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About the Center

Key Accomplishments
Technology Transfer
Director's Message

The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry (UMCA), established in 1998, is one of the world's leading centers contributing to the science underlying agroforestry. Interdisciplinary collaboration is one of the outstanding hallmarks of the Center. Research on the benefits of agroforestry is supported from a broad spectrum of disciplines: forestry, fisheries and wildlife, entomology, plant pathology, agronomy, animal science, horticulture, soils, atmospheric science, agricultural economics and rural sociology. Linked with the Center's solid science and research programs are several key collaborations and partnerships with landowners, natural resource professionals, federal and state agencies and non-profit organizations. Through these critical relationships, UMCA and its partners are producing an expanding list of positive outcomes for landowners, the natural environment and society as a whole.

Message from the Director


To initiate, coordinate and enhance agroforestry activities to meet the environmental, social and economic needs of land management within the state of Missouri, North America and the temperate zone worldwide.

UMCA Pilosophy

"A farm can be regarded as a food factory and the criterion for its success is saleable products. Or, it can be regarded as a place to live, and the criterion for its success is harmonious balance between plants, animals and people; between the domestic and the wild; and between utility and beauty." - Aldo Leopold

Center for Agroforestry Goals:

To create new income opportunities and markets for farm and forest landowners

To protect the environment by reducing non-point source pollution

To create and improve natural habitats for wildlife

To mitigate against the impacts of periodic flooding in rural and urban areas


  • Conduct, coordinate and promote interactive research on agroforestry practices to improve the production and protection functions of agricultural and forest lands.
  • Conduct, coordinate and promote interdisciplinary research on the social, economic and market dimensions of agroforestry.
  • To conduct a technology transfer program that increases the awareness and adoption of agroforestry practices.
  • Conduct, coordinate and promote interdisciplinary research on the policy dimensions of agroforestry.
  • Provide formal educational opportunities in agroforestry through the University of Missouri
  • Develop and carry out a collaborative international agroforestry program in the areas of instruction, research and outreach.

UMCA Key Accomplishments, 2006:

  • Secured or leveraged grants and funding of $1.77 million.
  • Completed an agreement with landowner Doug Allen for planned gift of 521 acres of forested land near Laurie, Mo. A corresponding Allen Endowment Fund will maintain and support the property for agroforestry research.
  • Established the Missouri Exchange, an online marketplace to help connect buyers and sellers of Missouri value-added agricultural products.
  • Raised funding level for the Hickman House renovation to $1.1 million, including $250,000 in federal funds, secured by U.S. Sen. Kit Bond; and a $250,000 match from a private donor. Restoration goals include the construction of a visitors' center, paved road, interpretive exhibits, period and heirloom gardens and a fully accessible facility to preserve the region's agricultural, cultural and architectural history.
  • Published information for landowners to grow black walnut trees for nut production as part of the nation's only comprehensive black walnut tree improvement program.
  • UMCA researchers published more than 50 articles in proceedings, refereed journals, abstracts and the popular press.
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College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
School of Natural Resources
Horticulture & Agroforestry Research Center

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