 / 504.2
    Brake wear .............................  188 / 1.11
    Buoy ...................................  116 / 26+
    Burglar electric .......................  340 / 541+
    Burglar mechanical .....................  116 / 6+
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 234
    Calculator or register combined ........  235 / 128
    Check controlled apparatus  
        Check in circuit ...................  194 / 304+
        Check operated switch ..............  194 / 239+
    Clock alarm ............................  368 / 244+
        Electrically operated ..............  368 / 250+
    Closure position .......................  49 / 13
    Code signalling ........................  116 / 18+
    Coin operated ..........................  194
    Consumable electrode ...................  314 / 9
    Conveyer power driven ..................  198 / 502.1+
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 342+
    Design, instruments ....................  D10 / 104+
    Detonating (see detonators, signal  
    And indicators)  
    Dispenser combined .....................  222 / 23+
    Distance measurement combined ..........  33 / 740+
        Cutting combined ...................  83 / 522.11+
        Tearing combined ...................  225 / 18
    Drawbridge .............................  14 / 49
    Dropping, ordnance .....................  89 / 1.51+
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 40+
    Electric ...............................  340
        Alarms .............................  340 / 500+
        Arc lamp ...........................  314 / 9
        Extinguisher combined ..............  340 / 289
        Float gauge combined ...............  73 / 308
        Lamp system ........................  315 / 129+
        Noise or unwanted signal ...........  367 / 901*
        Reduction ..........................  367 / 901*
        Radio analog .......................  455
        Radio directive ....................  343
        Radio pulse or digital .............  375
        Telegraphy .........................  178
        Telephony ..........................  379
        Vehicle mounted ....................  340 / 425.5+
        Electric ...........................  187 / 391+
            Alarm ..........................  187 / 390
        Mechanical .........................  116 / 64
        Mechanical alarm ...................  116 / 68
    Expansible chamber motor combined ......  91 / 1
    Fire alarm  
        Extinguisher combined ..............  340 / 289
        Flame ..............................  340 / 577+
        Smoke ..............................  340 / 628+
        Systems ............................  340 / 287+
        Thermal control ....................  340 / 584+
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 18
    Fire extinguisher combined .............  169 / 23
    Fishing ................................  43 / 16
        Automatic hooker ...................  43 / 17
    Flags & flagstaffs .....................  116 / 173+
    Flexible panel combined ................  160 / 10
    Float gauge combined ...................  73 / 307+
    Foghorn ................................  116 / 137 R
        Electric actuation .................  340 / 384.1+
    Folder carried indicia .................  40 / 359
    Foot operated linkage ..................  74 / 514
    Gas separator combined .................  96 / 417+
    Illuminated by locomotive ..............  362 / 478+
    Headlight ..............................  362 / 478+
    Index card .............................  283 / 36+
    Lamp for vehicle .......................  D26 / 28
    Lamp or reflector ......................  D10 / 111+
    Lantern ................................  362 / 166+
    Letter box .............................  232 / 34+
    Life in undertaking ....................  27 / 31
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 85+
    Lock condition .........................  70 / 441
    Masts and flagstaffs ...................  116 / 173+
    Mechanical .............................  116
    Mirror combined ........................  359 / 515+
    Nautical ...............................  116 / 26+
    Open top liquid heating vessel .........  126 / 388.1
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 1.51+
    Periodic ...............................  116 / 22 R+
    Pneumatic dispatch .....................  406 / 34+
    Press combined .........................  100 / 99
    Pyrotechnic ............................  102 / 335+
        Cartridge ..........................  102 / 346
        Design .............................  D22 / 112+
        Parachute flares ...................  102 / 337+
        Railway torpedos ...................  246 / 487
        Skyrocket ..........................  102 / 347+
        Torches ............................  102 / 336+
    Railway ................................  246
        Audible and other signal ...........  246 / 217
        Audible for switch .................  246 / 217
        Block signal systems ...............  246 / 20+
        Bridge warning .....................  246 / 486
        Cab signal .........................  246 / 167 R+
        Crossing signal on train ...........  246 / 208
        Dispatching combined ...............  246 / 2 R+
        Drawbridge protection ..............  246 / 118+
        Electric actuation .................  246 / 218+
        Fluid motor actuation ..............  246 / 257+
        Grade crossing .....................  246 / 111+
        Highway crossing ...................  246 / 292+
        Highway crossing electric ..........  246 / 125+
        Interlocking .......................  246 / 131
        Mail delivery ......................  258 / 2
        Mechanical motor actuation .........  246 / 262+
        Passenger at station ...............  246 / 209
        Pilot car ..........................  246 / 166
        Roadway defect .....................  246 / 120+
        Signal car .........................  246 / 166
        Torpedo ............................  246 / 487
        Torpedo placing ....................  246 / 210+
        Traction cable .....................  104 / 179
        Train dispatching ..................  246 / 2 R
        Train position .....................  246 / 122 R+
        Tunnel warning .....................  246 / 486
        Vehicle energy actuation ...........  246 / 270 R+
        Whistle ............................  116 / 137 R+
    Recorder ...............................  346
    Recorder combined ......................  346 / 17+
    Reeling tension device .................  242 / 128
    Rudder position ........................  116 / 303
    Safes combined .........................  109 / 38+
    Security instrument ....................  D10 / 104+
    Sheet carried indicia ..................  40 / 360
    Ships telegraph ........................  116 / 21
    Speaking tubes .........................  181 / 19
    Street traffic .........................  116 / 63 R+
    Support structure ......................  246 / 415 R
        Central system .....................  379 / 242+
        Divided central ....................  379 / 310+
    Thermostatic regulator combined ........  236 / 94
    Time ...................................  368 / 243+
    Tire deflation .........................  116 / 34 R
        Electric ...........................  340 / 442
    Torpedo for railway ....................  246 / 210+
        Placing mechanism ..................  246 / 487
    Track sander combined ..................  291 / 17
    Traffic ................................  116 / 63 R
        Electric ...........................  340 / 907+
    Typewriter ribbon ......................  400 / 249+
    Underwater sound waves .................  367 / 131+
    Vehicle ................................  116 / 28 R+
    Watches alarm ..........................  368 / 244
Signal Processing By Storage and ...........  369 / 60.01
    Subsequent retrieval (e.g., ............  369 / 60.01
    Frequency shift, delay) ................  369 / 60.01
Signaling Teaching .........................  434 / 223
Signature Gatherers and Conveyors  
    Conveyor power driven ..................  198 / 644
    Machine for writing several ............  33 / 23.06
    Sheet associating ......................  270 / 58.01+
    Signing machine ........................  D18 / 21
SILASTIC™    (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Silazanes ..................................  568 / 410+
Silencer (See Insulating, Sound;  
    Muffle; noise deadening)  
    Firearm and gun ........................  89 / 14.4
    Muffler for firearm ....................  181 / 223
Silent Butler ..............................  D32 / 74
Silica .....................................  423 / 335
    Abrasive compositions containing .......  51 / 308
    Absorbents containing ..................  502 / 407+
    Aerogel for coating composition ........  106 / 287.34
    Catalysts containing ...................  502 / 232+
    Cement containing ......................  106 / 737
    Gel ....................................  516 / 98+
        Intermediate in making silica ......  423 / 338
    Glass compositions containing ..........  501 / 53+
    Glass manufacturing ....................  65
    Lime compositions containing ...........  106 / 796+
    Lubricants containing ..................  508
Silicane ...................................  556 / 465+
Silicates & Silicon Compounds, .............  423 / 324+
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 324+
    Abrasive compositions containing .......  51 / 308
    Absorbents containing ..................  502 / 407+
    Catalysts containing ...................  502 / 232+
    Coating or plastic compositions  
        Alkali metal .......................  106 / 286.7+
        Carbide ............................  501 / 87+
        Glass ..............................  501 / 11+
        Lime combined ......................  106 / 792+
        Opacifiers for enamels .............  106 / 312
        Pigments fillers aggregates ........  106 / 400+
        Portland cement type ...............  106 / 713+
        Portland cement type making ........  106 / 739+
        Refractories .......................  501 / 94+
        Slag ...............................  106 / 789+
    Detergents containing ..................  510 / 511+
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 523+
    Fertilizers containing .................  71
    Hydrofluosilicic acid ..................  423 / 341
    Lubricants containing ..................  508 / 110+
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 400+
        Esters .............................  556 / 482+
    Silica .................................  423 / 335
    Silicofluorides ........................  423 / 324
Silicic Acid ...............................  423 / 325
Silicofluoric Acid .........................  423 / 341
Silicofluorides ............................  423 / 324+
Silicol ....................................  556 / 463
Silicon (See Semiconductor .................  423 / 348
    Processing) ............................  423 / 348
        Aluminum ...........................  420 / 548
        Aluminum copper ....................  420 / 537
        Copper .............................  420 / 490
        Metallic ...........................  420 / 578
    Carbide ................................  423 / 345
    Ferro producing ........................  420 / 578
    Organic compounds in compositions ......  106 / 287.1+
    Polymers (see synthetic resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
    Room-temperature curable ...............  528 / 901*
Silicon Steel ..............................  148 / 110+
Silicone ...................................  556 / 465+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 287.13
Sililation of Polymers .....................  525 / 100+
    Artificial making  
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 66
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 67+
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 76
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 382.2
        Processes ..........................  264 / 165+
    Chemical treatment .....................  8 / 128.1+
    Degumming ..............................  8 / 138
    Fermentative treatment .................  435 / 268
    Liberating .............................  19 / 3
    Screen printing ........................  101 / 114+
        Process ............................  101 / 129
    Thread finishing .......................  28 / 217+
Silkworm Culture ...........................  119 / 270
Sill .......................................  52 / 204.1
    Railway car ............................  105 / 396+
        Weatherstrips ......................  49 / 303+
    Ceramic containing .....................  501 / 141+
    Porcelain containing ...................  501 / 141+
    Refractory containing ..................  501 / 128+
    Circular ...............................  52 / 245+
    Compacting ensilage ....................  100 / 65+
    Portable, & means for erecting .........  414 / 919*
    Prestressed ............................  52 / 223.3+
    With port ..............................  52 / 192+
Siloxanes ..................................  556 / 450+
    Resinous solids (see also synthetic ....  528 / 10+
    Resin or natural rubber) ...............  528 / 10+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 501
    Chest or box for .......................  D03 / 903*
    Composite metal stock ..................  428 / 673
    Electrodeposition ......................  205 / 263
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 571
        Mercury alloy ......................  205 / 559
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 110+
        Proteins ...........................  530 / 400
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 634+
    Chest or box for .......................  D03 / 903*
    Sorter .................................  209 / 926*
    Tray or container ......................  206 / 557
    Article dispensing .....................  221 / 24
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 920*
    Cabinets with ..........................  312 / 204
    Display ................................  40 / 538+
    Material dispensing combined ...........  222 / 80+
    Pyrotechnics ...........................  102 / 335
    Supports digest ........................  248 / 908*
    Toys ...................................  446
    Velocipedes ............................  280 / 827+
Sine Bar ...................................  33 / 536+
Sinew Removing .............................  452 / 172
    Cloth finishing ........................  26 / 3+
    Electric burner ........................  219 / 223+
    Hair combs for .........................  132 / 118
    Hogs ...................................  452 / 73
    Thread finishing .......................  28 / 239
    Warps ..................................  28 / 174
Single Crystal (See Crystallization)  
Single Grid Twin Plate Control Tube ........  313 / 303
Single Roll Crusher ........................  241 / 221+
    Horse detacher  
        From thill or evener ...............  278 / 32
        Traces from singletree .............  278 / 24+
Sink See Receptacles .......................  4
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 228
    Design .................................  D23 / 284+
    Disappearing bowl ......................  4 / DIG 2
    Drain board or tray ....................  D32 / 56
    Lining mat .............................  D32 / 57
    Plumbing for sink traps ................  4 / 679+
    Strainers and stoppers .................  4 / 286+
    Structure ..............................  4 / 619+
    Tub combined ...........................  4 / 553+
    Fishing type ...........................  43 / 43.1+
        Design .............................  D22 / 145
    Knitting machine .......................  66 / 104+
    Traps ..................................  43 / 68
Sinkhead ...................................  249 / 106
    Apparatus, ore .........................  266 / 176
        Stationary grate ...................  266 / 185
    Cellular synthetic resin or natural ....  521 / 919*
    Rubber product .........................  521 / 919*
    Ceramic composition ....................  501 / 1
    Clay ...................................  264 / 603+
    Glass granules .........................  65 / 17.3
        Apparatus ..........................  65 / 144
    Ores ...................................  75 / 746+
    Portland type cement making ............  106 / 739+
    Powder metallurgy  
        Processes ..........................  419
            Liquid phase ...................  419 / 47
        Products ...........................  75 / 228+
    Processes ..............................  432 / 1+
        Lime gypsum cement .................  106 / 765+
Sinusoidal Generator  
    Electronic tube type oscillator ........  331
    Generator structure ....................  310
    Generator system .......................  322
    Acetylene generator ....................  48 / 17
    Boiler .................................  122 / 68
    Bottle .................................  215 / 4+
        Design .............................  D07 / 300.1
        Filling ............................  141 / 14+
    Bowl ...................................  4 / 421+
    Code recorder ..........................  178 / 91
    Dispensers .............................  222 / 416
        Discharge assistant combined .......  222 / 204
    Fluid flow meter .......................  73 / 222
    Fluid handling .........................  137 / 123+
        Automatic ..........................  137 / 132+
    Lubricator .............................  184 / 85
    Plumbing ...............................  137 / 247.11+
    Syringes ...............................  604 / 131+
    Water closet  
        Siphon bowl ........................  4 / 421+
        Tank ...............................  4 / 368+
Siren ......................................  116 / 147
    Design .................................  D10 / 120
    Electric ...............................  340 / 404.1+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 205
Sirup See Syrups  
Sizing (See Assorter)  
    Bread, pastry and confections ..........  99 / 352+
    Chain making ...........................  59 / 29
    Coating compositions  
        Natural resin containing ...........  106 / 238
        Protein containing .................  106 / 124.1+
        Starch containing ..................  106 / 206.1+
    Coating processes ......................  427
    Dyeing processes combined ..............  8 / 495+
    Finger ring forming and ................  29 / 8
    Hat making .............................  223 / 10
    Paper tube making ......................  493 / 269
    Textiles chemical modification of ......  8 / 115.6
    Warp threads ...........................  28 / 178
Skate and Skaters Appliances ...............  280 / 841+
    Clamp for sharpening by abrading .......  451 / 383
    Design .................................  D21 / 760+
    Ice, powered ...........................  180 / 180+
    In-line type (design) ..................  D21 / 764
    Roller, powered ........................  180 / 180+
    Sharpening by cutting ..................  76 / 83
    Skaters supports .......................  482 / 51+
        Roundabout type ....................  472 / 1+
        With seat ..........................  297 / 5+
            And runners or wheels ..........  280
    Skating surface for ....................  472 / 88+
    Snow ...................................  280 / 600
        Design .............................  D21 / 761+
    Strap ..................................  280 / 11.3
    Water ..................................  441 / 65+
    Wheels for .............................  301 / 5.301+
Skeeball Game ..............................  273 / 352
    Axles ..................................  301 / 134+
    Fluid treating package .................  8 / 155.2
    Reeling ................................  441 / 26+
        Holders ............................  242 / 127
        Winding ............................  242 / 472.5
Skeining ...................................  28 / 291
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 373+
    Keys ...................................  70 / 394
    Plug valve .............................  251 / 310+
    Towers .................................  52 / 651.01+
Skelping Metal .............................  72 / 176+
Skewer .....................................  99 / 419+
Ski (See Aquaplane; Sled) .................  280 / 601+
    Apparel design .........................  D02 / 744+
    Bindings ...............................  280 / 611+
        Clamp type having plural ...........  280 / DIG 12
        Diverse axes clampsps ..............  280 / DIG 12
        Controlled by skier postion ........  280 / DIG 13
        Or by remote control ...............  280 / DIG 13
    Brake ..................................  280 / 604+
    Carriers ...............................  224 / 917*
    Carriers, hand .........................  294 / 147
        Case ...............................  206 / 315.1
    Clamp ..................................  280 / 814
    Design .................................  D21 / 766+
    Exercise device ........................  482 / 71
    Handle or grip design ..................  D08 / DIG 6
    Poles and sticks .......................  280 / 819+
    Presses ................................  280 / 815
    Simulators .............................  280 / 842
    Slide ..................................  472 / 90+
    Snow, ie, non-water, powered ...........  180 / 180+
        Shoe fasteners .....................  280 / 611+
        Trail groomer ......................  37 / 219+
    Teaching skiing ........................  434 / 253
    Water skis .............................  441 / 68+
        Tow line ...........................  114 / 253+
    Work holder for ........................  269 / 906*
Skid .......................................  193 / 41
    Aircraft landing gear ..................  244 / 108
        Armored resilient tire .............  152 / 167+
        Boots and shoes ....................  36 / 59 R+
        Devices for resilient tires ........  152 / 208+
    Chain applier ..........................  81 / 15.8
    Inverted vehicle .......................  280 / 32
    Platform ...............................  108 / 51.11+
        Car stop ...........................  104 / 260
        Truck ..............................  105 / 216
        Traversing hoist ...................  212 / 167
    Skidway ................................  193 / 38+
        Hoisting rope combined .............  414 / 571
        Railway ............................  104 / 134+
        Vehicle loading conveyor ...........  414 / 537+
Skillet ....................................  126 / 373.1+
    Concentrating evaporator ...............  159 / 42
    Fermentation apparatus combined ........  435 / 283.1+
    Floating separator .....................  210 / 242.1
    Froth flotation ........................  210 / 221.1
    Gravitational separator ................  210 / 513+
    Stratifiers ............................  209 / 493
Skimobile ..................................  180 / 182
Skin Diving (See Diving Apparatus)  
    Animal or fish .........................  452 / 125+
    Nut ....................................  99 / 584+
Skins and Leather ..........................  69
    Carroting of fur .......................  8 / 112
    Cutting for grafting ...................  606 / 132
        Dyeing .............................  8 / 436+
    Electrolytic treatment processes .......  205 / 692
    Fluid or chemical treatment ............  8 / 94.1 R+
        Manipulative .......................  8 / 150.5
    Forming integral skin, plastic .........  264 / 45.5+
    And non-metallic .......................  264 / 45.5+
    Chute for rotary drum ..................  193 / 10
    Furnace charging .......................  414 / 178
        Accumulating means before ..........  414 / 168
        Release ............................  414 / 168
    Loading or unloading ...................  414 / 639+
    Mortar mixer feeding ...................  366 / 39
        Liquid and .........................  366 / 36
    Vertically swinging load handler .......  414 / 680+
    Exercising devices .....................  482 / 81+
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 311+
        Rope skipping ......................  446 / 307
    Christmas tree base ....................  D11 / 130
    Electrical insulators ..................  174 / 80
    Garment ................................  2 / 211+
        Apron ..............................  2 / 48+
        Design .............................  D02 / 851+
        Forms ..............................  223 / 68+
        Hangers ............................  223 / 95+
        Hem etc markers ....................  33 / 9 R+
        Hoop skirt making ..................  223 / 6
        Protectors .........................  2 / 47
        Protectors design ..................  D02 / 860+
        Union type .........................  2 / 71+
    Machine pistons ........................  92 / 208+
    Leather ................................  69 / 9+
        Toe and heel stiffeners ............  12 / 62+
        Upper machines .....................  12 / 58
Sku Codes  
    Sensing item or product ................  705 / 23
Skullcaps ..................................  D02 / 865+
Skylight ...................................  52 / 200
    Clerestory .............................  52 / 18
Skyrockets .................................  102 / 347+
Skywriting .................................  40 / 213
Slabs (See Panel)  
    Mixing .................................  433 / 49
    Reinforced concrete ....................  52 / 600+
Slack Adjuster .............................  74 / 522
    Brakes .................................  188 / 196 R
    Cement .................................  106 / 789+
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  501 / 28
        Inorganic setting material .........  106 / 789+
        Containing .........................  106 / 789+
        Portland cement ....................  106 / 714+
    Electric welding with ..................  219 / 73
    Glass electric melting of ..............  373 / 27+
    Portland type cement making from .......  106 / 767
    Recovering metal values from ...........  75
    Separating,metallurgical ...............  266 / 227+
    Utilization other than wool  
        Apparatus ..........................  65 / 141+
        Process ............................  65 / 19+
        Compositions .......................  501 / 36
        Making apparatus ...................  425 / 6+
        Manufacturing ......................  65 / 376+
    Lime ...................................  423 / 640
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 162
Slant-Board ................................  482 / 142+
Slashing Strand Treatment ..................  28 / 178+
Slat and Slatted  
    Bed ....................................  5 / 236.1+
    Blind slat holder ......................  292 / 345
    Curtain shades and screens .............  160 / 130+
        Slats per se .......................  160 / 236
        Tenoning ...........................  144 / 199+
    Floor covering .........................  52 / 660+
    Shutter slats  
    Vehicle body top .......................  296 / 118+
    Venetian blind .........................  160 / 166.1+
    Washboards .............................  68 / 230
    Wire and slat fabric ...................  245 / 11
        Crate ..............................  217 / 51
        Making .............................  140 / 25+
    Separating from coal ...................  209
    Writing surface ........................  434 / 423+
Slaughtering ...............................  452 / 52+
Sled .......................................  280 / 845+
    Brakes .................................  188 / 8
        Automatic operator .................  188 / 128
    Design .................................  D12 / 6+
    Dumping vehicles .......................  298 / 4
    Earth working tool with ................  172 / 387+
        Scoops .............................  37 / 411
    Occupant-steered .......................  280 / 16
    Powered, eg, snowmobile ................  180 / 182+
        Shuffler, eg stepper, type .........  180 / 187
    Toboggan ...............................  280 / 18
    Water ..................................  441 / 65+
    Wheels combined ........................  280 / 8+
Sledways ...................................  104 / 134+
Sleep Sofas ................................  5 / 12.1+
    Awakeners see awakeners  
    Bag ....................................  2 / 69.5
        With bed or tent structure .........  5 / 413 R
    Car ....................................  105 / 314+
Sleeping Mask ..............................  D16 / 301
        Adjustable length ..................  2 / 269+
        Mens shirts ........................  2 / 125+
        Protectors .........................  2 / 59
        Sleeve holders .....................  24 / 15
        Sleeve holders design ..............  D02 / 625
    Appliers and removers ..................  29 / 282
        Force multiplying operator .........  29 / 244+
        Hand grippers ......................  29 / 280+
        Manufacturing type .................  29 / 234
        Manufacturing type resilient .......  29 / 235+
    Bearings ...............................  384 / 276+
        Roller .............................  384 / 569
        Rotary thrust collar and ...........  384 / 275
    Chuck pipe and rod joints ..............  403 / 300+
        Auxiliary detent operated by .......  285 / 82+
        Chucks or sockets ..................  279
        Duplicate ends intermediate ........  285 / 66
        Electric conductor .................  174 / 84 R+
        Flexible ...........................  403 / 223
        Flexible ...........................  285 / 235
        Hinged .............................  403 / 309+
        Lugged pipe locking ................  285 / 82
        Molded .............................  285 / 294.1+
        Rotary locking .....................  285 / 377
        Swivel lateral port to .............  285 / 190
    Electric conductor joint ...............  174 / 93
    Grinding process .......................  451 / 51+
    Lost motion socket type chuck ..........  279 / 19.6+
    Pendant watchcase bow fastener .........  368 / 305
    Railway axle ...........................  295 / 37
    Railway track  
        Fastenings .........................  238 / 377
        Rail joint .........................  238 / 248
        Tie plate ..........................  238 / 300
    Strand knotter .........................  289 / 12
    Tobacco pipe stem with .................  131 / 228
    Vehicle wheel stop engaging ............  301 / 122
    Wrench traveling jaw rocking ...........  81 / 105
Sleigh .....................................  280 / 845+
    Bell ...................................  116 / 170
Slicer & Slicing See Cutter ................  83 / 707
    Diminishing workpiece ..................  83 / 703+
    Vegetable meat etc .....................  83
        Corer combined .....................  99 / 545
        Parer corer doffer combined ........  99 / 543
    Wood ...................................  144 / 162.1+
        Scoring combined ...................  144 / 42+
        Turning ............................  142
    Amusement ..............................  472 / 116+
        Design .............................  D21 / 818+
        For gliding vehicle (e.g., .........  472 / 88+
        Ski) ...............................  472 / 88+
    Bearings ...............................  384 / 7+
    Buckles ................................  24 / 190
    Clasps .................................  24 / 522+
    Educational display ....................  434 / 405
    Fastener (see also zipper) ............  24 / 381+
    Holder .................................  D16 / 236
    Machine tools  
        Lathe ..............................  82 / 132+
        Milling machine ....................  409 / 145+
        Turret .............................  29 / 36+
        Way guard ..........................  384 / 15+
    Projector ..............................  353
        Frame ..............................  40 / 701
        Slide holder .......................  206 / 456
    Rest ...................................  82 / 137+
    Surface ................................  108 / 65+
    Table combined .........................  384 / 7+
    Viewer, photographic ...................  D16 / 233
Slide Rule .................................  D18 / 9+
    Bar type ...............................  235 / 70 R
    Circular ...............................  235 / 78 R+
    Cylinder type ..........................  235 / 79.5
    Disk type ..............................  235 / 84
    Teaching device for music ..............  84 / 471 SR
    Pole ...................................  182 / 100
    Animal restraining .....................  119 / 725
        Design .............................  D30 / 151
        Hopple combined ....................  119 / 818
        On livestock carrying vehicle ......  119 / 409
        With alarm .........................  340 / 573.1+
    Cartridge ..............................  224 / 602+
    Centrifugal projector ..................  124 / 4+
    For firearms ...........................  42 / 85
    Hand package ...........................  294 / 152+
    Hoist line .............................  294 / 74+
    Invalid lift ...........................  5 / 89.1
    Knapsack ...............................  224 / 627+
        With belt ..........................  224 / 637+
    Liquid .................................  239 / 214+
    Surgical ...............................  602 / 4
    Vehicle towing .........................  414 / 563
    Centrifugal liquid projector ...........  239 / 214+
    Gas and liquid contact .................  261 / 84+
    Refrigerator defrost liquid ............  62 / 280
    Sand mold compactor ....................  164 / 198+
    Seal for a joint or juncture ...........  277 / 423+
Slingshot ..................................  124 / 17+
    Design .................................  D22 / 106
Slip See Apparel  
    Covers for chairs and seats ............  297 / 219.1+
    Drill pipe or rod ......................  175 / 423
    Ferry slip .............................  114 / 231
    Key slip for musical instrument ........  84 / 80
    Rings electric .........................  310 / 232
    Ship building and repairing ............  405 / 1
    Undergarment ...........................  D02 / 721+
        Half slip ..........................  D02 / 722
    Well ...................................  166 / 206+
        Packer or plug combined ............  166 / 118+
Slipper (See Shoe)  
    Fleeced soles ..........................  36 / 26
    Inside .................................  36 / 10
    Dental crown ...........................  433 / 145
    Shoe machines  
        Folding uppers combined ............  12 / 55.1
        Grooving soles combined ............  12 / 40
        Welt beveling combined .............  112 / 44
        Ash receiver combined ..............  131 / 233
        End cutter combined ................  131 / 252
        End slitter ........................  131 / 253+
        Molding perforating cutting ........  131 / 83.1
        Combined ...........................  131 / 83.1
    Webs ...................................  83 / 425+
    Winding combined rotary cutter .........  242 / 525.6+
Sliver and Sliver Making  
    Assembling .............................  368 / 102+
    Cans ...................................  19 / 159 A
    Forming ................................  19 / 150+
    Stopping apparatus control .............  19
    Winding ................................  242 / 472.1+
    Wood ...................................  144 / 185+
Slot and Slotted  
    Airfoils ...............................  244 / 198+
    Antenna ................................  343 / 767+
    Bedstead corner fastening ..............  5 / 299
    Bedstead pivoted leg shoulder and ......  5 / 314.1+
    Forming (see specific tools;  
    Hinge ..................................  16 / 357+
    Machine slot closers ...................  74 / 566
        Gauge combined .....................  83 / 522.11+
        Milling ............................  409 / 64+
        Planing ............................  409 / 304+
        Punching ...........................  83
        Wood cutting .......................  144 / 136.1+
    Punching bolt cotter slots .............  470 / 161
        Couplings ..........................  213 / 75 R+
        Pneumatic car propulsion ...........  104 / 155
        Slot closers air sealing ...........  104 / 161
        Slot closers cable traction ........  104 / 194
        Slot switches cable traction .......  104 / 195
        Slotted pavement conduit ...........  104 / 140+
        Track slot brake ...................  188 / 40
    Slot machines ..........................  194
    Trolley rail two tread slotted .........  104 / 108
    Tube ...................................  104 / 108
Slub Detecting .............................  28 / 227+
Slubbing ...................................  19 / 237
    Activated sludge  
        Collector and remover ..............  210 / 523+
        Gas & liquid contact devices .......  261 / 75+
        Processes ..........................  210 / 601+
        Submerged fluid treating ...........  210 / 220+
        Surface contact aeration ...........  210 / 150+
        Apparatus ..........................  210 / 150+
    Collector and remover  
        Acetylene generator ................  48 / 57
        Earth boring combined ..............  175 / 206+
        Fat etc recovery from ..............  554 / 177+
        Mineral oils .......................  208 / 13
Sluer and Sluing  
    Rotary crane ...........................  212 / 223+
        Cyclic .............................  212 / 286
        Mechanism ..........................  212 / 245+
    Track layer ............................  104 / 8
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 12+
Slurry (See Sludge)  
    Coal-type fuel in liquid ...............  44 / 280+
    Nuclear fuel ...........................  376 / 356+
Small Arms See Gun  
Smart Card  
    For sales tax payment ..................  705 / 19
    For electronic funds transfer ..........  705 / 39
        For remote banking .................  705 / 42
            Using an atm ...................  705 / 43
            With encrypted data ............  705 / 70
        Requiring authorization ............  705 / 44
        To pay bills .......................  705 / 40
        With paper check handling ..........  705 / 44
        With reader ........................  705 / 41
    For parking garage access ..............  705 / 13
    For purchasing postage .................  705 / 403
    For redeeming electronic coupons .......  705 / 14
    For secure, encrypted transactions .....  705 / 65
        Balancing account ..................  705 / 68
        Detecting double spending ..........  705 / 69
        With authentication ................  705 / 67
    For updating checkbook .................  705 / 33
    Initializing or reloading ..............  705 / 66
    Third party billing for business .......  705 / 53
    Data processing ........................  705 / 53
Smelting Metal  
    Apparatus ..............................  266
    Electrothermic .........................  75 / 10.1+
    Furnaces ...............................  432 / 120+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 414
Smocking ...................................  112 / 133
    Bells ..................................  362 / 379
        Boiler .............................  122
        Draft regulators ...................  110 / 157+
        Spark arresters ....................  110 / 122+
    Coating by .............................  427 / 248.1+
    Compositions ...........................  516 / 1+
    Conductors for locomotives .............  110 / 145+
    Curing and smoke houses ................  99 / 467+
        Ionization .........................  250 / 381
            With alarm .....................  340 / 629
        Measuring device ...................  356 / 438
        Optical system .....................  250 / 574
        Photoelectric ......................  250 / 573+
            With alarm .....................  340 / 630
    Disposition ............................  95
        Arc lamps ..........................  314 / 26+
    Electrical precipitator ................  96 / 15+
        Processes ..........................  95 / 57+
    Elimination ............................  95
        By return to fire box ..............  110 / 203+
        By separating flue gases ...........  110 / 148
    Heating cars by smoke ..................  237 / 12.5
    Indicators .............................  356 / 438
    Jacks ..................................  104 / 52
    Miscellaneous stacks ...................  110 / 184
    Monitors ...............................  356 / 438
    Ovens smoke pipe heated ................  126 / 17
        Buoys ..............................  441 / 19
        By materials sprinkled on fuel .....  44 / 641
        Cartridges .........................  102 / 334
        Drop bombs .........................  102 / 334
        Food smoking .......................  99 / 467+
        Fumigators .........................  422 / 305+
        Grenades ...........................  102 / 334
        Plant frost preventing .............  47 / 2
        Processes ..........................  516 / 1+
        Projectiles ........................  102 / 334
        Shells .............................  102 / 334
        Signals ............................  116 / 214
        Smudge pots ........................  126 / 59.5
        Toys ...............................  446 / 24+
        Vermin and bee smokers .............  43 / 127+
        Warfare gases ......................  424 / 40
        Warship smoke screens ..............  114 / 15
    Protection from  
        Masks ..............................  128 / 206.12+
        Oxygen inhalers ....................  128 / 205.27+
    Purifying and washing apparatus ........  96 / 243+
        Process ............................  95 / 149+
    Recorders ..............................  356 / 438
    Reduced smoke or gas generation in .....  521 / 903*
    Cellular polymer .......................  521 / 903*
    Return to fire .........................  110 / 203+
    Separating from gases ..................  95
    Stacks .................................  110 / 184
        Chimneys ...........................  454 / 1+
        Masonry and concrete ...............  52 / 245+
        Ships ..............................  114 / 187
        Smoke box combined .................  110 / 121
        Smoke jacks ........................  104 / 52
        Stove pipes ........................  126 / 307 R+
    Sticks .................................  452 / 186
    Tobacco smoking devices ................  131 / 330+
    Toy smoking devices ....................  446 / 24+
    Track sanding by smoke and .............  291 / 4
    Cinders ................................  291 / 4
Smoking Items (See Cigarette; ..............  D27 / 100
    Tobacco) ...............................  D27 / 100
    Anti smoking devices ...................  131 / 270
        Ash receiver and cleaner ...........  131 / 232
        Combined ...........................  131 / 232
        Cleaners ...........................  131 / 243+
        Design .............................  D27
    Holder for diverse items, eg ...........  224 / 278
    Matchbox attached to ashtray ...........  224 / 278
Smoothing(See Ironing Devices; Press) .....  38
    Cigar or cigarette tip or ..............  131 / 89
    Mouthpiece applying ....................  131 / 89+
        Combined with making ...............  131 / 30
    Filter .................................  333 / 181+
    Leather ................................  69
    Metal burnishing .......................  29 / 90.01+
    Thread finishing .......................  28 / 219+
    Tobacco treatment ......................  131 / 324+
        Leaf stemming combined .............  131 / 315+
Smudge Pot .................................  D23 / 334
Smut Removal From Grain  
    Abrasion or impact grain scouring ......  426 / 481+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 516+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 600+
    Brushing etc machines ..................  15 / 3.1+
    Cereal comminuting processes ...........  241 / 6+
    Cereal food ............................  426 / 481+
        Preservation .......................  426 / 321+
    Liquid cleaning of bulk material .......  134 / 25.1
    Tumbling abrading ......................  451 / 328+
        Processes ..........................  451 / 32+
    Bit for animals ........................  54 / 8
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 12+
    Electricians ...........................  254 / 134.3 R
    Plumbers ...............................  15 / 104.33
Snapper ....................................  56 / 113+
    Acting regulators ......................  236 / 48 R
    Actions ................................  74 / 20+
        Temperature and humidity ...........  236 / 48 R
        Regulators .........................  236 / 48 R
        Valve ..............................  251 / 75
    Clothing fasteners .....................  D11 / 220+
    Dispenser outlet element ...............  222 / 498+
    Glass work holder ......................  269
    Halter .................................  119 / 776
    Hook ...................................  24 / 598.4+
        Buckle combined ....................  24 / 165
    Separable fastener type ................  24 / 572.1+
    Snap ring ..............................  24 / 16 R
    Switch .................................  200 / 402+
    Whiplash combined ......................  231 / 5
    Binder device releasably engaging ......  402
    Aperture or notch of sheet .............  402
Snare Drum .................................  84 / 415+
Snarling Irons .............................  72 / 399+
Sneakers,Footwear ..........................  D02 / 902+
Snelling ...................................  242 / 448+
    Hand tool ..............................  242 / 442
Snip (See Shears)  
Sniperscope See Snooperscope  
    Infrared converter tube ................  313 / 525+
        With electric circuit ..............  315 / 10+
Snore Inhibiting Devices  
    Design .................................  D24 / 164
    Sleep inhibting alarm ..................  340 / 575
    Surgical electrical system .............  607 / 2+
Snorkel ....................................  128 / 201.11
    Apparatus for making ...................  239 / 14.1
    Artificial .............................  106
    Blower .................................  37 / 244+
    Compressor .............................  37 / 225+
    Exhibitor ..............................  40
    Fences .................................  256 / 12.5
        Compressor combined ................  37 / 226
        Earth thawing ......................  405 / 131
        Excavator combined .................  37 / 227+
        Melting furnaces ...................  126 / 343.5 R
        Railway switch .....................  246 / 428
        River surface ......................  405 / 61
        Surface heaters ....................  126 / 271.1+
        By spraying water ..................  62 / 121
        Congealing sprayed water ...........  62 / 74
    Melting ................................  37 / 227+
        By electricity .....................  219 / 213+
        Compositions .......................  252 / 70
    Plow (see road and track clearers) ....  37 / 196+
        Design .............................  D15 / 11+
        Scraper ............................  37 / 266+
    Production .............................  239 / 2.2
        By comminuting ice .................  241
    Road and track clearers ................  37 / 196+
        Excavator and melter ...............  37 / 227+
        Railway excavator ..................  37 / 198+
        Railway track clearers .............  104 / 279+
        Sledded scoops .....................  37 / 264+
        Sledded scrapers ...................  37 / 270+
        Snow compressor ....................  37 / 225+
    Roof stop ..............................  52 / 24+
    Shoes ..................................  36 / 122+
        Design .............................  D21 / 768
    Shovel .................................  294 / 54.5
    Simulation of on theatrical stage ......  472 / 65
    Skates .................................  280 / 600
        Design .............................  D21 / 760+
    Snowfall simulation ....................  40 / 410
    Suit ...................................  D02 / 744
    Vehicle trailer ........................  D12 / 6+
Snubber (See Dashpot; Shock Absorber)  
    Crane boom .............................  212 / 326
Snuffer, Flame .............................  431 / 129+
Snuffer, Flame .............................  431 / 144+
    Candle .................................  431 / 35
    Candle .................................  431 / 144
    Bar ....................................  510 / 447+
        Designs ............................  D28 / 8.1+
        Holder,design ......................  D06 / 532+
        Laundry ............................  510 / 294
        Sponge pocketed for ................  401 / 201
        Toilet .............................  510 / 141+
    Bubble devices .........................  446 / 15+
    Detergent containing ...................  510
        Biocide combined ...................  510 / 382+
        Oxidant combined ...................  510 / 367+
    Dispenser ..............................  241 / 602*
    Dye ....................................  8 / 525
    Fatty acid .............................  554 / 1+
    From mixture of acids ..................  252 / 367.1+
    Heat exchange compositions .............  252 / 79
    Containing .............................  252 / 79
    Holding and feeding  
        Applicator combined ................  401 / 143+
        Bracket-type holder ................  248 / 200+
        Clothes washer combined ............  68 / 17 R
        Devices ............................  206 / 77.1
        Dispenser type .....................  222
        Suspended-type holder ..............  248 / 317+
        Washboard combined .................  68 / 224
    Liquid soap dispenser ..................  D06 / 542+
    Lubricants containing ..................  508 / 110+
    Making .................................  252 / 367.1
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 129.1
        Cutters for ........................  83
        Molding devices ....................  425 / 289+
    Natural resin acid .....................  530 / 200
    Natural resin metal salts ..............  530 / 200+
    Rosin metal salts ......................  530 / 224+
    Shaving ................................  424 / 73+
        Kit, brush or soap retained ........  401 / 118
        Kit, with toilet articles, eg ......  132 / 289
            Mirror .........................  132 / 291
Soccer .....................................  473 / 415+
    Goal ...................................  473 / 478
Social Sciences  
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  704 / 1+
Socket (See Joints, Ball & Socket) ........  279 / 9.1+
    Artificial body members  
        Leg sockets ........................  623 / 33+
    Barrel hoop ............................  217 / 90
    Bracket article holder .................  248 / 314
    Brush and broom support ................  248 / 111+
    Car body stake .........................  296 / 43
    Castor .................................  16 / 43
    Electric connections ...................  439
        Adaptor ............................  439
        Adaptor socket .....................  439 / 638+
        With resistor ......................  338 / 220
    Fastenings and connections .............  279
        Cord and rope ......................  24 / 136 L+
        Railway screw spike ................  238 / 373
        Railway spike ......................  238 / 371
        Separable head and .................  24 / 572.1+
    Framing ................................  403 / 187+
    Light ..................................  439 / 660+
    Machine and tool part  
        Brush tuft .........................  15 / 191.1+
        Chucks .............................  279
        Tool handle fastenings .............  403
        Work holder wood ...................  142 / 57
    Masonry anchor .........................  52 / 704+
    Pipe rod and shaft joints ..............  279
        Flexible shaft .....................  464
        Rod ................................  403 / 361
        Rotatable rod in ...................  403 / 165
        Seal for a joint or juncture  
            Dynamic ........................  277 / 507
            Static dome, cup or bell .......  277 / 635
            Shaped .........................  277 / 635
    Whip ...................................  280 / 170+
    Wrenches ...............................  81 / 121.1+
Socks ......................................  D02 / 980+
Sod Cutters ................................  172 / 19+
Soda and Potash ............................  423
    Carbon compound ........................  423 / 421
    Oxygen compound ........................  423 / 641
    Recovery ...............................  423 / 179
Soda Fountain  
    Cabinet structure, ie syrup ............  312
    Compartments ...........................  312
        With dispensing ....................  222 / 173+
    Soda water apparatus see  
    Carbonation; dispensing; foam  
        Design .............................  D07 / 300.1+
Soderberg Electrode Arc Furnace ............  373 / 60
    Electrolytic apparatus .................  204 / 225+
Sodium (See Alkali Metal)  
    Amalgam ................................  420 / 526
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 558
    Chloride dissolver .....................  422 / 902*
    Organic compounds ......................  260 / 665 R
    Preparation ............................  75 / 745
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 589+
    Valve cooled by ........................  123 / 41.16
        Making .............................  29 / 888.45
    Vapor lamps ............................  313 / 567+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 12.1+
        Construction elements ..............  5 / 52
    Chairs and seats .......................  297 / 232+
        Design .............................  D06 / 334
        Swing type .........................  297 / 282
    Exercise ...............................  482 / 142+
    Table bed type .........................  5 / 7
Soft Drinks ................................  426 / 590+
    Carbonated .............................  426 / 590+
    Leather ................................  69
    Water ..................................  210
        Ion exchange process ...............  210 / 660+
    Prevention of illegal copying by .......  705 / 58
    Program identifier .....................  705 / 58
    Gas content testing ....................  73 / 19.09
    Handlers or conveyors ..................  172 / 33
    Mixer,machinery design .................  D15 / 19
    Software development ...................  717
    Stabilizing compositions ...............  106 / 900*
    Treatment machinery,design .............  D15 / 21
Soil Life Extenders ........................  504 / 113
Sol (See Colloid Systems Dispersing; .......  516 / 9
    Suspensoids) ...........................  516 / 9+
    Radioactive ............................  252 / 634+
Solanum Alkaloids ..........................  546 / 124
    Bleaching ..............................  8 / 103
    Celestial observation instruments ......  33 / 268
    Cells ..................................  136 / 243
        Systems ............................  323 / 906*
    Concentrating evaporators ..............  159 / 903+
    Cooker or warmer .......................  D07 / 324
    Crystallization process ................  23 / 295 S
    Distillation of water ..................  203 / 10+
    Driers .................................  34 / 93
    Food treatment .........................  99
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 306+
    Destruction ............................  588 / 306+
    Heat accumulator structures ............  126 / 400
    Heat collectors ........................  126 / 569+
    Heat exchange  
        Automatic control of heat ..........  165 / 236
    Heating and cooling ....................  165 / 48.1
    Heating systems ........................  237 / 1 R
    Kinestherapy ...........................  D24 / 209
    Living body treatment ..................  607 / 95+
    Panel ..................................  136 / 243
    Photovoltaic or photoelectric ..........  136 / 243
    Generator, ie solar cell ...............  136 / 243
    Power plants ...........................  60 / 641.8+
        Energizing & storage ...............  60 / 659
    Reflectors, curved surface .............  359 / 868+
    Refrigeration utilizing ................  62 / 235.1
    Spacecraft altitude control by .........  244 / 168
    Solar pressure .........................  244 / 168
    Sterilizing ............................  422 / 22+
        Apparatus ..........................  250 / 428+
    Stills .................................  202 / 234
        Distillation digest ................  203 / DIG 1
    Stoves and furnaces ....................  126 / 569+
    Thermoelectric generator ...............  136 / 206
Solder & Soldering See Alloy ...............  228 / 56.3
    Apparatus ..............................  228
        Design .............................  D08 / 30
    Blow torches ...........................  431 / 344
    Can body forming and side seam .........  228 / 17.5+
    Can head or body seam ..................  228
    Electric ...............................  219 / 129
        Fuse self soldering ................  337 / 152
        Heat ...............................  219 / 129
        Metal heating ......................  219 / 85.1
        Soldering iron .....................  219 / 227+
        With pressure ......................  219 / 85.1
    Iron ...................................  228 / 51+
        Design .............................  D10 / 46+
        Electrically heated ................  219 / 227+
        Heater portable furnace ............  126 / 236+
        Self heating with burner ...........  126 / 413+
    Permanent closure ......................  220 / 600+
    Stick ..................................  428 / 558
    Temporary closure ......................  220 / 200
    Terminals ..............................  439
        Flexible wire joint ................  403 / 206+
        Wire joining machines ..............  140 / 113+
    Forming and attaching  
        Attaching means ....................  36 / 12+
        Machines ...........................  12 / 17 R+
        Sewing machines ....................  112 / 29+
        Straighteners ......................  12 / 120.5
        Trimmers ...........................  12 / 85+
        Cleaning devices ...................  15 / 227
        Cushioned horseshoe ................  168 / 14
        Foot supporters and ................  36 / 71
        Horseshoe ..........................  168 / 26+
        Horseshoe, design ..................  D30 / 149+
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 25 R+
        Antislipping devices ...............  36 / 59 R+
            Design .........................  D02 / 962
        Attaching means ....................  36 / 12+
        Design .............................  D02 / 896+
        Design, insoles ....................  D02 / 961
        Design, protectors .................  D02 / 909
        Filling compositions ...............  106 / 38
        Insoles ............................  36 / 43+
        Interfitted heel and ...............  36 / 24.5
        Light etc application to body ......  607 / 114+
        Outsoles ...........................  36 / 25 R+
        Protectors .........................  36 / 73+
Solenoid (See Magnet)  
Solid See Liquid  
    Detectors ..............................  422 / 68.1+
Solid State Circuits and Devices See  
Solidifying (See Crystallization)  
    Borehole inclinometer  
    Earth control by .......................  405 / 263+
    Gas ....................................  62 / 601
    Liquid by cooling ......................  62 / 340+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 135+
        Process ............................  62 / 66+
    Liquid comminuting combined  
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 222+
        Processes ..........................  264 / 5+
    Liquid fuel ............................  44 / 265+
    Sugar processes ........................  127 / 58+
Solids Dissolving for Cooling ..............  62 / 4
Solids Separating and Stratifying ..........  209
Solvent (See Extracting)  
    Cleaning or detergent ..................  510 / 405+
    Composition containing .................  510 / 405+
    Coating or plastic composition for .....  106 / 311
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 364
    Extraction to recover hydrocarbon ......  585 / 833+
    Gas package or receptacle having .......  206 / .7
    Polymer dissolver ......................  422 / 901*
    Recovery by drying or distillation  
        Concentrating evaporators ..........  159
        Distillation .......................  203
        Distillation apparatus .............  202
        Drying combined ....................  34 / 72+
        Mineral oils .......................  208 / 179+
    Refrigerant combined ...................  252 / 69
    Sodium chloride & potassium ............  422 / 902*
    Chloride dissolver .....................  422 / 902*
    Treatment of coating ...................  427 / 335
        Cleaning with ......................  166 / 304
        Solid material recovering ..........  299 / 5
Sonar and Sonics  
    Flow ...................................  261 / DIG 78
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  96 / 389
        Gas separation process .............  95 / 29+
    Portable sonar devices .................  367 / 910*
    Simulators, sonar ......................  434 / 6+
    Sonar design ...........................  D10 / 46+
    Sonar time varied gain control .........  367 / 900*
    Systems ................................  367 / 900*
    Sonic tests  
        Compressional wave in fluid ........  367 / 87+
        Gas analysis .......................  73 / 24.01
        Gas content ........................  73 / 24.01
        Seismic ............................  367 / 14+
        Vibration ..........................  73 / 570+
    Vibrators ..............................  261 / DIG 48
    Wave bonding, nonmetallic  
        Apparatus ..........................  156 / 580.1+
        Process ............................  156 / 73.1+
    Wave measurers .........................  33 / 1 P
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 304
    Destruction ............................  588 / 304
    Used for lysing cells ..................  435 / 173.7
    Used in reaction to prepare ............  204 / 157.15+
    Inorganic or organic material ..........  204 / 157.15+
    Used in reaction to prepare or .........  522 / 1+
    Treat synthetic resin or ...............  522 / 1+
    Natural rubber .........................  522 / 1+
        Boiler installed ...................  122 / 390+
        Heater installed ...................  165 / 95
    Catcher ................................  126 / 280
Sorbent (See Absorbents)  
    Air contacting with refrigeration ......  62 / 271
        Process ............................  62 / 94
    Gas adsorption thermometer .............  374 / 159
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  96 / 108+
        Gas separation processes ...........  95 / 90+
    Liquefied gas  
        Producing ..........................  62 / 632+
        Storing ............................  62 / 46.1+
    Refrigeration utilizing ................  62 / 476+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 141+
        Process ............................  62 / 101+
Sorbic Acid ................................  562 / 601
Sorbitol ...................................  568 / 852+
Sorel Cement ...............................  106 / 685+
Sorghum ....................................  426 / 658+
Sorption to Recover Hydrocarbon ............  585 / 820+
Sorters and Sorting  
    Automatic machines .....................  209 / 509+
    Belts sifters ..........................  209 / 307+
    Coin ...................................  453 / 3+
    Data processing equipment ..............  D18 / 47
    Electrostatic ..........................  209 / 127.1+
    Fluid suspension .......................  209 / 132
    For paper sheets .......................  271 / 287
    Grates or sifters ......................  209 / 233+
    Machines for statistical records  
        Coded edges ........................  209 / 608
        Coded holes ........................  209 / 613
    Magnetic ...............................  209 / 212+
    Racks ..................................  211 / 10+
    Refuse treatment means .................  110 / 220
    Sheet feeding or delivery ..............  271
        By items following different .......  209 / 638
        Trajectories .......................  209 / 638
            Thrower ........................  209 / 642
    Sorting & classifying solid items ......  209
        Bottles ............................  209 / 522+
        By sensing radiant energy ..........  209 / 576+
            Bottles, jars, etc .............  209 / 524+
            Cigarettes, etc ................  209 / 536
            Laser ..........................  209 / 579
            X-ray ..........................  209 / 589
        By size ............................  209 / 659+
        By susceptibility to deform  
            Condition responsive means .....  209 / 599
            Separating means ...............  209 / 699
        Cigarettes .........................  209 / 535+
        Eggs ...............................  209 / 510+
        Electrostatic ......................  209 / 127.1+
        Fluid suspension ...................  209 / 132+
        Lumber .............................  209 / 517+
        Magnetic ...........................  209 / 212+
        Mail ...............................  209 / 900*
        Paper money ........................  209 / 534
        Preparing items for sorting ........  209 / 3.1+
        Sifting ............................  209 / 233+
        Special items ......................  209 / 509+
        Stratifiers ........................  209 / 422+
    Stratifiers ............................  209 / 422
    Weight operated ........................  209 / 645
        Condition responsive controls ......  209 / 592+
Sound (See Insulating; Recording;  
    Reproducers; acoustics)  
    Bell ...................................  116 / 148+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 392.1+
    Boxes for phonographs ..................  369 / 160+
    Building structure  
        Deadening in ventilators ...........  181 / 224
        Deadening in walls and floors ......  181 / 290+
    Camera focusing, automatic .............  396 / 105
    Cassette for recording tape ............  D14 / 475+
    (Design) ...............................  D14 / 475+
    Controls direction of travel  
        Airplane ...........................  244 / 76 R+
        Refrigeration related ..............  62 / 296
        Vibrations in overhead .............  174 / 42
        Electric conductors ................  174 / 42
    Deadening ..............................  181 / 284+
    Direction indicators ...................  181 / 125
    Ear stoppers ...........................  128 / 864+
    Equipment illuminators .................  362 / 86
    Facsimile recorders ....................  358 / 296+
    Forming sound grooves in record ........  264 / 106
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  96 / 389
        Gas separation process .............  95 / 29+
    Horn or whistle ........................  116 / 137 R+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 384.1+
    Image converter ........................  367 / 7+
    Imitation ..............................  472 / 64
    Intensity measuring ....................  73 / 646+
    Locating devices .......................  181 / 125
    Making devices, manufacture of .........  29 / 896.2+
    Meter ..................................  73
        Similar to pressure guage ..........  73 / 432.1
    Motion picture apparatus ...............  352 / 1+
    Music ..................................  84
    On film ................................  369 / 125+
        Film strip .........................  369 / 16+
        Mechanical .........................  369 / 111
    Phonograph sound box ...................  369 / 160+
    Post for violins .......................  84 / 277
    Recording and reproducing see .........  369
    Phonographs ............................  369
        Assembling process .................  29 / 896.2+
        Coating composition ................  106 / 37
        Design .............................  D14 / 199
        Electric ...........................  369 / 128+
            Speech from static memory ......  704 / 258+
        Electroforming .....................  205 / 68
        Molding apparatus ..................  425 / 406+
        Molding process ....................  264 / 106+
        Projection screen ..................  359 / 443+
        Talking picture ....................  352 / 1+
        Tape winding means .................  242 / 324+
    Records ................................  369 / 272.1+
        On magnetized wire .................  360 / 89
        Electric ...........................  381 / 433+
        Electrical selector ................  367 / 197+
        Printing ...........................  178 / 31
        Radio controlled ...................  340 / 825.72+
            Pulse responsive ...............  340 / 825.69
        Signaling ..........................  181
        Toys ...............................  446 / 175
    Responsive explosive igniters ..........  102 / 211
        Mines ..............................  102 / 427
        Mines marine .......................  102 / 416+
    Signs x-reference collection ...........  40 / 906*
    Siren ..................................  116 / 147
    Speed of sound compensation ............  367 / 902*
    Telegraph sounder ......................  178 / 98+
    Tone arms ..............................  369 / 244.1+
        Electrical pickup ..................  369 / 135
        Mechanical pickup ..................  369 / 158+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 397+
        Aerial top .........................  446 / 213+
        Figure .............................  446 / 297+
        Figure wheeled .....................  446 / 270+
        Musician ...........................  446 / 297+
        Top ................................  446 / 258
            Air actuated ...................  446 / 213+
        Wheeled ............................  446 / 409+
        Whirling ...........................  446 / 215
        Electrical telephone ...............  379
        Mechanical telephone ...............  181 / 138
    Wave analysis ..........................  73 / 645+
    Wave exhibitor .........................  73 / 659
        Electric wave analyzer .............  324 / 76.12+
    Electromechanical bells and gongs ......  340 / 392.1+
    Telegraphic ............................  178 / 98+
    Board for pianos .......................  84 / 192+
    Depth ..................................  33 / 713+
        Compressional wave underwater ......  367 / 99+
    FATHOMETER™    electrical ..............  367 / 99+
    Rods ...................................  33 / 721+
Soups ......................................  426 / 589
Souring ....................................  8 / 137
    Agents .................................  252 / 193
Soya Bean Products  
    Beverage ...............................  426 / 598
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 125.1+
    Containing .............................  106 / 125.1+
    Extraction of oil ......................  554 / 9+
    Phosphatides ...........................  554 / 79+
    Proteins ...............................  530 / 378
    Sauce ..................................  426 / 629+
Space Discharge Devices, Electric  
    Cathode sputtering coating or ..........  204 / 298.01
    Forming apparatus ......................  204 / 298.01
    Cathode sputtering coating or ..........  204 / 192.1+
    Forming process ........................  204 / 192.1+
    Chemical apparatus .....................  204
    Chemical electric discharge ............  204 / 164+
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 186.21+
    Circuits for gas filled tubes ..........  315
    Drying and gas or vapor ................  34 / 245+
    Contact with solids ....................  34 / 245+
    Electric switch, eg lamp ...............  337 / 22+
    Starter switch .........................  337 / 22+
    Furnace pressure or vacuum .............  373 / 10
    Heaters ................................  219 / 200+
    Heating furnace ........................  373
    Igniters ...............................  361 / 247+
    Lamps ..................................  313
    Lightning arresters ....................  361 / 117+
    Making .................................  445
        Electrode by chemical etching ......  216 / 12
        Semiconductor type .................  438 / 20
    Medical and surgical ...................  128
    Application ............................  128
    Metal heating arc ......................  219 / 121.11+
    Nuclear reactions ......................  376
    Ozonizers ..............................  422 / 186.07+
    Precipitators ..........................  96 / 15+
    Preservation of foods and ..............  426 / 237
    Beverages ..............................  426 / 237+
    Rectifier structure ....................  313
    Repair apparatus .......................  445 / 61
    Repair methods .........................  445 / 2
    Spark plugs ............................  123 / 169 R
    Structure ..............................  313
    Structure of arc lamps .................  314
    And similar devices ....................  314
    Structure of arc lamps .................  313 / 357
    Feeding electrode ......................  313 / 357
    Structure of electronic tubes ..........  313
    Structure of gas & vapor lamps .........  313 / 567+
    Structure of lightning .................  361 / 117+
    Arresters ..............................  361 / 117+
    Structure of mercury vapor .............  313 / 163+
    Lamps ..................................  313 / 163+
    Structure of spark gaps and ............  313 / 325
    Arc gaps ...............................  313 / 325
    Structure of spark plugs ...............  123 / 169 R
    Systems amplifiers .....................  373 / 10
    Systems arc feeding electrode ..........  314
    Systems cathode ray tube ...............  315 / 1+
    Systems combined tube and ..............  315 / 32
    Circuit element ........................  315 / 32+
    Systems gas or vapor tube ..............  315
    Systems miscellaneous ..................  250
    Systems television .....................  348
    Testing, vacuum tube ...................  324 / 405+
        Cathode ray tube ...................  324 / 404
    Treating foods and beverages ...........  99 / 451
    Vacuum and pressure furnace ............  373
    Welding arc ............................  219 / 136+
        Arc ................................  373 / 77
        Induction ..........................  373 / 110+
        Resistance .........................  373 / 140+
Space Induction Systems  
    Telegraph ..............................  178 / 43
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 55.1
    Train inductive telegraphy or ..........  246 / 8
    Telephony ..............................  246 / 8
    Transmission of electricity  
        To electric motor ..................  318 / 16
        To vehicle .........................  191 / 10
    Vehicle electrically powered by ........  191 / 10
    Magnetic induction .....................  191 / 10
Space Ship .................................  244 / 158.1+
    Control systems ........................  244 / 158.1+
    Design .................................  D12 / 320
    Toy (design) ...........................  D21 / 451
    With booster rocket ....................  102 / 374
Spaced Wall Containers  
    Bottle or jar ..........................  215 / 12.1+
    Cabinets ...............................  312 / 400+
    Metallic receptacles ...................  220 / 560.1
    Metallic receptacles ...................  220 / 62.11+
    Pitchers ...............................  222 / 131
Spacer and Spacing  
    Article arranging on conveyors .........  198 / 434+
    Article placing on conveyors ...........  198 / 434+
    Concrete reinforcement .................  52 / 677
    Container wall .........................  220 / 62.11+
    Dental separators ......................  433 / 148
    Hoist bar ..............................  294 / 81.1+
    Nuclear fuel structure .................  376 / 438
    Orthodontic ............................  433 / 2+
    Piling material ........................  206
    Planting implement spacing in hill .....  111 / 94
    Printing fillers .......................  101 / 403
        Guard rail .........................  238 / 22+
        Rail joint .........................  238 / 227+
        Tie ................................  238 / 105
    Sewing machine tucking .................  112 / 146
    Sheet for drying .......................  34 / 306+
        Back ...............................  400 / 308+
        Line ...............................  400 / 545+
        Variable ...........................  400 / 303+
    Vehicle body top board .................  296 / 34
    Wire fabric making .....................  140 / 50
Spacesuit ..................................  2 / 2.11+
    Helmet .................................  2 / 2.11+
    Refrigeration for ......................  62 / 259.3
Spades See Shovel  
    Gun mount ..............................  89 / 40.09
    Intrenching ............................  42 / 93
    Cutter .................................  83 / 932*
    Design .................................  D01 / 126+
    Molding apparatus ......................  425 / 376.1+
    Pasta processing .......................  426 / 451
    Shaping apparatus,general ..............  425 / 376.1
        Perforated plate ...................  425 / 331+
Spanners ...................................  81 / 176.1+
Spar .......................................  114 / 89+
    Torpedo boats ..........................  114 / 19
    Arresters ..............................  110 / 119+
        Abrader spark guard ................  451 / 455
        Fixed whirler or rotator ...........  55 / 447
        Deflector separators ...............  55 / 447+
        Flue jet pumps .....................  417 / 156
        Illuminating burners ...............  362 / 380
    Coils ..................................  361 / 268+
    Gap ....................................  313 / 325
        Manufacturing ......................  445 / 7
    Plugs ..................................  313 / 118+
        Circuit element combined with ......  315 / 32+
        Design .............................  D13 / 127
        Engine .............................  123 / 169 R
        Making .............................  445 / 7+
        Tester .............................  D10 / 77
    Prevention dynamoelectric ..............  310 / 220
        In electric switch .................  318 / 1+
    Relays preventing ......................  361 / 160+
    Switches arc preventing ................  361 / 2+
Sparker (See Igniters) ....................  123 / 146.5 R+
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 146.5 R+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 22+
Sparklers ..................................  102 / 358+
Spats ......................................  36 / 2 R
    Design .................................  D02 / 901
Spatulas ...................................  294 / 49+
Speaker ....................................  381 / 150+
    With amplifier .........................  381 / 120+
Speaking Aid  
    Megaphone ..............................  181 / 177+
    Public address system ..................  381 / 82+
        Amplifier ..........................  330
Speaking Tube ..............................  181 / 18+
    Design .................................  D10 / 116
Spear ......................................  30
    Aerial game projectile .................  473 / 578+
    Design .................................  D22 / 117
    Handling ...............................  294 / 61
    Harpoons ...............................  43 / 6
    Javelin type ...........................  482 / 20
Speargun ...................................  D22 / 102
Special Receptacles ........................  206
Specific Gravity  
    Testing ................................  73 / 32 R+
Speciofoline ...............................  546 / 15
Spectacles See Eye Glasses  
    Metal frame making .....................  29 / 20
    Temples ................................  351 / 111+
Spectrographic Analysis ....................  356 / 300+
Spectrographs ..............................  356 / 302+
Spectroheliographs .........................  356 / 302+
Spectrometer ...............................  356 / 326
        Electron resonance system ..........  324 / 316+
        For color film .....................  355 / 38
        Nuclear resonance system ...........  324 / 307+
        Spectrometer components ............  324 / 318+
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.05
    Radioactivity ..........................  250 / 472.1
    Ultraviolet ............................  250 / 372+
    X ray ..................................  378
Spectrometry ...............................  356 / 300+
    Mass ...................................  250 / 281+
Spectro-Optical Digitizer  
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.09
Spectrophotometer ..........................  356 / 319
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.09
    Ultraviolet ............................  250 / 428+
    X ray ..................................  378
Spectroscope ...............................  356 / 300
Spectrum See Spectrometer  
Specula ....................................  600 / 184+
    Design .................................  D24 / 135
Speech See Sound  
    Amplifier ..............................  330
    Controlled .............................  178 / 31
        In typewriter ......................  178 / 31
    Exhibiting by visual means .............  73 / 659
        Measuring by electrical means ......  73 / 570+
        Wave shape comparing ...............  324 / 76.12+
    Making artificially ....................  704 / 258+
    Signal processing ......................  704 / 200+
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 185
    Voice reflector for therapy ............  D24 / 175
        Analysis ...........................  324 / 76.12+
    Measuring device, calibrating ..........  73 / 1.37
    Motor see type of motor controlled  
    Recording ..............................  346
        A c motor ..........................  318 / 700+
        Automatic musical instruments ......  84 / 128+
        Centrifugal governor ...............  346 / 73+
        Clutches ...........................  192 / 146
        D c motor ..........................  388 / 800+
        Electric railway vehicles ..........  104 / 300
        Induction motor ....................  318 / 727+
        Internal combustion engines ........  123 / 319+
        Lathe headstock gearing ............  82 / 143+
        Load hoist .........................  254 / 267
        Machine elements and mechanisms ....  74
            Belt & pulley drive system .....  474
        Metalworking machine ...............  29 / 64
        Motor vehicles .....................  180 / 170+
        Pumps ..............................  417 / 1+
        Railway trains .....................  246 / 182 R
        Speed indicator or .................  346 / 18
        Alarm combined .....................  346 / 18
        Spinning twisting twining ..........  57 / 93
        Textile apparatus ..................  57 / 93+
        Treating processes material ........  34 / 481+
        Speed control ......................  34 / 481+
            Speed control ..................  34 / 560+
        Warp tension control textiles ......  28 / 185+
        Watches ............................  368 / 186
    Responsive or controlled  
        Automobile mounted systems .........  307 / 10.1
        Brakes .............................  188 / 180+
        Centrifugal switches ...............  200 / 80 R
        Devices ............................  73 / 488+
        Drive release and brake ............  192 / 147
        Drop of elevator sans manual .......  186 / 23
        Control ............................  186 / 23
        Electrical signal processing .......  361 / 236
        Systems ............................  361 / 236+
        Electrical systems .................  361 / 236+
        Electrical systems alarms ..........  340 / 670+
        Elevator brake and catch ...........  187 / 373+
        Elevator car control ...............  187 / 287+
        Engine to throttle control .........  60 / 906*
        Flexible shaft couplings ...........  464 / 1+
        Fluid distribution .................  303 / 121+
        Gearing ............................  74 / 336 R+
        Limit stops ........................  192 / 140
        Machine elements trips .............  74 / 3
        Measuring & testing speed ..........  73 / 488+
        Mechanical movements ...............  74 / 114
        Motor controlling arc lamp .........  314 / 62
        Motor vehicle ......................  180 / 170+
        Planetary gearing ..................  475 / 254+
        (See notes thereunder)) ...........  475 / 254+
        Predetermined speed indicator ......  116 / 57
        Railway speed control systems ......  246 / 182 R
        Railway train brakes ...............  188 / 126
        Servomotor .........................  91 / 458
        Servomotor follow-up devices .......  91 / 366
        Shutters motion picture ............  352 / 209
        Apparatus ..........................  352 / 209
        Valve actuation ....................  137 / 47+
        Vehicle signals ....................  116 / 37+
            Electric, external .............  340 / 466
            Electric, internal .............  340 / 441
        Vehicle speed limit alarms .........  116 / 74
        Vehicle speed limit indicator ......  116 / 62.3
        Vehicle speed limit signals ........  116 / 57
        Wave systems to determine ..........  342 / 104
        Velocity ...........................  342 / 104
    Synchronizing (see synchronizing)  
    Testing electric .......................  324 / 160+
    Timing electrically ....................  324 / 178+
    Timing electrically ....................  324 / 179
    Timing electrically ....................  324 / 180
Speed Indication  
    Electrical indicators ..................  324 / 160+
        Alarms .............................  340 / 670+
    Limit indicators .......................  116 / 62.3
        Alarms .............................  116 / 74
        Vehicle operated ...................  116 / 57
    Speed of sound compensation ............  367 / 902*
    Speedometer ............................  73 / 488+
        Aerial optical .....................  356 / 27+
        Calibrating ........................  73 / 1.37+
        Design .............................  D10 / 98
        Odometers ..........................  235 / 95 R+
        Power take off .....................  74 / 12
    Time interval measurement ..............  368 / 89+
        Electrical means ...................  324 / 76.39+
        Electrical means ...................  324 / 179
        Electrical means ...................  324 / 180
        Speed checker ......................  368 / 2
Speedometer (See Speed Indication)  
    Design .................................  D10 / 98
Spelling, Teaching .........................  434 / 167+
Spelter (See Zinc)  
Spermaceti Purification ....................  554 / 175+
Spermacides & Contraceptives ...............  424 / DIG 14
Sphygmoscope,Sphygmograph and ..............  600 / 490+
    Sphygmomanometer .......................  600 / 490+
Spices .....................................  426 / 638+
    Condiment dispenser ....................  D07 / 590+
        Plural cell ........................  D07 / 597
        Shaker .............................  D07 / 591+
Spigot See Valve  
Spike ......................................  411 / 439+
    Design .................................  D08 / 391
    Locked by recess or protrusion .........  411 / 451.1+
    Making .................................  470 / 39
    Pullers ................................  254 / 18+
    Railroad tie  
        Drivers ............................  104 / 17.1
    Railway ................................  238 / 366+
    Ship implement .........................  114 / 221 R
    Shoe cleat or ..........................  D02 / 962
Spillway ...................................  405 / 108
    Article holding bracket ................  248 / 309.2
    Axle ...................................  301 / 131
        Rotary .............................  301 / 126
    Bearings ...............................  384
        Lathe headstock ....................  82 / 148
    Combination lock .......................  70 / 329
    Cotton picker ..........................  56 / 50
        Bobbin .............................  242 / 570+
    Latch ..................................  292 / 358
        Catches ............................  292 / 359
    Lathe headstock ........................  82 / 148
    Saw handle .............................  30 / 521+
    Ship ...................................  114 / 59
    Toy top ................................  446 / 264
    Can head seaming .......................  413 / 27+
    Filament forming (see wire)  
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 66
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 67+
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 76+
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 382.2
        Processes ..........................  264 / 165+
        Solutions ..........................  106 / 166.01+
    Fishing reel ...........................  242 / 224+
    Metal ..................................  72 / 82+
    Paper ..................................  493 / 395
    Textile ................................  57
        Machine forging dies ...............  72 / 343+
    Toys ...................................  446 / 236+
    Tube end ...............................  72 / 80+
        Closed .............................  228 / 2.1
Spinning Reel ..............................  D22 / 141
Spinthariscope .............................  250 / 458.1
    Abrading scrolls .......................  451 / 548+
    Cigar wrapping .........................  131 / 59
    Conveyers and gatherers  
        Chute ..............................  193 / 12+
        Chute stratifier ...................  209 / 434
        Cooking filled receptacle ..........  99 / 365
        Rollway ............................  99 / 365
        Cornstalk harvester ................  56 / 95
        Potato diggers .....................  171 / 57
        Power driven conveyor ..............  198 / 778
    Electrical conductor armor .............  174 / 108+
    Fasteners and chucks  
        Chuck scroll actuated ..............  279 / 114+
        Hat fastener .......................  132 / 62
        Spiral fastener ....................  24 / 112
    Feed for sewing machine ................  112 / 470.11
    Fixed cutter machine ...................  83 / 425
    Gearing ................................  74 / 424.5+
    Harrow .................................  172 / 532+
    Measurement, radius & ..................  33 / 1 SP
    Metal coiling by spiral die ............  72 / 141
    Muffler baffle .........................  181 / 279+
    Nail shank .............................  411 / 487+
    Nail shank making ......................  470 / 130
    Pipe or tube article  
        Flexible spirally wound ............  138 / 129+
        Spiral seam ........................  138 / 154
    Rotary plow ............................  172 / 532
    Sifters ................................  209 / 362
    Signal bell spring .....................  116 / 168
    Spacer for coaxial cable ...............  174 / 29
    Strip cutting  
        Die cutting ........................  83
    Toy propellers .........................  446 / 43
    Toy top spinner ........................  446 / 241
    Tube making and welding ................  228 / 145
        Apparatus ..........................  228 / 17.7
        Paper tube winding .................  493 / 299
        Sheet metal spiral seam ............  72 / 49
    Wire spiral stud making ................  140 / 92
    Wood turning spiral grooving ...........  142 / 23+
Spirit Level ...............................  33 / 377+
    Design .................................  D10 / 69
    Illuminator ............................  33 / 348.2
Spirometer .................................  600 / 538
Spits Cooking ..............................  99 / 419+
Spittoon ...................................  4 / 258+
    Cookstove attachment ...................  126 / 32
    Design .................................  D34 / 2
    Flushing ...............................  4 / 262+
        Dental .............................  4 / 263+
    Pocket .................................  4 / 259
Splash Board  
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 229
Splash Control Element Mold ...............  249 / 206
Splice (See Joints)  
    Adhering seam making  
        Apparatus ..........................  156 / 502+
        Process, without overlap ...........  156 / 304.1
    Bars rail type .........................  238 / 243+
        Insulated ..........................  238 / 159+
    Belt ...................................  24 / 38
    Drive belt combined ....................  474 / 253+
    Electric conductor .....................  156 / 49
    Electric trolley .......................  191 / 44.1
    Film splicer ...........................  83 / 948*
        Design .............................  D08 / 70.1
        Support combined ...................  191 / 44
    Keys and locks rail type ...............  238 / 250
        Angle chair ........................  238 / 198+
        Rail section .......................  238 / 226
        Web key ............................  238 / 181
    Sprocket chains ........................  474 / 218
    Twisted textile strand .................  57 / 202
    Twisting and spinning  
        Implements .........................  57 / 23
        Machines ...........................  57 / 28
        Processes ..........................  57 / 22
    Unwound ................................  242 / 551+
    Web ....................................  242 / 551+
Spline .....................................  403 / 359.1
    Gear and ...............................  33 / DIG 14
    Match ..................................  44 / 511+
        Coating composition ................  149 / 3+
        Making .............................  144 / 66
    Panel connector ........................  52 / 586.1+
    Surgical ...............................  602 / 5+
Splint and Splint Making  
Split Preventer ............................  411 / 912*
    Building component .....................  52 / 514
Split Second Watches .......................  368 / 102+
    Stop watches ...........................  368 / 113+
    Atomic fission reactions ...............  376
    Carcass ................................  452 / 160+
    Corncob ................................  225
    Leather ................................  69 / 9+
    Stone ..................................  125 / 23.01+
    Tool blank .............................  76 / 11
    Tube and sheath ........................  30 / 90.1+
    Well tubing ............................  166 / 55.2
    Wood ...................................  144 / 193.1+
        Bundling combined ..................  144 / 192
        Explosive combined .................  89 / 1.14
Spoilers for Aircraft ......................  244 / 213+
    Land vehicle wheel .....................  301 / 5.1+
    Making and assembling  
        Land wheel  
            Compressed spoke type ..........  29 / 894.34+
            Tensioned spoke type ...........  29 / 894.33+
        Metal wheel assembling .............  157 / 1.5
        Securing by forging ................  157 / 1.55
        Tenon turning ......................  144 / 206
        Wood spoke assembling ..............  157
        Wood tenoning and sawing ...........  144 / 18
    Pulley .................................  474 / 195+
    Railway wheel ..........................  295 / 25+
Spokeshaves ................................  30 / 281
Sponge and Sponging  
    Container ..............................  206 / 209
    Cups ...................................  118 / 270
    Holder .................................  15 / 244.1+
    Household cleaning tool ................  D32 / 35
    Implement coating ......................  401 / 196
    Material combined ......................  401 / 196+
    Mop ....................................  D32 / 40+
    Pocketed to contain soap ...............  401 / 200
    Resilient tire filler ..................  152 / 313
    Rubber .................................  521 / 50+
    With fabric cover or backing ...........  15 / 244.3
Spontaneous Combustion (See Explosion  
    Control; fire, extinguishing;  
Spool ......................................  242 / 600+
        Dispensing .........................  221
        Stacked article ....................  312 / 45
    Container for flanged spool ............  206 / 398
    Convolute winding on ...................  242 / 520+
    Cutlery with ...........................  30 / 124
    For strand .............................  242 / 118+
    Holders ................................  242 / 134+
        Tape spool .........................  D19 / 65+
    Holders for sewing .....................  223 / 106+
    Labelling ..............................  156 / 556+
    Lifters ................................  242 / 473.1
    Musical stringed instrument ............  84 / 303
    Packages of spools .....................  206 / 389+
    Rack ...................................  242 / 134+
    Spool winders ..........................  242 / 480.7
    Stand for sewing item ..................  D03 / 23+
    Typewriter ribbon ......................  400 / 242+
    Valve ..................................  137 / 625.34+
    Wood making machine ....................  144 / 14
    Wound to form storage package ..........  242 / 159+
    X-art collection .......................  493 / 954*
Spoolers ...................................  242 / 480.7
Spoon ......................................  30 / 324+
    Agitating or beating ...................  366 / 343
    Cutlery combined  
        Forks ..............................  30 / 150
        Knives .............................  30 / 149
        Knives and forks ...................  30 / 147
    Design .................................  D07 / 653+
    Fluid conductor combined ...............  30 / 141
        Blanks and processes ...............  76 / 105
        Dies ...............................  72 / 470+
    Measuring ..............................  73 / 426+
        Design .............................  D10 / 46.2
    Pierced bowls ..........................  D07 / 647
Sport Equipment See Type  
    Board games ............................  273 / 259
        Chance controlled ..................  273 / 244+
    Card or title games ....................  273 / 298
    Protective hand covering ...............  D29 / 102+
    Shoe, making ...........................  12 / 142 P
Sports, Teaching ...........................  434 / 247+
    Bowling ................................  473 / 102+
    Inserting in bottle cap  
        Metal cap making combined ..........  413 / 8+
            Apparatus ......................  413 / 56+
    Welding ................................  219 / 86.1+
Spotlight ..................................  362 / 257+
    Bulb ...................................  313
    Flashlight hand ........................  362 / 157+
    Photographic design ....................  D26 / 61+
    Supports ...............................  362 / 382+
    Surgical or dental .....................  362 / 804*
    Bowling ................................  473 / 87+
    Apparel trimming, e.g chenille ........  223 / 45
    Board ..................................  68 / 240
    Antidrip ...............................  222 / 571
        Sap ................................  47 / 51+
        Turpentine and rubber ..............  47 / 11
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 566+
        Molten metal .......................  222 / 591+
    Food or beverage dispenser with ........  D07 / 312+
    Track sander cutoff ....................  291 / 31
    Water distributing .....................  137 / 561 R+
Sprag ......................................  188 / 6
    Coolers for liquids and gases ..........  261
    Gun ....................................  D23 / 213+
        For spray coolers ..................  261 / 115+
Sprayer and Spraying .......................  239
    Animal husbandry  
        Antivermin treatment ...............  119 / 665+
        Restraining device .................  119 / 775
    Boiler feed heater .....................  122 / 436
        To steam space .....................  122 / 438
    Cement .................................  366 / 10+
        Process ............................  366 / 3+
    Chute combined .........................  193 / 11
    Coating machine ........................  118 / 300+
    Coating process ........................  427 / 421.1+
    Concentrating evaporator  
        Apparatus ..........................  159 / 3+
        Process ............................  159 / 48.1
    Design, spray gun ......................  D23 / 213+
        Apparatus ..........................  202 / 236
        Mineral oil process ................  208 / 359
        Process ............................  203 / 90
    Fuel dispersed in furnace ..............  431 / 159
    Gas and liquid contact device ..........  261 / 115+
        Porous mass ........................  261 / 98
        Refrigeration combined .............  62 / 304+
            Automatic ......................  62 / 171
        Refrigeration combined process .....  62 / 121
        Rotating impeller ..................  261 / 89+
        Rotating impeller hollow shaft .....  261 / 88
        Wet baffle .........................  261 / 111
    Liquid freezer .........................  62 / 347
        Process ............................  62 / 74
    Machinery ..............................  D15 / 13
    Material diffusing from aircraft .......  244 / 136
    Metal spraying .........................  29 / DIG 39
    Milk dehydration .......................  426 / 471+
    Mineral oil distillation ...............  196 / 128
    Mobile orchard type ....................  239 / 77+
    Nozzles ................................  239 / 589+
        Flow regulating or modifying .......  239 / 533.1+
    Powder .................................  239
    Sandblast ..............................  451 / 91+
    Shot blast .............................  72 / 53
    Shower cage ............................  4 / 601+
    Steam iron combined ....................  38 / 77.5
Spreader and Spreading  
    Animal training leg ....................  54 / 72
    Coating material combined ..............  401
    Cultivator beam ........................  172 / 645+
        Bed bottom reinforcers .............  5 / 228
        Buttonhole sewing machine ..........  112 / 74
        Frame for sheets ...................  38 / 102+
        Hammock ............................  5 / 123
        Making of wire strand twisting .....  140 / 33
        Sewing machine loop ................  112 / 187
        Sheet ironing ......................  38 / 143
        Web running lengths ................  26 / 87+
            Biaxial ........................  26 / 72+
    Hand-held agricultural type ............  D08 / 2
    Horseshoe hoof .........................  168 / 6+
    Ladder propped .........................  182 / 176
    Leaf spring tool .......................  81 / 3.7
    Leather ................................  69
    Material (see broadcasting; ............  239 / 650
    Scattering) ............................  239 / 650+
        Bag filling hopper .................  53 / 570
        Charge transported to, from, or ....  414 / 193
        Within furnace .....................  414 / 193
            Discharging ....................  414 / 209+
            Plural successive driven .......  414 / 174+
            Devices ........................  414 / 174+
        Furnace fuel feeder ................  110 / 111+
        Glass tube reshaping ...............  65 / 283
        Hand rake with .....................  56 / 400.05+
        Insecticide composition having .....  424
        Peach stoner tray ..................  99 / 547
        Plastic film molding device ........  425 / 461
        Plastic film molding method ........  264 / 212+
        Sifting feeding ....................  209 / 254
    Mobile orchard type ....................  239 / 77+
    Nail point locking .....................  411 / 359
    Piston ring ............................  29 / 222+
    Road material distributing .............  404 / 101
    Slit opening and filling ...............  29 / 270+
    Store service ..........................  186 / 13
        Casing spreaders ...................  254 / 50.1+
        Holder .............................  81 / 15.3
        Rim with ...........................  152 / 400+
        Wheel assembling ...................  157
Spring .....................................  267
    Actuated or controlled  
        Bottle tube type valve .............  215 / 315
        Car platform trapdoors .............  105 / 434
        Check valve ........................  137 / 511+
        Clothes wringer pressure ...........  68 / 256
        Mechanisms .........................  68 / 256+
        Cooker with pressure means .........  99 / 351
        Counterbalanced pitmans ............  74 / 592
        Cutting tool joints ................  30 / 268+
        Dispenser agitator and biasing .....  222 / 230
        Means ..............................  222 / 230
        Dispenser discharge assistant ......  222 / 336
        Or casing ..........................  222 / 336+
        Dispenser outlet element ...........  222 / 511+
        Dispenser resilient wall ...........  222 / 214
        Deflector ..........................  222 / 214
        Dispenser trap chamber cutoff ......  222 / 449
        Fence wire stretcher ...............  256 / 39
        Gong striker .......................  116 / 164
        Guns and projectors ................  124 / 16+
        Holder for detachable sliding ......  30 / 336
        Blade ..............................  30 / 336
        Interlocked blade and holder .......  30 / 338
        Invalid bed electrically ...........  5 / 616
        Invalid bed hydraulically ..........  5 / 614
        Locking latch bolts ................  70 / 144+
        Lubricator with fluid pressure .....  184 / 41
        Follower ...........................  184 / 41+
        Lubricator with follower ...........  184 / 45.1+
        Mechanical gun centrifugal type ....  124 / 7+
        Mechanical gun fluid pressure ......  124 / 66+
        Mechanical gun magazine ............  124 / 52+
        Nonrefillable bottle valve .........  215 / 19
        Oil cup cover ......................  184 / 88.1+
        Pivoted handles shears .............  30 / 212
        Pivoted knife blade ................  30 / 159
        Project-retract fountain ...........  401 / 109
        Pen mechanisms .....................  401 / 109+
        Railway mail projectors ............  258 / 7
        Regrinding reciprocating disk ......  137 / 243.2+
        Valve ..............................  137 / 243.2+
        Rotary disk valve ..................  251 / 180+
        Rotary plug valve ..................  251 / 181+
        Seal for a joint or juncture  
            Accommodates oscillatory .......  277 / 508+
            Motion .........................  277 / 508+
            Bias for lip seal ..............  277 / 553+
            Face or mechanical seal ........  277 / 379+
            Gland member for a packing box .  277 / 522+
            Piston ring ....................  277 / 467+
            Radial bias for segmented ring .  277 / 545
        Shears with holder .................  30 / 135
        Shears with intermediate pivot .....  30 / 261+
        Single impulse store service .......  186 / 10+
        Siphon bottle ......................  215 / 5
        Sofa bed assisting .................  5 / 56
        Spiral spring type bell ............  116 / 168
        Spring joint shears ................  30 / 234+
        Stop and nonstop valve .............  251 / 83
        Combined ...........................  251 / 83
        Stylographic fountain pen ..........  401 / 259+
        Swinging door ......................  49 / 386
        Trolley retriever ..................  191 / 91+
        Trolley retriever erector ..........  191 / 88
        Release ............................  191 / 88+
        Trolley stands .....................  191 / 68+
        Upending bed counterbalance ........  5 / 164.1+
        Valve parts ........................  251 / 337
        Yieldable pitmans ..................  74 / 582
    Applier and remover ....................  29 / 225
        Engine valve .......................  29 / 215+
    Bed and chair  
        Bed ................................  5
        Chair back supports ................  297 / 285+
        Chair bottoms and backs ............  297 / 452.16+
        Mattress ...........................  5 / 716+
        Pillow having ......................  5 / 636
    Buffer and check  
        Bed bottoms with ...................  5 / 253
        Closure checks .....................  16 / 85+
        Liquid and combined concentric .....  16 / 52+
        Liquid and combined side ...........  16 / 59+
        Ordnance mounts ....................  89 / 44.01+
        Pneumatic and spring ...............  16 / 66+
        Railway car end ....................  213 / 221+
        Railway draft appliances ...........  213 / 7+
        Textile weaving picker .............  139 / 167+
        Vehicle bumper .....................  293 / 102+
        Vehicle fender .....................  293 / 25+
        Vehicle seat .......................  297 / 216.1+
        Vehicle springs with ...............  267 / 195+
        Vertically swinging shovel .........  414 / 720
    Button clamp and fastener  
        Bottle and jar closures ............  215 / 287+
        Card exhibitor clip ................  40 / 658+
        Closure fastener bolts .............  292 / 2+
        Closure fasteners ..................  292
        Closure knob attaching .............  292 / 353
        Closure seals ......................  292 / 322
        Folding paired table leg ...........  108 / 131+
        Folding stand leg ..................  248 / 188.6
        Hook tag fasteners .................  40 / 667
        Mop holder .........................  15 / 154
        Paper ..............................  24 / 67.3+
        Pivoted bottle closure .............  215 / 244+
        Pivoted clasp ......................  24 / 489+
        Pivoted snap hook ..................  24 / 599.4+
        Rack series spring grip type .......  211 / 120
        Railway track ......................  238 / 349
        Railway traction cable .............  104 / 209
        Retainer ...........................  402 / 19+
        Saw teeth latches ..................  83 / 840+
        Separable button ...................  24 / 106+
        Sliding snap hook ..................  24 / 600.5+
        Stopper for breakable bottle .......  215 / 54+
        Necks ..............................  215 / 54+
        Tool handle hinged with detent .....  403 / 84+
        Umbrella runner ....................  135 / 40+
        Vehicle rein holders ...............  280 / 184+
        Vehicle whip sockets ...............  280 / 172
    Coil ...................................  267 / 166+
        Animal draft pole supports .........  278 / 89
        Bed bottoms ........................  5 / 186.1+
        Bells ..............................  116 / 168
        Bobbin winding drive connection ....  242 / 484.6+
        Bolt to nut lock, lateral key ......  411 / 318
        Bolt to nut lock, thread lock ......  411 / 262
        Bolt to nut lock, thread lock ......  411 / 289
        And distorted nut ..................  411 / 289
        Bolt to nut lock, to grip thread ...  411 / 251+
        Chair ..............................  297 / 300.5+
        Cushion tires ......................  152 / 246+
        Flat ...............................  267 / 156
        Hinges multiple ....................  16 / 382+
        Hinges pintle ......................  16 / 305
        Locomotive .........................  105 / 67+
        Loop forming .......................  140 / 103
        Making .............................  72 / 138+
        Pivoted snap hooks .................  24 / 599.7+
        Railway car planks and transoms ....  105 / 208+
        Railway car spring bolster .........  105 / 197.05+
        Reeling motor ......................  242 / 371+
        Spring wheels ......................  152 / 1+
        Torsional closers ..................  16 / 75+
    Coil spring loop forming ...............  140 / 103
    Coil spring untangling apparatus .......  198 / 953+
    Compressor .............................  254 / 10.5
        Hand tool ..........................  81 / 486
    Couplings ..............................  403 / 229
        Shaft ..............................  464 / 51+
    Cushion shoe heels .....................  36 / 38
    Cushion shoe sole ......................  36 / 28
        Insole .............................  36 / 44
        Ventilated .........................  36 / 3 B
    Cushioned railway draft devices ........  213 / 7+
    Devices ................................  267
        Bag closures .......................  383 / 43
        Casters ............................  16 / 44
        Closers ............................  16 / 71+
        Coat collars .......................  2 / 99
        Compressible rheostat ..............  338 / 99+
        Deformable discharge assistants ....  222 / 407
        Ejector for conveyor trap ..........  222 / 225
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 225
        Extensible .........................  351 / 126
        Eyeglass bridge ....................  351 / 65
        Flexible ...........................  351 / 68
        Garment supporter belt etc .........  2 / 339
        Garment supporters .................  2 / 324
        Handlers with spring devices .......  414 / 913*
        Harrow teeth .......................  172 / 705+
        Hoof spreading horseshoe ...........  168 / 8
        Material pressure actuated .........  222 / 491
        Dispenser outlet ...................  222 / 491+
        Mop holders ........................  15 / 154
        Music instrument spring shank ......  84 / 324
        Hammer .............................  84 / 324
        Pivoted tooth bar harrows ..........  172 / 634+
        Plural bridges .....................  351 / 67
        Rail seats .........................  238 / 284
        Railway car actuated switches ......  246 / 270 R+
        Railway guard rails ................  238 / 18
        Railway rail splice bars ...........  238 / 259
        Railway switches automatic .........  246 / 314
        Railway tie plates .................  238 / 302
        Railway track ties .................  238 / 48
        Resilient wall dispensers ..........  222 / 206+
        Sandals ............................  36 / 7.8
        Sash balances ......................  16 / 197+
        Sheet retainer with ................  402 / 60
        Releasable keeper ..................  402 / 60+
        Shoe heel ..........................  36 / 38
        Shoe heel making ...................  12 / 31.6
        Shoe soles with spring heel ........  36 / 27
        Slitted diaphragm dispenser ........  222 / 490
        Spring back paper binders ..........  24 / 67.3
        Spring heel horseshoe ..............  168 / 15
        Truss pads .........................  128 / 119.1
        Watch spring packages ..............  206 / 70
        Watchcase ..........................  368 / 311+
        Wheel harrows ......................  172 / 613+
        Wheel substitute harrows ...........  172 / 389+
        Wooden crates cushioned ............  217 / 54+
    Exercising devices .....................  482 / 121+
        Springboards .......................  482 / 30+
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 190+
    Fluid ..................................  267 / 113+
        Vehicle ............................  267 / 64.11+
    Guns and projectors ....................  124 / 16+
    Hairsprings ............................  368 / 175
    Hammer drive ...........................  173 / 202+
    Heat treating metal ....................  148 / 580
    Hinges .................................  16 / 277+
        Bracelets ..........................  63 / 8
        Horseshoe ..........................  168 / 8
        Piano pedal ........................  84 / 227
        Telegraph keys .....................  178 / 107
        Weather strips .....................  49 / 480.1+
    Jacks ..................................  379
    Joints couplings and chucks  
        Flexible shaft .....................  464 / 51
        Pipe coupling detent ...............  285 / 305+
        Railway draft ......................  213 / 200+
        Railway draft appliances ...........  213 / 7
        Cushioned ..........................  213 / 7+
        Seal for a joint or juncture .......  277
        Self grasping socket type chuck ....  278 / 22+
        Split resilient socket .............  279 / 43.1+
        Spring detent socket ...............  279 / 79+
        Spring saw socket ..................  279 / 46.1+
        Swivel pipe in socket ..............  285 / 276+
        Thill ..............................  278 / 52+
        Trace and whiffletree ..............  278 / 102+
    Leaf spring spreaders ..................  81 / 3.7
    Machine or tool  
        Bobbin winding drive connection ....  242 / 484.6+
        Brake operators ....................  188 / 166+
        Clutch operators ...................  192 / 89.1+
        Embroidering machine fabric ........  112 / 92
        Shifting ...........................  112 / 92
        Expansible chamber motors  
        Insect catcher .....................  43 / 135
        Internal resistance brakes .........  188 / 268
        Music leaf turners .................  84 / 486+
        Pliers crossed handle ..............  81 / 417
        Sawmill set works ..................  83 / 724
        Screw driver .......................  81 / 451+
        Scroll saw spring return ...........  83 / 752
        Typewriter bar .....................  400 / 436+
        Typewriter carriage ................  400 / 336+
        Woodworking feed rolls .............  144 / 247
        Wrenches ...........................  81 / 52+
        Applying or removing ...............  29 / 225+
        Conical wire .......................  72 / 138+
        Forging dies .......................  72 / 343+
        Loop forming .......................  140 / 103
        Metal bending ......................  72 / 135+
        Processes ..........................  29 / 896.9+
        Processes spring head clip .........  29 / 896.8
        Spring set saw making ..............  76 / 71
        Wire spring setting ................  140 / 89
    Motor or drive  
        Bobbin winding drive connection ....  242 / 484.6+
        Breech loading gun .................  42 / 5
        Clock winding ......................  368 / 147
        Composite type motor ...............  185 / 9+
        Dental pluggers ....................  433 / 157
        Drilling machine ...................  408 / 125
        Expansible chamber motor rotary  
        Fishing reel .......................  242 / 249
        Flying propeller toys ..............  446 / 39+
        Hairsprings ........................  368 / 175+
        Hammer .............................  173 / 202+
        Handle bars ........................  74 / 551.2
        Locomotive .........................  105 / 67+
        Motor ..............................  185 / 37+
        Pump ...............................  417 / 328
        Railway motor support ..............  105 / 139
        Reels spring drum type .............  242 / 371+
        Spinning reel ......................  242 / 226
        Spring mounting for ................  185 / 45+
        Steam traction engine mount ........  180 / 40
        Store service ......................  186 / 10+
        Strap actuator with return .........  74 / 136+
        Tops ...............................  446 / 260
        Toy vehicle ........................  446 / 464
        Truck ladder hoisting ..............  182 / 63.1+
        Typewriter carriage ................  400 / 336+
    Nut remover ............................  29 / 270+
    Panels for chairs and seats ............  267 / 80+
        Rail seats .........................  238 / 284
        Tire cushions ......................  295 / 14
    Setting ................................  140 / 89
    Spring buckle ..........................  200 / 408
    Support ................................  267
        Casters ............................  16 / 44
        Centrifugal speed ..................  73 / 546
        Responsive device ..................  73 / 546+
        Lamp shade on bulb .................  362 / 444
        Lamp shade on chimney ..............  362 / 445
        Lamp shade or bowl support .........  362 / 440
        Machine foot .......................  248 / 615+
        Machinery base .....................  248 / 560+
        Machinery bracket ..................  248 / 674+
        Machinery suspension ...............  248 / 637+
        Pin and open link or draft .........  213 / 200
        Coupling ...........................  213 / 200+
        Pipe or cable ......................  248 / 560+
        Sash balances ......................  16 / 197+
        Telescoping tube suspended .........  248 / 610+
        Thill ..............................  278 / 81+
        Vehicle motor ......................  248 / 560+
        Vehicle pole .......................  278 / 88+
        Vertically adjustable suspended ....  248 / 610
        Vibration dampening ................  248 / 562+
    Switch, sudden release type ............  200 / 400
    Testing ................................  73 / 161
    Train vestibule face plate .............  105 / 14
    Expanders ..............................  105 / 14
        Head ...............................  251 / 356
        Parts ..............................  251 / 337
    Vehicle parts ..........................  267
        Absorber combined ..................  267 / 64.15+
        Article holders for bicycles .......  224 / 462
        Axle skein mounting ................  301 / 136
        Axle spindle mountings .............  301 / 133
        Bicycle front fork etc .............  280 / 275+
        Bicycle rear fork etc ..............  280 / 283+
        Body frame suspension ..............  280 / 788
        Bumper combined ....................  293 / 116
        Design .............................  D12 / 159
        Fluid ..............................  267 / 64.11+
        Letdown tops .......................  296 / 107.01+
        Metallic spring cushion tires ......  152 / 247+
        Pole supports ......................  278 / 88+
        Railway axle box mounting ..........  105 / 218.1+
        Railway car body ...................  105 / 453
        Railway car truck platform .........  105 / 212+
        Railway spring bolster .............  105 / 197.05+
        Railway spring planks ..............  105 / 208
        Rocking running gear ...............  280 / 124.11+
        Roller skate trucks ................  280 / 11.28
        Runner type ........................  280 / 25
        Running gear .......................  280 / 124.1+
        Skates with foot supports ..........  280 / 11.14
        Spring wheels ......................  152 / 1+
        Steam traction engine mounting .....  180 / 40
        Stub axle suspensions ..............  280 / 124.125+
        Swinging and rocking axle ..........  280 / 124.114+
        Swinging axle ......................  280 / 137.5+
            Resilient connections ..........  280 / 124.117+
        Thill supports .....................  278 / 81+
        Tires spring and pneumatic .........  152 / 156
        Traction increasing lugs for .......  301 / 51
        Wheels .............................  301 / 51
        Trailer draft device ...............  280 / 483+
        Two wheel vehicle ..................  280 / 65+
        Velocipede seat ....................  297 / 195.1+
        Wheeled vehicle ....................  33 / 418
    Watch etc hairsprings ..................  368 / 175
Sprinkler ..................................  D23 / 214+
Sprinkling .................................  239
    Carts ..................................  239 / 146+
    Embedded ...............................  239 / 201+
    Flow regulator or modifier .............  239 / 533.1+
    Head fire extinguishing ................  169 / 37+
    Rack combined ..........................  211 / 127.1
    Showcase combined ......................  312 / 115
    Textile treating .......................  68 / 205 R+
Sprocket ...................................  474 / 152+
    Chain ..................................  474 / 202+
    Making .................................  29 / 893
        Chain ..............................  59 / 5+
    Railway cable ..........................  104 / 236
        Chain cable ........................  104 / 237
Spud Anchor ................................  37 / 345+
    Attached shoe protectors ...............  36 / 74
    Gearing (see gearing spur)  
    Horseshoe spur fastening ...............  168 / 21
    Riding .................................  54 / 83.1+
        Design .............................  D30 / 157
    Stirrups combined with .................  54 / 49.5
    Tag fasteners ..........................  40 / 669+
        Boiler .............................  122
        Heat exchangers ....................  165 / 42
        Mineral oil distillation ...........  196 / 129
    Wheel traction increasing ..............  301 / 43+
Sput .......................................  285 / 201+
Sputtering (See Cathode Sputtering)  
Sputum Cup .................................  4 / 259
Spyglasses .................................  359 / 399+
Square .....................................  33 / 474+
        Fixed straightedge .................  33 / 429
        Hypotenuse .........................  33 / 420
        Nonpivoted straightedge sliding ....  33 / 427
        Pivoted straightedge sliding .......  33 / 425
    Leveling feature .......................  33 / 451
Squeegee (See Wiper and Wiping)  
    Cleaning device ........................  15 / 245
        Brush combined .....................  15 / 117
        Design .............................  D32 / 41
        Material supply combined ...........  401 / 261+
        Wiper combined .....................  15 / 121
    Animal traps ...........................  43 / 85+
    Butter worker ..........................  99 / 452+
    Citrus fruit ...........................  99 / 495+
    Cotton gin .............................  19 / 49
    Expressing .............................  100 / 104+
    Paste tube .............................  222 / 95+
    Raisin seeders .........................  99 / 547+
    Textile fluid treating apparatus .......  68 / 94+
    Liquids from solids ....................  100 / 35+
        Apparatus for, with drain ..........  100 / 104+
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 12+
    Locomotive cab .........................  239 / 174
        Type casting integral line .........  199 / 53
        Type casting separate type .........  199 / 90
Stabilizing (See Preserving)  
        Propellers .........................  244 / 92
        Weights ............................  244 / 93+
    Colloids, agents for ...................  516
    Gyroscope ..............................  74 / 5.22
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 351
    Missiles, manned .......................  244 / 75.1+
    Missiles, unmanned .....................  244 / 3.1+
    Projectiles ............................  244 / 3.1+
    Ships ..................................  114 / 121+
    Space ships ............................  244 / 158.1+
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber  
    (See class 523, 524))  
        Latex ..............................  528 / 935*
    Animal .................................  119 / 436+
        Stalls .............................  119 / 516+
        Stalls, design .....................  D30 / 108+
        Stanchions .........................  119 / 738+
Stack and Stacker (See Packing)  
    Beds stacked ...........................  5 / 8
    Bottle and jar .........................  215 / 10
    Calender rolls .........................  100 / 162 R
    Dispensing .............................  221
        Cabinet ............................  312 / 42+
        Rack ...............................  211 / 59.2+
    Electrical insulator ...................  174 / 137 R+
    Forming apparatus ......................  414 / 788.1+
        Coal storage type ..................  414 / 133
    Furnace and flue  
        Draft regulator ....................  110 / 159+
        Feed water heater ..................  122 / 439+
        Marine .............................  114 / 187
        Masonry or concrete ................  52 / 245
        Smoke stacks .......................  110 / 184
        Spark arrester .....................  110 / 121
    Hay stack shaping ......................  414 / 132
    Horizontally attached receptacle .......  220 / 23.2+
    Set ....................................  220 / 23.2+
    Nuclear fuel components ................  376 / 433
    Pneumatic ..............................  406
    Receptacles ............................  206 / 501+
        Special package, stacked item ......  206 / 821*
    Rotary rolling contact printer .........  101 / 232+
        Cutting combined ...................  83 / 86+
        Delivering .........................  271 / 278+
        Electrophotographic copier .........  399 / 404
        Feeding ............................  271 / 8.1+
        Material folder ....................  83 / 83+
        Oscillating blade ..................  271 / 264+
    Stacked article support ................  211 / 49.1+
        Adjusts for different sizes ........  414 / 900*
        Card or sheet ......................  211 / 50+
            With impaling means, follower ..  211 / 54.1
            With impaling means, terraced ..  211 / 57.1
        With article counter ...............  414 / 901*
        With impaling means ................  211 / 59.1
        With load-supporting fluid .........  414 / 903*
        Cushion ............................  414 / 903*
        With means to apply adhesive .......  414 / 904*
        To articles ........................  414 / 904*
        With operational sequence ..........  414 / 902*
        Control for stack pattern ..........  414 / 902*
        Forming ............................  414 / 902*
    Stacking for dispensing ................  221 / 175+
Stacking Apparatus .........................  414 / 788.1+
Stadium (See Theatre) ......................  52 / 6
    Construction ...........................  D25 / 12
    Flag ...................................  116 / 173+
    Horological ............................  368 / 324
    Planting ...............................  111 / 97
    Railway signal system ..................  246 / 19
    Support ................................  248 / 511+
    Tobacco ash receiver support ...........  131 / 259
Stage (See Theater) .......................  52 / 6+
    Appliances .............................  472 / 75+
        Scenery shifting ...................  472 / 77+
    Illusions ..............................  472 / 57+
    Lighting ...............................  315 / 312+
    Motion picture set .....................  352 / 88+
    Set design .............................  D25 / 58+
Stagger Tuned Amplifiers ...................  330 / 154
    Glass mosaics ..........................  428 / 38+
Stainless Steel ............................  420 / 8+
    Austenitic .............................  420 / 43
    Heat treated stock .....................  148 / 325+
    Heat treating ..........................  148 / 605+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 507+
Stains Paint ...............................  106 / 34
    Dyeing only ............................  8 / 402
Stair (See Ladder) ........................  52 / 182+
    Amusement ..............................  472 / 48
    Climbing exerciser .....................  482 / 52+
    Design .................................  D25 / 62+
    Escalators .............................  198 / 326+
    Lighting ...............................  362 / 146
    Mobile for boarding aircraft ...........  D34 / 30
    Pads and covers  
        Conforming to tread nose ...........  52 / 179
        Rug fasteners ......................  16 / 10+
        Slatted ............................  52 / 180
    Scribers for stair curves ..............  33 / 29
    Static mold for making .................  249 / 14
    Tread ..................................  D25 / 69
    Animal hitching ........................  119 / 786+
        Posts, design ......................  D30 / 154
    Guided cultivator ......................  172 / 24
    Land vehicle body ......................  296 / 43
    Railway freight car ....................  105 / 380+
    Tent ...................................  135 / 118
    Hide ...................................  69 / 34
    Watches and clocks .....................  29 / 231+
Stalk and Stalk Handling  
    Choppers ...............................  56 / 500+
    Fiber liberating .......................  19 / 10
        Cornstalk type .....................  56 / 51+
    Woven ..................................  139 / 424
    Animal .................................  119 / 516+
        Adjustable size ....................  119 / 522
        Floor ..............................  119 / 525+
            Matt covering ..................  119 / 526
            Waste collection ...............  119 / 527
        Partition ..........................  119 / 523
        Portable ...........................  119 / 519
    Thermolytic distillation ...............  202 / 97+
Stamp (See Branding)  
    Affixers ...............................  156
    Alteration preventing or detecting .....  283 / 71
    Brand burning ..........................  219 / 228
    Brand burning ..........................  101 / 27
    Design .................................  D19 / 9+
    Dispensers .............................  83 / 242+
        Coin controlled ....................  194
    Hand stamp collocator ..................  33 / 614+
    Handles ................................  101 / 405+
    Holder, household type .................  D19 / 67
    Imprinting or embossing stamp ..........  D18 / 15+
    Key, workmans time recorder ............  346 / 53
    Mail cancelling ........................  101 / 371
    Mill ...................................  241 / 270+
    Pad ....................................  118 / 264+
    Plural parallel blade cutlery ..........  30 / 305
    Pocket receptacle ......................  206 / 39+
        With tearing edge ..................  225 / 39+
    Postage roll dispenser .................  D19 / 67+
    Printed labels .........................  283 / 81
    Purse with holder ......................  150 / 106
    Racks for hand stamps ..................  211 / 39
    Registers ..............................  235 / 101
    Rubber .................................  101 / 368+
        Endless band .......................  101 / 111
    Scarifiers .............................  81 / 9.21
    Time ...................................  346 / 80+
    Time with automatic recording ..........  346 / 80
    Mechanism ..............................  346 / 80+
    Vending machine for ....................  D20 / 2
Stamping and Stamped Devices  
    Bed bottom risers ......................  5 / 206
    Cigar ..................................  131 / 106
    Cigarette package ......................  131 / 283
        Printing and stamping ..............  493 / 320+
        Sealing and stamping ...............  156
    Hand ...................................  D18 / 14+
    Metal working ..........................  29 / DIG 37
    Mill ...................................  241 / 270+
    Plug tobacco ...........................  131 / 368
    Sheet metal chain ......................  59 / 15
Stanchions .................................  119 / 738+
    Sure stop ..............................  119 / 904*
Stand (See Holder; Support) ...............  248 / 127
    Apparel apparatus ......................  223 / 120
    Bag holder .............................  248 / 97+
    Beehive ................................  449 / 26
        Kick stands ........................  280 / 293+
        Locked .............................  70 / 235
        Racks ..............................  211 / 17+
    Book and music .........................  248 / 441.1+
        Alternative ........................  248 / 126
        Combined ...........................  248 / 121+
    Cabinet structures .....................  312
    Calendar ...............................  40 / 120
    Christmas tree .........................  248 / 519+
    Copyholder .............................  248 / 441.1+
    Dental equipment .......................  433 / 25+
    Dish ...................................  248 / 128+
    Flatiron ...............................  248 / 117.2+
        Accessory combined .................  38 / 142
    Hat ....................................  211 / 33
    Horseshoeing ...........................  168 / 44
    Hose ...................................  248 / 80+
    Ink (see inkwell) .....................  248 / 127+
    Lamp stove .............................  126 / 259 R+
    Light ..................................  362 / 410+
        Design .............................  D26 / 142+
    Lock type article supports .............  70 / 62
    Machinery stands .......................  248 / 676
        Bracket convertible ................  248 / 645
    Mirror type  
        Handle .............................  248 / 471
        Plural mirror ......................  359 / 871+
    Music ..................................  248 / 441.1+
    Nozzle .................................  248 / 80+
    Nursing bottle .........................  248 / 105+
    Paste tube .............................  248 / 109
        Retouching .........................  396 / 656+
    Picture ................................  248 / 469+
    Plant ..................................  47 / 39+
    Plural leg .............................  248 / 163.1+
    Power ..................................  74 / 16
    Rack type ..............................  248 / 127+
    Railway switch .........................  246 / 393+
        Interlocking .......................  246 / 144+
        Signal .............................  246 / 476
        Vehicle actuating ..................  246 / 278+
    Shoe ...................................  211 / 37
    Shoe blacking ..........................  15 / 265+
    Staff type .............................  248 / 519+
    Stand boilers ..........................  122 / 13.01+
        Boiler receiving from stove ........  126 / 363.1+
    Stand pipe see tank ....................  137 / 593
        Spur central .......................  122 / 307+
        Superheater spur tube ..............  122 / 475
        Water tube .........................  122 / 321+
        Water tube coil ....................  122 / 244+
        Water tube flue ....................  122 / 184+
        Water tube loop ....................  122 / 281
    Stove gas burner .......................  126 / 40
    Stove shelf ............................  126 / 333
    Strand spool holders ...................  242 / 139
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 454+
    Tire ...................................  211 / 24
    Tray or receptacle .....................  211 / 133.1
        Wire type ..........................  211 / 133.2
    Trolley ................................  191 / 66+
    Type case accessory ....................  276 / 44
    Watch and clock ........................  248 / 116
    Woodworking ............................  269 / 289 R+
        Modified for saw blade .............  269 / 83
    Work (see holders, work) ..............  269
        Dental equipment ...................  433 / 49+
        Remover ............................  D08 / 48
    X ray type .............................  378 / 193
    Batteries ..............................  429 / 125
    Bolsters combined ......................  280 / 143+
    Dental engine ..........................  433 / 103+
    Feed bag support .......................  119 / 69
    Piano hammer action ....................  84 / 242
    Plow ...................................  172 / 681+
        Beam and tool standard .............  403
        Connection .........................  403
        Shovel connection ..................  403
    Scaffold ...............................  248 / 127+
    Sifter support .........................  209 / 415
    Support ................................  248 / 158+
Stannate Ceramic Compositions ..............  501 / 134+
Stapilizing ................................  19
    Artificial fibers ......................  83 / 913*
    Spinning combined ......................  57 / 2
Stapling & Staple Setting  
    Applying apparatus .....................  227
    Broom making machines ..................  300 / 13
    Handles on shopping bags ...............  493 / 926*
    Labelling fabrics ......................  156 / DIG 22
    Reels ..................................  242 / 370+
    Sheet material associating .............  270 / 52.18
    Combined ...............................  270 / 52.18
        Folding combined ...................  270 / 37+
    Staple .................................  411 / 457+
        Insulated ..........................  174 / 159
        Making .............................  59 / 71+
        Making and setting .................  227 / 82+
        Puller .............................  254 / 28
    Stapler design .........................  D08 / 49+
    Surgical stapler .......................  227 / 175.1
    Tobacco plug tagging combined ..........  131 / 113+
Star .......................................  428 / 11
    Illuminated ............................  362 / 121
    Ornamental lighting ....................  362 / 807*
Starch and Derivatives .....................  536 / 102+
    Coating or plastic composition .........  106 / 206.1+
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 617
        Casein .............................  106 / 145.1+
        Glue or gelatine ...................  106 / 145.1+
        Inks ...............................  106 / 31.39+
        Mold ...............................  106 / 38.51
        Mold coating .......................  106 / 38.23
        Plaster of paris ...................  106 / 779
        Polishes ...........................  106 / 5
        Portland cement ....................  106 / 730
        Prolamine ..........................  106 / 145.1+
        Protein miscellaneous ..............  106 / 145.1+
    Confection molding apparatus ...........  425
    Esters .................................  536 / 107+
    Manufacture ............................  127
    Nitrogen containing ....................  536 / 45+
Starter and Starting (See Device  
    Associated therewith)  
    Arc ....................................  315
        Arc lamp ...........................  314
        Mercury vapor lamp .................  313 / 170+
    Buttonhole sewing machine ..............  112 / 67
    Door ...................................  49 / 276+
    Engine or motor  
        Electric motor .....................  388 / 842+
        Electric motor .....................  318 / 430+
        Electric motor .....................  318 / 136+
        Electric motor type starter ........  290
        Expansible chamber motor type ......  91 / 53
        Starter ............................  91 / 53
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 179.1+
        Starter gearing ....................  74 / 6+
        Starter-generator drive ............  74 / 810.2
            With planetary gearing .........  475 / 13
        Strap starter ......................  74 / 139+
    Fan regulator ..........................  416 / 170 R
    Fluid flow .............................  4 / 368+
        Race track .........................  119 / 423+
    Hydrocarbon synthesis start-up .........  585 / 951*
    Procedure ..............................  585 / 951*
    Loaded land vehicle ....................  278 / 2
        Vehicle operator actuated ..........  280 / 151
    Motor vehicle, safty belt ..............  180 / 270
    Responsive to starter ..................  180 / 270
    Circuit ................................  180 / 270
    Phonograph .............................  369 / 243
    Pump regulator .........................  417 / 1+
    Retort burner ..........................  431 / 218
    Tool driving or impacting device  
        Handle relative movement ...........  173 / 18
        Tool relative movement .............  173 / 13+
    Trap door ..............................  105 / 435
    Valve in expansible chamber motor ......  91 / 286
Stateroom ..................................  114 / 189
Static Electricity .........................  307 / 149
    Anti inductive transmission line .......  174 / 32
    Charges discharging ....................  361 / 212
    Circuit maintenance signaling ..........  340 / 292
    Circuit maintenance telegraphy .........  178 / 69 R
    Collecting with condenser ..............  320 / 166
    Corona prevention ......................  174 / 127
    Discharging ............................  361 / 212
    Elimination ............................  361 / 212
    Generators .............................  310 / 309+
    Grounding ..............................  174 / 6+
    Ignition circuits ......................  315 / 85
    Lamp circuits ..........................  315 / 85
    Lightning arrestors ....................  361 / 117+
    Lightning rods .........................  174 / 2+
    Metallic bleed off .....................  428 / 922*
    Radio ..................................  455 / 296+
        Squelch ............................  455 / 222+
    Shielded cable .........................  174 / 102 R+
    System safety ..........................  361 / 1+
    Telephone circuits anti inductive ......  379 / 414+
Static Information Storage & ...............  365
    Retrieval ..............................  365
    Floating gate memory storage ...........  365 / 185.01+
Static Structure eg Buildings ..............  52
    Match packaging fill and cover .........  53 / 236
    Power driven conveyor work .............  198 / 339.1+
    Railway ................................  104 / 27+
    Receptacle fill and close separate .....  53 / 276+
    Receptacle fill and close single .......  53 / 268+
    Signal or indicator  
        Automatic to cab from highway ......  246 / 174
        Or .................................  246 / 174+
        Electric station selective .........  340 / 825.38+
        Systems ............................  340 / 825.38+
        Passengers .........................  246 / 209
        Train dispatching ..................  246 / 14+
        Train dispatching emergency ........  246 / 13
        Vehicle station indicators .........  116 / 29
    Train dispatching emergency ............  246 / 13
Stationery .................................  D19
    Container ..............................  206 / 215
    Design .................................  D19 / 1
    Envelope ...............................  D19 / 3+
Stator Winding of A C Machine ..............  310 / 195+
Statue .....................................  428 / 15
    Design .................................  D11 / 143+
    Fauna ..................................  428 / 16+
    Barrel .................................  217 / 88
    Making shaping jointing ................  147
    Apparel ................................  2 / 255+
        Glove ..............................  2 / 166
        Shoe ...............................  36 / 57
        Shoe closure .......................  36 / 53
        Trousers ...........................  2 / 231+
        Wire ...............................  140 / 91
        Braces combined ....................  122 / 493
        Crown sheet combined ...............  122 / 496
    Bolts for steam boilers ................  411 / 379
    Box (wooden) ...........................  217 / 69+
        Paperboard box .....................  229 / 198.1
    Pivoted edge ...........................  24 / 267
    Screw impeller .........................  416 / 194
    Stay bolts .............................  411 / 379
    Vehicle body irons .....................  296 / 42
        Curtain backstays ..................  296 / 144
    Wire ...................................  140 / 90+
        Stay logs ..........................  144 / 177+
        Stay logs veneer lathes ............  144 / 214
    Box making .............................  493 / 89
    Marine vessels .........................  114 / 83
    Wire fabric ............................  140 / 10+
        Portable machines ..................  140 / 18+
Steady Rests  
    Abrading ...............................  451 / 406+
    Turning ................................  82 / 165
    Attachments to ashpans .................  110 / 171
    Bath ...................................  D24 / 204+
    Boiler see boiler  
        Design .............................  D23 / 318+
        Nuclear reactor type ...............  376 / 370
    Cleaning of particulate bed filter .....  210 / 274+
        Engines utilizing ..................  123 / 25 P
        Fluid fuel burners utilizing .......  431 / 163
        Fluid fuel burners utilizing .......  431 / 210+
        Solid fuel burners utilizing .......  110
    Condensers .............................  165 / 110
    Distilling with ........................  203
        Boilers having .....................  122
        Steam separators ...................  122 / 492
        Structure ..........................  122 / 508
        Superheater ........................  122 / 486
    Engine and motor (see motor)  
        Design .............................  D15 / 2
        Expansible chamber type ............  91
        Locomotive structure combined ......  105 / 37+
        Motor vehicle  
            Steam tractive type ............  180 / 36+
            Traction motor .................  180 / 303+
        Recording indicator ................  346 / 3+
        Safety valves ......................  137 / 455+
        Second type combined ...............  60 / 698+
        Turbines ...........................  415
        Vehicle heating combined ...........  237 / 12.1+
    Fumigators .............................  43 / 130
    Gas & liquid contact apparatus .........  261 / DIG 76
        Degasifying liquid apparatus .......  96 / 155+
        Degasifying liquid process .........  95 / 241+
    Gas separation .........................  96 / 374+
    Generator and boiler ...................  122
        Autothermic kiln combined ..........  202 / 94
        Cookstove combined .................  126 / 5
        Hot air furnace combined ...........  126 / 101
        Incinerators having ................  110 / 234
        Still and feed water heater ........  202 / 167
        Still and stand boiler .............  202 / 166
        Thermolytic retort combined ........  202 / 106
    Heating by  
        Boilers ............................  122 / 31.1+
        Cooking ovens ......................  126 / 20
        Direct application to food .........  126 / 369
        Driers .............................  34
        Feed water .........................  122 / 412+
        Flatirons ..........................  38 / 85
        Heaters condensers ...............  261 / DIG 10
        Heating systems ....................  237
        Open pan concentrators .............  159 / 36+
        Open top liquid heating vessel .....  126 / 377.1+
        Power plant and water heater .......  60 / 642+
        Power plant and water heater .......  60 / 669
        Tables .............................  126 / 33
        Textile ironers ....................  38
        Track sanders ......................  291 / 21
        Boiler cleaner .....................  122 / 379+
        Furnace draft regulator ............  110 / 147+
        Lubricators ........................  184 / 55.1+
    Iron ...................................  38 / 77.1+
        Pumps ..............................  417 / 151+
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 198.1+
    Rollers ................................  180 / 20
    Sterilizing methods ....................  422 / 26+
    Superheater ............................  122 / 479.1+
    Traps ..................................  137 / 171+
    Treatment ..............................  122 / 459+
        Power plant exhaust ................  60 / 685+
            Combustion device feed in ......  60 / 683
            Serially connected motors ......  60 / 679+
        Power plant superheating ...........  60 / 662
    Turbine (see turbine)  
    Vacuum pump design .....................  D15 / 7+
    Valve design ...........................  D23 / 233+
    Whistles ...............................  116 / 137 R+
Steamer Bag or Trunk .......................  D03 / 272
Steaming and Steamer  
    Apparel ................................  223 / 51
        Dress coat or skirt ................  223 / 70
        Stockings ..........................  223 / 76
        Trousers or sleeve .................  223 / 73
    Food ...................................  426 / 506+
        Boilers ............................  99 / 410+
        Infusers ...........................  99 / 293+
        Miscellaneous food apparatus .......  126 / 369+
        Sterilizing apparatus ..............  99 / 467+
    Grain ..................................  426 / 507+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 467+
    Hair,beauty parlor equipment ...........  D28 / 12+
    Solid material comminutors .............  241 / 1
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 38+
        Cereal processes ...................  241 / 12
        Miscellaneous processes ............  241 / 15+
        Whole seed processes ...............  241 / 8
    Sterilizing and preserving .............  422 / 27+
        Wood treatment .....................  118 / 50
    Textile apparatus ......................  68 / 5 R+
        Implements .........................  68 / 222
    Textile processes ......................  8 / 149.3
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 300+
    Wood bending ...........................  144 / 271
Stearic Acid ...............................  554 / 1+
Steel ......................................  420 / 8+
    Austenitic .............................  420 / 8+
    Butchers ...............................  76 / 84
    Composite casting ......................  164 / 91+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 579+
    Making .................................  266 / 200+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 507+
    Stainless ..............................  420 / 8+
        Heat treated stock .................  148 / 325+
        Heat treating ......................  148 / 605+
    Wool making ............................  29 / 4.51+
Steeping Starch ............................  127 / 68
Steeple ....................................  52 / 82
    Design .................................  D25 / 35+
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 50
        Controls ...........................  244 / 75.1+
        Propulsion .........................  244 / 51+
    Automatically controlled  
        Aeronautic .........................  244 / 175+
        Drop bombs .........................  102 / 384
        Ship ...............................  114 / 144 R+
        Torpedo ............................  114 / 23+
    By articulated movement ................  280 / 442+
        Semitrailer ........................  280 / 426
    By driving .............................  475 / 18+
        With motor control .................  477 / 1
    Collapsible steering post ..............  280 / 777
    Control lever and linkage systems  
        Control and steering combined ......  74 / 484 R+
        Handle bars ........................  74 / 551.1+
        Handwheel ..........................  74 / 552+
        Steering posts .....................  74 / 492+
    Electric ...............................  318 / 489
    Five or more wheels ....................  180 / 23+
    Illuminator control combined ...........  362 / 37+
        Lights for steering switches .......  362 / 36
    Land vehicle  
        Hand ...............................  280 / 47.11
        Occupant propelled with ............  280 / 200
        Steering ...........................  280 / 200+
        Occupant steered ...................  280 / 80.1+
    Lock and switch combined ...............  70 / 252
        Centerboards .......................  114 / 128
        Chain propeller ....................  440 / 95
        Crank paddle .......................  440 / 26
        Jet ................................  440 / 38
        Oscillating propeller ..............  440 / 13
        Paddle wheel .......................  440 / 90
        Portable propeller .................  440 / 53
        Reciprocating propeller ............  440 / 13
        Screw propeller ....................  440 / 53
        Steering mechanism .................  114 / 144 R+
        Torpedoes ..........................  114 / 23+
        Towing .............................  114 / 242+
    Motor actuated .........................  244 / 175+
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 400+
        By differential traction ...........  180 / 6.2
            Endless track ..................  180 / 6.7
        Caterpillar type ...................  180 / 9.44+
        Five or more wheels ................  180 / 22+
        Fluid power ........................  180 / 417
        Four wheels driven, articulated ....  180 / 235
        Frame ..............................  180 / 235
        Gear ...............................  180 / 400+
        Shaft ..............................  180 / 78
        Steerable, driven wheel ............  180 / 252
            Five or more wheels ............  180 / 23
            Four wheels driven, all ........  180 / 234+
            Steerable ......................  180 / 234+
            Motor-carrying attachment ......  180 / 12+
            Steam tractive vehicle .........  180 / 37+
            Three wheels ...................  180 / 211+
            Two wheels .....................  180 / 223+
            Two wheels, rotary element .....  180 / 222
            Driven wheel ...................  180 / 222
        Using terrestrial guide ............  180 / 401
        Walking attendant ..................  180 / 19.1+
    Plows and cultivators  
        Automatic ..........................  172 / 2+
        By walking attendant ...............  172 / 669+
        Lister furrow guided ...............  172 / 26
        Tree or stake guided ...............  172 / 24
    Remote control  
        By radio ...........................  340 / 825.72+
            Pulse responsive ...............  340 / 825.69
        Electric steering motor ............  318
        Of drill bit in well bore ..........  340 / 853.6
        Torpedo ............................  114 / 21.3
    Self steering wheeled toys .............  446 / 441
    Sled ...................................  280 / 16
        Flexible runner ....................  280 / 21.1+
    Wheel ..................................  74 / 552+
        Cover or grip ......................  74 / 558
        Lock ...............................  70 / 211
        Position indicator .................  116 / 31
    Windmill ...............................  416 / 9
Steins .....................................  215 / 235+
        False stem .........................  47 / 55
    Key ....................................  70 / 402+
        Extensible .........................  70 / 397
        Foldable ...........................  70 / 393
        Plural .............................  70 / 401
    Medicators .............................  604 / 309
    Smoking pipe ...........................  131 / 227+
        Absorber type ......................  131 / 204
        Cap and tool .......................  152 / 431
        Cleaners ...........................  131 / 245
        Coaxial ............................  137 / 637.2
        Detachable actuator ................  251 / 128
        Inflation type .....................  137 / 223+
        Stop combined ......................  251 / 284+
        Tire combined ......................  152 / 429+
        Fasteners ..........................  368 / 307
        Winding ............................  368 / 216
        Winding and setting ................  368 / 190+
    Fruit ..................................  99 / 637+
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 313+
Stemware Container .........................  206 / 426
Stencil and Stenciling .....................  33 / 563+
    Abrading resist ........................  451 / 442+
        Utilization ........................  451 / 29+
    Addressing machine .....................  101 / 48+
    Blank making by coating ................  427 / 143
    Brush ..................................  D04 / 135
    Design .................................  D19 / 40
    Lettering ..............................  D19 / 40
    Nonuniform coating by stenciling .......  427 / 256+
    Plate ..................................  101 / 112
    Printing devices .......................  101 / 114+
        Photo process making ...............  430 / 308
    Toilet or make up ......................  132 / 319
    X-art collection .......................  425 / 811*
    X-art collection .......................  493 / 953*
    Copyholder (see copyholder)  
    Stenograph .............................  D18 / 20
    Telegraphic system .....................  178 / 21
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 91+
Stenter See Tenter  
    Brake vehicle step operator ............  188 / 108
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 235.1
    Climbing vehicles  
        Wheeled ............................  280 / 29
    Escalator ..............................  198 / 326+
    Ladder .................................  182 / 228.1
        Detachable .........................  182 / 120+
            Bracket type ...................  182 / 228.3
            Sleeve type ....................  182 / 228.4
    Land vehicle ...........................  280 / 163+
        Design .............................  D12 / 203
        Endgate convertible ................  296 / 62
    Mast ...................................  114 / 93
    Passenger recorder .....................  346 / 40
    Rail detachable ........................  238 / 140
    Railway car ............................  105 / 443+
        Gates combined .....................  105 / 437+
        Trap door combined .................  105 / 430+
    Rotary crane ...........................  212 / 253
    Step plate for vehicle .................  D12 / 203
    Stilt ..................................  482 / 76
    Tread (see --; ladder; stair)  
        Lighting vehicle step ..............  362 / 481
        Rail ...............................  238 / 136
        Sleeping car .......................  105 / 326
    Wall attached ..........................  182 / 90+
    Window scaffold combined ...............  182 / 54
Step-By-Step Propulsion ....................  280 / 1.181
    Convertible to chair or seat ...........  182 / 33+
    Propped ................................  182 / 165+
        Pivoted platform ...................  182 / 124+
Stepped Building ...........................  52 / 182+
    Land vehicle ...........................  305 / 1+
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 8.1+
        Runner supported, shuffling ........  180 / 187
    Simulating vehicle .....................  280 / 1.181+
    (See photogrammetry)  
Stereograph See Stereoscopy ................  359 / 462
Stereopticon ...............................  84 / 24+
Stereoscope ................................  D16 / 222
    Stereoscopic photography ...............  396 / 324+
        Viewer .............................  359 / 466+
    Anaglyphs ..............................  359 / 462+
    Camera still ...........................  396 / 324+
    Motion pictures ........................  352 / 57+
    Projector ..............................  353 / 7
    Stereograph ............................  359 / 462+
    Television .............................  348 / 42+
    VECTOGRAPH™    .........................  359 / 489
    Viewers ................................  359 / 466+
    X ray ..................................  378 / 41
Stereotaxic Devices ........................  606 / 130
    Casting ................................  164 / 2+
    Finishing ..............................  29 / 21
        Mold and trimmer ...................  164 / 140+
    Planing ................................  409 / 309
    Plates .................................  101 / 368+
Sterile Body Treatment Tool Package ........  206 / 210
Sterilizer .................................  D24 / 217+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 452
Sterilizing See Heat .......................  422
    Apparatus for treating air .............  422 / 120+
    Electrolytic ...........................  205 / 701+
    Foods ..................................  426 / 521+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 467+
    Gas or solid by direct contact with ....  422 / 22+
    Electrical or electromagnetic ..........  422 / 22+
    Radiation ..............................  422 / 22+
        Apparatus ..........................  204 / 660+
        Electrical .........................  204 / 660+
    Gas separator combined .................  96 / 223+
    Heating gathered soil ..................  47 / 1.42
    Liquid by electrostatic ................  204 / 554
    Ray energy .............................  250 / 455.11
        Fluent material ....................  250 / 428+
        Xray ...............................  378 / 64+
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 290
        Electrical or radiant energy .......  131 / 299
    Water ..................................  210
Steroids ...................................  552 / 502+
    Glucosidal .............................  536 / 5+
    Heterocyclic nucleus ctg ...............  540 / 2+
Sterols ....................................  552 / 540+
    Acoustic type ..........................  181 / 126+
    Design .................................  D24 / 134
    Electric type ..........................  381 / 67
Stibonium ..................................  556 / 64+
    Candy design ...........................  D01 / 127
    Candy stick per se .....................  426 / 294
    Cane or umbrella type ..................  135 / 65+
        Design .............................  D03 / 5+
    Confections ............................  426 / 134+
        Manufacturing ......................  425 / 110+
    Edible stick or strip form .............  D01
    Handler ................................  294 / 87.11
    Inedible holder for food ...............  D01 / 105
    Inserter ...............................  227
    Laminating .............................  156
    Laundry ................................  294 / 23.5
    Loom picker ............................  139 / 157
    Match ..................................  44 / 511+
    Meat supporting ........................  452 / 186
    Mountain climbing ......................  482 / 51+
    Skaters ................................  280 / 826
    Skein or hank supporting for ...........  68 / 147
    Washing ................................  68 / 147+
        Trickler and sprinkler .............  68 / 206
    Tobacco supporting .....................  294 / 5.5
        Typesetting ........................  276 / 38+
Stickpin ...................................  D11 / 47
    Hat pin ................................  D11 / 207
Stiffened Fabrics  
    Coated or impregnated ..................  442 / 103
    Apparel ................................  2 / 255+
        Collar etc making ..................  223 / 4
        Making .............................  223 / 27
        Shoe counter .......................  36 / 68
        Shoe shanks ........................  36 / 76 R
        Shoe toe and heel type machines ....  12 / 61 R+
        Shoe upper metallic seam ...........  36 / 58
    Railway rail joint  
        Base plate .........................  238 / 213
        Chair base .........................  238 / 189
Stills (See Distillation) .................  202
    Chemical apparatus combined ............  422 / 189+
    Mineral oils ...........................  196 / 98+
    Refrigeration system combined ..........  62
Stilts .....................................  482 / 75+
    Body attached ..........................  623 / 28+
    Ceramic ................................  432 / 258+
    Design .................................  D21 / 422
    Metal forging ..........................  72 / 76
    Processes ..............................  427 / 256+
    Roll ...................................  492
Stirling Cycle .............................  60 / 517+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 6
Stirrer (See Agitator) .....................  366 / 343
    Chain-type .............................  366 / 607*
        Discharge assistant combined .......  222 / 226+
        Discharge assistant type ...........  222 / 251+
        Jarring or vibrating ...............  222 / 196+
        Stationary .........................  222 / 459
        Trap chamber type discharge ........  222 / 216
        Assistant ..........................  222 / 216+
    Drier stationary receptacle ............  34 / 179+
    Gas agitation ..........................  222 / 195
    Heating etc gas generator fuel .........  48 / 85.2
    Heating furnaces with ..................  432 / 139+
    Hops ...................................  366 / 343
    Liquid purification  
        Centrifugal filter rotary ..........  210 / 380.1+
        Loose material filter cleaning .....  210 / 269+
    Mineral oil vaporizing process .........  208 / 146
    Smoking devices with ...................  131 / 184.1
    Tedder type ............................  56 / 370+
    Connection or joint ....................  403 / 232.1
    Harness ................................  54 / 47+
        Design .............................  D30 / 142
    Railway coupling .......................  213 / 199
    Saddle .................................  54 / 47+
    Textile drawing pressure device ........  19 / 266
Stitching See Sewing  
    Blind stitch guides ....................  112 / 140
    Blind stitch methods and seams .........  112 / 475.24+
    Brushes wirebound and ..................  15 / 189
    Embroidering machines ..................  112 / 78+
        Hemstitching .......................  112 / 81+
        Horizontal needle stitch ...........  112 / 93
        Forming ............................  112 / 93+
    Knitting textiles ......................  66
    Leather sewing .........................  112 / 28+
    Sewing machine mechanism ...............  112 / 154+
    Sheet material associating and .........  270 / 52.18
        Folding combined ...................  270 / 37+
    Shoe sole  
        Hemp sole ..........................  112 / 470.25
        Imitation stitch ...................  12 / 32
        Leather sewing .....................  112 / 28+
        Removers ...........................  12 / 39.3
        Stitch separating and indenting ....  12 / 32+
        Stitched article ...................  36 / 18+
    Stapling ...............................  227
    Stitch control .........................  112 / 154+
    Stitch marking .........................  112 / 470.21
    Textile processes with .................  28 / 140+
    Trimmers combined ......................  112 / 122.1
Stock (See Blanks)  
    Anchors ................................  114 / 301
    Animal husbandry .......................  119
    Animal restraining .....................  119 / 729+
    Die ....................................  408 / 120+
    Firearm ................................  42 / 71.01+
    Lathe headstocks .......................  82 / 142+
    Lathe tailstocks .......................  82 / 148
    Live care and handling .................  119
        Railroad sprinkler stock alarm .....  239 / 173
        Time controlled feeder .............  119 / 51.11
        Vehicle body .......................  296 / 12+
    Magnetic ...............................  148 / 300+
    Material ...............................  428
        Label and tag indicators ...........  283 / 81
        Radiation barrier ..................  250 / 505.1
        Treated metal ......................  148 / 400+
    Metal-to-metal laminate ................  428 / 615+
    Milling machine tailstocks .............  409 / 242
        Changeable exhibitor ...............  40 / 446+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 825.26+
        Indicator type .....................  116 / 200+
        Projector type .....................  353 / 46+
        Telegraph bulletin .................  178 / 24
        Telegraph printing .................  178 / 23 R+
        Telegraph ticker tape ..............  178 / 34+
    Railway rolling ........................  105
        Toy ................................  446 / 467
    Sample and  
        Cabinet compartment ................  312 / 234
        Showcase compartments ..............  312 / 118+
        Tray ...............................  206 / 557+
    Treatment of paper .....................  162 / 1+
    Woodworking bit ........................  81 / 28+
Stockbarger Type Crystallization ...........  117 / 81+
Stocking (See Hose) .......................  2 / 239+
    Bandage type ...........................  602 / 62
    Cap ....................................  D02 / 889
    Darning ................................  66 / 2
        Design appliances ..................  D03 / 26
    Forms ..................................  223 / 75+
        Putting on or removing .............  223 / 112
    Hose ...................................  D02 / 980+
    Knitting ...............................  66 / 178 R+
        Design .............................  D02 / 980+
    Pantyhose ..............................  2 / 409
    Pressing or molding ....................  223 / 60
    Protectors see protection ..............  2 / 61
        Gaiters and leggings ...............  36 / 2 R
        Gaiters and leggings design ........  D02 / 909+
        Cup type feeder ....................  112 / 18
    Supporters .............................  2 / 300+
        Design .............................  D02 / 625+
    Wear sole combined .....................  36 / 9 R
Stogies ....................................  131 / 360+
Stoker (See Feeder, Fuel)  
    Design .................................  D23 / 396
    Furnace ................................  241 / 600*
    Furnace charger ........................  414 / 147+
    Locomotive blower type .................  110 / 105.5+
    Locomotive coal crushers ...............  241 / 276
    Progressive feed through ...............  110 / 267
    Combustion chamber .....................  110 / 267+
Stole, Apparel Design ......................  D02 / 823+
Stoma Receptacle ...........................  604 / 332+
    Artificial .............................  106 / 600+
        Inorganic settable ingredient ......  106 / 638+
    Compositions impregnating ..............  106 / 12
    Fences .................................  256 / 19
    Gatherer ...............................  171 / 63+
    Grinding processes .....................  451 / 41+
    Jewelry use ............................  D11 / 89+
    Precious changing color by .............  250 / 492.1+
    Radiation ..............................  250 / 492.1+
    Printing surfaces ......................  101 / 453+
    Remover ................................  37 / 303
    Working ................................  125
        Design .............................  D99 / 17+
        In situ ............................  299
Stoners for Fruits Etc .....................  99 / 547+
Stool ......................................  108
    Contoured ..............................  297
    Design .................................  D06 / 349+
    Folding ................................  108 / 115+
    Kneeling or scrubbing ..................  182 / 230
    Milking ................................  297 / 175+
    Padded .................................  297 / 461
    Piano duet .............................  297 / 232+
    Planar surface .........................  108
    Accordian ..............................  84 / 376 R
        Barrier type .......................  244 / 110 R
    Animal .................................  210 / 131
    Backstop bowling .......................  473 / 114
    Car ....................................  104 / 249+
    Door ...................................  16 / 49+
    Elevator car ...........................  187 / 351+
    Hinge ..................................  16 / 374+
    Ladder .................................  182 / 209+
    Lever ..................................  74 / 526
    Light ..................................  340 / 907+
        Brake operated switch ..............  200 / 61.67
        Pressure operated switch ...........  200 / 81 R+
        Wiring system ......................  315 / 80
    Organ ..................................  84 / 85
    Shear ..................................  30 / 271
    Target projectile stop combined ........  273 / 404
    Valve ..................................  251 / 284+
    Watches ................................  368 / 101+
    Watches ................................  968 / 834
    Wick ...................................  431 / 301
    Wind instrument ........................  84 / 369+
    Zipper end .............................  24 / 436+
Stop Mechanism  
    Fabric and cord  
        Bobbin cone wind ...................  242 / 479.9+
        Bobbin winding .....................  242 / 472.9+
        Cloth finishing cutting ............  26 / 10 R+
        Cloth fulling stopping .............  26 / 24
        Convolute winding ..................  242 / 534+
        Cordage winding ....................  242 / 472.9+
        Fabric measuring ...................  33 / 740+
        Material engaging ..................  188 / 65.1+
        Nuclear reaction control ...........  376 / 207
        Nuclear reaction control ...........  376 / 227
        Printing bed and cylinder ..........  101 / 275+
        Printing rotary press stack ........  101 / 232+
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 271+
            Bobbin winding .................  242 / 484.8
            Buttonhole .....................  112 / 67
            Embroidering ...................  112 / 87
        Sheet associating and folding ......  270 / 46+
        Textile braiding netting ...........  87 / 18+
        And lace making ....................  87 / 18+
        Textile covering ...................  57 / 19
        Textile fiber preparation ..........  19
        Textile knitting ...................  66 / 157+
        Textile spinning and twisting ......  57 / 78+
        Textile twisting by couple .........  57 / 61
        Textile weaving ....................  139 / 336
            Warp activated .................  139 / 349
            Weft activated .................  139 / 370.1
        Thread stretching with stopping ....  28 / 242
        Warp preparing stopping ............  28 / 186+
        Article elevator ...................  414 / 674
        Brakes .............................  188
        Cable drum control .................  254 / 267+
        Drill feed .........................  408 / 5
        Drying automatic control ...........  34 / 572
        Elevator control ...................  187 / 276+
        Fan regulator ......................  416 / 170 R
        Hoist traversing cable .............  212 / 86+
        Lathe carriage .....................  82 / 132+
        Metal working ......................  72 / 1+
        Motor vehicle safety ...............  180 / 271+
        Planer tool feed ...................  409 / 326+
        Power driven conveyors .............  198 / 832+
        Power stop control .................  192 / 116.5+
        Pump regulator .....................  417 / 1+
        Punching machine shaft drive .......  83 / 58+
        Punching machine shaft drive .......  83 / 69
        Punching machine shaft drive .......  83 / 203+
        Register control ...................  235 / 132 R
        Rotary crane .......................  212 / 276+
        Telegraph code recorder ............  178 / 95
        Tool turret carriage ...............  29 / 65
        Type casting .......................  199 / 52+
        Type distributing ..................  199 / 43
        Typewriter carriage ................  400 / 298+
        Typewriter case shifts .............  400 / 277+
        Typewriter line spacing ............  400 / 547+
        Typewriter tabulator ...............  400 / 294+
        Unwinding ..........................  242 / 563+
        Windmill ...........................  416 / 14
        Wire feeding for working ...........  72 / 461
Stop Watches ...............................  368 / 101
Stopcock Boxes .............................  220 / 3.2+
    Bath and sink ..........................  4 / 286
    Bottle and jar .........................  215 / 355+
        Breakable neck .....................  215 / 50+
        Design .............................  D09 / 439
    Closure for receptacle .................  220 / 801
    Flexible bag ...........................  383 / 96
    Flue ...................................  126 / 319
    Ingot or pig molds .....................  249 / 204
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 30
    Ship or vessel  
        Cable ..............................  114 / 199+
        Hawse pipe .........................  114 / 180
        Leak ...............................  114 / 227+
        Port ...............................  114 / 174+
    With measuring devices .................  222 / 424.5+
        Tiltable ...........................  222 / 454+
Stopwatch ..................................  D10 / 30
    Battery ................................  429
        Charging and discharging ...........  320
        Connections ........................  439 / 754+
        Electrolyte ........................  429 / 189+
        Half lead ..........................  429
        Lead ...............................  429
        Plates and grids ...................  429 / 209+
    Building & devices(see garage;silo) ...  52
        Ballast storage for aircraft .......  244 / 94
        Bed with stowage ...................  5 / 503.1
        Bin with power driven ..............  198 / 550.1
        Conveyor ...........................  198 / 550.1
        Coiled material ....................  242
        Crib with stowage ..................  5 / 96
        Fire escapes .......................  182 / 82+
        Food storage receptacle ............  99 / 467+
        Magazine for label pasting .........  156
        Material handling ..................  414 / 589
            Positioning material for .......  414 / 10+
            Building erection or repair ....  414 / 10+
        Parachute storage ..................  244 / 147+
        Portable storage & means for .......  414 / 919*
        Erecting ...........................  414 / 919*
        Ramp ...............................  52 / 175
        Storage provision on passenger .....  105 / 334
        Car ................................  105 / 334+
        Table leaf .........................  108 / 86+
        Table leaf terraced ................  108 / 93
        Vehicle top ........................  296 / 140+
        Ventilation of storage .............  454 / 173
        Structure ..........................  454 / 173+
        X ray film holders .................  378 / 167
    Cryogen ................................  62 / 45.1+
    Floating vessel ........................  114 / 256
    Hydrogen, alloys for ...................  420 / 900*
    Radioactive waste material .............  588 / 1+
    Submerged vessel .......................  114 / 257
    Tank ...................................  D23 / 202
    Underground fluid ......................  405 / 53+
Store Service ..............................  186
    Trolley type ladders ...................  182 / 36+
    Using punch cards ......................  186 / 56
Storefront Design ..........................  D25 / 59
Stores .....................................  52 / 28+
    Bay windows ............................  52 / 201
    Self service ...........................  52 / 33
    Show window panel ......................  52 / 777+
    Show window panel ......................  52 / 764+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 476
Storm Fronts  
    Railway passenger cars .................  105 / 353
    Vehicle body ...........................  296 / 77.1+
    Window .................................  52 / 202
        Screen combination .................  160 / 90+
Storm Windows ..............................  49 / 61+
Stove ......................................  126
    Absorber coating .......................  126 / 907*
    Air preheating .........................  266 / 138+
    Dampers ................................  126 / 285 R+
        Automatic ..........................  236 / 45
        Combined with furnace features .....  110 / 163
    Design .................................  D07 / 339+
    Handle or knob .........................  D08 / 300+
        Electric ...........................  392 / 418+
    Illumination ...........................  362 / 92+
    Implements .............................  294 / 9+
        Compound ...........................  7 / 109+
    Polish .................................  106 / 3+
    Still combined .........................  202 / 165
    Ventilators ............................  D23 / 371+
    Working fluid compositions .............  126 / 678
Stovepipe ..................................  126 / 307 R+
    Design .................................  D23 / 394
    Elbow bending ..........................  72 / 307
    Hood combined ..........................  126 / 301+
    Liquid heater ..........................  126 / 364.1+
    Thimbles ...............................  126 / 314+
Straight Jackets ...........................  128 / 869+
Straight Line Motions ......................  74 / 103
Straightedge ...............................  33 / 403+
    Design .................................  D10 / 61+
    Leveling ...............................  33 / 341+
    Rod joint ..............................  403
    Tearing or breaking ....................  225 / 91
Straightening Devices  
    Decurling coated flap of envelope ......  493 / 395+
    Grain harvester ........................  56 / 473
        Automobile frame ...................  72 / 705*
        Leveler ............................  72 / 160+
        Stretcher ..........................  72 / 302
    Paper web ..............................  162 / 270+
    Shoe sole ..............................  12 / 120.5
    Tobacco treatment ......................  131 / 324+
        Stemming ...........................  131 / 315+
    Trouser leg ............................  2 / 233
    Wire ...................................  140 / 147
        Cutting combined ...................  140 / 139+
    Connector electrical ...................  439 / 296+
    Gauge ..................................  33 / DIG 13
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 114+
    Reliever electrical cord terminal ......  439 / 449+
Strainer (See Filter; Screen; Sifter)  
    Baths closets etc ......................  4 / 286+
        Sinks ..............................  4 / 652
    Concentrating evaporator ...............  159 / 42
    Dispenser combined .....................  222 / 189.02+
    Dispensing type sprinkler etc ..........  222 / 565
    Eaves, troughs .........................  52 / 11
    Kitchen utensil ........................  D07 / 667
    Liquid separation ......................  210 / 348+
        Detachable .........................  210 / 473+
        Faucet attached ....................  210 / 449
    Mold for metal having ..................  164 / 358
    Paper stuff ............................  210
    Press ..................................  100 / 130
    Separating yeasts ferments etc .........  435 / 283.1+
    Separatory stills ......................  202 / 178
    Sewer inlet ............................  210 / 163+
    Sewerage trap ..........................  210 / 435+
    Support ................................  248 / 94
    Textile fluid treating apparatus .......  68
    Vegetable etc comminutor type ..........  241
    Well casing ............................  166 / 227+
Strand (See Filament; Wire)  
    Advancing material of indeterminate ....  226
    Length .................................  226
    Brakes .................................  188 / 65.1+
    Drying apparatus .......................  34 / 611+
    Drying processes  
        Diverse ............................  34 / 419
        Gas contact ........................  34 / 444+
        Heat ...............................  34 / 273+
        Vacuum or pressure .................  34 / 409+
    Feeder .................................  226
    Finishing apparatus ....................  28 / 217+
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 189+
        Floor or wall attached .............  182 / 100
    Joining (see joints)  
        Electric conductor .................  156 / 49
        Rope splices .......................  57 / 202
        Rope splicing devices ..............  57 / 22+
        Tying ..............................  289
    Laminating .............................  156 / 166
    Making .................................  28 / 217+
        Braiding ...........................  87
        Casting ............................  164 / 418+
        Knitting ...........................  66 / 3+
        Sliver assembling ..................  19 / 157+
        Spinning or twisting ...............  57
        Waxed end ..........................  57 / 20
    Package ................................  206 / 389+
        Wound ..............................  242 / 159+
    Packaging ..............................  28 / 289+
    Placing or cable hauling ...............  254 / 134.3 R+
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
        Carbon or graphite composite .......  277 / 938
        Glass composite ....................  277 / 937
        Barbed wire ........................  256 / 6+
        Conductors .........................  174 / 126.1+
        Conductors insulated ...............  174 / 110 R+
        Conductors sheathed ................  174 / 102 R+
        Fence wire .........................  256 / 46
        Textile ............................  428 / 364+
        Textile braided ....................  87 / 8+
        Textile twisted ....................  57 / 200+
    Tearing or breaking ....................  225
    Tire bead grommets .....................  245 / 1.5
    Winding, tensioning or guiding .........  242 / 470+
    Bridle .................................  54 / 15
    Animal shoe fastening ..................  168 / 22
    Antiskid for wheels ....................  152 / 221+
    Apparel supporting .....................  2 / 338+
        Spaced holders .....................  2 / 323+
    Auto folding top .......................  296 / 130
    Boot ...................................  36 / 56
    Button loops ...........................  24 / 660
    Closure holding  
        Wooden boxes .......................  217 / 66+
    Clutch .................................  192 / 80+
    End attaching devices ..................  24 / 265 R+
        Casket lowering ....................  27 / 33+
        Package and article carriers .......  294 / 149+
        Railway car ........................  105 / 354
        Breast .............................  54 / 58+
        Breech .............................  278 / 128
        Hame ...............................  54 / 28
        Hitching ...........................  54 / 34
        Loops ..............................  24 / 182
    Hat ....................................  132 / 58
    Machine element ........................  74 / 570.1
        Box straps .........................  140 / 74
        Strap finishing ....................  69 / 17
    Nuclear reactor moderator support ......  376 / 304
    Safety .................................  182 / 3+
    Tighteners .............................  24 / 68 R+
        Bale and package ties ..............  24 / 19
        Portable, detachable tensioners ....  254 / 199
    Trouser ................................  24 / 72.1
    Weaving machine  
        Harnessing connecting ..............  139 / 88
        Shuttle fly lug connecting .........  139 / 153
    Wheel brake ............................  188 / 77 R
    Wrist watch ............................  224 / 164
        End attaching devices ..............  24 / 265 R+
Stratifying (See Separator, Solids) .......  209
    Drinking ...............................  239 / 33
    Drinking device ........................  D07 / 300.2
    Holder .................................  D07 / 635
    Mattresses .............................  5 / 951*
    Stacks forming .........................  414 / 132
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 117 R+
    Railway trains .........................  105 / 1.4
Street See Roads ...........................  404
    Cleaners and sweepers  
        Brushing ...........................  15 / 78+
        Machinery ..........................  D32 / 15+
        With air blast or suction ..........  15 / 300.1+
    Flushers ...............................  239 / 146+
    Lantern ................................  362 / 257+
    Oilers .................................  239 / 130
    Pavements ..............................  404 / 17+
        Marker .............................  404 / 9+
        Mirrors and reflectors .............  404 / 14
        Traffic ............................  116 / 63 R
    Signs ..................................  40 / 612
    Street light ...........................  D26 / 67+
        Design .............................  D20 / 17
    Underground electric conductors ........  174 / 39
Streetcar ..................................  D12 / 36+
    Appliance ..............................  D13 / 128
Strength Measuring  
    By acoustic emission ...................  73 / 801
    By impact or shock .....................  73 / 12.01+
    By testing model of structure ..........  73 / 804
    Hardness ...............................  73 / 78+
    Muscular ...............................  73 / 379.01+
        Coin controlled ....................  194
    Optically sensed .......................  73 / 800
    Periodic ...............................  73 / 808+
        Alternating tension & ..............  73 / 797
        Compression ........................  73 / 797
    Stress strain ..........................  73 / 788+
    To cracking of specimen ................  73 / 799
Streptomycin ...............................  536 / 14
Stress Distributing (See Equalizing)  
    Conduit electric .......................  174 / 73.1
    Insulator electric .....................  174 / 140 R+
    Testing ................................  73 / 760+
    X ray tube .............................  378 / 139
Stretchers & Stretching See ...............  254 / 199+
    Definition notes; tension; .............  254 / 199+
    Tighteners .............................  254 / 199+
    Boot and shoemaking  
        Loose upper shaping ................  12 / 54.1+
        With diverse operations ............  12 / 52.5
    Coating process ........................  427 / 171+
    Coating process combined ...............  427 / 401
    Design .................................  D12 / 128+
        Apparel ............................  223 / 52+
        Carpet .............................  254 / 200+
        Carpet .............................  294 / 8.6
        Carpet fastener combined ...........  16 / 5
        Fastener applier combined ..........  227 / 12
        Frame, eg curtain stretcher ........  38 / 102.1+
        Framed panel .......................  160 / 378
        Hat shaping ........................  223 / 15
        Hung or draped .....................  160 / 328+
        Ironing table combined .............  38 / 108
        Smoothing ..........................  38 / 102
        Smoothing implements combined ......  38 / 70
        Smoothing machine combined .........  38 / 12+
        Wire ...............................  140 / 108+
        Working combined ...................  26 / 51+
    Fence incorporated .....................  256 / 37+
        Tack puller for ....................  254 / 18
        Textile sheets .....................  38 / 102+
    Horseshoe ..............................  168 / 9
    Invalid lift  
        Bottoms and slings .................  5 / 625+
        Field type .........................  5 / 626+
        Wheeled ............................  296 / 20
        Belt ...............................  69 / 1.5
        Frame ..............................  69 / 19.1+
        Lasting machine ....................  12 / 7+
        Lasting tool .......................  12 / 108+
        Shoe spot stretchers ...............  12 / 115.2+
        Translating tool ...................  69 / 46
        Work holder ........................  69 / 19
    Metal curving or straightening .........  72 / 302
    Metal slitting and .....................  29 / 6.1
    Necktie ................................  223 / 65
    Pelt ...................................  69 / 19.1+
    Pushing and pulling implements .........  254 / 199+
    Or apparatus ...........................  254 / 199
    Resilient article assembling ...........  29 / 235
    Saw making .............................  76 / 26+
    Screws for ropes and cables ............  28 / 240+
        Twisting combined ..................  57 / 310
    Ships sail .............................  114 / 109+
    Shoe former ............................  12 / 128 V+
    Skein washing combined .................  68 / 159
    Spinning and twisting combined .........  57 / 310
    Strap ..................................  24 / 68 D
    Stretch forming ........................  72 / 295+
    Textile web running lengths ............  26 / 71+
        Biaxial ............................  26 / 72+
        Heater-dryer and spreader ..........  26 / 92
        Heater-dryer combined ..............  26 / 106
        Roller spreader ....................  26 / 99+
        Spreader ...........................  26 / 87+
        Tubular fabric spreader ............  26 / 80+
        Web condition responsive ...........  26 / 74+
        Control ............................  26 / 74+
    Thread finishing .......................  28 / 240+
        With liquid treating ...............  28 / 246
        With stopping ......................  28 / 242
    Umbrella tent ..........................  135 / 907*
    Wire see notes to ......................  140 / 123.5
Striated Effects Surface Type ..............  428 / 30
Striker and Striking  
    Ammunition fuse etc ....................  102 / 272+
    Animal trap ............................  43 / 77+
    Clocks .................................  368 / 243+
        Electric ...........................  368 / 250+
        Electric ...........................  968 / 583+
        Mechanical striking ................  968 / 219+
        Hammer mills .......................  241 / 86+
        Hammer mills .......................  241 / 185.5+
        Hammer mills plural parallel .......  241 / 138
        Zones ..............................  241 / 138
        Hammer mills plural series .........  241 / 154
        Zones ..............................  241 / 154
        Impact processes ...................  241 / 27
    Diaphragm horn with rotary .............  116 / 143+
    Fixed bell with pivoted ................  116 / 167
    Gong with pivoted ......................  116 / 155+
    Lock ...................................  292 / 340+
    Mechanism for music players ............  84 / 323+
        Piano ..............................  84 / 236+
    Movable figure toys ....................  446 / 336
    Music instruments  
        Automatic outside players ..........  84 / 111
        Piano auxiliary ....................  84 / 224
        Piano hammer actions ...............  84 / 236+
        Pneumatic pianos ...................  84 / 54
        Rigid vibrators with ...............  84 / 404
        Stringed with ......................  84 / 12
    Punching bags ..........................  482 / 86+
    Railway draft block ....................  213 / 58+
    Surfaces for matches ...................  44 / 643
        Compositions .......................  149
        Index wheel ........................  400 / 165.1+
        Key wheel ..........................  400 / 174+
String (See Cord; Strand) .................  57
    Catgut .................................  84 / 297 S
        Covering with copper or ............  57 / 3
        Silver wire ........................  57 / 3
    Draw ...................................  24 / 712
    Gut ....................................  8 / 94.11
    Insulators .............................  174 / 150
        Stress distributing combined .......  174 / 141 R
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 297 S+
    Musical instrument .....................  984 / 117
        Covering with wire .................  57 / 3
        Design .............................  D17 / 14+
        Piano ..............................  84 / 199
        Tuning devices .....................  84 / 455
    Nail manufacture .......................  470 / 122
    Nailers ................................  227 / 95+
    Plate piano ............................  84 / 188
        Frame and sounding board ...........  84 / 184
        Combined ...........................  84 / 184
        Frame combined .....................  84 / 185
        Sounding board combined ............  84 / 187
    Shoe ...................................  24 / 715.4+
    Tag ....................................  40 / 662+
        Band type ..........................  40 / 665
    Tear  +
        Bag ................................  383 / 206
        Box ................................  229 / 239
        Envelopes ..........................  229 / 311+
Stringed Instruments .......................  84
    Automatic player pianos ................  84 / 7+
    Electric pickup ........................  84 / 723+
Stringer (See Girder)  
    Railway ................................  238 / 24+
        Tie ends ...........................  238 / 42
    Seed corn ..............................  139 / 19
    Assembling by see notes to .............  29 / 241
    Beads ..................................  29 / 700+
        Apparel trimming ...................  223 / 48
    Sewing machine for .....................  112 / 470.21+
        With knotter .......................  112 / 470.22
    Tennis racquet .........................  473 / 553+
    Tobacco ................................  414 / 26
    Brush ..................................  15 / 166
        With material supply ...............  401 / 193
        Implement ..........................  401 / 48
        Machine ............................  118
        Processes ..........................  427 / 286+
    Fabric weaving .........................  139 / 417
Stripper and Stripping  
    Berry ..................................  56 / 330
    Bobbin .................................  28 / 292+
    Coating ................................  118 / 100+
    Coil ...................................  242 / 360+
    Color stripping ........................  8 / 102
    Cotton .................................  56 / 33+
    Cutlery combined .......................  30 / 128+
    Electrolytic apparatus combined ........  204 / 194+
    Electrolytic removal of elemental ......  205 / 717+
    Layer from metal or metal alloy ........  205 / 717+
    Expressing press cake ..................  100 / 218
        Cloth removing .....................  100 / 298
    Fiber and thread  
        Carding ............................  19 / 108+
        Guides .............................  28 / 222+
    File blank .............................  29 / 77
    Filling tube ...........................  141 / 265
    Harvesting .............................  56 / 126+
    Insulation from wire ...................  81 / 9.4+
    Molds and castings .....................  164
        Ingot strippers ....................  164 / 405+
    Nail strippers .........................  193 / 38
    Of electrophotographic copy sheets .....  399 / 398+
    Of electrophotographic copy sheets .....  430 / 256+
    Photographic paper and films ...........  430 / 256+
    Prick punch ............................  30 / 368
    Punch press ............................  83 / 111
    Tube or sheath splitter ................  30 / 90.1+
    Vine and seed ..........................  460 / 123
Strips See Tape  
    Adhesively affixing ....................  156
        With cutting .......................  156 / 510+
    Apparel ................................  2 / 338+
    Breaker strip ..........................  152 / 526
    Building joint covering ................  52 / 459+
    Buttonhole .............................  2 / 266
    Carpet fastening .......................  16 / 16
    Continuous binding .....................  281 / 23
    Convolute winding ......................  242 / 520+
    Dispensing .............................  221 / 33+
        Continuous strip ...................  312 / 34.1+
        Towel ..............................  312 / 34.9+
    Feeding and delivering .................  226
    Guide sewing machine ...................  112 / 152
    Handling (see feeder; sheet)  
    Manifolding ............................  462 / 25+
        Continuous form strip book .........  462 / 2
        Type ...............................  462 / 2
        Leaf and book combined .............  462 / 7
        Leaf combined ......................  462 / 8
    Metallic ...............................  428 / 544+
        Compound ...........................  428 / 615+
        Strips of repeated articles, .......  29 / DIG 40
        Cut up later .......................  29 / DIG 40
    Paper ..................................  281 / 5+
        Leaves combined ....................  281 / 2
        Printed ............................  283 / 62
    Pasters ................................  156
    Perforated telegraph tape ..............  178 / 112
    Recorder record receiver ...............  346 / 136
    Recording paper ........................  346 / 136
    Servers see notes & definitions ........  226
    Spiral cutting .........................  83 / 680
    Supports ...............................  211 / 45+
        Stacked ............................  211 / 50+
    Switchboard ............................  361 / 600
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 325
    Tack ...................................  411 / 439+
    Tape appliers shoe making ..............  12 / 59.5
    Tearing or breaking ....................  225
    Telegraph tape .........................  178 / 111+
    Tensioning .............................  242 / 410+
    Towel supports .........................  211 / 16
        Locked .............................  211 / 6
    Unwinding ..............................  242 / 550+
    Vehicle body wear ......................  296 / 41
    Weather ................................  49 / 475.1+
        Windshield .........................  296 / 93
    Winding tensioning or guiding ..........  242 / 520+
    Woodcutters for strips  
        Bench planes .......................  30 / 478+
        Slicers ............................  144 / 164+
        Veneer lathe .......................  144 / 215
        Frequency ..........................  324 / 76.39+
        General ............................  324
        Phase ..............................  324 / 76.77+
    Electric lamp systems ..................  315
        Condenser discharge ................  315 / 227 R+
    Optical ................................  356 / 23+
Stroboscopic Light Synchonizer .............  356 / 23+
    Condenser supplied lamp ................  315 / 227 R+
    Using electronic tube for ..............  315 / 208
    Trigger ................................  315 / 208
    Using photocell ........................  315 / 149+
Stroke Regulation  
    Dispenser volume varying  
        Piston or follower .................  222 / 309
        Relatively movable actuator ........  222 / 287
    Expansible chamber device ..............  92 / 13
    Expansible chamber motors ..............  91 / 277+
        Pump type dispensers ...............  222 / 375
    Mechanical movement ....................  74 / 20+
    Piano actions ..........................  84 / 221+
    Pumps ..................................  417 / 212+
        Lubricating ........................  184 / 26+
    Punches ................................  83 / 248
    Punches ................................  83 / 527+
    Rotary .................................  91 / 472+
Stroller (See Baby, Carriage) .............  280 / 47.38+
    Collapsible ............................  280 / 639+
        Seated occupant ....................  280 / 650
    Design .................................  D12 / 129
Strontium (See Alkali Earth Metal) ........  75
Strophanthin ...............................  536 / 6.1
Stropping Devices  
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 138+
    Razor ..................................  30 / 35+
    Reciprocating tool .....................  451 / 169
    Reciprocating work holder ..............  451 / 316
    Structure ..............................  76 / 81+
    Surface renewing .......................  451 / 459
    Work rotating ..........................  451 / 318
Structural Elements See Reinforcement  
    Brake beams ............................  188 / 219.1+
    Bridge details .........................  14 / 14+
    Fence rail .............................  256 / 60+
    Laminated and analogus structure  
        Flexible fabrics ...................  442
        Glass ..............................  156 / 99+
        Beam or girder .....................  29 / 897.2
        Columnar member ....................  29 / 897.3
        Openwork ...........................  29 / 897.31
        Panel ..............................  29 / 897.32
        Rails ..............................  238 / 122+
        Rolled flanged bars ................  72 / 221+
        Sheet piling .......................  405 / 276+
        Static structural component ........  29 / 897.33
        Stock shapes .......................  428 / 544+
        Vehicular ..........................  29 / 897.35
    Molded in situ .........................  264 / 31+
    Pipe ...................................  138 / 177
    Railway ties ...........................  238 / 54+
    Strands ................................  57 / 902*
Structured Biocides ........................  424 / 405+
Structured Insecticides ....................  424 / 405+
Structured Repellants ......................  424 / 405+
    Aircraft landing .......................  244 / 100 R+
        Spring .............................  267 / 2+
    Aircraft lifting .......................  244 / 37
    Folding bed ............................  5 / 139+
    Railway dumping car door actuator ......  105 / 304
    Scaffold ...............................  248 / 351+
        Building propped ...................  182 / 87
        Window type ........................  182 / 62
    Sprinkler head collapsing ..............  169 / 38+
Strychnine .................................  546 / 35
    Attached tab ...........................  402 / 500*
        Control dirigible light ............  362 / 55
        Supports ...........................  362 / 55+
        Motor vehicle, driven & ............  180 / 253+
        Steerable wheel ....................  180 / 253+
        Occupant propelled vehicle .........  280 / 771+
        Occupant steered vehicle ...........  280 / 124.125+
        Railway truck ......................  105 / 180
        Railway truck radial ...............  105 / 169
        Short turn vehicle .................  280 / 103
        Suspension arrangements ............  280 / 124.125+
        Trailer steering devices ...........  280 / 443+
    Switch railway .........................  246 / 445+
    Balance ................................  368 / 178
    Fixture wiring with box ................  174 / 62+
    Hame bolt ..............................  54 / 26+
    Lacing .................................  24 / 713.9+
        Making metal studs .................  29 / 12
        Spiral .............................  140 / 92
    Removers ...............................  81 / 53.2
Studding ...................................  52 / 831+
    Composite, stone like component ........  52 / 367+
    Facer attached .........................  52 / 474+
    Longitudinally related .................  52 / 836+
    Ribbed concrete ........................  52 / 327+
    Settable material backer attached ......  52 / 344+
Studio Photographic ........................  396 / 1+
Stuff Working ..............................  241
Stuffed and Stuffing  
    Container filling ......................  493 / 967*
    Dynamic seal contained or ..............  277 / 510+
    Compressed by a gland member ...........  277 / 510+
    In a packing box .......................  277 / 510+
    Horse collar ...........................  69 / 4
    Mattresses .............................  5 / 948+
        Stuffing devices ...................  53 / 524
    Multiweft fabric stuffer warp ..........  139 / 415
    Pile fabric stuffer warp ...............  139 / 406
    Sausage ................................  452 / 35+
        With linker ........................  452 / 46+
    Truss pads .............................  128 / 120.1
Stuffer Box ................................  28 / 263
    Burner .................................  110 / 239
        Design .............................  D23 / 334
    Remover ................................  254
        Excavator ..........................  37 / 302
        Hand and hoist line implements .....  294
        Traversing hoist ...................  212
    Splitter in situ .......................  144 / 193.1+
Stunning ...................................  452 / 57+
Stunting Agents ............................  504 / 174+
Stylographic Pens ..........................  401 / 258+
    Code transmitter .......................  178 / 19.01
    Facsimile ..............................  358 / 478
        Synchronization ....................  358 / 424
    Indenting ..............................  81 / 9.2
    Manifolding ............................  81 / 9.2
    Pen material retaining .................  401 / 292
    Phonograph or sound recorder and  
        Changers ...........................  369 / 171+
            For sound box ..................  369 / 161
        Holders ............................  369 / 170
        Stylus feed ........................  369 / 172
Styptic Pencil .............................  604 / 309
    Composition ............................  424
Styrene ....................................  585
    Copolymers (see also synthetic .........  526 / 347+
    Resin or natural rubber) ...............  526 / 347
        With diolefines ....................  526 / 340
            With cyclodiolefines ...........  526 / 280
    Polymerized liquid .....................  585 / 428
    Polymerized solid (see also ............  526 / 347.2
    Synthetic resin or natural .............  526 / 347.2
    Rubber) ................................  526 / 347.2
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 435+
STYROFOAM™    ..............................  521 / 79
    Mold filling ...........................  264 / DIG 10
    Pre-expansion ..........................  264 / DIG 9
Styrols See Styrenes  
Sub-Critical Reactor Nuclear ..............  376 / 158
Subduing Color .............................  8 / 102
Subirrigation ..............................  405 / 36
    Apparatus combined .....................  422 / 189+
    Furnaces metallurgical .................  266 / 144+
    Hydrocarbon purification by ............  585 / 801
        Inorganic materials ................  23 / 294 R+
    Refrigeration by .......................  62 / 384+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 165+
    Sulfur .................................  423 / 578.1
    Amusement railway ......................  104 / 71
    Cable ..................................  174
        Loaded .............................  178 / 45
        Telegraph system ...................  178 / 63 R
    Dredger chamber ........................  37 / 313
    Earth boring ...........................  175 / 5+
    Hooks and grapples .....................  294 / 66.1+
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 5
    Pipe and cable laying ..................  405 / 158+
    Rescue bell ............................  405 / 189
    Signal and light  
        Electric signaling .................  340 / 850+
        Indicator or signal ................  116 / 27
        Lanterns ...........................  362 / 257+
    Toy boat ...............................  446 / 161+
    Tunneling ..............................  405 / 136+
    Vessels ................................  114 / 312+
Subscript Character ........................  400 / 904*
    Drainage ...............................  405 / 36+
    Irrigation channels ....................  405 / 36
    Irrigators .............................  405 / 35+
        Plant ..............................  47 / 48.5
    Plow ...................................  172 / 699+
    Weeding ................................  172 / 720
Substitutes (See Artificial)  
    Foods and beverages  
        Butter and lard ....................  426 / 601+
        Butter design ......................  D01
        Coffee .............................  426 / 569+
        Egg ................................  426 / 531+
    Leather ................................  428 / 904*
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 359
    Vehicle wheel ..........................  305
Subterranean Heater ........................  165 / 45
Subways (See Tunnel)  
    Tunnels ................................  405 / 132
    Ventilation ............................  454 / 166+
Succinic Acid ..............................  562 / 590
    Esters .................................  560 / 190+
Succinic Anhydride .........................  549 / 233
Succinimides ...............................  548 / 545+
Suckling Appliances ........................  119 / 71
Sucrose ....................................  127
    Inversion ..............................  127 / 41
    Precipitation ..........................  127 / 47
Suction (See Pneumatic; Vacuum)  
    Abradant remover .......................  451 / 456
    Anchors ................................  114 / 296
    Boxes paper making .....................  162 / 363+
        Bracket ............................  248 / 205.5+
        Light support ......................  362 / 397
        Support ............................  248 / 363
        Surgical ...........................  604 / 314+
    Dental apparatus .......................  433 / 91+
    Denture ................................  433 / 184+
    Draft appliances for furnaces ..........  110 / 162
    Feeder conveyer holding item by ........  209 / 905*
        Cleaning ...........................  15 / 300.1+
        Dredgers ...........................  37 / 317+
        Insect catchers ....................  43 / 139+
        Label picker .......................  156 / 569+
        Lubricator .........................  184 / 58+
        Milker pulsators ...................  137 / 103+
        Milkers ............................  119 / 14.27+
        Shears combined ....................  30 / 133
        Tobacco feeding ....................  131 / 110
    Operated motor horn ....................  116 / 138
    Pneumatic conveyer .....................  406 / 151+
        Nozzle .............................  406 / 152
    Pump ...................................  415
        Pump ...............................  417
    Tool holder-flexible abrasive ..........  451 / 494
Sugar ......................................  127
    Cane plant .............................  PLT / 385
        Planting ...........................  111 / 907*
    Crystals washing out ...................  127 / 63+
    Cutting and shaping ....................  425 / 289+
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 697
    Fermentative liberation ................  435 / 94+
    Foods containing .......................  99
        Design of foodstuffs ...............  D01
    Grape ..................................  127 / 36+
    Invert .................................  127 / 41
    Purification ...........................  435 / 276
    Syrups .................................  426 / 658+
Suint ......................................  554 / 1+
    Removal from wool ......................  8 / 139.1
Suit .......................................  D02 / 779+
    Space suit .............................  607 / 96+
    Wet suit ...............................  2 / 2.14+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 69+
    Traveling bag ..........................  206 / 278+
Sulfadiazine ...............................  544 / 297
Sulfamic Acids, Organic ....................  562 / 37+
Sulfamides .................................  564 / 79
Sulfanilamide ..............................  564 / 86
Sulfanilic Acid ............................  562 / 58
Sulfapyridine ..............................  546 / 312
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 496+
    Esters .................................  558 / 20+
    Fertilizers containing .................  71
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 544+
    Thio ...................................  423 / 514
    Carbocyclic or acyclic cpds ............  558 / 20+
        Fatty oils or acids ................  554 / 85+
Sulfenamides ...............................  564 / 102
Sulfenate Esters ...........................  558 / 62
    Binary inorganic .......................  423 / 511
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 511+
        Containing .........................  424 / 706+
        Medicine or poison containing ......  424 / 706+
    Organic ................................  568 / 38+
        Amine ..............................  564 / 100+
        Containing .........................  514 / 706
Sulfinamides ...............................  564 / 101
Sulfinate Esters ...........................  558 / 61
Sulfinic Acid ..............................  562 / 125
Sulfinylamines .............................  560 / 317
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 519
        Carboxylic acids from ..............  562 / 513
        Coating or plastic compositions ....  106 / 123.11
        Containing .........................  106 / 123.11
        Compositions .......................  162 / 83+
        Fermentation by yeasts .............  435 / 251
        Lignins from .......................  530 / 500+
        Paper stock treatment ..............  162 / 83+
        Synthetic resins containing ........  527 / 400+
        Tanning agents containing ..........  8 / 94.31
    Organic ................................  260
    Reducing composition ...................  252 / 188.21
Sulfite Esters .............................  558 / 59
Sulfo Acids ................................  562 / 30+
Sulfoacetic Acid ...........................  562 / 109
Sulfohydroxamate Esters ....................  560 / 303
Sulfonamides ...............................  564 / 80+
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 95+
    Aromatic ...............................  564 / 84+
    Hydrazine containing ...................  564 / 81
    Plural .................................  564 / 82+
    Sulfa type .............................  564 / 86
Sulfonate Esters ...........................  558 / 44+
Sulfonation of Fatty Oils ..................  544 / 88+
    Fatty oils .............................  554 / 85+
Sulfones ...................................  568 / 28
Sulfonic Acids .............................  562 / 30+
    Aromatic preservation ..................  562 / 41
    Fat cleavage with ......................  554 / 154
    Hydrophenanthrene ......................  562 / 31
    Nucleus containing .....................  562 / 31
    Mineral oil sludge source ..............  208 / 13
    Triphenylmethane .......................  552 / 112+
    Wetting agent containing ...............  516 / 198+
Sulfonium ..................................  568 / 18
Sulfophthalic Acid .........................  562 / 54
Sulfoxides .................................  568 / 27
    Acids and acid anhydrides ..............  423 / 512.1+
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 554
    Binding agents .........................  44 / 589+
        Combined with fuel .................  44 / 604
    Burner .................................  422 / 160+
    Compounds organic  
        Carboxylic acids  
            Acyclic ........................  562 / 512+
            Acyclic acid moiety ............  560 / 147+
            Alicyclic esters ...............  560 / 125
            Aromatic .......................  560 / 9+
        Fats fatty oils ester type .........  554 / 85+
        Waxes higher fatty acids ...........  554 / 85+
        Heterocyclic .......................  549 / 1+
    Dye compositions .......................  8
    Food fumigation with ...................  426 / 319
    Medicine or poison containing ..........  424
    Mining .................................  299 / 3+
    Preparation inorganic ..................  423
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 617
    Removed from coal ......................  44 / 622+
    Removed from gaseous mixture ...........  423 / 242.1+
    Rendering harmless in fuel .............  208 / 177+
    Salts inorganic ........................  423
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 494+
    Sulfureted hydrogen ....................  423 / 563
    Sulfuric acid ..........................  423 / 522+
            Chambers .......................  422
            Concentrating ..................  422 / 160+
            Trains .........................  422 / 160
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 554
        Esters .............................  558 / 20+
        Mineral oil sludge source ..........  208 / 13
        Fatty oils .........................  554 / 85+
        Rubber molding combined ............  264
        Synthetic resin or natural .........  525 / 343+
        Rubber .............................  525 / 343+
    Synthetic resin from ...................  528 / 389
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber ......  524 / 1+
    Compositions containing ................  524 / 1+
    Treating agent containing ..............  526 / 917*
Sulfurous Acid .............................  423 / 521
    Apparatus trains .......................  422 / 160
    Paper stock treatment ..................  162 / 83+
Sulfuryl Chlorid ...........................  423 / 462
Sulky Vehicle ..............................  280 / 63+
    Go cart ................................  280 / 47.24
Sultones ...................................  549 / 10+
    Naphthosultone, seven membered .........  549 / 10
    Hetero ring ............................  549 / 10
        Five members .......................  549 / 33
        Four members .......................  549 / 89
        Six members ........................  549 / 15
Sun (See Solar)  
Sun Baths ..................................  607 / 95
Sun Mask ...................................  D16 / 301
Sun Roof, Automobile .......................  296 / 210+
Sundial ....................................  33 / 270
Sundial ....................................  968 / 415+
    Design .................................  D10 / 45
    Clip on type ...........................  D16 / 900*
    Centrifugal pump .......................  415
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 434+
        Combined ...........................  123 / 559.1+
        Fluid pressure motor combined ......  60 / 598+
        Turbine combined ...................  60 / 598+
    Turbine combined .......................  60 / 597+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 901*
    Cable ..................................  174 / 125.1
        With cooling .......................  174 / 15.5
    Electromagnet ..........................  335 / 216
    Inductor ...............................  336 / DIG 1
        In power system ....................  323 / 360
    Magnetometer ...........................  324 / 248
    Oscillator .............................  331 / 107 S
    Process of making conductor ............  29 / 599
        By coating .........................  427 / 62+
    Resistor ...............................  338 / 32 S
    Solid state system .....................  327
    Wave transmission ......................  333 / 99 S
    High temperature (above 30 degrees  
        Devices ............................  505 / 150+
        Material ...........................  505 / 100+
        Process ............................  505 / 300+
        Systems including ..................  505 / 150+
    Low temperature (at or below 30 ........  505 / 800+
    Degrees k) .............................  505 / 800+
        Alloy or metallic composition ......  420 / 901*
        Coating ............................  427 / 62
        Control circuit for electro- .......  361 / 141
        Magnetic device ....................  361 / 141
        Electric conductor structure .......  174 / 125.1
            Cooling of .....................  174 / 125.1+
        Electric pulse counter, pulse ......  377 / 93
        Divider, or shift register .........  377 / 93
        Electrical computer or data ........  708 / 677
        Processing system ..................  708 / 677
        Housing or mounting assembly .......  361 / 679+
        With plural diverse electrical .....  361 / 679+
        Components .........................  361 / 679+
        Impact ionization stable state .....  327 / 186
        Device .............................  327 / 186
        Inductor ...........................  336 / DIG 1
        Josephson junction device ..........  257 / 31+
        Magnet or electromagnet ............  335 / 216
        Magnetic field shield ..............  307 / 91
        Magnetic lens ......................  250 / 396 ML
        Magnetic measuring device ..........  324 / 248
        Making by coating, forming, ........  204 / 192.24+
        Etching, or sputtering .............  204 / 192.24
        Mechanical manufacture .............  29 / 599
        Metal heat treatment combined ......  148 / 96+
        Nonlinear solid state device .......  327
        And circuit ........................  327
            Digital logic ..................  326 / 1+
            Digital logic function (and, ...  326 / 1+
            Or, nand, or not) ..............  326 / 1+
            For attenuation ................  327 / 309+
            For gating .....................  327 / 366+
            With josephson junction ........  327 / 527+
        Power supply or regulation .........  323 / 360
        System including transformer .......  323 / 360
        Or inductor ........................  323 / 360
        Protective circuit .................  361 / 19
        Resistor responsive to magnetic ....  338 / 32 S
        Field ..............................  338 / 32 S
        Rotary dynamoelectric motor ........  310 / 40 R+
            With cooling or fluid feeding ..  310 / 52+
        Solid state active element .........  331 / 107 S
        Oscillator .........................  331 / 107 S
        Static information storage .........  365 / 160
        Device .............................  365 / 160
            Josephson junction type ........  365 / 162
            Thin film type .................  365 / 161
        Stock material .....................  428 / 930*
        Temperature measurement ............  374 / 176
        Wave transmission line or ..........  333 / 99 S
        Network ............................  333 / 99 S
Superfinish Grinder ........................  451 / 162+
    Concentrating evaporator ...............  366 / 127
    Cupola combined ........................  48 / 64
    Steam ..................................  122 / 459+
        Locomotive combined ................  105 / 45
        Power plant combined ...............  60 / 643+
Superheterodyne Receiver ...................  455 / 130+
Superphosphates ............................  423
    Fertilizers ............................  71 / 33+
Superplastic ...............................  420 / 902*
Superregenerative Radio ....................  455 / 336+
Superscript Character ......................  400 / 904*
Supersonic Wave ............................  367
    Agitation ..............................  366
    Bonding non-metallic  
        Apparatus ..........................  156 / 580.1+
        Process ............................  156 / 73.1+
    Chemical apparatus .....................  204 / 193
    Chemical change causing  
        Apparatus ..........................  204 / 193
    Code signaling .........................  116 / 18+
    Controls direction of travel ...........  318 / 460
        Airplane ...........................  244 / 76 R+
        Electric motor actuated ............  318 / 460
        Torpedo ............................  114 / 23
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  96 / 389
        Gas separation process .............  95 / 29+
    Generator ..............................  116 / 137 A
        Piezoelectric resonator ............  310 / 322
        Combined ...........................  310 / 322
        Piezoelectric with mechanical ......  310 / 334
        Energy coupling means ..............  310 / 334
    Laminating processes ...................  156 / 73.1+
    Measuring using ........................  73 / 570+
    Metal casting using ....................  164 / 501
    Nautical signaling .....................  116 / 26+
    Seismic surveying ......................  181
    Submarine signalling ...................  367 / 131+
    Testing miscellaneous ..................  73 / 570+
    Welding apparatus using ................  228 / 1.1
Supervisory Control ........................  340 / 3.1+
Support (See Article or Device .............  248
    Supported) .............................  248
    Airplane motor .........................  248 / 554+
    Antenna combined .......................  343 / 878+
    Apparel ................................  2 / 300+
        Apparatus ..........................  223 / 120
        Design .............................  D02 / 624+
    Arch ...................................  602 / 66
    Armrest ................................  248 / 118
    Article by building ....................  52 / 27+
        Or object being x rayed ............  378 / 38
        Plural .............................  211
        Plural locked ......................  70 / 62
        Single .............................  248
    Ash tray smokers .......................  131 / 240.1+
    Athletic ...............................  602 / 60+
    Bag ....................................  248 / 95+
    Baggage ................................  190 / 18 R
    Ball rack ..............................  211 / 14+
    Basin ..................................  4 / 643+
    Bathtub ................................  4 / 592+
        Bather .............................  4 / 571.1+
    Bearing ................................  384 / 428+
    Bed linens .............................  24 / 72.5
        Bed attached .......................  5 / 504.1+
    Beds ...................................  5
    Blotter, ie desk pad ...................  248 / 346.01+
        Foot supports ......................  114 / 363
        Seat ...............................  114 / 363
    Bobbin .................................  242 / 130+
    Body catchers ..........................  182 / 137+
    Body harness ...........................  182 / 3+
        Baby jumper ........................  297 / 275
    Body in bed ............................  5 / 600+
    Boiler .................................  122 / 510
    Bookshelf combined .....................  108 / 59+
    Boot rack ..............................  211 / 34+
    Brackets (see bracket) ................  248 / 200+
        Design .............................  D08 / 354+
    Brake ..................................  188 / 205 R+
    Brush and broom ........................  248 / 110+
        Plural .............................  211 / 65+
    Cabinet ................................  312
        Cabinet housing ....................  312 / 351.1+
        Selective diverse ..................  312 / 243
    Camera (see --, tripod) ................  396 / 419+
    Cane rack ..............................  211 / 62+
    Casket .................................  27 / 26
        Covers .............................  27 / 18
    Catamenial .............................  604 / 393+
    Ceramic stilt ..........................  432 / 258+
    Chairs & seats .........................  297
    Chin ...................................  602 / 902*
        Corpse .............................  27 / 25.1
    Christmas tree .........................  248 / 511+
    Cigar and cigarette ....................  131 / 257+
    Clock ..................................  248 / 114
        Case ...............................  368 / 316
    Clothes spotting boards ................  68 / 240
    Clothesline ............................  211 / 119.01+
    Clutch .................................  192 / 115
    Coating implement fountain .............  401 / 48
    Combined ...............................  401 / 48
        Non-use support ....................  401 / 131
    Cue ....................................  211 / 68
    Curtain ................................  160
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 296.1
        Base supported .....................  30 / 273+
        Forks ..............................  30 / 323
        Guarded ............................  30 / 290+
        Shears .............................  30 / 231+
        Spoons .............................  30 / 327
    Device with ............................  92 / 161
    Diaper .................................  604 / 393+
    Disinfecting apparatus .................  422 / 297
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 173+
        Movable supply container ...........  222 / 160+
    Distill and ............................  202 / 266
    Drill rack .............................  211 / 69
    Drum musical ...........................  84 / 421
    Drying apparatus .......................  34 / 239+
    Earthworking tool ......................  172
        Bulldozer ..........................  172 / 811+
    Easels .................................  248 / 441.1+
    Eaves trough ...........................  248 / 48.1
    Egg rack ...............................  211 / 14+
    Electric devices (see x-ray)  
        Battery cradles ....................  429 / 96+
        Battery mounts automobile ..........  180 / 68.5
        Battery racks ......................  429 / 96+
        Cable ..............................  248 / 49+
        Cell assembly support feature ......  429 / 186
        Conductors in duct .................  174 / 99 R+
        Electrode ..........................  314 / 130+
        Electrode ..........................  429 / 208
        Fixture rack .......................  211 / 26
        Holder per se ......................  429 / 100
        Insulator ..........................  174 / 158 R+
        Lamp filament ......................  313 / 271+
        Outlet or junction box .............  220 / 3.9+
            Support ........................  248 / 906*
        Overhead conductors ................  174 / 40 R+
        Plating electrode ..................  204 / 286.1
        Removable cell .....................  429 / 96+
        Secondary battery ..................  429 / 208+
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 454+
        Third rail .........................  191 / 32
        Trolley ............................  191 / 40+
        Wire supports ......................  52 / 40
    Eye glass ..............................  351 / 155+
        Holder .............................  248 / 902*
    Fan ....................................  416 / 146 R
    Field glasses ..........................  359 / 409+
    Flashlight .............................  362 / 157+
    Flexible abrasive tool .................  451 / 490+
    Floral .................................  248 / 27.8
    Fluid handling apparatus ...............  137 / 343+
    Food ...................................  99 / 324+
    For receptacle .........................  248 / 311.2
        Core ...............................  164 / 397+
        Insert in mold .....................  164 / 332+
    Funnel .................................  248 / 94
    Furnace (see --,stove)  
    Furniture ..............................  211 / 27
    Gaff ...................................  114 / 99
    Gate front end .........................  49 / 396
    Glass mold .............................  65 / 361
    Golf bag ...............................  248 / 96
    Gun rack ...............................  211 / 64
    Hair foundations .......................  132 / 53+
    Hammock ................................  5 / 127+
    Hand stamp rack ........................  211 / 39
    Harness ................................  54 / 84
        Body ...............................  119 / 856+
        Reins ..............................  280 / 181+
        Trace end ..........................  54 / 56
    Hatrack ................................  211 / 30+
    Head ...................................  297 / 391+
    Heat exchanger .........................  165 / 67+
        Corpse .............................  27 / 13
    Hinged leaf  
        Binder device releasably ...........  402
        Engaging aperture sheet ............  402
        Book or leaf .......................  281 / 45
        Display items ......................  40 / 530+
        Movable on horizontal axis .........  211 / 169.1
    Horizontally supported planar ..........  108
    Surfaces ...............................  108
        Combined with other structure ......  108 / 50.01+
        Combined with other structure ......  108 / 50.11+
    Hose conduit ...........................  248 / 75+
    Indicator mountings ....................  248 / 904*
    Inkstand, dispenser type ...............  222 / 577
    Inkstand, movable inkwell ..............  248 / 128+
    Inkstand, stationary inkwell ...........  248 / 146+
    Instrument in panel ....................  248 / 27.1+
    Jock strap .............................  602 / 67+
    Junction box ...........................  220 / 3.9+
    Kinesitherapy vibrator .................  601 / 46
    Light ..................................  362 / 382+
        Bowl ...............................  362 / 433+
        Chimney ............................  362 / 314
        Inverted bowl ......................  362 / 453
        Lens ...............................  362 / 455
        Shade ..............................  362 / 433+
        Shade and bowl .....................  362 / 351+
    Light filter ...........................  359 / 892
    Machine ................................  248 / 637+
    Mattress rack ..........................  211 / 28
    Mirror .................................  248 / 466+
        Frames or holders combined .........  52
    Musical ................................  984 / 257
    Nozzle .................................  248 / 75+
        Sprinkler head .....................  169 / 41
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 461
        Fuel core .........................  376 / 362
    Nursing bottle .........................  248 / 102+
    Opera glasses ..........................  359 / 409+
    Optical instruments ....................  248
    Orthopedic .............................  606 / 237+
    Outboard motor .........................  248 / 640+
    Outlet box .............................  220 / 3.9+
    Panel ..................................  52 / 474+
        Face-to-face panels ................  52 / 479+
        Retaining means ....................  52 / 764+
    Paste tube .............................  248 / 108+
    Pen or pencil rack .....................  211 / 69.1+
    Phonograph record rack .................  211 / 40
    Picture ................................  248 / 466+
        Frame combined .....................  40 / 700+
        Conduit ............................  248 / 49+
        Coupling ...........................  285 / 61+
        Dredger ............................  37 / 334
        External structure combined ........  138 / 106+
        Joint ..............................  285 / 61+
        Smokers ............................  131 / 257+
    Plant ..................................  47 / 44+
    Plaster ................................  52 / 443+
        Furring joist or stud ..............  52 / 344+
    Plumbs .................................  33 / 370+
    Pressure compensating ..................  248 / 901*
    Projection machine .....................  248 / 637+
    Punching bag ...........................  482 / 87+
    Racks (see rack) ......................  211
    Radiator ...............................  165 / 67+
    Railway couplings  
        Link supports ......................  213 / 205+
        Pin supports .......................  213 / 192+
    Railway mail delivery ..................  258 / 23+
    Receptacle .............................  248
        Letter box .........................  232 / 39+
        Milk pail lap supported ............  220 / 17.1+
        Racks ..............................  211 / 71.01+
        Safe ...............................  109 / 50
        Stands .............................  248 / 128+
        Tray type ..........................  211 / 126.1+
            Stacked ........................  211 / 126.2+
            Terraced .......................  211 / 128.1+
        Tray type stand ....................  248 / 127+
        Wall ...............................  220 / 476
    Receptacle covers  
        Casket .............................  27 / 18
        Removers ...........................  81 / 3.08+
        Wooden .............................  217 / 60 R+
    Reeling device .........................  242 / 398+
    Refrigerating apparatus, resilient .....  62 / 295
    Refrigerator housing ...................  62 / 297
    Refrigerator, internal .................  62 / 465+
        Door mounted .......................  62 / 377
        Ice ................................  62 / 459+
    Rod ....................................  248 / 251+
        End ................................  160 / 323.1+
        Running material guide .............  242 / 615.2
    Score line .............................  248 / 909*
    Screen .................................  160
    Shade ..................................  160
    Shipping ...............................  410 / 46
    Shoe ...................................  211 / 34
        Counter and heel ...................  36 / 69
        Pad and foot .......................  36 / 71
    Shoelace rack ..........................  211 / 61
    Sifting ................................  209 / 409+
    Simulation .............................  248 / 908*
    Skaters ................................  482 / 51+
        Roundabout type ....................  472 / 1+
        With seat ..........................  297 / 5+
            And runners or wheels ..........  280
    Smoking appliance ......................  131 / 257+
    Spectacle ..............................  351 / 155+
    Spring reel ............................  242 / 379+
    Stands (see also stand) ...............  248 / 127+
    Static mold having .....................  249 / 139
    Stove or furnace  
        Base ...............................  126 / 305
        Boiler therefor ....................  126 / 363.1
        Cooking stove fluid fuel ...........  126 / 50
        Field stove ........................  126 / 30
    Strainer ...............................  248 / 94
    Stratifier .............................  209 / 508
    Stringed instruments ...................  84 / 327
    Surgical needle ........................  606 / 44
    Tank, water closet .....................  4 / 419+
    Temperature compensating ...............  248 / 901*
    Thermometer, indicating tube ...........  374 / 194+
    Tire rack ..............................  211 / 23+
    Tissue dispenser holder ................  248 / 905*
    Tobacco users appliance ................  131 / 257+
    Tool driving or impacting ..............  173 / 31
    Device combined ........................  173 / 31
    Toy ....................................  446 / 227
        Figure rotary ......................  446 / 236
        Figure wheeled .....................  446 / 269
    Trash can support ......................  248 / 907*
    Tree ...................................  47 / 42+
    Tripod .................................  248 / 163.1+
    Truss ..................................  128 / 99.1+
    Umbrella rack ..........................  211 / 62+
    Valve ..................................  251 / 143+
    Vehicle outrigger ......................  280 / 763.1+
        Crane ..............................  212 / 301+
    Vehicle part  
        Harvester tongue ...................  56 / 218
        Motor ..............................  248 / 637+
        Truck railway safety ...............  105 / 217
    Velocipede .............................  211 / 17+
    Vessel bilge or keel ...................  405 / 7
    Violin .................................  84 / 280
    Walkers ................................  482 / 51+
        Roundabout type ....................  472 / 1+
        Walker aid .........................  135 / 67
        With seat ..........................  297 / 5+
            And runners or wheels ..........  280
    Washboard ..............................  248 / 27.5
    Watch ..................................  248 / 114
    Water closet bowl ......................  4 / 252.1+
    Weighing scales ........................  177 / 244
    Weighted base ..........................  248 / 910*
    Wheel rack .............................  211 / 23+
    Whip ...................................  211 / 67
        Design .............................  D30 / 156+
    Window pane ............................  52 / 777+
    Window pane ............................  52 / 764+
    Work (see holders, work)  
    Work supported machines  
        Lathe ..............................  82 / 128
        Riveting machine ...................  29 / 243.53+
    Wringer ................................  68 / 239
        Wash bench combined ................  68 / 236
    X ray film or screen ...................  378 / 167
        Dental cassettes ...................  378 / 168
        Table ..............................  378 / 209
    X ray tube .............................  378 / 193
    Frame for skater .......................  482 / 51+
        Roundabout type ....................  472 / 1+
        With seat ..........................  297 / 5+
            And runners or wheels ..........  280
Suppository ................................  424 / DIG 15
    Composition ............................  514 / 966*
    Soluble in body ........................  604 / 288
        Composition ........................  424
        Packages ...........................  206 / 529
Suprarenal Extracts  
    Medicine containing ....................  424 / 563
Surface Active Agents (See Art Use .........  516
    Classes) ...............................  516
    Active agent ...........................  516 / 198+
    Aircraft sustentation ..................  244 / 200
        Inserts ............................  384 / 276+
        Treating ...........................  384 / 625
    Bed bottom .............................  5 / 186.1+
    Carbonizing of iron ....................  148 / 206+
    Chair or seat  
        Changeable supporting surface ......  297 / 283.1+
        Headrest with changeable ...........  297 / 220+
        Surface ............................  297 / 220+
        Spring supported upholstery ........  267 / 80+
    Cooking mold ...........................  99 / 372+
        Sheet or griddle ...................  99 / 422+
    Demonstration ..........................  434 / 365+
    Electric insulator .....................  174 / 212
    Electrically charged for safes .........  109 / 35
    Erasable, eg chalkboard ................  434 / 408+
        Leaves .............................  281 / 39
    Evaporators sugar making ...............  127 / 16
    Fluid reaction ie impellers ............  416
    Friction gearing .......................  476 / 72+
    Gauge plates ...........................  33 / 567
    Heater .................................  126 / 271.1+
        Open top vessel wall structure .....  126 / 390.1+
    Hinged horizontal ......................  108 / 166
    Horizontally supported planar ..........  108
        Combined with other structure ......  108 / 50.01+
        Vertically adjustable ..............  108 / 144.11+
    Laminated type photographic ............  101 / 178
        Stencil ............................  101 / 128.21
    Pavement ...............................  404 / 17+
        Antislip ...........................  404 / 19+
        Sheet type .........................  404 / 18
        Surface treating ...................  404 / 83+
    Planographic printing ..................  101 / 453+
    Platen or pressure .....................  100 / 295
    Printing member ........................  101 / 401
    Railway rail tread surface .............  238 / 148
        Tie plate top surface ..............  238 / 304
    Receptacle stand for sloping ...........  248 / 148
    Surface ................................  248 / 148
    Roll or rollers ........................  492 / 28+
    Roughness testing ......................  73 / 105
        Instrument proving or ..............  73 / 1.89
        Calibrating ........................  73 / 1.89
    Smoothing or pressing textiles .........  38
    Street mirror or reflector t ...........  404 / 14
    Surgical electric applicator ...........  607 / 115+
    Textile drawing roll ...................  19 / 65 R+
    Washboard ..............................  68 / 226+
    Washtub with scrub surface .............  68 / 233
    Yielding surface printing member .......  101 / 379+
        Rolling contact ....................  101 / 376
    Button .................................  79 / 7+
        Drilling combined ..................  79 / 6
    Grinding ...............................  451
    Roads ..................................  404 / 17+
    Stone ..................................  125
Surfboard ..................................  441 / 74+
    Design .................................  D21 / 769+
Surgery and Surgical (See Classes  
    128 and 604)  
    Acupuncture ............................  128 / 907*
    Adhesive fastener for absorbent pad ....  604 / 389+
    Article package ........................  206 / 438+
    Basin ..................................  D24 / 123
    Biological signal amplifier ............  128 / 902*
        Feedback to patient ................  128 / 905*
    Blood coagulation ......................  128 / DIG 22
    Breathing apparatus without patient ....  128 / 909*
    Cross-contamination ....................  128 / 909*
    Cannula supporters .....................  128 / DIG 26
    Catheters (see catheter)  
    Cervical collars .......................  128 / DIG 23
    Clip appliers ..........................  29 / 243.56
    Collagen ...............................  128 / DIG 8
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  128
    Cyrogenic ..............................  128 / DIG 27
    Design .................................  D24
    Electric shock, patient protection .....  128 / 908*
    Fluid amplifiers .......................  128 / DIG 10
    Heart-lung .............................  128 / DIG 3
    Heat shrinkable film ...................  128 / DIG 18
    Hook-and-loop fastener .................  128 / DIG 15
    Infusion monitoring ....................  128 / DIG 13
    Intravenous injection support ..........  128 / DIG 6
    Invalid beds ...........................  5 / 600+
    Mask ...................................  D24 / 110.1+
    Medical-surgical bags ..................  128 / DIG 24
    Medicament receptacle ..................  604 / 403+
    Mixing receptacles .....................  604 / 416
    Multiphasic diagnostic clinic ..........  128 / 906*
    Pressure infusion ......................  128 / DIG 12
    Radio telemetry ........................  128 / 903*
    Servo-systems ..........................  128 / DIG 7
    Silicone ...............................  128 / DIG 21
    Sphineters artificial ..................  128 / DIG 25
    Splint, clavicle .......................  128 / DIG 19
    Splint, inflatable .....................  128 / DIG 20
    Spotlights .............................  362 / 804*
    Stapler ................................  227 / 175.1
    Supplies packaged ......................  206 / 438+
    Suppression of noise in electric .......  128 / 901*
    Signal .................................  128 / 901*
    Syringes (see syringe)  
    Table ..................................  269
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 262
    TEFLON™    .............................  128 / DIG 14
    Tree ...................................  47 / 8
SURLYN D™    (Polyethylene .................  526 / 317.1
    Methacrylic acid) ......................  526 / 317.1
Survey Meter Nuclear Energy ................  250 / 472.1+
    Scintillation type .....................  250 / 361 R
Surveying Instruments ......................  33 / 290+
    Bent line of sight type ................  356 / 253+
        Angle measuring ....................  356 / 138+
        Range or height finders ............  356 / 3+
    Optical features .......................  356 / 247+
        Design .............................  D10 / 61+
Survival in Hostile Environment  
    Roof ...................................  52 / 83
    Swings .................................  472 / 118+
    Artificial leg .........................  623 / 32
    Fasteners design .......................  D02 / 640+
        Design .............................  D02 / 626
        End elements .......................  2 / 340
        Fasteners for ......................  D11 / 200+
        Plural .............................  2 / 304+
        Saddle type cord retainers .........  2 / 341+
        Strip connected spaced .............  2 / 323+
        Trouser attached ...................  2 / 230
Suspension Devices (See Hangers)  
    Battery active material, faure .........  429 / 208+
    Electrodes .............................  429 / 208
    Clothesline single run .................  211 / 119.12
        Hollow articles ....................  34 / 106
        Sheets webs or strands .............  34 / 618+
    Filter household .......................  210 / 105
    Fluid (see suspensoids)  
        Current drying method ..............  34 / 359+
        Separating solids ..................  209 / 132+
    Folding bed fulcrum ....................  5 / 141
    Insulator support ......................  174 / 160
    Knob flexible ..........................  16 / 442
    Light bowl .............................  362 / 453+
    Picture support ........................  248 / 489+
    Pipe or cable ..........................  248 / 58+
    Rack for broom and brush ...............  211 / 66
    Radiator bracket .......................  248 / 233
    Roundabout amusement vehicle ...........  472 / 32+
    Special receptacles or packages ........  206 / 806*
    Stage appliances .......................  472 / 80
    Structures & vehicles see hanger  
        Boiler regulation ..................  122 / 450
        Bridge cantilever truss ............  14 / 8
        Bridges ............................  14 / 18+
        Dumping railway car ................  105 / 242
        Fences .............................  256 / 23
        Railway car body ...................  105 / 453
        Railway car suspended ..............  105 / 148+
        Railways ...........................  104 / 89+
        Scaffolds ..........................  182 / 142+
        Track ..............................  104 / 123
        Unloader for suspended vehicle .....  414 / 377+
        Vehicle body spring ................  280 / 788
    Suspended supports .....................  248 / 317+
    Swinging seat ..........................  472 / 118+
    Tea ball type beverage infuser .........  99 / 322
    Telephone supports .....................  379 / 454+
    Tool and machine  
        Brush or broom flue cleaner ........  15 / 104.067
        Cable drum .........................  254 / 380+
        Car journal box lifting ............  254 / 34
        Conveyor load suspending ...........  198 / 678.1+
        Conveyor loop ......................  198 / 678.1+
        Cultivator wheeled .................  172
        Grapple pivoted saw operator .......  294 / 112
        Harvester knife grinding clamp .....  451 / 373
        Machinery support ..................  248 / 637+
            Resilient ......................  248 / 610
        Plow wheeled .......................  172
        Scraper flue cleaner ...............  15 / 104.069
        Sheet delivering conveyors .........  271 / 198+
        Strop ..............................  76 / 81+
    Vehicle springs ........................  267
        Stub axle mounts ...................  280 / 124.125+
        Vehicle structure combined .........  280 / 788
    Vehicle systems ........................  280 / 124.1+
        Active control .....................  280 / 5.5+
        Computer controlled ................  701 / 37+
    Colloid systems ........................  516 / 9+
    Comminuting or grinding ................  241
    Electrical purification ................  204 / 554+
        Forming processes ..................  205 / 74
        Treatment processes ................  205 / 687+
    Electrophoretic or electro .............  204 / 450+
    Osmotic treatment processes ............  204 / 450+
Suspensories ...............................  602 / 67
Sustained or Differential Release  
    Capsules ...............................  424 / 457+
    Implants ...............................  424 / 422+
    Tablets ................................  424 / 468+
Sustained Release Implants .................  424 / 422+
Sutureless Closures ........................  606 / 213+
    Appliers surgical ......................  29 / 243.56
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 228+
    Textile knitting .......................  66 / 43
        Hosiery seam .......................  66 / 179
Swab .......................................  15 / 208+
    Container for ..........................  206 / 209
    Culture medium combined ................  435 / 309.1+
    Diagnostic .............................  600 / 572
    Lubricator .............................  184 / 102
    Making .................................  19 / 145+
    Medicated ..............................  604 / 1+
    Sampling ...............................  73 / 854
    Valved pump piston .....................  417 / 545+
    Bolt side ..............................  470 / 147
    Chain making shaping and ...............  59 / 30
    File cutting by ........................  76 / 14
    Horseshoe nail side ....................  470 / 119
    Horseshoe shaping and ..................  59 / 58
    Metal forging ..........................  72
    Nut forging side .......................  470 / 93
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 382
    Pipe to plate joint ....................  285 / 222
    Saw making .............................  76 / 51+
    Saw setting ............................  76 / 72
    Screw threading by .....................  470 / 84+
    Tool sharpening by .....................  76 / 89.2
Swarm Appliances ...........................  449 / 27+
Swash Plates ...............................  74 / 60
    Expansible chamber device ..............  92 / 71
    Flow meter .............................  73 / 244
    Internal combustion engine  
        Multiple parallel cylinder .........  123 / 56.4+
        Rotating cylinder ..................  123 / 43 R
    Motor ..................................  91 / 472+
    Pump ...................................  417 / 269+
Swathing Attachments .......................  56 / 189
Swatters ...................................  43 / 137
    Animal .................................  D30 / 145
    Apparel ................................  2 / 90
        Design .............................  D02 / 750+
    Knit fabric ............................  66 / 176
Sweats or Sweat Band .......................  2 / 181+
    Hat making .............................  223 / 22
    Animal powered motor ...................  185 / 19+
    Cable drum actuation ...................  254 / 381+
        Cathode ray tube having ............  315 / 378
        Electronic tube type oscillator ....  331
        Triggered ..........................  327 / 131+
    Cultivator shovels .....................  172 / 681+
    Cutter .................................  30 / 310+
        Can opener .........................  30 / 435+
        Plural blade .......................  30 / 310+
    Foundry mold making device .............  164 / 161+
    Pivoted arm bending machine ............  72 / 217
    Plow trailing  
        Separately attached wings ..........  172 / 722+
        Winged .............................  172 / 730
    Sheet cutting machine ..................  82
    Wood auger .............................  408 / 199+
    Wood disk cutting machine ..............  408 / 72 R+
    Brush broom vacuum carpet street .......  15
    Rake eg lawn broom .....................  56 / 400.17+
Sweeping Compound ..........................  510 / 216
Sweet Potato Musical Instrument ............  84 / 380 R
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 189+
    Artificial fibers ......................  8 / 130.1+
        Dyeing combined ....................  8
    Fiber swelling & stretching ............  8 / DIG 3
    Electric tone generation with ..........  84 / 633
    Expression device ......................  84 / 633
    Piano ..................................  84 / 182
    Pipe organ .............................  84 / 346+
    Reed organ .............................  84 / 372
    Aids ...................................  441 / 55+
        Buoyant ............................  D21 / 803+
        Foot attached ......................  441 / 61+
        Foot attached (design) .............  D21 / 806
        Foot flipper .......................  441 / 64
        Hand attached (design) .............  D21 / 807
    Exercising devices .....................  482 / 55+
    Mask ...................................  D24 / 110.2+
        Design .............................  D25 / 2
        Grab rail ..........................  D25 / 41
        Inground ...........................  52 / 169.7+
        Nuclear reactor ....................  376 / 174
        Nuclear reactor ....................  376 / 361
        Nuclear reactor ....................  376 / 403
        Portable design ....................  D21 / 815
        Sea baths ..........................  4 / 487+
        Tank baths .........................  4 / 488+
        Water purification .................  210 / 167.1+
    Shoes ..................................  36 / 8.1
        With fins ..........................  441 / 76+
    Structure of pool ......................  52 / 261
        Concrete ...........................  52 / 250
        Curved .............................  52 / 245
    Suit ...................................  D02 / 731+
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 254
Swinging Door ..............................  49 / 381+
    Amusement device .......................  472 / 118+
        Design .............................  D21 / 823
        Roundabout .........................  472 / 33
    Chairs and seats .......................  472 / 125
        Rocker-mounted .....................  297 / 258.1+
        With fan ...........................  416 / 146 R
    Apparatus for elevators ................  187
        Electromagnetic ....................  335 / 6+
        Thermal ............................  337 / 298+
    Automatic for acetylene generator ......  48 / 7
    Battery ................................  320
    Box ....................................  220 / 3.2+
    Burglar alarm ..........................  200 / 61.58 R+
        System .............................  340 / 541+
    Charging for storage batteries .........  320
    Combination ............................  200 / 1 R+
    Conveyer type  
        Chute ..............................  193 / 31 R
        Rollerway ..........................  193 / 36
        Skidway ............................  193 / 39
        Spiral chute .......................  193 / 13
        Zigzag tube ........................  193 / 28
    Door actuated ..........................  200 / 61.62+
    Electric (see controller) ..............  200
        Arc lamp system having .............  314 / 131
        Arc preventing or extinguishing ....  318 / 1+
        Automotive vehicle combined ........  70 / 237
        With lock ..........................  70 / 237+
        Box or housing .....................  174 / 53+
        Check operated .....................  194 / 211+
            Coin ...........................  194 / 239+
        Combined with distribution .........  307
        Circuit ............................  307
        Design .............................  D13 / 158+
        Display system control .............  345+
        Door or window .....................  200 / 61.62+
        Electric illuminating fixture ......  362 / 394
        Electric lamp having ...............  315 / 32
        Electromagnetic switching ..........  361 / 139+
        Systems ............................  361 / 139+
        Electronic tube having .............  315 / 56
        Electrothermally actuated ..........  337
        Fire actuated ......................  337 / 298+
        Lamp or electronic tube system .....  315 / 362
        Having .............................  315 / 362
        Light projector combined with ......  362 / 253
        Magnetically operated ..............  335
        Making .............................  29 / 622
        Mechanically actuated, general .....  200
        Multiple filament lamp having ......  315 / 64
        Plate or socket lighting ...........  362 / 95
        Position or condition ..............  362 / 802*
        Responsive .........................  362 / 802*
        Post supported electric light ......  362 / 431
        Combined with ......................  362 / 431
        Supported electric light ...........  362 / 382+
        Combined with ......................  362 / 382+
        Telegraph circuit manipulator ......  178 / 75
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 422+
        Telephone check operated ...........  379 / 146+
        Telephone switchboard ..............  379 / 319+
        Telephone system automatic .........  335 / 108
        Selective ..........................  335 / 108+
        Testing of automatic telephone .....  379 / 17
        Type ...............................  379 / 17
        Thermal control of alarm ...........  340 / 593+
        Thermally actuated .................  335
        Trolley conductor type .............  191 / 38
        Tuner with .........................  334 / 47+
    Electronic .............................  327 / 365+
    Heat controlled ........................  337 / 298+
    Inductor combined with switch ..........  336 / 105
        To neutralize capacitance ..........  307 / 134
    Interference from elimination ..........  307 / 134+
    Knife ..................................  200
        Faceplate ..........................  250 / 465.1
        Handle or key ......................  250 / 465.1
        Push button ........................  250 / 465.1
    Movable carrier of textile braider .....  87 / 16
    With pattern mechanism .................  87 / 16
    Movable for carrier of textile .........  87 / 37
    Braiding apparatus .....................  87 / 37+
    Photoelectrically controlled ...........  361 / 173+
    Plates (see face, plates)  
    Pneumatic dispatch system ..............  406 / 181+
    Railway ................................  246
        Cable ..............................  104 / 184
        Cable slot type ....................  104 / 195
        Foot guard .........................  238 / 380
        Rail joint .........................  238 / 165
        Track ..............................  104 / 130.01+
        Trolley conductor ..................  191 / 38
    Stands .................................  246 / 393+
        Automatic face setting .............  246 / 278+
        Manual operation with signal .......  246 / 144
        Actuation ..........................  246 / 144+
        Signal .............................  246 / 476
        Auto ...............................  200 / 61.59
        Hydraulic ..........................  200 / 81 R+
    Store service system ...................  186 / 19+
    Thermal responsive .....................  337 / 298+
        Heated by electric current .........  337 / 14+
    Tilting track section type .............  414 / 354+
        Vehicle unloading ..................  414 / 357
    Travelling crane system ................  414 / 562
    Vertical axis for cutting and ..........  56 / 170
    Conveying harvester ....................  56 / 170+
    Electric ...............................  361 / 600+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 319+
        Divided central ....................  379 / 310+
        Through ringing ....................  379 / 256
    Membrane type ..........................  200 / 512
    Rolamite ...............................  200 / 503
Switching Systems ..........................  307
    Lamp systems ...........................  315 / 313+
    Relay systems ..........................  361 / 160+
    Signalling .............................  340 / 286.01+
        Selective ..........................  340 / 825+
        Transmitters .......................  341
    Telegraph ..............................  178 / 19.01
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 242
        Automatic ..........................  379 / 258+
        Calling ............................  379 / 350+
        Central ............................  379 / 242+
        Intercommunicating .................  379 / 167.01+
        Party line .........................  379 / 177+
        Plural exchanges ...................  379 / 219+
        Switchboard ........................  379 / 310+
Swivels ....................................  403 / 164+
    Bracelets ..............................  63 / 10
    Chain ..................................  59 / 95
        Making .............................  59 / 9
    Chute horizontal swinging ..............  193 / 22
    Endless chain pumps ....................  198 / 643
    Fish bait artificial ...................  43 / 42+
    Fishhooks ..............................  43 / 44.83+
    Panel hanger wheel mount ...............  16 / 104
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 272+
        Multiple ...........................  285 / 147.1+
    Punching bag ...........................  482 / 87+
    Railway car suspending .................  105 / 156
    Rod joint ..............................  403 / 164+
    Sleds multiple .........................  280 / 17
    Socket combined ........................  24 / 136 L+
    Tool handle ............................  403 / 52+
    Trolley head electric collector ........  191 / 60+
    Turnbuckle .............................  403 / 60
    Valve disc .............................  251 / 264+
    Valve gate .............................  251 / 193+
    Watch chain snap hook ..................  24 / 905*
    Wheeled vehicle running gear ...........  280 / 86
    Wood saw ...............................  83 / 747
Swizzle Stick ..............................  D07 / 300.2
Swords .....................................  30 / 165+
    Cane ...................................  135 / 66
    Carrier ................................  224 / 232+
    Design .................................  D22 / 118+
    Handles ................................  D08 / DIG 5
    Pistol .................................  42 / 53
SYLPHON™    (See Bellows)  
    Flowmeter ..............................  73 / 262
    Fluid pressure guage ...................  73 / 729.1+
    Fluid pressure regulator ...............  137 / 505.36
    Making .................................  29 / 454
        Corrugating ........................  72 / 54+
    Pump ...................................  417 / 472+
    Camera and photoflash testing ..........  356 / 72
    Camera shutter release and light .......  396 / 180+
    Clock ..................................  368 / 52
        Electromechanical ..................  968 / 506+
        Electronic .........................  968 / 920+
    Clutches ...............................  192 / 52.1+
    Dynamoelectric machine .................  307 / 43+
    Interconnection ........................  307 / 43+
    Electric motor .........................  318 / 41+
    Electric motor .........................  318 / 85
    Fluid pressure brake systems ...........  303 / 35+
    Gearing ................................  74 / 339+
    Governor ...............................  73 / 507
        Impeller combined ..................  416 / 34
    Motion picture and sound ...............  352 / 12+
    Multiple motor .........................  60 / 700+
    Multiple motor .........................  60 / 706+
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 119
    Plural radio stations ..................  455 / 502+
    Telecommunications, satellite ..........  455 / 13.2
    Telegraphy .............................  375 / 354+
    Telegraphy multiplex ...................  370 / 304+
    Television .............................  348 / 500+
        Recording or reproducing color .....  386 / 12
        Signal .............................  386 / 12
Synchronous Motor ..........................  310 / 162+
    Clock ..................................  968 / 553+
    Systems ................................  318 / 700+
Synchroscope ...............................  324 / 91
Synchrotron ................................  315 / 503
    Electro ................................  205 / 334+
    Inorganic compounds ....................  23
    Organic compounds ......................  260
    Polymers (see synthetic resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
    Alumina ................................  423 / 625
    Diamond and making .....................  423 / 446+
    Gem ....................................  501 / 86
    Resin (see synthetic resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
    Rubber (see rubber; synthetic resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
Synthetic Resin or Natural Rubber  
    Abs (see also prepared from, below) ....  526 / 338
    Addition polymerization ................  526 / 72+
        Manipulative process features ......  526 / 59+
    Adhesive material ......................  520 / 1+
        Compositions (see class 523,524))  
    Admixtures of resins or rubbers ........  525 / 50+
        Chemical reaction involved .........  525 / 50+
            To produce ion exchange resin ..  521 / 25+
            Utilizing wave energy ..........  522 / 1+
            Vulcanization of rubber ........  525 / 331.9+
            (Products) .....................  525 / 331.9+
            Vulcanization of rubber with ...  525 / 343+
            Sulfur or sulfur compound ......  525 / 343+
            With asphalt or bituminous .....  525 / 54.5+
            Material .......................  525 / 54.5+
            With carbohydrate ..............  525 / 54.2+
            With fatty acid or fatty .......  525 / 50+
            Acid glycerol ester ............  525 / 50+
            With natural resin .............  525 / 54.4+
            With protein or biologically ...  525 / 54.1+
            Active polypeptide .............  525 / 54.1+
        Physical treatment .................  528 / 480+
            Compositions ...................  523 / 300+
            Compositions: creaming, ........  523 / 335
            Concentrating or ...............  523 / 335
            Agglomerating latex ............  523 / 335
            Natural rubber e.g .............  528 / 931*
            Extraction of rubber from ......  528 / 931*
            Plant source ...................  528 / 931*
            Natural rubber latex ...........  528 / 934*
            Natural rubber latex ...........  528 / 936*
            Coagulating ....................  528 / 936*
            Natural rubber latex ...........  528 / 937*
            Concentrating ..................  528 / 937*
            Natural rubber latex ...........  528 / 935*
            Preserving .....................  528 / 935*
    Alkyd resin (solid polymer) ............  528 / 272+
        Compositions (see class 523,524))  
        Containing chemically combined .....  528 / 295.5
        Fatty acid or fatty acid ...........  528 / 295.5
        Glyceride ..........................  528 / 295.5
        Containing chemically combined .....  527 / 604
        Natural resin ......................  527 / 604
    Aminoplast resin (see also prepared ....  528 / 266
    From aldehydes, below) .................  528 / 266
    BAKELITE™    type resin ................  528 / 129+
    Balata (see natural rubber, below)  
    Blends of solid polymers ...............  525 / 50+
    Block and block type copolymers ........  524 / 88+
    BUNA™    type rubber ...................  526 / 339
    Buna-n (butadiene nitrile rubber) ......  526 / 338
        Aldehyde polymerization ............  528 / 232+
            With phenol ....................  528 / 137+
        Chalcogen ring opening .............  528 / 406+
        Epoxy resin ........................  528 / 88+
        Ethylenic polymerization ...........  526 / 89+
            Graft polymerization ...........  525 / 244+
            Redox ..........................  526 / 915*
            Transition metal ...............  526 / 90+
        Polyester ..........................  528 / 274+
            With ethylenic monomer .........  525 / 11+
        Silicone ...........................  528 / 12+
        Urethane ...........................  528 / 48+
    Cellular or porous .....................  521 / 50+
        Blends of synthetic resin or .......  521 / 134+
        Natural rubber .....................  521 / 134+
        Blowing agent i.e foaming .........  521 / 82+
        Agent ..............................  521 / 82+
            Resin formation in the .........  521 / 99+
            Presence of ....................  521 / 99+
        Carbodiimide polymer ...............  521 / 901*
        Degradability enhanced .............  521 / 916*
        Dye or pigment containing ..........  521 / 920*
        Electrical or wave energy used .....  521 / 50.5
        During cell forming ................  521 / 50.5
        Ethylene polymer ...................  521 / 143+
        Fireproofed ........................  521 / 82+
            Non-urethane resin .............  521 / 907*
            Resin formation in presence ....  521 / 99+
            Of fireproofing agent ..........  521 / 99+
            Urethane resin .................  521 / 906*
        Hydraulic cement ctg (see water  
        Settable inorganic composition  
        Ctg, below)  
        Integral skin foam .................  521 / 51
        Isocyanurate polymer ...............  521 / 902*
        Kicker or blowing agent ............  521 / 909*
        Moderator ..........................  521 / 909*
        Latex rubber .......................  521 / 65+
        Natural resin containing ...........  521 / 84.1
            Synthetic resin formation in ...  521 / 109.1
            The presence of ................  521 / 109.1
        Natural rubber containing ..........  521 / 150
            Latex ..........................  521 / 65+
        Nucleating agents for ..............  521 / 908*
        Phenolic resin .....................  521 / 180+
        Pigment containing .................  521 / 920*
        Polyester resin ....................  521 / 182+
            With unsaturated monomer .......  521 / 128
        Protein containing .................  521 / 84.1
            Resin formation in the .........  521 / 109.1
            Presence of ....................  521 / 109.1
        Reduced smoke formation ............  521 / 903*
        Reticulated foam ...................  521 / 52
        Separated reactive materials .......  521 / 912*
        E.g "two package system" ..........  521 / 912*
        Sintering process for ..............  521 / 919*
        Formation of porus product .........  521 / 919*
        Styrene polymer ....................  521 / 146+
            Foamed beads ...................  521 / 56+
        Syntactic foam .....................  521 / 53+
            Non resinous hollow particles ..  523 / 218+
        Urethane polymer ...................  521 / 155+
        Vinyl chloride polymer .............  521 / 145
    Compositions (see class 523, 524))  
        Adhesive (see class 523, 524))  
            Anerobic .......................  523 / 176
            Glass substrate ................  523 / 168
        Antioxidant containing see  
        Class 523, 524  
        Antisatic ..........................  524 / 910*
        Asphalt containing .................  524 / 59+
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 705
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 450
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 518
            Monomer ........................  523 / 518
        Biocidally protected ...............  523 / 122
        Bitumen ctg (see asphalt ctg,  
        Body contact or implantable ........  523 / 105+
        (Intended use) .....................  523 / 105+
        Brake shoe (intended use) ..........  523 / 149+
        Carbohydrate containing ............  524 / 27+
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 732+
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 447+
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 509
            Monomer ........................  523 / 509
        Carbon black containing see  
        Class 523, 524  
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 847
            Specified dimension ............  524 / 495+
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 440
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 512
            Monomer ........................  523 / 512
        Castor oil containing ..............  524 / 310
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 769
        Cellular plant or animal ...........  524 / 9+
        Material containing ................  524 / 9+
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 702
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 446
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 500+
            Monomer ........................  523 / 500+
        Cellulose ether or ester ctg  
        (See carbohydrate ctg, above)  
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 509
            Monomer ........................  523 / 509
        Chinawood oil containing see  
        Fatty acid triglyceride,below  
        Coating (see class 523, 524))  
            Antifogging ....................  523 / 169
            Glass enamel ...................  523 / 170
            Ink for glass substrate ........  523 / 160
        Concrete ctg (see inorganic  
        Water-settable, below)  
        Contact lens, used for (see also ...  523 / 106+
        Class 527-937) .....................  523 / 106+
        Cork ctg (see cellular plant or  
        Animal material, above)  
        Degradability enhanced i.e pro- ...  523 / 124+
        Degradant containing ...............  523 / 124+
        Dispersions (see emulsions,  
        Drying oil ctg (see fatty acid  
        Triglyceride, below)  
        Dye ctg (see class 523,524))  
        Emulsions (see class 523, 524))  
            Aqueous (see also 524-501) .....  524 / 800+
        Epoxide resin containing ...........  523 / 400+
        Fatty acid triglyceride ctg ........  524 / 313
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 773+
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 455
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 511
            Monomer ........................  523 / 511
        Feather ctg (see cellular plant  
        Or animal material, above)  
        Fireproofed (see class 523,524))  
        Flux ctg (see class 523,524))  
        Foundry mold or mold core binder ...  523 / 139+
        Hair ctg (see cellular plant or  
        Animal material, above)  
        Heat stabilized (see class 523,  
        Inorganic water settable ...........  524 / 2+
        Material ctg e.g hydraulic ........  524 / 2+
        Cement .............................  524 / 2+
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 650+
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 402+
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 501+
            Monomer ........................  523 / 501+
        Lacquer (see class 523, 524))  
        Latex (see class 523, 524))  
            Coagulating ....................  528 / 936*
            Concentrating ..................  528 / 937*
            Creaming, agglomerating or .....  523 / 335
            Coalescing .....................  523 / 335
            Physical treatment of natural ..  528 / 934*
            Rubber latex ...................  528 / 934*
            Preserving or stabilizing ......  528 / 935*
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 800
            Water ..........................  524 / 800
        Leather ctg (see cellular  
        Plant or animal material,  
        Lignin or tannin containing ........  524 / 76
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 735
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 400+
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 500+
            Monomer ........................  523 / 500+
        Linseed oil ctg (see fatty acid  
        Triglyceride, above)  
        Molding (see class 523, 524))  
        Natural resin ctg (see also ........  524 / 77
        Rosin , below) .....................  524 / 77
            Synthetic resin produced in ....  524 / 764
            The presence of ................  524 / 764
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 400+
            With polyester-unsaturated .....  523 / 500+
            Monomer ........................  523 / 500+
        Natural resin ctg (see class  
        523, 524 treated as  
            Guayule ........................  528 / 930*
        Phonograph record (intended ........  523 / 174
        Use) ...............................  523 / 174
        Pigment ctg (see class 523, 524))  
        Plasticizer ctg (see class 523,  
        Protein or biologically active .....  524 / 17+
        Polypeptide ctg ....................  524 / 17+
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 704
            With epoxy resin ...............  523 / 449
            With polyester-ethylenic .......  523 / 500+
            Monomer ........................  523 / 500+
        Rosin containing ...................  524 / 270+
            Synthetic resin produced in ....  524 / 764
            The presence of ................  524 / 764
        Tannin ctg (see lignin, above)  
        Tar ctg (see asphalt, above)  
        Varnish (see class 523, 524))  
        Wax containing .....................  524 / 487+
            Oxygen containing wax ..........  524 / 275+
            Oxygen ctg wax with epoxy ......  523 / 455+
            Resin ..........................  523 / 455+
            Oxygen ctg wax with polyester ..  523 / 511
            Unsaturated monomer ............  523 / 511
            Resin produced in presence of ..  524 / 763+
            Oxygen ctg wax .................  524 / 763+
    Condensation polymerization ............  528
        Manipulative process features ......  526 / 59+
    Coumarone resin ........................  526 / 266+
    DACRON™    type resin ..................  528 / 308.1+
    EBONITE™    type resin .................  525 / 332.6+
    Elastomer (see rubber, below)  
    E p (ethylene-propylene) ...............  526 / 348+
    E p d m (ethylene-propylene-diene ......  526
    Monomer) ...............................  526
        Cured or vulcanized ................  525 / 331.7+
    Epoxide resin (see also classes ........  528 / 87+
    525, 528) ..............................  528 / 87+
    Foams ..................................  521 / 50+
    G r - n (acrylonitrile-butadiene .......  526 / 338
    Rubber) ................................  526 / 338
    G r - s (styrene-butadiene rubber) .....  526 / 340
    Graft or graft type ....................  525 / 50+
    Guayule (see also natural rubber) .....  528 / 930*
    Hevea (see natural rubber)  
    HYPALON™    type resin .................  525 / 333.9
    Ion exchange resin .....................  521 / 25+
    Ionomer resin systems ..................  525 / 919*
        Carboxyl bearing ...................  526 / 317.1+
    KRATON™    type resin (styrene- ........  526 / 340
    Butadiene rubber) ......................  526 / 340
    LEXAN™    type resin ...................  528 / 196+
    LUCITE™    type resin ..................  526 / 329.7
    Melamine resin .........................  528 / 254+
    Natural rubber (note: for purposes  
    Of the class 520 series natural  
    Rubber is considered to be  
    Neoprene ...............................  526 / 295
        Vulcanized .........................  525 / 330.9+
    Nylon ..................................  528 / 310+
    PERBUNAN™    type rubber (copolymer ....  526 / 338
    Butadiene-acrylonitrile) ...............  526 / 338
    Phenolic resin .........................  528 / 129+
    Phenoplast .............................  528 / 129
    Phenoxy resin ..........................  528 / 86+
    PLEXIGLAS™    type resin ...............  526 / 329.7
    (Polymethyl methacrylate) ..............  526 / 329.7
    Polyamide resin (see also 528-332+) ....  528 / 310+
    Polycarbodiimide .......................  528 / 44+
    Polyesters .............................  528 / 272+
    Polyimide ..............................  528 / 310+
    Polyphenylene oxide ....................  525 / 905*
    Polysulfide ............................  528 / 373+
    Prepared from  
        Acetylene ..........................  526 / 285
        Acrolein ...........................  526 / 315
        Acrylates ..........................  526 / 328+
        Acrylic acid .......................  526 / 317.1+
        Acrylonitrile ......................  526 / 341+
        Aldehyde e.g homopolymer of .......  528 / 230
        Saturated etc ......................  528 / 230
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 315
            Hydrocarbon ....................  528 / 247
            Melamine .......................  528 / 254+
            Urea ...........................  528 / 259+
            With amine e.g aniline etc ....  528 / 266+
            With ketone ....................  528 / 227
            With phenol ....................  528 / 129+
        Asphalt or bituminous material .....  527 / 500
            Unsaturated ....................  526 / 290
        Butadiene ..........................  526 / 335+
        Carbohydrates e.g sugar, ..........  527 / 300+
        Starch etc .........................  527 / 300+
            Unsaturated carbohydrate .......  526 / 238.2+
            Derivative .....................  526 / 238.2+
        Carboxylic acid or derivative ......  528 / 271+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 317.1+
        Cashew nut liquor ..................  528 / 2+
        Cellular plant or animal ...........  527 / 100+
        Material ...........................  527 / 100+
        Chloroprene ........................  526 / 295
        Coal derived material see  
        Asphalt or bituminous  
        Material, above  
        Cork ...............................  527 / 100+
        Coumarone ..........................  526 / 266+
        Diolefin hydrocarbon ...............  526 / 335+
            Cycloaliphatic .................  526 / 308
            Fused or bridged ring ..........  526 / 280+
        Epoxide compound ...................  528 / 403+
            Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol ..  528 / 87+
            Compound (see also 525-523+; ...  528 / 87+
            525-107+;525-403+) .............  528 / 87+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 273+
        Ethylene (homopolymer) .............  526 / 352+
            Copolymer ......................  526 / 72+
        Ethylenic monomer (solely ..........  526 / 72+
        Therefrom) .........................  526 / 72+
            With non-ethylenic monomer .....  528
            (See class 527))) .............  528
        Formaldehyde (see aldehyde,  
        Furfural (see also aldehyde, .......  526 / 270
        Above) .............................  526 / 270
            With non-ethylenic monomer .....  528 / 230+
        Hydrocarbons .......................  528 / 396+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 348+
            (See also 526-335;526-346)) ....  526 / 348+
        Indene .............................  526 / 280+
            With coumarone .................  526 / 266+
        Isobutylene ........................  526 / 348.7
            With butydiene .................  526 / 339
        Isocyanate compound ................  528 / 44+
        Isoprene (note: for purposes of ....  526 / 340.2
        The class 520 series natural .......  526 / 340.2
        Rubber is considered to be .........  526 / 340.2
        Polyisoprene) ......................  526 / 340.2
        Lignin .............................  527 / 400+
        Melamine (see aldehyde, above)  
        Metal compounds ....................  528 / 395
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 240
            Monomer ........................  526 / 240
            Organometallic .................  528 / 9
        Methacrylate .......................  526 / 319+
        Methacrylic acid ...................  526 / 317.1+
        Methylmethacrylate .................  526 / 319+
        Monoepoxides (see epoxide,above)  
        Olefin .............................  526 / 72+
        Oxirane compounds (see epoxide,  
        Phosphorous compounds ..............  528 / 398+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 274+
        Plant extract of undetermined ......  528 / 1+
        Constitution .......................  528 / 1+
        Polyepoxide compound see  
        Propylene (homopolymer) ............  526 / 351
            Copolymer ......................  526 / 72+
        Protein or biologically active .....  527 / 200+
        Polypeptide ........................  527 / 200+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 238.1
            Derivative .....................  526 / 238.1
        Silicon compound ...................  528
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 279
            Si- h or si- c .................  528 / 10+
        Tannin .............................  527 / 400+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 238.2+
            Monomer ........................  526 / 238.2+
        Tar or pitch .......................  527 / 500+
            Ethylenically unsaturated ......  526 / 290
            Derivative .....................  526 / 290
        Tetra fluoroethylene ...............  526 / 242+
        Urea (see aldehyde, above)  
        Vinyl chloride .....................  526 / 344+
        Vinyl compounds ....................  526 / 72+
        Vinylidene compounds ...............  526 / 72+
    Purification of ........................  528 / 480+
        Composition ........................  524 / 310
    Reclaiming .............................  521 / 40+
    Rubber .................................  520 / 1+
        Diene rubber .......................  526 / 72+
        SPANDEX™    type ...................  528 / 44+
        THIOKOL™    type ...................  528 / 374+
        Vulcanized .........................  525 / 332.5+
            E p d m ........................  525 / 331.8
    Rubber hydrocholride ...................  525 / 332.3
    Silastic (organosilicon polymer) .......  528 / 10+
    Silicone resin .........................  528 / 10+
        Compositions .......................  524 / 858+
        Room temperature vulcanizing .......  528 / 901*
        (Rtv rubber) .......................  528 / 901*
    Synthetic rubber (for purposes of  
    Class 520, is considered to be a  
    Synthetic resin)  
    TEFLON™    (polytetrafluoro- ...........  526 / 255
    Ethylene) ..............................  526 / 255
    Wave energy utilized ...................  522 / 1+
Synthol ....................................  518 / 700+
    Dental .................................  D24 / 113+
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 206+
        With follower ......................  222 / 386+
    Hand held ..............................  604 / 187+
    Pump ...................................  417 / 437+
    Specific gravity tester ................  73 / 441+
        Liquid pump feed ...................  239 / 329+
        Piston feed ........................  239 / 320+
    Surgical ...............................  604 / 187+
        Air ................................  604 / 26
        Design .............................  D24 / 113+
        Ear ................................  604 / 187+
        Eye ................................  604 / 295+
        Fluid operated .....................  604 / 131+
        Fountain ...........................  604 / 131+
        Hand held ..........................  604 / 187+
        Hydrant ............................  604 / 150
        Indication of defect or use ........  604 / 111
        Irrigation .........................  604 / 187+
        Motorized ..........................  128 / DIG 1
        Nozzle .............................  604 / 275
        Piston .............................  604 / 218+
        Pocket container for ...............  206 / 364+
        Preventing reuse ...................  604 / 110
        Projectile .........................  604 / 130
        Receptacle for .....................  206 / 364+
        Siphon .............................  604 / 131+
        Thermal medicator ..................  604 / 113+
        With light and electrical ..........  604 / 20+
        Application ........................  604 / 20+
    Condiments and flavors .................  426 / 658+
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 697
    Malt ...................................  426 / 44
    Sugars only ............................  127 / 30+
        Aircraft control ...................  244 / 175+
        Stoves and furnaces ................  126
Systolic Processor  
    Array processor ........................  712 / 19
    Neural network .........................  706 / 15

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