Fimbristylis puberula
Chestnut Sedge
Photo by Robert H. Read
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Key Characteristics

Small graminoid of sandy lakeplain prairies; leaves stiffly erect and linear with inrolled margins; inflorescence open and umbrella-like with several ovoid spikelets; achenes small, flattened.

Status and Rank

  • State Status: X - Presumed extirpated (legally 'threatened' if rediscovered)
  • State Rank: SX - Presumed extirpated
  • Global Rank: G5 - Secure


County NameNumber of OccurrencesYear Last Observed
St. Clair11904
Occurrence Map for [Sname]

Information is summarized from MNFI's database of rare species and community occurrences. Data may not reflect true distribution since much of the state has not been thoroughly surveyed.


Flat lakeplain landscapes with depressions and other areas characterized by a fluctuating water table: including coastal plain marshes, sandy lake edges, wet swales within oak barrens and other types of intermittent wetlands. Last collected in Michigan in 1904 from Harsen's Island in the St. Clair River delta.

Natural Community Types

Associated Plants

Virtually no collection data are known for Michigan's only two collections of this species. In the Chicago region, associates include big bluestem, azure aster, heath aster, shooting star, downy gentian, yellow-eyed-grass, prairie cinquefoil, nut-rush, and blue-eyed grass.


Status surveys are necessary to determine if this species still occurs in the state. If found, it would like require conservation of habitat and protection of the hydrology (maintenance of cyclical drawdown regime and water table), as well as the maintenance of moist, open habitat. Likely particularly vulnerable to ORV impacts. The use of prescribed burns to perpetuate open prairie habitat dominated by grasses and other graminoids would also probably be beneficial.

General Survey Guidelines

Random meander search covers areas that appear likely to have rare taxa, based on habitat and the judgement of the investigator.

Survey Methods

More Information

See MNFI Species Abstract


Survey References

Technical References

Page Citation

Michigan Natural Features Inventory. 2007. Rare Species Explorer (Web Application). Available online at [Accessed Jan 16, 2009]