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Hear about the life and work of the late photographer Galen Rowell from his daughter, Nicole Rowell Ryan, in an interview with Sierra Club Radio.
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Hey Mr. Green
Sierra Magazine’s Answer Guy Tackles Your Toughest Green Living Questions
By Bob Schildgen

When is the right time to replace an old refrigerator? Is it more environmentally correct to buy your beer in bottles or cans? And is it okay to knit a sweater with acrylic (petroleum-based) yarn?

For several years, Bob Schildgen (aka "Mr. Green") has been answering real-world questions like these in his Sierra magazine column. Readers know they’re getting up-to-the minute, authoritative responses, because all information is backed by the research and experience of Sierra Club. But Mr. Green’s legions of fans have also come to expect a refreshing dose of common sense—and often a laugh, too—because Bob is a funny guy with his feet on the ground.

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Birding Babylon
A Soldier's Journal from Iraq
By Jonathan Trouern-Trend

Early in 2004, a National Guardsman from Connecticut arrived in Iraq for a year's posting. Sergeant First Class Jon Trouern-Trend had been a birder since age 12.
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Blue Potatoes, Orange Tomatoes: How to Grow a Rainbow Garden
By Rosalind Creasy, illustrated in full color by Ruth Heller

Writing with her usual liveliness and enthusiasm, top gardening authority Rosalind Creasy tells young gardeners all they need to know in order to grow a whole cornucopia of fruits and vegetables in unexpected colors.
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