Welcome to the College of Agricultural Sciences!

  A place proud to prepare future generations for stewardship of our land and agricultural resources.  We continue to provide majors in traditional disciplines like agronomy, animal science, and horticulture, yet also offer degrees like Organic Agriculture and Agribusiness to meet the changing needs of today’s society.

 Our faculty and staff lead the nation in cutting edge research on topics such as bio-fuels and their economic impact, improved protection of food sources, human-disease prevention characteristics of food crops, environmental sustainability, and many other exciting subjects.

 Our students have the opportunity to study abroad in places like New Zealand and France, and also have the chance to obtain hands-on learning experiences through student organizations, the CSU Trial Gardens, judging competitions, landscape design studios, labs or internships.

 We invite you to find your true passion and to be part of our "Ag Family" that is creating great opportunities for future generations.

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College of Agricultural Sciences 121 Shepardson, (Campus Delivery 1101) Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523-1101 Phone: 970-491-6274, Fax: 970-491-4895
Our url: www.agsci.colostate.edu Comments: CAS_webmaster@mail.colostate.edu Apply to CSU | Disclaimer | Equal Opportunity | Privacy Updated January 9, 2009