Department of Fish and Game

Data & Maps

Data Portal: Use the Data Portal to query the Department’s constantly updated databases, and to generate up-to-date lists and reports.  Topics covered include angling records, fishing contests, access to the Department’s complete species list, Habitat Tracking and Reporting and many resources for authenticated DFG employees, partners and subscribers.

Document Library: Use the dynamic search features of the Document Library to quickly and easily locate, view and download important documents held by the California Department of Fish and Game.  The holdings include species descriptions, monitoring reports and recovery plans, as well as news releases, resources for DFG employees and much more.

BIOS:  Biogeographic Information and Observation System.  Online mapping tool designed to enable the visualization, management, and analysis of a wide range of biogeographic data collected by DFG and partner organizations.

Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB):  BDB provides a leadership, policy, and standards setting role for biological and geographic data management activities for the entire Department, its contractors, and partner organizations. BDB contains biological data development programs that are especially dependent and closely linked with GIS and emerging related technologies.

  • CNDDB: California Natural Diversity Database. A natural heritage program, providing rare, endangered and special status species information for use in conservation and resource management.
  • RareFind: A data query and reporting application with access to all CNDDB data; regularly updated.
  • VegCAMP: Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program. VegCamp's goal is to develop and maintain maps and the classification of all vegetation and habitats in the state to support conservation and management decisions at the local, regional and state levels.
  • CWHR: California Wildlife Habitat Relationships. CWHR contains life history, geographic range, habitat relationships, and management information on 692 species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals in California.
  • GIS: Geographic Information Systems. The GIS Unit assists the Department's Divisions and Regions with the collection, documentation, and analysis of spatial data needed to support good conservation decisions.  This includes online mapping tools, a GIS data warehouse, software support, and custom tools.