California Integrated Waste Management Board

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San Jose Area Growers Reap Benefits With Compost and Mulch From Yard Trimmings

Date Published/Last Revised: January 1999
Publication Type: Fact sheet
Description: 2 page(s). An overview of one of five Board-sponsored demonstrations intended to study compost use in agriculture and increase awareness of its potential benefits. This fact sheet reports on results of demonstration project using yard trimmings on various crops in the San Jose area. A full report is also available--Compost Demonstration Project on Use of Yard Trimmings Products: Agriculture in Partnership with San Jose, Pub. #422-96-048.
CIWMB Publication Number: 421-98-009  Cost: $0

Downloadable Version (Word 6.0/95, 21 KB)

Last updated: November 1, 2007
CIWMB Publications: 
Publications Clearinghouse:  (916) 341-6300