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  about weedmapper.org


The WeedMapper Team wishes to thank the agencies and cooperators who provide data and support for the WeedMapper project, including the following:

Bureau of Land Management Oregon Department of Agriculture

Oregon State University Rangeland Ecology & Management

US Forest Service National Office

The WeedMapper Team:

Ms. Beth Myers-Shenai
Project Leader

Noxious Weed Management Technician, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Dr. Douglas E. Johnson
Project Advisor

Ph.D., Range Ecology. Professor, Oregon State University. Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing to animal and plant distribution on rangelands.

Mr. Tim Butler
Project Advisor

Manager, Noxious Weed Control Program, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Mr. Stephen Pagenstecher
Web Design/Programming
Web Design and Media Communication Specialist, Portland, Oregon
Dr. Mack R. Barrington
Range and Riparian Specialist
Ph.D., Range/Landscape Ecology. Riparian and Rangeland Specialist, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing to resolve riparian and rangeland issues.
Dr. Ofer Heyman
GIS Specialist
Ph.D., Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University. Geographic Information Systems Specialist.
Dr. Mounir Louhaichi
Landscape Ecologist
Ph.D., Range Ecology. Research Associate, Oregon State University. Spatial analysis and landscape ecology of rangelands. Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing to animal and plant distribution on rangelands.


Property of the WeedMapper Team, Dept. of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Oregon State University. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Design by STP.