1018 Thomasville Road
Suite 200-C
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Phone: (850) 224-8207
Fax: (850) 681-9364

Florida State University
Florida Resources and
Environmental Analysis Center
at the Institute of Science
and Public Affairs

A Network Connecting Science with Conservation

Planning & Analysis

The Florida Natural Areas Inventory conducts a variety of conservation planning and analysis projects to inform state and local planning efforts. We have expertise in land management, environmental planning, and GIS modeling and analysis.

Florida Forever
We play an integral role in assessing projects and setting acquisition priorities for the state's environmental land acquisition program.

Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida
FNAI is collaborating with the University of Florida GeoPlan Center and the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission on a Critical Lands & Waters Identification Project (CLIP) for the Century Commission. View the CLIP Phase I Report (5mb pdf file).

ARROW stands for Apalachicola Region Resources On the Web. This collaborative project between FNAI and NOAA focuses on the 7-county region along the Apalachicola River in northwest Florida.