Target Species for Biological Control

The table below lists the target weed species approved for biological control by the Australian Weeds Committee (prior to February 1983) and subsequently the Natural Resource Management Standing Committee (or its predecessor) (revised process, see below) or under the Biocontrol Act.

Scientific Name Common Name Approved By Approved At Date Applicant
Ageratina riparia mistflower AWC - 22/8/83 Qld Dept of Lands
Andredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis madeira vine NRMSC (13) OOS 13/02/2007 Qld Dept of Natural Resources & Mines
Ambrosia artemisiifolia annual ragweed AWC - 22/8/83 Qld Dept of Lands
Asparagus asparagoides bridal creeper SCA (147) Nelson (NZ) 12/02/1991 CSIRO Entomology
Bryophyllum delagoense mother-of-millions SCARM (18) OOS - June 2001 Queensland Dept of Natural Resources and Mines
Bryophyllum delagoense x B. diagremontianum hybrid mother-of-millions SCARM (18) OOS - June 2001 Queensland Dept of Natural Resources and Mines
Cabomba caroliniana cabomba NRMSC (12) Canberra 2/11/2006 CSIRO Entomology
Carduus nutans nodding or musk thistle SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 CSIRO
Div Entomology
shore or slender thistle SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 CSIRO
Div Entomology
Carduus tenuiflorus shore, Italian, sheep or
winged slender thistle
SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 CSIRO
Div Entomology
Carduus thoermeri nodding thistle SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 CSIRO
Div Entomology
Chrysanthemoides monilifera
spp monilifera
boneseed SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 NPWS, NSW
Chrysanthemoides monilifera
spp rotundata
bitou bush (NSW)
boneseed (Qld)
SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 NPWS, NSW
Cirsium arvense
(L) Scop.
perennial thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
Cirsium vulgare
(Salvi) Ten.
spear thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
Cylindropuntia rosea Hudson pear Currently undergoing approval - - NSW Dept of Primary Industries
Echium plantagineum Paterson's curse,
salvation Jane
BCA, 1985 +agents Gazette
No. 170
Eichhornia crassipes water hyacinth AAC (95) - 31/1/76 Working Panel
Genista linifolia flax-leaved broom SCARM (12) Broome 29/7/98 DPIR, SA
cape broom SCARM (12) Broome 29/7/98 DPIR, SA
Genista stenopetala madeira broom SCARM (12) Broome 29/7/98 DPIR, SA
Heliotropum amplexicaule blue heliotrope SCARM (18) OOS - June 2001 CSIRO
Div Entomology and NSW Agriculture
Homeria flaccida cape tulips SCARM (13) Adelaide 3/3/99 Agriculture WA
Homeria miniata cape tulips SCARM (13) Adelaide 3/3/99 Agriculture WA
Jatropha curcas physic-nut SCARM (13) Adelaide 3/3/99 DPIF NT
Jatropha gossypifolia bellyache bush SCARM (13) Adelaide 3/3/99 DPIF NT
Macfadyena unguis-cati cat's claw creeper NRMSC (9) Adelaide 11/3/2005 Queensland Dept of Natural Resources and Mines
Marrubium vulgare horehound SCA (147) Nelson NZ 12-13/2/91 PPC
Mimosa invisa giant sensitive plant SCA (129) Port Moresby 27-29/7/83 PPC
bridal creeper SCA (147) Nelson NZ 12-13/2/91 PPC
Nassella neesiana Chilean needle grass NRMSC (10) Sydney 19/9/05 VIC
Nassella trichotoma serrated tussock SCARM (12) Broome 29/7/98 NSW
Scotch thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
Onopordum acaulon L. stemless thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
Illyrian thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
Taurian thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
Opuntia robusta wheel cactus Approved NRMSC15 OOS 18/4/08 Dept of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (SA)
Parkinsonia aculeata Parkinsonia AWC - 22/8/83 Qld Dept of Lands
Phyla cansescens lippia NRMSC (12) Canberra 2/11/2006 CSIRO Entomology & NSW Dept of Environment & Conservation
Prosopis spp. mesquites SCA (147) Nelson NZ 12-13/2/91 PPC
Reseda lutea L. cutleaf mignonette SCARM (5) Melbourne 20-21/2/95 APPC
Reseda luteola L. wild mignonette SCARM (5) Melbourne 20-21/2/95 DPI, SA
Reseda phyteuma L. rampion mignonette SCARM (5) Melbourne 20-21/2/95 SARDI
Rubus fruticosus L. blackberry BCA, 1985
no agents
No. 119
Rumex acetosella sorrel SCA (129) Port Moresby 27-29/7/83 PPC
Rumex conglomeratus clustered dock SCA (129) Port Moresby 27-29/7/83 PPC
Rumex crispus curled dock SCA (129) Port Moresby 27-29/7/83 PPC
Rumex obtusifolius broad leaved dock SCA (129) Port Moresby 27-29/7/83 PPC
Rumex pulcher fiddle dock SCA (129) Port Moresby 27-29/7/83 PPC
fireweed SCA (147) Nelson NZ 12-13/2/91 PPC
Senna obtusifolia sicklepod AWC - 22/8/83 Qld Dept of Lands
Sida acuta spinyhead sida SCA (134) Melbourne 6-8/2/85 PPC
Sida cordifolia flannel weed SCA (134) Melbourne 6-8/2/85 APPC
Silyburn marianum
(L) J. Gaertn.
variegated thistle SCA (141) Fremantle 21/2/88 PPC
silverleaf nightshade SCA (136) Hobart 5-6/2/86 DCFL, Vic
Sporobolus africanus Parramatta grass NRMSC (14) OOS 01/08/2007 Qld Dept of Natural Resources & Mines
Sporobolus fertilis giant Parramatta grass NRMSC (14) OOS 01/08/2007 Qld Dept of Natural Resources & Mines
Sporobolus jacquemontii American rats tail grass NRMSC (14) OOS 01/08/2007 Qld Dept of Natural Resources & Mines
Sporobolus natalensis giant rat tail grass NRMSC (14) OOS 01/08/2007 Qld Dept of Natural Resources & Mines
Sporobolus pyramidalis giant rats tail grass NRMSC (14) OOS 01/08/2007 Qld Dept of Natural Resources & Mines
Tribulus terrestris caltrop SCA (143) Melbourne 7-8/2/89  
Ulex europaeus L. gorse, furze SCARM (6) Sydney 31/7/95 DPIF, Tas
Abbreviations: AAC=Australian Agricultural Council, APCC=Animal and Plant Control Commision (SA), AWC=Australian Weeds Committee, BCA=Biological Control Act 1985, DCFL=Victorian Department of Conservartion, DPI=Department of Primary Industry, DPIF=Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, DPIR=Department of Primary Industries and Resources, NPWS=National Parks and Wildlife Service, NRMSC=Natural Resource Management Standing Committee, PPC=Plant Production Committee (a subcommittee of SCARM), SARDI=South Australian Research and Delevopment Institute, SCA=Standing Committee on Agrticulture, SCARM=Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management, Forests and Lands.
Note: Number in brackets is the meeting number.

There are additional weed biological control programs which preexisted the Australian Weeds Committee approval process and included in this group are prickly pear and lantana programs, where agents were first introduced in 1914, and this list is included below, It is recommended that consideration should be given to formally reviewing these and adding them to the target list above as the public interest in these may have changed over the years.

The first biocontrol approved listing was implemented by the Australian Weeds Committee which became the SCA/SCARM/NRMSC and Biological Control Act 1985 procedures.

The current full procedure can be downloaded in PDF format - NRMSC Approved Procedure for Determining Candidate Weed Species and/or Control Agents for Biological Control (90 kb)

Weed Biological Control Programmes in Operation Prior to the Introduction of the Formal Target List

    Acacia nilotica ssp. Indica, prickly acacia;
    Acanthocereus pentagonus, sword pear;
    Ageratina adenophora, crofton weed;
    Alternanthera philoxeroides, alligator weed;
    Baccharis halimifolia, groundsel bush;
    Cryptostegia grandiflora, rubbervine;
    Cytisus scoparius, broom;
    Harrisia bonplandii, Harrisia cactus;
    Harrisia martini, Harrisia cactus;
    Harrisia tortuosus, Harrisia cactus;
    Lantana camara, lantana;
    Lantana montevidensis, creeping lantana
    Mimosa pigra, mimosa;
    Opuntia aurantiaca, tiger pear;
    Opuntia dillenii, spiny pest pear;
    Opuntia imbricata, rope pear;
    Opuntia monocantha, drooping tree pear;
    Opuntia streptacantha, white spine prickly pear;
    Opuntia stricta, common prickly pear;
    Opuntia tomentose, velvet tree pear;
    Parthenium hysterophorus, parthenium weed;
    Pistia stratiotes, water lettuce;
    Salvinia molesta, salvinia;
    Sida rhombifolia, paddy's lucerne;
    Xanthium strumarium, noogoora burr;


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