Step 3.3:

Decide which audience segment(s) you intend to reach and influence with your communication efforts.

What To Do

Make final segmentation decisions about all potential audiences. Limit decisions to a manageable number of segments.

How To Do It

Rank all potential audience segments from most important to least important based on these questions:

  • Which audience segments represent the highest priority for your agency (and partners)?
  • Which audience segments can be most easily reached and influenced?
  • Which audience segments are most adversely affected by the health problem?
  • Which audience segments are large enough to justify intervention?
  • Which audience segments are most unique and identifiable?
  • Which audience segments are most vulnerable to or defenseless against the health problem?
  • Which audience segments are most likely to change contributing factors associated with the problem?
  • What work with the audience segments is already underway?

Your rankings should result in a numerical value associated with each potential audience segment. Depending on the number of potential audience segments, each question will yield a rank for each audience. Sum all scores for final rankings and select the audience segment(s) that have the highest score.

When you complete this step, you should have selected audience segments you intend to reach and influence.

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