The "Società Italiana per la Ricerca sulla Flora Infestante (S.I.R.F.I.)" [formerly "Società Italiana per lo studio della Lotta alle Malerbe" (S.I.L.M.)], that is the Italian Weed Research Society, was founded in 1975.
The aim of the Society is to promote progress in weed science, to collect and disseminate information and results, to assist communication between individuals and organizations.
Biennal Conferences are held on weed science topics and the proceedings are published in Italian with English summary.
Periodic symposia are also organized, with the papers presented being published in Italian specialist journals.
S.I.R.F.I. has published a "Weed Identification Handbook" for students, farmers and technicians.
S.I.R.F.I. also issues a Newsletter (two issues per year).
S.I.R.F.I. has about 150 members belonging to Universities, National Research Council institutions, research stations of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Resources, Regional Agriculture Extension Services and chemical companies.

Symposia and Workshops
Executive and Scientific Committee
Current status and trends of weed research in Italy

Further information can be obtained from:

Dr. Francesco Tei
S.I.R.F.I. Secretary - Treasurer
Istituto di Agronomia, Università di Perugia
Borgo XX Giugno 74 - 06121 PERUGIA
Tel. (+39) 075.5856320 - Fax: (+39) 075.5856344

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