
Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

The Kellogg Farm is one of 15 field research facilities of the MAES. The Farm's efforts focus on livestock and crop production and its place in the agricultural landscape. The Kellogg Farms's components include the Dairy Center, which maintains a registered Holstein herd and supporting crop land, and the Farming Systems Center (FSC).

Each unit also offers teaching and outreach opportunities for a variety of audiences, including farmers, veterinarians, students and agribusiness. The Kellogg Farm is one of 15 field research facilities of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.

Farming Systems Center (FSC)

The FSC is a support unit for field research focusing on traditional, sustainable and organic crop production for a variety of commodities. Unique projects such as the Long Term Ecological Research Site (LTER) and the Living Field Laboratory (LFL) are among the many studies supported by the FSC.

The Farming Systems Center is the site of research geared toward producing high quality food and animal feed products through cropping systems that are profitable and minimize environmental degradation. Research to sustain the environment as well as the economic welfare of the producer concentrates on cultural practices that reduce the need for chemical inputs; evaluates the environmental impact of current production practices; and analyzes the interactions between the many components of an agroecosystem. For more information about the Farming Systems Center, contact: Greg Parker (269) 671-2515.

The Dairy Center

The Dairy Center is open to the public for self-guided tours every day of the year from 8:00 a.m. until sunset with guided group tours available Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays as long as arrangements are made in advance. The Dairy Center's address is: 10461 North 40th Street, Hickory Corners, MI 49060. Additional information and group tour arrangements can be made by calling (269) 671-2507.

Research at the Dairy Center focuses on traditional and alternative livestock management as well as field scale crop research.

Last updated: January 16, 2008

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