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FB: Farmers Need Economic Growth

AFBF delegates want Congress and the Obama administration to address economic recession and climate change concerns, and enact policies on taxes and the environment that promote economic growth. read more »

‘Can-Do’ Spirit Will Sustain America

Americans’ “can-do” spirit will sustain the nation through today’s turbulent economic times, according to former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley, who delivered the keynote address Monday at the AFBF’s annual meeting. read more »

Young Farmers and Ranchers Take Top Honors

Winners of the Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award, Discussion Meet and Excellence in Agriculture competitions were announced at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 90th annual meeting. read more »

AFBF Recognizes 15 County Farm Bureaus for Excellence

Fifteen county Farm Bureaus were recognized by the American Farm Bureau Federation for innovative new program ideas in this year’s County Activities of Excellence program. read more »

Stallman: Farmers Ready to Work with New Administration

“President-elect Obama has told us he wants discussion and constructive debate,” Stallman said. read more »

Volunteer to Help Farmers in Developing Countries

AFBF has teamed up with CNFA to identify farmers and ranchers and other agricultural professionals who might be interested in the Farmer-to-Farmer Program. read more »

Annual Meeting News
FB: Farmers Need Policies that Promote Economic Growth
FB Members Donate Funds to AFB Foundation for Ag
Sec. Schafer: U.S. Agriculture Can Be Force for Peace
Bill Bradley: ‘Can-Do’ Spirit Will Sustain America
Eckel, LaHood Earn Distinguished Service Awards
Economist Sees Another Year of Struggle for Livestock Producers
Young Farmers and Ranchers Take Top Honors
Rural Residents Work to Strengthen Their Communities
EU Official: Europe Must Eventually Accept Biotech
Lohr Tells Farmers to Create their Future
AFBF-Backed Alliance Charts Impressive Ag Gains
Ag, Forestry Leaders in Reducing Greenhouse Gases
‘Sowing the Wind’ Play Conveys Farm Safety Message
U.S. Must “Wake Up’ to Fiscal Realities
Canadian Officials: Trade Key to Economic Prosperity
Farmers Urged to ‘Become Activists’ for Agriculture
Biofuels Positioned to Grow, But Challenges Loom
Foundation for Agriculture Presents Eagle Awards
Top Farmer Idea Award Goes to Indiana FB Inventor
Economist Sees Lower Crop Prices in 2009
Biotech Industry Tags ‘GE-free’ Labels as Misleading
AFBF Recognizes 15 County Farm Bureaus for Excellence
Non-Traditional Leadership Roles Urged for FB Women
Meals Elected as YF&R Committee Chair
State Farm Bureaus Recognized for Excellence
After Record 2008, Grain Exports Face Challenges in 2009
Stallman: Farmers Ready to Work with New Administration

FB Views
Ringing in 2009 with Optimism
It is time again to ring in a New Year and shake out the old. With the start of 2009 comes a new administration and Congress, providing farmers and ranchers with real opportunities to advance agricultural issues. But with opportunities always come challenges, and the road ahead won’t be without them. It never is. continue »