Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium

University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Vascular Plants
 Browse Featured Plant Identification Guides
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Non-woody flower that dies back in winter  Wildflowers 

Genus browse Genera 

Woody perennial usually with one thick trunk  Trees 
Common name browse Common Names  Woody perennial usually with multiple stems  Shrubs 
Plant with tendrils for climbing and trailing  Vines 
Name search Names  Plant usually gowing in moist to wet places  Aquatic-Semi Aquatic 
Specimen search Specimens Flowerless, seedless vascular plant repoducing with spores  Ferns-Fern Allies
Blooming Time search Blooming Times Plant with grass-like leaves  Grasses, Sedge, or Rush
County and Status searches County & Status

 Other Resources

Town Range search Town Range The Taxonomy of Vascular Plants
Natural Community Search Ethnobotany Download Checklist & CofC Values
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Trientalis borealis Raf. subsp. borealis

Keys to WI Compositae

American starflower

(NEW!) Keys to WI Gymnosperms, Ferns, and Fern Allies  

Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest

Sample PDF   -  Publisher has sold out!   - Reviews
Copies are still available at some retail outlets
Watch for the second edition  - details to follow soon


Plants of Wisconsin
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Last updated Jan. 7, 2009
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