Longnose Snake
Photo by Greg Sievert
Used by permission

Longnose Snake
Rhinocheilus lecontei

Federal Status:

State Status:

  • Range: Kansas range map for Longnose Snake
    Dark Blue = Counties with designated critical habitat
    Light Blue = Historical records
  • Comments: The somewhat pointed and upwardly tilted nose gives the longnose snake its name. It is distinctly speckled and marked with black, white and red bands. Unlike most of our nonvenomous snakes that have a double row of scales under the tail, the longnose snake has a single row. It is adept at burrowing in loose, sandy soil where it hunts for lizards, lizard eggs, small snakes and rodents. When disturbed it might coil, vibrate its tail and even defecate feces and blood as a defensive behavior. It is a nocturnal snake and seldom seen. Due to its secretive nature, researchers have searched hawk nests for its remains as an indicator of its presence. The most likely habitat is in the dry, rocky, open prairie of southwest and southcentral Kansas.
  • Read more about this species in The Snake's Burrow!

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Kansas Wildlife Refuge
Text: Ed Miller and Bob Gress
Range Maps and Web Design: Jim Mason

Questions or comments?  Send Email to Jim Mason Spidey
Or write us at: 
Great Plains Nature Center
6232 E. 29th Street North
Wichita, KS 67220-2200             Call:  316-683-5499            Fax:  316-688-9555