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The Larimer County Trivia Game

1. Larimer County was established in 1861 and is one of 64 Colorado Counties. We're named after General William Larimer, an early Denver settler. We're bordered by Wyoming, Weld County, Boulder County, and Jackson County. We are the 7th most populated county in the state with how many people?

a) 1 million
b) 280 thousand
c) 80 thousand

2. The highest elevation point in Larimer County is?

a) Horsetooth Rock
b) Long's Peak
c) Estes Park
d) Hagues Peak

3. Larimer County's 2009 budget is:

a) $ 29 million dollars
b) $ 295 million dollars
c) $ 2.9 million dollars

4. Larimer County covers 2,640 square miles making us the 9th largest county in Colorado. Including conservation easements, how many acres of land has been protected in Larimer County since the Larimer County Open Lands Program began in January of 1996?

a) 450 acres
b) 40,000 acres
c) 14,000 acres

5. Larimer County's Green Practices Committee is working to minimize the environmental footprint of county government by promoting zero waste, turning out lights, and developing sustainability goals. Is it true or false that Larimer County has also been able to use energy-saving bio-diesel fuels on some large Road and Bridge equipment?

a) True
b) False

6. There are 10 county-wide elected officials in Larimer County, what are their titles?

7. There are 5 incorporated cities/towns wholly in Larimer County and 3 that are partially in Larimer County. Can you name all eight? (incorporated means they have their own city/town government).

8. Which two of these services does Larimer County not provide:

  1. Landfill
  2. Child Welfare
  3. Septic Tank Inspections
  4. Road Maintenance
  5. Restaurant inspections
  6. Food Stamps
  7. Marriage Licenses
  8. Probation services
  9. Purchase burial plots
  10. Job training
  11. Fighting Forest Fires
  12. Run Elections
  13. Screen juvenile offenders
  14. Autopsies
  15. Victims assistance program
  16. County Fair
  17. Track infectious disease
  18. Maternity assistance
  19. Potable Water Quality programs
  20. Community-wide recycling
  21. Cable TV supervision
  22. Noxious weed control
  23. Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
  24. Jail operations
  25. Foster Care Coordination
  26. Veteran's Services
  27. Airports
  28. Birth and Death Certificates
  29. County Seats for a Day