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11th North American Agroforestry Conference

Agroforestry Comes of Age:
Putting Science into Practice

May 31 - June 3, 2009
Stoney Creek Inn, Columbia, Mo.

The conference will be hosted by the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry and the Association for Temperate Agroforestry.

Objectives and Topics:

The intent of the conference is to further stimulate development and adoption of sustainable rural land management practices centered on the integration of trees into the landscape. The conference will provide a forum for individuals associated with or practicing agroforestry to share their experiences and discuss production, environmental and social attributes of different agroforestry practices. Upland and riparian forest buffers, windbreaks and shelterbelts, silvopasture, alley cropping and forest farming practices will be the main foci discussed during the conference. There will be concurrent sessions, a poster session, field trips and time for discussion that focus on the successes, opportunities and constraints of agroforestry.

Target participants include forest and farm landowners, land managers and consultants, business owners and entrepreneurs, scientists, students, foundations, natural resource and forestry professionals, extension specialists, government officials, non-government organizations, environmental consultants, and policy makers.

The conference will include oral and poster presentations that address current and emerging knowledge on temperate agroforestry practices as well as presentations related to the socioeconomic, political and environmental aspects of agroforestry. Special emphasis will be placed on practical examples of agroforestry practices and on technology transfer to producers.

Topics that will be addressed during the conference may include, without being limited to:

  • Practical application of agroforestry on the landscape
  • Agroforestry education, training, extension, technology transfer
  • Quantifying agroforestry’s environmental impacts: soil, water, and air quality, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and wildlife
  • The role of agroforestry practices for bioenergy and biomass production
  • Application of agroforestry to the production, marketing and value added benefits of specialty crops
  • Agroforestry modeling, decision support, tools
  • Biophysical and ecophysiological agroforestry research
  • Agroforestry tree/crop/animal interactions
  • Role of agroforestry in pasture and silvopasture production
  • Role of agroforestry in organic production systems
  • Cultural and social dimensions
  • Agroforestry policy and adoption
  • Agroforestry economics, filling in the gaps

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Conference Schedule:

Saturday, May 30 - Optional pre-conference tour in the afternoon of local agroforestry demonstration sites (to be determined) followed by a group dinner at a local restaurant. Transportation will be provided.

Sunday, May 31 - Welcome reception with appetizers and cash bar will be held in the evening at the Stoney Creek Inn to kick off the conference, followed by an AFTA board meeting and an AFTA membership meeting.

Monday, June 1 - Plenary session, morning and afternoon concurrent sessions, luncheon, late-afternoon poster session, exhibits, and an evening banquet at the Stoney Creek Inn.

Tuesday, June 2 - Motor coach tour in the morning and afternoon of the MU Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center located in New Franklin with lunch provided. In the late afternoon we will travel to the Shepherd Farms located in Clifton Hill, to tour the agroforestry demonstrations, pecan processing plant and view the 300-head buffalo herd. The tour will be followed by a catered BBQ dinner at the farm.

Wednesday, June 3 - Morning concurrent sessions at the Stoney Creek Inn followed by a luncheon. An optional post-conference tour to the MU Greenley Research Center located in Novelty leaves from the Stoney Creek Inn after lunch and will include transportation and a catered dinner at the farm.

Thursday, June 4 - Optional all day post-conference tour of the MU Wurdack Farm located in Cook Station and other agroforestry demonstration sites located in south-central Missouri. Transportation, lunch and dinner are included.

Click here for the Conference Schedule (pdf)

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Pre-Conference Timelines:

Call for papers: March 1, 2008
Registration form available on website: November 1, 2008
Deadline for abstract submission: December 1, 2008 (deadline has been extended)
Abstract acceptance notification: by February 1, 2009
Papers due for Conference Proceedings: March 1, 2009
Speaker schedule available online: April 1, 2009
Conference Proceedings: CD version included in the conference packet. Purchase printed version when you pre-register.

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First Call for Papers and Author Guidelines:

Abstracts for oral presentations and poster presentations must be submitted electronically by December 1, 2008 (deadline has been extended). Instructions for authors can be found at Author Guidelines for Abstracts (pdf)

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Conference Registration Form

Click here for the Conference Registration Form (pdf).

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The 11th North American Agroforestry Conference Contact Person:
Ms. Julie Rhoads
Technology Transfer Events Coordinator
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Phone: 573-882-3234
Fax: 573-884-0495

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2009 North American Agroforestry Conference Slide Presentation

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Forestry/Agroforestry Events Past UMCA Hosted Events

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
School of Natural Resources
Horticulture & Agroforestry Research Center

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