Forage Information System, Oregon State University
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Forage News
Re-Design of the FIS
During the spring of 2005, the FIS is being re-designed. After 10 years of service and ad-hoc revisions, the entire system has been re-created for ease of use, removal of redundancies, and identification of needed additions. Switch-over target date is July 1, 2005. Your continued help in identifying needed revisions is appreciated.
Discussion Forums focused on forage and agriculture topic areas.
News Resources that focus on forage and agricultural information.
What's New in the FIS web site. Updates are grouped by year and month.

Current Events
Timothy productivity and forage quality
Date: August 10, 2006 - August 12, 2006

The July 1, 2003 edition of Forage Systems Update is posted at the following URL.