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RI Invasive Species List

Plants that have been assessed and categorized by the
Rhode Island Invasive Species Council, as of 2/28/2001

  • This list is for informational purposes only; it has no legal or regulatory stature.
  • The list does NOT include every plant that is invasive in Rhode Island, but is a list of those plants that have been assessed to date, using the established criteria.

Download this list (PDF, 34kB)

Widespread and Invasive

Cabomba caroliniana


Celastrus orbiculatus

Asiatic Bittersweet

Elaeagnus umbellata

Autumn Olive

Lonicera japonica

Japanese Honeysuckle

Lythrum salicaria

Purple Loosestrife

Polygonum cuspidatum [= Fallopia japonica]

Japanese Knotweed

Potamogeton crispus

Curly Pondweed

Rhamnus cathartica

Common Buckthorn

Rosa multiflora

Multiflora Rose

Vincetoxicum nigrum [= Cynanchum nigrum]

Black Swallowwort

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Restricted and Invasive

Ailanthus altissima (a)

Tree of Heaven

Alliaria petiolata(a)

Garlic Mustard

Ampelopsis brevipedunculata


Myriophyllum heterophyllum

Variable Water-milfoil

Ranunculus ficaria

Lesser Celandine

Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum


Rubus phoenicolasius (b)


Vincetoxicum rossicum [= Cynanchum rossicum]

White Swallowwort

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Agreed are invasive but need more information

Acer platanoides (b)

Norway Maple

Berberis thunbergii (b)

Japanese Barberry

Euonymus alatus (b)

Burning Bush

Lonicera morrowii and Lonicera x Bella (b)

Morrow and Bella Honeysuckle

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Needs more research and observation/monitoring
Many of these species are known to be invasive in neighboring states.

Acer pseudoplatanus

Sycamore Maple

Allium vineale


Berberis vulgaris

European Barberry

Campsis radicans

Trumpet Creeper

Clematis terniflora [= C. paniculata]

Autumn Clematis

Cytisus scoparius

Scotch Broom

Daucus carota

Queen Anne’s Lace

Elaeagnus angustifolia

Russian Olive

Euonymus fortunei

Winter Creeper

Hesperis matronalis

Dame’s Rocket

Iris pseudoacorus

Yellow Flag

Kochia scoparia

Summer Cypress

Ligustrum species (d)


Miscanthus sinensis


Morus alba

White Mulberry

Myosotis scropioides

True Forget-me-not

Phellodendron japonicum

Amur Corktree

Phragmites australis (e)

Common Reed

Pinus thunbergiana

Japanese Black Pine

Polygonum sachalinense

Princess Feather

Quercus robur

English Oak

Rhamnus frangula [ = Frangula alnus] (d)

Glossy Buckthorn

Robinia pseudoacacia

Black Locust

Rosa rugosa (f)

Beach Rose

Yucca filamentosa

Spanish Bayonet

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Potentially Invasive Species
These are invasive in other states but have not yet become so in Rhode Island.

Egeria densa [= Elodea densa] (g)

Brazilian Waterweed

Hydrilla verticillata (h)


Lysimachia nummularia (i)


Microstegium vimineum (j)

Japanese Stiltgrass

Myriophyllum spicatum (h)

Eurasian Water-milfoil

Najas minor (h)

Eutrophic Water-nymph

Pistia stratiotes (k)


Polygonum perfoliatum (l)

Mile-a-minute Weed

Trapa natans (h)


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Plants of disturbed areas; do not appear to be affecting minimally managed habitats. This list is not even close to all the non-native “weedy” plants in Rhode Island. The ones below were in the original list assessed by the RIISC during 2000; if a plant wasn’t on that list or wasn’t brought up subsequently as potentially meeting the criteria for an invasive species in the state, it is not included here.

Aegopodium podagraria


Bromus tectorum

Drooping Brome Grass

Centaurea nigra, C. dubia, C. maculosa, etc.


Cirsium arvense

Canada Thistle

Cirsium vulgare

Bull Thistle

Coronilla varia

Crown Vetch

Euphorbia cyparissias

Cypress Spurge

Glechoma hederacea

Ground Ivy

Lamium amplexicaule


Lamium purpureum

Purple Dead-nettle

Rumex acetosella

Sheep Sorrel

Solanum dulcamara

European Nightshade

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need more information on its spread in RI


fits Criteria 1–9 and is widespread; need to assess reproductive capabilities of cultivars and hybrids


fits Criteria 1–5 and is spreading; we need to know which species are the ones that naturalize and spread


assessing locations of native non-aggressive populations


fits Criteria 1–9; suggested “fast-track” monitoring


12/2005: known from one site in the state


12/2005: not yet confirmed in RI


reported from RI but not assessed as invasive as of 12/2005


“Restricted + invasive” in CT; reported in several RI sites in summer 2005


12/2005: reported in RI waters but has not yet been found to survive winter


12/2005: known from one site in the state where it is being controlled

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> Widespread and Invasive
> Restricted and Invasive
> Invasive, more data needed
> More research needed
> Potentially Invasive
> Weedy
> Footnotes



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