K-12 Partnership

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·


Title Subject(s) K-3 4-6 7-9 10-12

Succession: Patterns in the field and in seeds

Generate Hypotheses

Student Worksheet

Biology - ecology, ecosystems, human impacts on the environment        

Forest of Fortune: Management of natural resources in Michigan

Student Worksheet


Biology - ecology, ecosystems, human impacts on the environment        

Die Another Day: Effects of genetics and the envronment on evolution


Biology - evolution, ecology

General Science - data collection and examination, creating charts and graphs


Where does plant mass come from? Photosynthesis and respiration in germinating bean seeds


Student Worksheet


Biology - basic requirements for living things

General Science - inquiry, data collection and examination, creating charts and graphs


The Day After Tomorrow: Behavioral Survival

Biology - behavior, ecosystems, evolution and adaptation, organisms and their environment



Using Living Machines to Promote Inquiry Experimental Design

Living Machine assembly

Experimental Design wksht

General Science - inquiry, reflection and social implications        
Pollination: What's on your flowers?

Biology - organization of living things, ecosystems

General Science - inquiry, use of charts and graphs

Do you want mustard with your spiders and ticks?

Biology - life science (characteristics of organisms, organisms and their environments), evolution and biodiversity

General Science - inquiry


If you were a bluegill, where would you live?  

Additional materials.


Biology - populations and ecosystems, diversity and adaptation, interdependence of organisms        
Plants create shadows?

Biology -basic requirements for livings things, fuctions of seed plant parts

General Science - explain how shadows are made, measuring, charts and graphs


Predators and Herbivores in Perrenial vs. Annual Habitats

Ecology - relationships among organisms and their environments



Reviewing State Changes with Chocolate

General Science - properties of objects and materials, state changes (solids, liquids, gases)


Food Chains - Acorn, Squirrel, Coyote

General Science - constructing charts and graphs,sensitivity to the natural world, how science concepts can be expressed through art and language

Ecology - food chains, human influence on the environment


Datasets for Animal Tracking

General Science - inquiry

Ecology - adapatations of organisms to their environments


Shadows in Plant Communities

Biology - ecology, photosynthesis

Physics - nature of light


Rainy Day Habitat Lesson

Biology - ecology (food chains, food webs, behavior of organisms)


Behind the Scenes at Bird Feeders

Additional File - PowerPoint Presentation

Biology - inquiry, animal behavior, ecology (organisms as part of food chains)


Data Collection Methods: Looking for Birds ... Does it Matter How You Do It?

General Science - taking data, inquiry



Volume of Snow and Water

General Science - inquiry, state changes, units of measure


Is CO2 an Atmospheric Pollutant?

Biology - inquiry, ecology (human impacts)


Land Conservation Debate

General Science - evaluation of evidence, awareness of the natural world, advantages and risks of new technologies, humans in the environment


Winter Schoolyard Temperature

Earth Science - inquiry, weather

Biology - ecology (human impacts on the natural world, habitats/niches)


Where does plant mass come from?

Biology - inquiry, plant growth

Earth Science - composition and characteristics of the atmosphere


Sidewalk Ecology: Life on the Edge

Additional Files -Squish Activity

Biology - inquiry, effects of soil on plant growth

Earth Science - soil compaction


Sea Monkey (brine shrimp) Adventures
Additional Files - Handout, PowerPoint Presentation

Biology - inquiry, behavioral ecology


All About Corn - use a corn field and UDSA data to find out how many ears of corn are grown in the US

General Science - inquiry, making measurements

Biology - ecology (human alteration of the environment)


Science Fair Projects - this documents provides resources and activties for hosting a science fair


General Science - inquiry



Hairy Leaves

Biology - inquiry, comparing and classifying organisms, adaptations, heredity


Photosynthesis Overview
Additional Files - Handout, PowerPoint Presentation, Answer Key

Biology - photosynthesis


Saving Lady Liberty: A look at oxidation and corrosion and how they threatened the statue of liberty

Chemistry - inquiry, oxidation and reduction

River in  a Beaker: Capacity and Competence Earth Science - lab activity to explore how particle size and velocity influence movement of sediments in rivers        
Planet in a Jar Earth Science - inquiry activity to explore albedo, carbon dioxide, and planetary temperature        

Designing an Experiment - Students will work in groups to formulate hypotheses, decide how to test them, and design an experiment that is feasible.

Biology - inquiry, experimental design


Death by Parking Lot: Environmental Degradation Due to Imperviousness
Additional Files - PowerPoint Introduction, Excel

Earth Science - inquiry, water cycle, hydrogeology Biology - inquiry, ecology (human alteration of the environment)


Air Pollution in Michigan: Sources, Monitoring, and Consequences for Human Health

Additional Files - PowerPoint Introduction, Major Air Pollutants, MSDS Sheet

Earth Science - inquiry, human impacts on earth systems        

Invasion of the Worms

Additional Files - PowerPoint Introduction, Student Worksheet

Web Resources - Great Lakes Worm Watch Homepage, Great Lakes Worm Watch Habitat Surveys

Biology - inquiry, decomposition, diversity of organisms


Comparison of Historical Lake Ice Cover Data From Three Lakes in Michigan and Wisconsin
Additional Files - Student Handout, Introductory PowerpointExcel Data Files ( Standard, Simple, Teacher)


Earth Science -inquiry, greenhous effect

Biology - inquiry, ecology (human alterations of the environment)


Cooperation - Why do we bother to work together?
Additional Files - Introductory Powerpoint, Excel data

Biology - animal behavior


Exploring Sinking Rates of Phytoplankton
Additional Files - Handout, Introductory PowerPoint


Biology - inquiry, physiology, aquatic biology
Physics - inquiry, forces and motion


Pond Pondering: A Closer Look at Data from Ponds
Additional Files - Handout, Introductory PowerPoint

Biology - inquiry, ecology


Organic versus Conventionally Grown Foods - What’s the Real Deal?
Additional Files - Handout, Introductory PowerPoint

Biology - inquiry



Optimal Foraging
Additional file - Handout

Biology - ecology, evolution, biodiversity, animal behavior


Causes and Consequences of Mercury in SW Michigan Water

Additional Files - PowerPoint Introduction, SW Michigan Dataset, Blank Map Instructions

Earth Science - human impacts on earth systems, scientific reflection and social implications



What does agriculture have to do with climate change

Additional Files - Worksheet 1, Worksheet 2, Robertson et al. article, Research from the KBS LTER, Global Warming Potential Graph, Soil Carbon Graph

Biology - factors influencing ecosystems, human effects on ecosystems, carbon and nitrogen cycles, climate change


Global Climate Change: Using data to draw conclusions about a current political controversy

Biology - inquiry, ecology (human impacts)

Earth Science -inquiry, biogeochemical cycles, climate)


Where plant mass comes from

Biology - photosynthesis, respiration


Stem Cells, Planaria and Regeneration
Additional Files - Handout, Introductory PowerPoint

Biology - inquiry, cells (differentiation, regulation, mitosis/meiosis)


Plants, Transipiration and the Water Cycle
Additional Files - Teacher Outline, Introductory PowerPoint

Biology - inquiry, ecology (interdependence of living systems, biotic and abiotic cycles

Earth Science - water cycle


Chemical Catalysts and Reaction Rates

Chemistry - inquiry, conservation of matter, balancing chemical equations, reaction rates


Global Climate Change - Unit Plan
Additional Files - Climate Data Lesson, Climate Data PowerPoint Presentation, Global Warming Webquest, Greenhouse Gases PowerPoint, Is the Globe Warming Lesson , Is the Globe Warming Modifications, Underground Records of Changing Climate Article, What You Can Do to Stop Global Warming

Earth Science - climate change

Biology - climate changes


An Inconvenient Truth Question Part 1
An Inconvenient Truth Questions Part 2

questions to go with watching the video



Last updated: January 14, 2009

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