Official Nebraska Government Website
Nebraska Corn Board
Nebraska Corn Board
Nebraska Corn Board
Expanding the demand for Nebraska Corn. Enhancing the Profitability of Nebraska Corn Producers.


“The Nebraska Corn Checkoff keeps Nebraska’s corn producers on the leading edge of an everchanging market by developing new research possibilities, promoting corn products, and developing new markets...”

Mark Jagels
Davenport, NE
Nebraska Corn Board

The mission of the Nebraska Corn Board is to develop, carry out and participate in programs of research, education, market development and promotion to enhance profitability (viability) and expand the demand and value of Nebraska corn and value-added corn products.

From ethanol to exports—from livestock feeding to bio-based plastics—the Nebraska Corn Board develops and supports numerous projects designed to increase the demand for Nebraska corn—and to enhance the profitability of Nebraska corn growers.

The nine-member Nebraska Corn Board collects and disburses the funds generated by the 1/4 of a cent per bushel corn checkoff. A five-person staff administrates the various programs.

Deciding where and how to invest corn checkoff dollars is a responsibility your Nebraska Corn Board takes very seriously. The challenge is to manage each corn producer’s checkoff investment to capture the greatest value amidst the ever-changing industry, to continue nurturing the markets we’ve been able to establish, and invest in new possibilities and potential. It’s not an easy task, but the years have proven that the investment has paid dividends.

For more information on Nebraska Corn Board activities, please browse our web site, send us an e-mail, or call us toll-free at 1-800-632-6761 (NECORN1).

Nebraska Corn Board
301 Centennial Mall South, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 95107 • Lincoln, NE 68509-5107
Phone: 800-NECORN1 (800-632-6761) or 402-471-CORN (2676)
Fax: 402-471-3345 | E-mail

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