Festuca of North America


S. G. Aiken, M. J. Dallwitz, C. L. McJannet, and L. L. Consaul

Festuca vivipara subsp. vivipara (L.) Sm.


Fl. Brit. 1: 114. 1800.


This subspecies does not occur in North America (Aiken and Darbyshire 1990). These authors noted that "the name F. vivipara has been applied by authors in various ways. For example, Hitchcock and Chase (1951), Boivin (1967), and Scoggan (1978) applied it to any fescue of the ovina group with proliferating spikelets. Other authors, including Frederiksen (1981), Pavlick (1984), and Alexeev (1984, 1985), recognized and named various entities at subspecific or specific ranks. The diversity of morphological form and chromosome number indicate a polyphyletic origin for F. vivipara (sensu amplissima). Several authors have suggested that the viviparous Festuca may be species complexes of hybrid origin that have become stabilized by means of vivipary (Flovik 1938, Löve and Löve 1956, Tzvelev 1972b, Siplivinskii 1973)

The interactive key provides access to the character list, illustrations, full and partial descriptions, diagnostic descriptions, differences and similarities between taxa, lists of taxa exhibiting specified attributes, and summaries of attributes within groups of taxa.

Cite this publication as: ‘Aiken, S.G., Dallwitz, M.J., McJannet, C.L. and Consaul, L.L. 1996 onwards. Festuca of North America: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Version: 19th October 2005. http://delta-intkey.com’. Aiken, Dallwitz, McJannet, and Consaul (1997) should also be cited (see References).
