Giving to KBS

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

W. K. Kellogg believed helping people help themselves through education was making an investment in the future and he understood the importance of protecting the land and conserving resources. These values initiated a tradition that is the foundation of the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station (KBS).

The Kellogg Legacy of stewardship lives on in the bird sanctuary, the farm and the manor and the education center. KBS is a place for understanding the relationship between people and the environment in which they live.

You can join the tradition by investing in our future. Please consider making a contribution to support KBS. You may designate your gift to an area of special interest to you or to the Conservation Legacy Fund.

Special Interest Areas:
     *Kellogg Bird Sanctuary
      *Kellogg Farm
      *Kellogg Manor House
                Benjamin Skulnick Scholarship
                George Lauff Scholarship
                Joe Johnson Fellowship
                T. Wayne and Catherine Porter Scholarship
     *Volunteer Program

Contributions may be sent to:

MSU Kellogg Biological Station
3700 East Gull Lake Drive
Hickory Corners MI 49006











Last updated: May 30, 2007

A Legacy of Conservation
A Commitment to Sustainability

© 2006 Michigan State University Board of Trustees.
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity institution.