Georgia Native Plant Society
Jeane Reeves Research Grant Program

The Georgia Native Plant Society is offering financial grants for the purpose of supporting research on native plants. These grants will be awarded to United States citizens attending Georgia Universities who are graduate students, qualified undergraduate students working on senior thesis projects with an advisor, or qualified professionals working in Georgia to support basic or applied research in botanical or horticultural areas that fulfill the mission and/or objectives of the Georgia Native Plant Society.

Guidelines for Application

Reports from Recipients

2008 Recipients

Jeane Reeves Scholarship Program

The Georgia Native Plant Society provides up to ten GNPS Symposium scholarships each year to students with a passion for native plants, interns at Nature Centers or Botanical Gardens and interpretative naturalists at State Parks and Historic Sites. Thousands visit State Parks annually and Park personnel manage many significant natural areas in the state. GNPS considers it a privilege to provide an educational opportunity and networking forum for these custodians and interpreters of our native plant heritage and for those young people considering native plants as their profession.

The Cullowhee Conference is a quarter of a century old. This wonderful event has been bringing botanists, landscape architects, garden designers, ecologists, native plant growers and propagators, academics, restorationists, artists, gardeners and students together from all over the southeast to immerse themselves in native plants. A scholarship program was begun many years ago by one of the Cullowhee founders, Darrel Morrison. GNPS owes its beginning to this Conference. GNPS has provided scholarship money from its formation. The scholarship program was named for Jeane Reaves in memory of one of the Society's founders and was expanded to offer 5 field trip scholarships to the Conference each year for students with a passion for native plants.

2008 Recipients

© Georgia Native Plant Society - 1994 - 2008   All Rights Reserved

Last update: December 19, 2008