Invasive Alert
Cogon Grass

Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica) is a highly invasive species in the Deep South.  It forms an extremely dense mat that is impenetrable by native plants.

This species is not officially known to grow in Tennessee, but it has been observed in North Georgia and Alabama, and may likely turn up in the southern tier counties in Tennessee.

Everyone should be on the lookout for this plant, and report any potential sightings to TN-EPPC.  If you think you have observed this grass, record the following information and e-mail it to Terri Hogan:

Location: Please be exact; get GPS coordinates if possible; include road/highway numbers, mile posts, landmarks.

Date of Observation

Digital Imagery

Site Description
Chris Evans,
River to River CWMA

The following links and publications will be very useful in learning about this plant and how to identify it:

Cogon Grass Identification (PDF)

Cogon Grass Diagram (PDF)
