Learning Among Friends

associate dean of students

Robin Burroughs Davis

As you explore Colby-Sawyer College's Web site, I hope you get a sense of our community of learners. At CSC, students, faculty, and staff share a passion for learning. We recognize that learning takes place in the classroom but that we also learn from each other through conversation, residence hall and other college-sponsored programs, and by participating in the myriad teams, clubs, and organizations the college offers.

As associate dean of students and director of citizenship education, I help educate students about their rights and responsibilities in our community; I do this through formal and information programs as well as by advising students through our conduct system.

In my role as Student Government Association and class board advisor, I help students find and express their voice about student issues while at the same time strengthening their ties to each other and the Colby-Sawyer College community.

Another role I am pleased to hold is co-coordinator of the Leadership Expedition Program. The Leadership Program helps students build their leadership skills, skills they can use as members or officers in an organization or team, in the classroom, and on the job. The various leadership workshops reflect the college's five learning outcomes.

My work at Colby-Sawyer College is rewarding because of my interactions with students. If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Robin Burroughs Davis

Associate Dean of Students, Director of Citizenship Education

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000