Learning Among Friends


My Colby-Sawyer Experience

“I'm a firm believer in getting students out of the classroom and into experiences in nature. If students get out of their element, in a new place that stimulates their senses, that's where the best learning happens.” - Nick Baer, Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences
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international students

David Elliott

David Elliott, director of ELAC

As the director of the international student program (also known as the English Language and American Culture program) at Colby-Sawyer, I feel very lucky. Why? I spend a lot of time with some of the smartest and funniest students on the campus. If you think you'd like to be one of them, contact me at delliott@colby-sawyer.edu.

Cindy Benson, international student advisor

Cindy BensonGreetings from our corner of the world! As the international student advisor, it is my job to be among the first to welcome you to the Colby-Sawyer community. From the time you are accepted through the completion of your studies and application for Optional Practical training, I will be available to help you with immigration questions, homestay opportunities, adjustment issues, travel plans, conversation partners and much more. At Colby-Sawyer, we recognize that being far from home can be challenging, both personally and logistically, and we seek to do our part to help ease the transition and create an environment conducive to your success. Questions? Contact me at cbenson@colby-sawyer.edu.

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000