Poisonous Plants of the Southern United States


achene - a small, dry, hard 1-locular, 1-seeded, indehiscent fruit.
acuminate - tapering to a point.
acute - sharp pointed, 90° angle.
ascites - an excessive accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity.
axil - the angle found between the leaf and stem.
axillary - in an axil.
bipinnate - twice pinnate.
blade - the expanded portion of a leaf.
bract - a leaf-like structure subtending a flower.
capsule - a dry, or occasionally leathery, dehiscent fruit.
ciliate - fringed with hairs.
comatose - affected with a coma, which indicates a state of complete loss of consciousness from which the animal cannot be aroused.
compound - composed of two or more similar and united parts, as in a compound leaf
cordate - heart-shaped with the point at the apex.
crenate - shallowly round-toothed or teeth obtuse; scalloped.
dehiscent - opening regularly by slits like a pea or pod or cotton ball.
dentate - toothed, the sharp or coarse teeth perpendicular to the margin.
denticulate - minutely or finely dentate.
diuretic - a drug or other agent that promotes the secretion of urine.
dropsy - an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cellular tissues or in a body cavity.
drupe - a fleshy, usually one-seeded, indehiscent fruit, as a cherry or plum.
edema - the accumulation of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body.
elliptic - being narrowed to relatively round ends and widest at or about the middle.
entire - a margin without teeth or other irregularities, along the margin.
follicle - a dry fruit dehiscent along one line.
gastritis - inflammation of the stomach.
gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
glabrous - without hairs.
hemorrhage - excessive bleeding. A copious escape of blood from vessels.
hemorrhagic enteritis - inflammation of the intestines characterized by the passing of blood in the droppings.
icterus - a yellow appearance of the skin and mucous membranes. It is caused by liver damage, impairment of bile flow, or excessive destruction of red blood cells.
indehiscent - not regularly opening.
jaundice - a common term for icterus.
lanceolate - lance-shaped, much longer than wide, widened at or above the base and tapering to the apex.
linear - long and narrow with essentially parallel margins, as the blades of most grasses.
necropsy - an examination of the body after death. An autopsy or post mortem examination.
ob - a prefix signifying inversion, as obovate.
ovate - with an outline like that of a hen's egg, the broader end below the middle.
palmate - lobed, divided or ribbed like the fingers from the palm of the hand.
panicle - a cluster of flowers (inflorescence) in which the branches of the primary axis are racemose and the flowers pedicellate.
pappus - a ring of appendages (modified calyx), often hairs capping the fruit of many Asteraceae.
petal - one unit of the corolla.
petiole - leaf stalk.
photosensitization - sensitivity to light. Usually used to indicate a condition in animals when their superficial layers of non-pigmented skin exhibit dermatitis when exposed to sunlight.  The condition may develop when animals consume certain poisonous plants or other agents that are not properly metabolized by the liver.



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