Step 2.7: Explore additional resources and new partners.

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Icon indicating a pdf fileOne or more of the following files are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). Learn more about PDFs.


American Heart Association The American Heart Association (AHA) is a not-for-profit, voluntary health organization funded by private contributions. Its mission is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The AHA recently adopted a Strategic Driving Force to provide reliable information to the American public on prevention and treatment of heart disease and stroke. To be successful, AHA seeks to be proficient in four Key Work Processes: Discover, interpret and process science. Develop and communicate consumer health information. Advocate the Association’s positions to key audiences. Generate Resources. Information from the American Heart Association may be accessed at *

ATSDR: A Primer on Health Risk Communication Principles and Practices The purpose of this primer is to provide a framework of principles and approaches for the communications of health risk information to diverse audiences. It is intended for ATSDR staff and personnel from other government agencies and private organizations who must respond to public concerns about exposures to hazardous substances in the environment. However, it contains guidelines for health risk communication, information about presentations at public meetings, and information about working with the media that are generalizable to other areas.

Building Online Communities: Transforming Assumptions Into Success "Build it and they will come" is a common assumption that leads many non-profits to shortchange their planning and staffing efforts when establishing an online discussion group or e-mail listserv. If you want to make good use of interactivity, you will find here a list of common pitfalls and practical tips for defining an online community’s purpose, moderating a discussion, and locating free software to help manage discussion groups. You’ll find Building Online Communities at *

Community Toolbox For information on ways to "promote community health and development by connecting people, ideas, and resources" access the Community Toolbox at *

Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health The Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health was developed to summarize and organize the essential elements of program evaluations; provide a framework for conducting effective program evaluations; clarify the steps in program evaluation; review standards for effective program evaluation; and address misconceptions regarding the purpose and methods of program evaluation. Step 1 in the Program Evaluation section of the publication describes the engaging of stakeholders. Not only will this section be helpful in the identification process of your own stakeholders, but also it will contribute to the evaluation process of your program. The suggested citation for this publication is: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Framework for program evaluation in public health. MMWR 1999;48(No.RR-11): [inclusive page numbers]. You may access the Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health at

Grantmakers In Health Grantmakers in Health’s mission is to help foundations and corporate giving programs improve the nation’s health. It works to build knowledge, skills, and effectiveness of individual grantmakers and the field of health philanthropy. It also seeks to foster communication and collaboration among grantmakers and with others. To learn more about Grantmakers in Health go to *

GuideStar The GuideStar site houses a database of more than 700,000 U.S. non-profit organizations. GuideStar is located at *

Healthy People 2010 Toolkit You can access the partnership section of Healthy People 2010 Toolkit at

Institute for Healthy Communities The mission of the Institute for Healthy Communities is to serve as the catalyst for creating, linking, and supporting community-based partnerships that engage in activities to improve the health and quality of life of the citizens of Pennsylvania. Their high priority goals are to: strengthen their role as statewide advocates for healthy communities; mobilize hospitals and health systems as leaders and partners in the healthy communities movement; coach community change processes and community mobilization; and provide leadership and collaborate with diverse public, private, and nonprofit organizations. You will find the Institute for Healthy Communities at *

National Coalition Building Institute For information on The National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), a nonprofit leadership training organization, at *

Principles of Community Engagement Principles of Community Engagement provides public health professionals and community leaders with a science base and practical guidelines for engaging the public in community decision-making and action for health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention. The material provided can help public health professionals and community leaders improve communication, promote common understanding, and strengthen coordination, collaboration, and partnerships efforts among themselves and community members and institutions. You will find Principles of Community Engagement at

Promoting Health: Intervention Strategies from Social and Behavioral Research The Institute of Medicine developed this report to share lessons learned from behavioral and social research for improving health at different life stages. It also discusses the role that social marketing can play in addressing health issues. It can be accessed through the Institute of Medicine's web site or at the National Academies Press web site.

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Other Websites

Building Coalitions Fact Sheet Index *

Community Development Extension *

Community Health Initiatives *

Grant Writing Tools *

Healthy Communities Programs, a Division of the National Civic League *

National Associations of State Boards of Education *

National Business Coalition on Health *

National Coalition Building Institute For information on The National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), a nonprofit leadership training organization, at *

National School Boards Association *

Partnership for a Walkable America *

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Resources for Coalitions and Partnerships

Knight Foundation (Community Profiles) *

Office of State and National Partnerships, Health Resources and Services Administration

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Coalition Building Primer Coalition_Building_Primer.pdf (PDF 202K)

A First Step Toward Healthy Eating: The 1% Or Less Handbook This handbook, provided by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, describes how to plan, implement, and evaluate a community-wide, nutrition-education campaign. It includes a wide choice of program options to plan programs for communities and includes sample letters, handouts, and evaluation forms to use when planning and implementing this program and similar types of campaigns. CV_1_or_less_pt_1.pdf (PDF 6,969K)

Partnerships for Communication These documents, provided by the Office of Communication at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provide information when exploring potential partners for designing health communication plans (and health promotion interventions).

The Prevention of Youth Violence: A Framework for Community Action (PDF 200K)

Taking Action to Heart: A Planning Guide for a Community-Based Approach to Cardiovascular Health Maine Cardiovascular Health Council and Medical Care Development in collaboration with the Maine Bureau of Health have produced a planning document to assist programs in planning community-based programs for cardiovascular health.

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*Links to non–Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. Links do not constitute an endorsement of any organization by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. The CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at this link.