Internships and Research

Michigan State University
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Many different kinds of hands-on experiences are available at KBS for undergraduates:

Check out these answers to frequently asked questions about the application Process.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
KBS faculty have received grants from NSF (The National Science Foundation) and DOE (US Department of Energy) to involve undergraduates in their research. These positions give you an opportunity to conduct full-time research under the supervision of faculty.  Student in genetics labYou must be a U.S. citizen with undergraduate status to participate in these programs. 

All these REU programs include a PAID stipend, and some also include room, board, and travel costs.

We invite applications from highly motivated individuals, and encourage applications from underrepresented groups in the sciences. 

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services from Bioenergy Cropping systems (DOE REU)

Six REU positions are available for students to participate in research on biofuel systems sustainability at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center.
Students in this program will also receive a tuition grant to complete one class (up to 4 credits) during the program.

The 2009 documents and applications will not be posted until late January 2009. You can look at last year's opportunities for an idea of what might be offered:

Ecological Genetics (NSF REU)

Two REU positions are available for projects on the ecology and evolutionary genetics of flowering plants.  Current research focuses on the evolution of floral traits for successful pollination. 

Additional 2009 REUs are expected in:

  • Aquatic Biogeochemistry
  • Perennials in Sustainable Agriculture
  • Temporal Variation in Plant Productivity

Learn and Intern Research Opportunities:

The KBS Learn and Intern Program features research internships that require less than 40 hours/week of student time. This allows you to take a course during the summer and get some hands-on research experience.

The Learn and Intern Program is limited to currently enrolled MSU students, OR students taking a course at KBS during the summer.

All of these are paid positions, although the stipends may vary. Look for 2009 Learn and Intern opportunities to be posted in Late February, 2009.

Educational Internships (Paid)

Volunteer Opportunities

Maybe you don't have an extended period of time to spend at KBS, but you'd still like to contribute. There are always things to be done around the station: helping at the Bird Sanctuary, removing invasive plant species, or volunteering at events like Share the Harvest. Check out the KBS Volunteer Program for more info!

We are happy to work with you to structure a volunteer experience as an unpaid internship for credit, if you wish. For more information, contact

Common questions from applicants:

I can't save the application form; or it's asking for a digital signature. Do I have to mail you a paper copy?

Don't worry about the signature; some versions of Adobe ask for this, and we don't need it. An electronic copy is fine.

If you are having trouble with the PDF version, note that there is also a Word version. If you still are having trouble saving the file, make sure you change the name and use the "Save as..." feature.

Do I have to send an official transcript?

Nope, an unofficial one is fine.

Can I apply for more than one REU or Internship?

Sure, although don't apply for everything. That just makes you look unfocused. Indicate in your cover letter which positions you want to be considered for.

Still have questions? Please send us an email! We're happy to help you.

Last updated: January 5, 2009

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A Commitment to Sustainability

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MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity institution.