Carex seorsa

Key Characteristics

Densely clumped sedge of deciduous swamps; leaves 2-4 mm; culms lax and spreading; perigynia flattened and strongly reflexed with short, smooth beaks.

Status and Rank

  • State Status: T - Threatened (legally protected)
  • State Rank: S2 - Imperiled
  • Global Rank: G4 - Apparently secure


County NameNumber of OccurrencesYear Last Observed
Van Buren32006
Occurrence Map for [Sname]

Information is summarized from MNFI's database of rare species and community occurrences. Data may not reflect true distribution since much of the state has not been thoroughly surveyed.


Found on hummocks in hardwood or hardwood-conifer swamps, red maple woods, and buttonbush depressions. Often found at edges of woodland pools or at the swamp-upland border.

Natural Community Types

Associated Plants

Red maple, Michigan holly, buttonbush, bracken fern, Canada mayflower, cinnamon fern, and sedges (Carex canescens, C. trisperma).


Maintain hydrological regime and forest canopy. This species may be impacted by excessive timber harvesting and other artificial disturbances.

General Survey Guidelines

Random meander search covers areas that appear likely to have rare taxa, based on habitat and the judgement of the investigator.

Survey Methods


Survey References

Technical References

Page Citation

Michigan Natural Features Inventory. 2007. Rare Species Explorer (Web Application). Available online at [Accessed Jan 16, 2009]