K-12 Partnership

Michigan State University
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GK-12 at Olivet Community Schools

What's New!

New fellow Kane Keller has joined the GK-12 and willl be based at Olivet!

Project Overview

At Olivet, our goal is to incorporate more experiential and inquiry-based lessons into our curriculum.  Mr. Keller spends three days per two weeks at Olivet, mostly in the classrooms of Mr. Stolberg (8th) and Mr. Boehmer (6th and 7th).

Visit Olivet Community School's website

Read Olivet's GK-12 plan for the 2008-2009 school year

GK-12 Fellow

Kane Keller

Ph.D. in Plant Biology and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior



Partner Teachers

  Fern Person's Elementary School
    Charles Bucienski - bucienc@olivetschools.org  
    Marie Toburen - toburem@olivetschools.org  
  Olivet Middle High School
    Russ Stolberg (Mentor) - stolber@olivetschools.org  
    Mike Boehmer - boehmer@olivetschools.org  

Schoolyard Ecology

Olivet Schools have a great resource in their own backyard. In fact it IS the school’s backyard. The middle school and high school are surrounded by a successional field, an agricultural field, a woodlot, and a stream. It takes less than 5 minutes to walk to any of these sites from the school, so we have been utilizing this resource whenever possible with Mr. Stolberg’s 7th and 8th grade science classes.
Olivet students
Check out "Mr. Stolberg's Science World," a website for students and their parents, at http://www.mrstolbergscienceworld.zoomshare.com

Sample Lesson Plans

Looking for birds: Does it matter how you do it? (3rd - 6th grades)

Abstract: In this lesson, students will explore data collection and why the methods used are important.  They will use the Christmas Bird Count, Backyard Bird Count, Breeding Bird Survey and Michigan Breeding Bird Atlas.  Students can compare data (in the form of range maps) from different seasons for common bird species.  From the different map comparisons, they will learn about migration and basic habitat preferences.  They will also learn about the limitations of some of these data sets.  

Files: Lesson Plan, Handout

Cooperation – Why do we bother to work together? (6th - 10th grades)

Abstract: Is it better to cooperate with our peers or to behave selfishly?  Behavioral ecology is littered with examples of how cooperation has become part of social groups. This activity has students play games to see how scientists study the benefits of cooperation and selfishness.

Files: Cooperation Lesson Plan , Cooperation Powerpoint, Cooperation Data

Photo Gallery

View photos from our project at http://www.mrstolbergscienceworld.zoomshare.com/1.shtml

Last updated: October 31, 2008

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