1. On-Site Consultation

One of the most significant hurdle in naturescaping is the initial lack of knowledge of native plants and where they tend to grow. To overcome this hurdle, PlantNative is pleased to provide a home (or other site) consultation service in which a naturescaping expert will come to your place and discuss which plants would work best given the "lay of your land" (i.e., sunny, shady, sloped, flat, wet, dry, etc.) and your landscaping objectives, if any.

The cost of this service is a modest $29.95/hour.

Where Offered

This service is currently available in the Portland metro area and Eugene.

In Portland/Vancouver, contact Steve Adamson at Steve's Email or 503.248.0104.

In Eugene, contact Dennis Lueck at 541.684.8716.

Please specify preferred date(s) and/or time(s) in any email or voice mail message.

Thank You for your interest!