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Tilapia biologist wins World Food Prize - June 2005

    Welcome to the World Wide Web site for information regarding the American Tilapia Association. This Web page provides access to information about the fish which is the fastest growing aquaculture crop in the United States and around the world. We are pleased to provide this information to those already producing tilapia for the food industry, for those interested in joining the industry and to potential customers and consumers of farm-raised tilapia.

    Tilapia, several species and their hybrids of Oreochromis, are the second most important group of farm raised fish in the world. Tilapia farming and consumption are rapidly increasing in the US. Tilapia is now the fifth most popular seafood consumed in the United States.  The ATA is dedicated to the development of a profitable and sustainable industry.  Our member producers and scientists wish to protect the aquatic environment while providing high quality fresh fish to the American consumer.

OVERVIEW    The objective of the American Tilapia Association is to support and facilitate the growth of Tilapia production and consumption within the United States. We are a non-profit organization with goals in education, member information and networking, government interactions and support for research. We welcome the contributions of any information on Tilapia culture, marketing and development from around the world for inclusion in our regular newsletters.

The ATA sponsors or co-sponsors major international scientific and industry meetings each year. The ATA sends a representative to sit on panels at the Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Agriculture and National Aquaculture Association.   ATA members also represent tilapia producers at many state and regional aquaculture meetings.  The ATA has been publishing a newsletter for members and industry participants for 20 years.   The ATA maintains connections with other producer organizations in several countries, often hosting visiting farmers and scientists.   ATA's home office is managed by the National Aquaculture Association

American Tilapia Association
PO Box 1647
Pine Bluff, AR 71613
Phone 870-850-7900
Fax 870-850-7902
E-mail to Office Manager

OFFICERS Current Officers of the Association are:

The next meeting of the American Tilapia Association will be held at the Aquaculture America - 2009 Meetings in Seattle, WA. February 15 - 18, 2009; Tilapia industry presentations, technical talks and reports will be delivered in special sessions. See for details

ISTA 9 will be held in Shanghai, China October 15-19, 2010 at Shanghai Ocean University.

ISTA 8 was held in Cairo, Egypt October 12-15, 2008.

ISTA 7 was held in Veracruz, Mexico September 3-9, 2006.

ISTA VI - The Sixth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture was held in The Philippines, September, 2004.

ISTA V   The Fifth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 3-7, 2000. Click here for additional information regarding Tilapia Aquaculture - The Proceedings of ISTA V.

ISTA IV   The American Tilapia Association sponsored the Fourth International Symposium for Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA 4) Nov. 9-12, 1997 in Orlando, Florida. Click here for additional information regarding Tilapia Aquaculture - The Proceedings of ISTA IV.






Maintained by: Kevin Fitzsimmons --

This site is hosted by the University of Arizona, as a service to the industry.
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Last update: January 5, 2009