
(require Adobe Acrobat Reader)
select your map below

Pacific North Area
(Operational Maintenance)
(Draft Proposed Objective Maintenance)
(Final Proposed Objective Maintenance)

Pacific South Area
(Operational Maintenance)
(Draft Proposed Objective Maintenance)
(Final Proposed Objective Maintenance)

Hood Canal North Area
(Operational Maintenance)
(Draft Proposed Objective Maintenance)
(Final Proposed Objective Maintenance)

Hood Canal South Area
(Operational Maintenance)
(Draft Proposed Objective Maintenance)
(Final Proposed Objective Maintenance)

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Olympic National Forest

Access and Travel Management  


Vicinity Map

A Few Tips on Using this Site

For a very quick overview of the Final ATM Plan, look at “One Page Summary of the ATM Plan”.

For a complete map picture of the final plan, look at the “Final Proposed Objective Maintenance” map for each area.

For a map picture of the current operational status of the road system, look at the “Operational Maintenance” map for each area. Compare this to the “Final” map to get a feel for proposed changes.

For current (1996 ATM Plan) and final objective maintenance levels for each road segment, look at the “Spreadsheet for All Areas”.

For definitions of spreadsheet column headings, look at “Worksheet Legend”. Our apologies for failing to have this document available earlier.

For the Forest’s response to comments regarding the draft proposal, look at “Response to Comments”.

To identify changes from draft to final plan, compare the “Draft ATM Proposal” and “Final ATM” columns in Table 1 of the “Response to Comments” document (pages 7-14).


One Page Summary of the ATM Plan

Response to Comments
(rtf version)

Hood Canal South Area ATM Update

(pdf version)

Worksheet Legend
(rtf version)

Spreadsheet for All Areas
(MS Excel format)

Printing Tips
(rtf version)