
An osprey flying to its nest
Ospreys can be found nesting on pilings and channel markers throughout the Bay region. Image courtesy: Middleton Evans

See Also:

The birds that live in the Bay's woodlands and shorelines are some of the region's most beautiful—but vulnerable—species. While each bird has distinct behaviors and habitat needs, all are intricately entwined with the Bay's ecosystem and perform a different ecological function.

What types of birds live in the Bay watershed?

Hundreds of species of birds reside in the Bay region. Some live here year-round, while others are migratory, only visiting during certain seasons.

Bay birds include:

  • Waterfowl, such as ducks, geese and swans. Most waterfowl are migratory, though some Canada geese, as well as the invasive mute swan, have taken up full-time residence around the Bay.
  • Ospreys, bald eagles and other raptors, or birds of prey. Some bald eagles live on the Bay year-round, while others only come during winter. Ospreys visit the Bay from spring through summer to breed, then migrate south for the winter.
  • Shorebirds like ibis, willets, plovers, sandpipers, oystercatchers and ruddy turnstones. These birds are only found in the Bay region during certain seasons.
  • Wading birds, including egrets and herons. The great blue heron and the black-crowned night heron are the only two resident wading birds in the Bay watershed; egrets and other herons migrate south for the winter.
  • “Aerial gleaners” that feed on fish or insects, such as gulls, terns, cormorants and barn swallows. Gulls are common around the Bay watershed year-round, while most terns leave the Bay in winter.
  • The familiar songbirds of our parks and backyards, such as robins and cardinals, which are seen throughout the year.
Other Sites of Interest:
  • Migratory Birds: Information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about migratory birds in the Chesapeake region.
  • Waterfowl: Explore Bay Birds: The best Bay Gateways to visit to see and learn about migratory and resident waterfowl.
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Last modified: 05/15/2008
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