Site Use

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·


Everyone wishing to conduct research at KBS needs to fill out a Site Use Request Form (SURF) available as a PDF form or Word form. Students who conduct research at KBS should provide the KBS library with a copy of their thesis or dissertation. All publications from research conducted at KBS should acknowledge KBS and include a contribution number. Contact the KBS Library Aide, Melissa Yost at (269) 671-2310.

Completed forms should be sent to:
Jenny Clark Smith, Secretary to the Director
MSU, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
3700 East Gull Lake Drive
Hickory Corners, MI 49060

The KBS Director and relevant unit leaders and / or faculty will review the SURF.The Land Use Committee will review large or long-term projects involving a substantial commitment of KBS facilities. Typically, SURF will be reviewed and acted on within 2 - 3 weeks of receipt. (If more information is needed the Project Leader will be contacted as soon as possible.)

Contacts for KBS Research Facilities

Kellogg Farm, Dairy Center Jim Bronson (269) 671-2509
Farming Systems Center Greg Parker (269) 671-2515
Experimental Pond Facility and Lab Dr. Gary Mittelbach (269) 671-2216
Boathouse Lab on Gull Lake Nina Consolatti (269) 671-2228
Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Dr. Phil Robertson (269) 671-2267
Kellogg Bird Sanctuary Karen Charleston (269) 671-2511
Academic/Stack Complex (Labs) Nina Consolatti (269) 671-2228
Research Greenhouse Dr. Jeff Conner (269) 671-2269
Plant Ecology Field Lab Dr. Katherine Gross (269) 671-2235
Lux Arbor Reserve Steve Norris (269) 207-4788  

Permissions: In addition to completing SURF, all researchers at KBS are expected to follow University regulations regarding safety, laboratory procedures, animal use, etc. Also, visiting researchers using KBS field sites must obtain the permission of the relevant faculty or staff members (see above). KBS faculty have developed agreements with several local property owners regarding access to and use of these private properties for research and/or educational activities. Permission to use these sites must be negotiated for each project in collaboration with the relevant KBS faculty/staff member.

Reporting: To document how research groups are utilizing KBS, we ask that each researcher provide a brief report (400 words) each year. We maintain records of the type and location of research done at KBS sites as an important tool that PIs reference to plan their projects. We request that project leaders report the GPS location of their research sites. (KBS can make portable GPS equipment with instructions available.)

Fees: Visiting researchers are assessed modest site use fees for office/desk space, laboratory space, use of equipment such as temperature controlled freezers, storage space, University-provided vehicles, boats/motors/trailers, experimental ponds, greenhouse space, and agricultural field plots. Researchers will be informed of their anticipated fees when their SURF is approved. Payment of fees is due at the end of the first month of arrival on site at KBS or with the annual report if it is a multiple year study.

Last updated: April 21, 2008

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