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Updated: Thu, 15 Jan 2009  

  From scene to screen
A realistic goal for robot technology of the near future is the ability to “understand” four or five basic human emotions. These robots will be able to decipher complex facial expressions of a human, recognise emotional states based on body language and respond appropriately. The first steps towards this goal are currently being taken.
Source : Star Projects

ResearchGATE brings scientists together © ResearchGATE
  Virtual network benefits researchers
Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn have been instrumental in building social and professional networks all over the world. But do they work in the scientific world? A group of experts tackled this question by kicking off an innovative networking platform where researchers can connect with the click of a mouse. Being the first Web 3.0 Community available to the public, ResearchGATE is now taking the scientific world by storm.
Source : Research Headlines

BIOMASS measuring concept © ESA � AOES Medialab
  Scientists in quest to map boreal forest
The European Space Agency (ESA) recently kicked off a project targeting how to best map the boreal (i.e. northern) forest in northern Sweden. This goal is one of several outlined in the candidate Earth Explorer BIOMASS mission, ESA sources said. Through this mission, the scientists will obtain global measurements of forest biomass to assess terrestrial carbon stocks and fluxes.
Source : Research Headlines

  A new era for stem cells
The news that human skin cells had been converted into stem cells hit the world headlines in late 2007. Hailed by the experts as the Holy Grail, this discovery has revived both hope for new medical therapies and controversy over the legitimacy of research using embryonic stem cells.
Source : research*eu

  Cultural dynamics
“Culture”, a term with many different meanings, can denote a body of knowledge or a social entity. It is the latter meaning that interests the Cultural Dynamics cluster of projects under the NEST European programme, which is devoted to exploring emerging scientific fields. The aim of the Cultural Dynamics projects is to understand how cultural factors are passed on whilst at the same time evolving, in particular by shedding light on the issue of Europe’s multiple identities. The application of certain analytical tools used in the “hard” sciences (mathematics or biology) to “human data” is opening up innovative new horizons.
Source : research*eu

  A woman’s-eye view of immigration
A male immigrant is not the same as a female one. Researchers from the FEMAGE project (Needs for female immigrants and their integration in ageing societies) have studied the integration issue from the dual gender perspective of women nationals from the host countries and the women immigrants who have come to join them. The aim of the FEMAGE project is to propose possible political and social solutions that take into account the distinctive characteristics of these voluntary or involuntary female exiles.
Source : research*eu

  Finnish model tops the ranking
Finland, guest of honour at the forthcoming European Research and Innovation Exhibition, has gambled heavily on the research and development sector. The gamble has paid off: thanks to an innovative and effective research policy, Finland boasts excellent economic health and a standard of education that is the envy of its European neighbours.
Source : research*eu

  Putting a price on life
Should we try to calculate the cost to humanity of future losses of biodiversity? The EU believes we should… but scientists, torn between the desire to mobilise support and a concern for rigour, are not so sure.
Source : research*eu

  A researcher, pure and simple
The first thing that strikes you about Maria Blasco is how youthful-looking and unpretentious she is. At the age of 43, the Director of Basic Research at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), one of Europe’s leading centres for the study of cancer and ageing, is a woman who smiles a lot, is not in the least self-important and is passionate about her research work.
Source : research*eu

  The risk and promise of green nanotechnology
Whether a real prospect or just a technological pipedream, environmental nanotechnology is opening up new opportunities to address current environmental concerns. Will actual results live up to expectations? And will it be possible to control risks in such a fast-evolving research field?
Source : research*eu

  European research: “a major work in progress”
Europe’s scientific research sector underwent a series of upheavals in 2007. The start of the 7th Framework Programme marked the beginning of a transition to more efficient management tools, while the project for building the European Research Area was given renewed momentum when a Green Paper was published and submitted for institutional and public consultation. José Manuel Silva Rodriguez has headed the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research since January 2006. He takes stock of his term in office.
Source : research*eu

  Barcelona: science comes to town
"The most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010". These were the terms in which the 2000 Lisbon strategy described a future European Union focused on the “knowledge society”. But how should the vital issues raised by science be shared with society and its citizens? Last December, the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (ES) hosted the first European Forum on Science Journalism to consider the question.
Source : research*eu

  Portrait of a singular discipline
How can science be better liked by the general public? Working in close proximity to a research community that at times shuns and at times seeks the spotlight, science journalists must engage in a continual process of self-questioning if they are to preserve an art linked directly to the world that surrounds and often transcends us. Tim Radford, former Science Editor of The Guardian (UK daily), helps us understand the magic but also the difficulties of the singular profession of propagator of science.
Source : research*eu

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