1018 Thomasville Road
Suite 200-C
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Phone: (850) 224-8207
Fax: (850) 681-9364

Florida State University
Florida Resources and
Environmental Analysis Center
at the Institute of Science
and Public Affairs

A Network Connecting Science with Conservation

FNAI Staff

Dave Almquist · Aubrey Davis · Pete Diamond· Caitlin Elam · Dorothy Gochnauer · Kim Gulledge · Theresa Harrell · Brenda Herring · Dan Hipes · Lindsay Horton · Gwen Iacona · Amber Ignatius · Dale Jackson · Amy Jenkins · Ann Johnson · Sally Jue · Carolyn Kindell · Amy Knight · Gary Knight · Sarah Linney · Chris Lockhart · Martin Ma · Steven McAllister · Katy NeSmith · Kelly Nipp · Jon Oetting· Frank Price · Paul Russo · Gary Schultz · Jim Surdick · Glenn Woodsum
Dave Almquist
Invertebrate Zoologist
Dave is responsible for compiling, entering and updating information about the invertebrates tracked by FNAI, evaluating additional species for inclusion in the database and surveying for the presence of rare invertebrates. He began working at FNAI in 2005. Dave has a Bachelor's degree in entomology from University of Florida and is a Research Associate with the Florida State Collection of Arthropods. While at UF he discovered two new species of beetles, invented a non-invasive method to survey for insects associated with gopher tortoise burrows and produced stunning insect photographs using advanced computerized technology.
Dave Almquist
Aubrey Davis
Field Zoologist
Aubrey has been with FNAI since 2003, after several years of experience with The Nature Conservancy in Georgia. His primary interest is in herpetology. Aubrey is currently involved in animal surveys on the Cross Florida Greenway. Aubrey has a bachelor's in Biology from Auburn University and was completing graduate work at Jacksonville State University when hired by FNAI.
Aubrey Davis
Pete Diamond
Field Biologist
Pete joined FNAI in 2007 and is currently involved in natural community mapping and vegetation monitoring projects. Pete spent more than 12 years at the North Carolina Zoological Park where he spent much of his time documenting native flora and cultivated plants from around the world. As a field botanist, he was also involved in a range of conservation projects, including rare plant monitoring and habitat restoration. Pete is a graduate of the University of Illinois, with degrees in ornamental horticulture and agricultural journalism.
Pete Diamond
Caitlin Elizabeth Elam
Field Biologist
Caitlin joined FNAI in 2007. Prior to working in Florida, Caitlin received a B.S. in Biology from The University of the South, Sewanee in 2003 and a M.S. in Botany from North Carolina State University in 2007. For her Master's thesis Caitlin produced a floristic inventory, described and mapped plant communities, and verified associated soil mapping units in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. She also led rare and invasive plant survey projects in Sewanee, Tennessee and Yuma, Arizona and dabbled in the horticultural industry in Nashville, Tennessee. Her interests include field botany, plant taxonomy, plant anatomy, plant ecology, herbarium curation and management, and cowboys.
Caitlin Elizabeth Elam
Dorothy Gochnauer
Office Assistant
Dorothy has been with FNAI since 2005. She is responsible for answering phones, filing, travel authorizations/reimbursements, and other office functions for compliance with FSU policies and procedures.
Dorothy Gochnauer
Kim Gulledge
Community Ecologist
Kim joined FNAI in January, 2005, and has been involved with natural community mapping and vegetation monitoring projects as well as rare plant surveys and the coastal uplands project for DEP. Her background is in plant systematics and field botany, with an emphasis on the flora of North Central Florida. Kim has a master's degree in Botany from the University of Florida.
Kim Gulledge
Theresa Harrell
Office Manager
Theresa has been with FNAI since 2001. She is responsible for managing all financial information, human resources, and office functions for the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, including: financial controls and reporting; accounting and bookkeeping; recruiting, hiring, orienting, evaluating, and training; office operations; compliance with FSU policies and procedures.
Theresa Harrell
Brenda Herring
Field Ecologist
Brenda has worked in close association with FNAI since 1994 conducting natural community and rare plant surveys on public lands. With a background in botany and ecology, she has worked on large scale ecological monitoring projects, historical rare plant surveys, Florida Forever Field Assessments, and floristic inventories. Brenda developed protocols for surveying and documenting invasive plants and has applied that technology to projects on Federal and State lands. Brenda has a Master's degree in Botany from the University of Florida.
Brenda Herring
Dan Hipes
Chief Scientist
Dan has been with FNAI since 1993. His primary responsibility is to manage and coordinate the FNAI scientific staff. Dan's interests include community ecology, sandhill systems ecology and photography. Dan works on a variety of field projects including rare vertebrate surveys, rare plant surveys and natural community mapping. He has a Master's Degree in Wildlife Science from Auburn University.
Dan Hipes
Lindsay Horton
Data Services Coordinator
Lindsay joined FNAI in 2007. She is the primary contact for data requests from FNAI, and she contributes to a variety of tasks involving Florida Forever and Division of Forestry community mapping. She graduated from Florida State University in April 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies. She has been working in the GIS field for the past three and a half years.
Lindsay Horton
Gwen Iacona
Invasive Field Biologist
Gwen joined FNAI in the spring of 2008 after receiving an M.S. from the University of Florida. She works on data collection for the Invasive Plants project and spends her time visiting the beautiful conservation lands of Florida, talking to the interesting people who manage them, and identifying invasive plant species. Before coming to FNAI, Gwen spent several years at Ichauway studying species richness in the longleaf pine savanna. During this time, her lifelong attachment to the “piney woods” developed into a severe bias towards the ecology of the longleaf pine savanna and its ephemeral depression wetlands. However, since working at FNAI Gwen has learned to appreciate many of the other ecosystems in Florida and may someday even approve of hardwood hammocks. Gwen’s interests include conservation ecology, organic gardening, sustainable living and caring for a small herd of elderly ponies.
Gwen Iacona
Amber Ignatius
Environmental GIS Analyst
Amber joined FNAI in 2006. She is primarily responsible for the production of Florida Forever maps and the management of the Florida Forever project database. She is also involved in a variety of other projects at FNAI. Amber is currently completing her master’s degree in Geography at Florida State University. She received her bachelor’s degree in History and Anthropology from Florida State University in 2005.
Amber Ricke
Dale Jackson, Ph.D.
Senior Research Zoologist
As FNAI’s longest-tenured staff member, Dr. Jackson helped to found FNAI in 1981 and was instrumental in ushering the program through the successes and challenges of its early years. Since moving southward from Illinois to pursue graduate studies, he has spent 37 years studying and conserving Florida’s herpetofauna, with research emphasis on freshwater turtles, and has published more than 60 scientific papers and book chapters. At FNAI he oversees database development for amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates and is a principal participant in our office’s advisory role to the Florida Forever land acquisition program. Dr. Jackson earned his B.S. degree in Zoology from Eastern Illinois University, and his Ph.D. degree in Zoology from the University of Florida.
Dale Jackson
Amy Jenkins
Senior Botanist
Amy joined FNAI in 2004. She is working on natural community mapping and monitoring on Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Division of Forestry natural lands. Her background is in Florida ecology, field botany, and upland restoration of pastures in central Florida. Amy has a bachelor's degree in Biology from Florida State University and a master's degree in Ecology from the University of Florida.
Amy Jenkins
Ann Johnson, Ph.D.
Community Ecologist
Ann has been with FNAI since 1987 and has been community ecologist since 1998. Ann supervises FNAI's natural community database, conducts rare plant surveys, and is involved in a field project to map vegetation on all Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission properties in Florida. She is co-author of the chapter "Dunes and Maritime Forests" in Ecosystems of Florida, edited by R.L. Myers and J.J. Ewel. Ann has a Ph.D. degree in Ecology from the University of California at Davis and has done post-doctoral studies on scrub species at Archbold Biolgical Station in Florida.
Ann Johnson
Sally Jue
Conservation Lands Biologist
A native of Tallahassee, Sally has worked at FNAI since February 1990. Her main responsibility has been to develop and maintain a statewide database on Florida's conservation lands and to oversee a site database for environmental land acquisition projects. As a staff scientist, she also contributes to field surveys, especially those involving birds. Sally received a B.S in Biology from Emory University and did graduate study in Zoology at University of Michigan. She is an experienced bird watcher and an active member of the Florida Ornithological Society.
Sally Jue
Carolyn Kindell
Managed Areas Biologist
Carolyn has been with FNAI since 1993. She has a background in wetlands and plant ecology, with an emphasis on pyrogenic natural communities in Florida. Carolyn oversees the Managed Areas program at FNAI and works with land managers interested in obtaining assistance from FNAI in planning and natural resource inventory. She is involved in several current and historic natural community mapping projects, and is part of the team of FNAI scientists who provide expertise to the DEP Florida Forever land acquisition program. Carolyn has a Master of Science in Biology from Florida State University.
Carolyn Kindell
Amy Knight
GIS Program Specialist
Since coming to FNAI in 2000, Amy has coordinated the Florida Forever Conservation Needs Assessment, a project that involves GIS analyses and resource data development in support of the Florida Forever program. She is also involved in a variety of other projects at FNAI. Amy recently took on new responsibilities as FNAI's GIS Program Specialist and provides GIS support to the office as well as continuing to conduct project-specific GIS analyses. She has a master's degree in Zoology from the University of Florida. Amy is not related to Gary Knight, FNAI's director, even though they are both from Alabama.
Amy Knight
Gary Knight
Gary has been with FNAI since 1990, and has been the program's director since 1995. Prior to becoming Director, he also served as Managed Areas Biologist and Senior Botanist. Gary is responsible for the overall direction and management of FNAI, including program development and planning, fundraising, financial administration, and all personnel matters. He is the program's principal spokesperson and primary contact. Gary also serves on the Board of Directors for the international conservation organization NatureServe and is on the Center for Plant Conservation's Science Advisory Council. Gary has a master's degree in Biological Science from Florida State University.
Gary Knight
Sarah Linney
Field Biologist
Sarah has been with FNAI since 2003. She is Field Coordinator for the Cape Canaveral Scrub-jay Project, located on the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The project is a long-term demographic study that is helping to conserve the Florida Scrub-jay population in a coastal scrub environment. Sarah is responsible for organizing, coordinating and overseeing daily field research activities as well as updating and maintaining the project's databases. She has been with the scrub-jay project since 2000.
Sarah Linney
Chris Lockhart
Field Biologist
Chris joined FNAI as their Lygodium Specialist in November 2004, becoming more in tune with what is and isn't working to control the state's two invasive climbing ferns. After graduating from Purdue University years ago, and more recently completing her Master' degree at Florida Atlantic University with an emphasis in botany, Chris seems to have an affinity for invasive as well as native plants. Information from her research study on carrotwood led to this tree being added to the Florida Noxious Weed List. She remains the Carrotwood Task Force Chair for the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. Chris has field experience in many Florida plant communities, but focusing mostly in southern Florida. She also enjoys involvement with environmental education opportunities.
Chris Lockhart
Martin Ma
System Administrator
Martin has been with FNAI since 2002. Martin has more than 15 years of IT industry experience. As system administrator, he is responsible for the daily administration and maintenance of FNAI's network and Oracle database. Martin provides solutions and deployment/migration stratagems to keep the system updating smoothly and efficiently.
Martin Ma
Steven McAllister
Field Biologist
Steven joined the FNAI staff in 2008 as a Field Scientist. He graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a degree in Biology, and has worked as a wild land fire effects monitor, a gardener, and a monkey caretaker. Steven is eager to further his botanical knowledge as well as indulging in aquatic hobbies while here in Florida.
Steven McAllister
Katy NeSmith
Katy has been with FNAI since 1986. She is currently responsible for collecting and processing rare animal occurrence data, concentrating on birds; conducting field surveys for rare animals (most recently seaside sparrow, limpkin, Florida scrub-jay); and identifying, evaluating, and describing high priority natural areas in Florida. She has worked on county inventories and is involved in several current and historic natural community mapping projects. Katy has a master’s degree in Biological Science from Florida State University.
Katy NeSmith
Kelly Nipp
Field Biologist
Kelly started with FNAI in October 2008 as a Field Biologist working mainly on plant surveys and other projects. She graduated from St. Lawrence University in upstate New York with a degree in combined environmental studies and biology. She has worked on a variety of field projects including fish, herptofauna, and prairie dogs because she has too many interests.
Kelly Nipp
Jon Oetting
Conservation Planner
Jon has been with FNAI since 1999. He currently is involved in several planning projects, including GIS analysis and computer modeling of rare species habitat and land acquisition priorities for the Florida Forever program. Jon oversees the Inventory's environmental review and data distribution efforts, and manages the content and organization of the FNAI website. He has a master's degree in anthropology from the University of Illinois and a Master of Science in Planning degree from Florida State University.
Jon Oetting
Frank Price
Assistant Data Manager/GIS Analyst
Frank joined FNAI in late 2007. He has a varied natural resource background including experience in terrestrial and aquatic ecology, riverine dynamics, and fisheries research. His primary interest is management and analysis of spatial data for natural resource research and conservation. Currently, he is responsible for managing FNAI’s Invasive Plants Geodatabase and is assuming increased responsibility for the management of the Oracle database which houses information on rare species and natural communities. Frank has a Master’s degree in Environmental Planning and Natural Resource Management from the Urban and Regional Planning Department at Florida State University.
Frank Price
Paul Russo
Field Biologist
Paul joined FNAI in the Spring of 2004. He has a degree in Wildlife Management and has been working in the wetland science field for the past 4 years. Paul is currently involved with various projects involving natural community mapping and vegetation monitoring. His main interest is field botany and plant taxonomy.
Paul Russo
Jim Surdick, Ph.D.
Field Ecologist
Since May of 2004 Jim has conducted surveys of rare plants and animals and mapped natural communities for FNAI in many regions of Florida, but can be found most often on SRWMD lands. Before joining FNAI he gained invaluable experience due to a combination of wanderlust and nature study which lead him through the environments of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, the Everglades, Central America, Ecuador, and Botswana. Jim has a BS degree in Wildlife Ecology from University of Wisconsin-Madison, a MS degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida, and a Ph.D. in Systems Ecology from the Department of Environmental Engineering at the University of Florida.
Gary Schultz
Inventory Ecologist
Gary has worked for FNAI since 1983 on projects in all parts of Florida. He has a Master's Degree in Horticultural Science and a Bachelor's Degree in Botany from the University of Florida. His expertise is identifying and surveying for listed plant and animal species. Gary has extensive experience in assessing natural communities and rare species habitats. He has written numerous reports for FNAI, including ones for Cape Canaveral Air Station, Picayune Strand State Forest, the Lake Wales Ridge with Linda Chafin, and the Cross Florida Greenway with Brenda Herring. He is currently working on projects for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Suwannee River Water Management District, and Volusia County.
Gary Schultz
Glenn Woodsum
Data Manager
Glenn has been working at FNAI since 2002 and has a long background in aquatic biology, computer programming, and data base management. He has primary responsibility for oversight of data flow to and from our Oracle data base. The principal data magement tool is the "Biotics" software, a specially designed software package that manages heritage data and includes both GIS and relational data base functionality.
Glenn Woodsum