NAZ Flora: A Photographic, Annotated Catalog of Northern Arizona Vascular Plants. Photo shows Lomatium foeniculaceum var. macdougalii (MacDougal's Biscuitroot). Click here to return to home page.


Index to Families of Monocots
(Angiosperms: Monocotyledons)

Flowering plants with one seed leaf
Also characteristic of this group are parallel-veined leaves (instead of net-veined) and flowers with parts usually in multiples of three.

The monocot section is complete in first draft.  It includes all of the taxa listed in McDougall, Seed Plants of Northern Arizona.  Additional taxa will be added to many families in subsequent drafts, after the review of additional references.
Agavaceae:  See Liliaceae
Alismaceae:  See Alismataceae
Alismataceae:  Water-plantain Family
Arecaceae:  Palm Family
Commelinaceae:  Spiderwort Family
Cyperaceae:  Sedge Family
Gramineae:  See Poaceae
Hydrocharitaceae:  Waterweed Family
Iridaceae:  Iris Family
Juncaceae:  Rush Family
Lemnaceae:  Duckweed Family
Liliaceae:  Lily Family
Orchidaceae:  Orchid Family
Palmae:  See Arecaceae
Poaceae:  Grass Family
Pontederiaceae:  Pickerel-weed Family
Potamogetonaceae: Pondweed Family
Sparganiaceae:  See Typhaceae
Typhaceae:  Cattail Family
Zannichelliaceae:  Horned-pondweed Family

This page revised 19 September 2007.

Northern Arizona Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies Gymnosperms Angiosperms: Dicots Angiosperms: Monocots
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